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  • Labor migration in Szeklerland: Migration and development, decision-making

    Migration for the purpose of employment is an important social phenomenon. The following
    study provides insight into the situation of labor migration in Szeklerland after the change of
    regime. It outlines the most important trends that define this social process from 1990 to the
    present and indicates the changes along which the different periods of labor migration can be
    separated. The study discusses the changing perceptions of the connection between migration
    and development. The last subchapter contains an analysis about the phenomenon of decisionmaking in the context of new lifestyle trends resulting from migration.

  • Sociological and Social Psychological Context of the Transition of Hungary, with Special Regards to Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County

    The article gives a summary of the most relevant results of the sociological and sociopsychological special literature concerning the transition to market economy and political
    pluralism in Hungary. The transition affected the different regions and different social groups
    disproportionately. The article points out that the last three decades were not enough for the
    destruction of the legacy of state socialism resulting learned helplessness and paternalism.

  • The place and role of children in long commuting families – parental decisions and upbringing

    The study examines families in which one or both partners are commuting for longer periods (hetelés). Our research questions focus on those families who are raising children. As a result, their family life is largely determined by the specific operation based on the changing dynamics of physical, emotional proximity and distance. The analysis which processes qualitative results focuses on children and reveals the changes that have taken place in the family as a result of long term commuting. These include attachment in the family, the care and upbringing of children, and the place and role of the child in the family. In the lives of the families studied, we encountered different parental attitudes and parent-child relationships.