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  • Functions of global career management

    Maintaining competitiveness is one of the long-term strategic goals for companies. Beside
    tangible and intangible assets, the value of human capital is continuously growing, due to
    changes in the labour market. A loyal, highly skilled employee makes a significant contribution
    to organizational success through competencies, experience, and skills. The career management
    system of multinational companies became more attractive by the possibility of international
    assignments, which is a very complicated process requiring complex planning. This system is
    considered global for several reasons: its transnational nature, international experience gained
    by the employees and the achievable career on a global scale for the individual (as a part of a
    successful process).
    Creating a global career management system thus involves a number of HR functions.
    Emphasis should be placed on finding suitable employees, selecting, onboarding, mentoring, on
    methods and the evaluators in the performance appraisal process, providing feedback on a
    regular basis and in an appropriate manner, achieving and maintaining motivation, developing
    competencies and supporting the balance in mental health.

  • Női szempontok…: A nők növekvő munkaerő-piaci jelenléte és hatása az amerikai családok életére az ezredfordulón

    A szakértők régóta vizsgálják a női munkavállalásban történt változások hatását az amerikai családok életére. Az 1970 és 2001 közötti időszakban a gyermeküket egyedül nevelő vagy párkapcsolatban élő, huszonöt és negyvennégy év közötti nők körében a foglalkoztatottsági ráta 43 százalékról 71 százalékra emelkedett. A családok számára a női munkavállalási kedv emelkedése egyet jelentett azzal, hogy a nők otthoni és egyéb, nem piaci tevékenysége a fizetett piaci munka irányába tolódott el. Ennek következményeként sok család csak úgy képes megoldani a gyermek ellátását, hogy fizetett szolgáltatást vesz igénybe. Ebben a tanulmányban, a témában meghatározó tanulmányok elemzésével, (1) a munka- és a gyermekvállalás stratégiáit vesszük górcső alá az egyedülálló és a párkapcsolatban élő anyák körében (2), valamint azt, hogy a munkavállaló anyák távollétének milyen következményei vannak a gyermek fejlődésére. Tanulmányunkban mindezeken felül bemutatjuk a gyermekvállalás időzítését és az első gyermek megszületése körüli munkavállalási trendeket is, különös tekintettel a 25 és 44 év közötti, a gyermekvállalás és gyermeknevelés aktív időszakában lévő nők munkaerő-piaci jelenlétére, továbbá a nők és a férfiak házimunkában és a gyermek gondozásában vállalt szerepére.

  • Two sides of one coin: Social network of commuter and their families

    People around a person have important roles of the social integration and form of quality of life.
    Changes in the life circumstances like getting a job or changes of the workplaces have significant
    effect to egocentric social network. In a new workplace usually shape new relationships. Then
    again, it is also possible that besides increasing of number of new contacts, there will be those,
    which are drop out from the personal network. Paper shows the rearrange of the personal
    social network of people who works as a commuter and theirs partnerships. Commuter is a
    person who works far from his/her home and he/she goes home weekly or rarely. This topic was
    examined making interviews in 2019 (N=24). On the one hand, these interviews revealed a wide
    and confidant family and kin networks. On the other hand, it seems that, due to the workplaces
    and the common activities at the workplaces and other places (accommodation, shopping etc.), commuter can make new, long-term and confidant friendships which complete his/her family
    relationships and make their social capital stronger.

  • The characteristics of employers' (and employees') behaviour in a rural border area today, based on interviews

    Clichéd as it may seem, it is undeniably true that the employment situation in Hungary is bad. The profound transformation of the economy and society in 1989-1990 brought about fundamental changes in the labour market. The main features of this were the disappearance of full employment and the emergence and persistence of unemployment. The economic activity of the Hungarian population declined significantly, due to, among other things, the disappearance or restructuring of enterprises and cooperatives, the fall in production and turnover, and the more intensive use of labour under new conditions, while the number of economically inactive increased.

    To avoid unemployment, people opted en masse for pensions or pension-like benefits, while young people stayed in school longer in the hope of better job prospects and, even with a much lower birth rate, the number of people still using home-based forms of childcare was essentially the same as before. After 1998, the number of inactive people fell slightly, but in 2009 the number of 15-64 year olds was still 2.6 million, about 7% (166,000) higher than in 1992. Employment fell significantly in the years following the change of regime, mainly as a result of the transformation of the economy. It reached its lowest point in 1996, when some 3.6 million people were in work, 1.3 million fewer than in the period of regime change.

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