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  • Revisiting enterprise politics in the interwar Hungary: The case of The Rimamurány–Salgótarján Iron Works Co.: Worker‘s lifestyle and rate of living on the colony of the steel factory in Salgótarján before the World War II.

    The Rimamurány–Salgótarján Iron Works Co. in Salgótarján started to run up from 1871. The
    people who lived in the workers’ colony of the Steelworks in Salgótarján differentiated themselves
    from the rest of the local residents not only spatially but also in their appearance, as a result of
    their higher standard of living. At the begining of the 20th century the major streets of the colony
    (Acélgyári Street) had macadam or stoned surface and were lit with public street lightning. The
    duty of the socalled Dwelling Master was to guarantee neat, clean, tidy streets within the colony.
    Steelworkers had more opportunity to visit the shops and barbershop than those men who lived
    within the downtown. This difference was partly due to their higher income and partly due to
    the fact that the services of the comany’s shop and the barber at the colony were much cheaper
    than those of other local barbers since it was ordered so by factory management. Workers’
    houses were up to the standards of the time, they did not pay rent or just a very low price and
    workers had a possibility to build their own garden houses on the land of the company. All this
    fundamentally changed in the second half of the 1940s owing to post-war lack of raw material
    and Socialist ’modernization’ and uniformization. The period of communist dictatorship after
    World War II, nationalization of the works and Socialist ’modernization’ created trauma at the

  • Political reorganization in the shadow of the pandemic and war: The 2022 Latvian parliamentary election and its consequences

    Latvia’s party system has been one of the most unstable in European comparison since the 1990s, essentially since independence and democratization. Although there was a period in the middle of the 2010s, which showed the stabilization of the range of relevant parties and a decrease in the number of parties, by the end of the decade the fluctuation between the parties of the Baltic republics was again high. The Kariņš cabinet, formed after a record long time after the 2018 election, nevertheless set a unique record in the country: it was the first government to complete a full four-year parliamentary term. The government faced two challenges during its tenure, the pandemic that began in the spring of 2020, and the Russian aggression against Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022. Both had a significant impact on the development of the party structure. The aim of this paper is to present the changes in the political palette of Latvian parties in the last two legislative cycles, to analyze the results of the October 2022 election, giving priority to the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the transformation of the party structure and the results of the elections.

  • Thomas Hobbes and the dilemmas of the natural state: First chapter – The axiomatic nature of total war

    The purpose of this paper is to reflect on some the ideas of Thomas Hobbes, one of the founders
    of modern political philosophy, best known for his masterpiece, Leviathan. The aim of this essay
    is not to provide a full scale analysis of Hobbes’ main work, nor to present his moral or political
    philosophy, nor to reflect on the significance of his impact on later political thinkers. The aim is
    more modest, and the theme under scrutiny is more narrow: the paper is devoted to a critical
    analysis of the main premise (state of the nature) of Hobbes’ theory of power, including the
    ambivalent character of the state of nature, as well as the logical dilemmas that arise during
    the analysis.

    After a general presentation of Hobbes’s philosophy and of the logical construction of his
    work, I will tend to focus on two aspects of the state of nature: firstly, I will analyse the assumed
    analogy between the state of nature and the Book of Genesis; secondly, I will examine whether
    the „war of all against all” is an axiomatic outcome of the „primitive” state. It turns out, that the
    answers for these questions are not so unanbiguous.

  • Cseh fotográfia a két világháború között a művészet, társadalom és politika hármasa felől közelítve

    A tanulmány a két világháború közötti cseh fotográfiára fókuszál a média és technika szemszögéből. A fotózás jelentős szerepet játszott a 1920-as és 1930-as években a modern kultúra kialakításában az újfajta tömegtájékoztatás, az iparosítás, a megváltozott szabadidő és kulturális
    kapcsolatok révén. A tanulmány tehát a fotóművészetre mint gondolkodást befolyásoló tényezőre összpontosít. A tanulmányban fontos cél, hogy az eszmék fordított áramlását mutassa be, tehát azon dimenziók felől közelítsen a fotográfiához, amelyeket maga a fotóművészet ragad meg.

  • Literature review of the national identity of hungarians in Vojvodina between 1920–1898, I.

    Our paper follows on the observation made by Ferenc Pataki who stated that national identity is
    a collective identity shaped by both political/citizenship-related and cultural elements. While
    these two elements are usually similar, the national identity of people from ethnic minorities
    differ along these two identities. Our analysis discusess the changes that happened during the
    hundred years since the Treaty of Trianion to these two elements of the national identity of the
    following three generations of Hungarians in Vojvodina: between the two World Wars, those
    who grew up during the communism and those who became adults after 1990. We conclude that
    the first generation retained their cultural-historical national identiy formed before Wold War I
    but they did not develop Hungarian or South Slavic national idenities. To replace the South
    Slavic identity they developed a regional identity to Vojvodina. The second generation, who were
    born and raised after 1945, developed Yugoslavian political/citizenship-related national identy
    through socialisation in a new political system and a regional identity to Vojvodina, which meant
    an alienation from Hungary. As a result of their shattered cultural-historical national identity,
    they started to assimilate, some of them lost their Hungarian cultural-historical identity and
    acquired a Serbian or Yugoslavian national identity instead. The national identity of the third
    generation who grew up after 1990 will be discussed in a second paper.

  • Processes of change in the Hungarian and Ukrainian Community in Izsnyéte, Transcarpathia

    I started my research in Izsnyéte, Transcarpathia, in 2012 with an anthropological research group. Initially, we were curious about the coexistence mechanisms of the local settlement, the cultural peculiarities of the ethnic groups living there, but due to the war situation, we had to stop our empirical research sooner before 2015. In 2017, as a doctoral student, I continued my empirical research in Izsnyéte, where Hungarians represent an absolute majority against the state-forming Ukrainian ethnic group. The basic research concept was to choose a local settlement close to the border where two or three different ethnicities have lived together for decades. In my study, I examine the process of ethnicity production and the processes of image and change of the living ethnicities of the settlement and their applicability to each other in comparison with the data of previous research, reflecting on the changes, mainly in the light of assimilation. Already the results of the 2012 research showed spatial isolation, in many cases dissimilation was experienced among coexisting ethnicities, but with many other factors and aspects several years later, it caused diverse processes.

  • Labour law and insurance from patriarchy to the beginning of nationalisation

    If the reader picks up Zsombor Bódy's The Society of Industrial Labour, the title page will probably lead him to a long discussion of the new problems and tasks caused by industrialisation, and the structure and situation of social relations that it changed.
    However, reading the first pages, we understand that Bódy, touching on the deeper social context, selects only a slice of the complex problems of industrial society of the time, the development and change of the institutional system related to work from the mid-19th century to the end of the Second World War. The author, who has extensively processed relevant volumes of international and national literature and numerous archival and printed sources, has synthesised his findings in this volume after several smaller studies. The work contains a number of new approaches and new problem definitions, which I would like to reflect on below. From the book we can learn about the views and plans of the time in relation to labour, the provisions that were born, from the patriarchal view to the beginning of the era of nationalisation. A great advantage of the work is that it analyses at length the prevailing social policy ideas of each period, contrasting the different views. It deals not only with governmental ideas, but also with the views of the opposition, the interest groups and, last but not least, the experts and their associations of the time. It examines the power of each organisation in each era and the influence it could exert on decision-makers, achieving different results, even against other groups. All of this is to the advantage of the essay, and the author perhaps sometimes over-details the battles between different views.

  • The interpretation of prejudice among students in Debrecen

    Negative discrimination has always existed, we have always had an opinion about the other individual, despite the fact that it was often without any background knowledge. It was in the first half of the twentieth century that the scientific, social psychological study of prejudice began in the United States, dominated by the antagonism between whites and blacks. It was at this time that human society came to realise that the problem was a global one, and that it was essential to examine it, starting, among other things, from the massacres of the Second World War, which were partly the result of prejudice. Unfortunately, however, we do not need to go back to the great events of history to realise that prejudice has serious consequences. In our everyday lives, we are also confronted with a plethora of cases of crime, discrimination and conflict based on an image of the other person that is based on incomplete information.
    Although the image of a world free of prejudice may be a utopia, these types of feelings and attitudes can and must be dealt with, but above all it is very important to map the situation and to examine it scientifically.