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  • The Gypsy card: Manifestations of the Anti-Gypsism in the Parliamentary speeches

    The present paper aims to investigate the rhetoric of the Hungarian far right about Roma by the Parliamentary speeches of far right politicians. It unfolds the topics, discourses how the MPs of MIÉP and Jobbik talked about Roma. Within these topics it examines the different represen-tations, images of Roma used by far right politicians during those Parliamentary terms during which they entered the Parliament. The paper identifies when and how the far right has talked about Roma and unfolds how the far right rhetoric has contributed to maintaining, reproducing or even strengthening the anti-Roma attitudes in the Hungarian society.

  • The Party System of the European Parliament between 2004–2019

    The paper examines the party system of the European Parliament (EP) between 2004–2019
    through European Parliamentary Groups. It applies party system typologies in an international
    case. The examined period starts from 2004, which marks the largest enlargement of the
    dominating the decision-making In addition to the widely used typologies developed by Blondel
    and Sartori, the present paper focuses on the relationship between the political groups in the
    EP and their role in decision-making. It draws conclusions about the nature of the party system
    and its changes over three cycles from the internal cohesion indices and coalition statistics of
    the political groups. The party system of the EP is a polarised pluralist system dominated by
    two political groups (bidominant). In the period under review, the party system of the EP can be
    characterized as balanced, showing only small changes.