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  • Positioning Opportunities for Rural Areas Through the Example of Ciuc-Basin

    Those development approaches that support social inclusion, exploitation of endogenous
    resources and community development may be an alternative, and can offer new opportunities
    for the economically and socially disadvantaged rural areas and for peripheral settlements
    that have missed the mainstream of development. The new rural paradigm, and the related
    regional development approaches, such as marketing-oriented settlement development, point to
    a new community-based trend, where places, local communities get a more important role, the
    function of local management changes and endogenous factors become the main resource. The
    communication activity and positioning practice becomes more important.

  • Transition from higher education to the IT sector in Cluj-Napoca

    The present paper focuses on those factors that affect transition from higher education to the
    IT sector in Cluj-Napoca, in cases of entrants with informatics, automatization and computer
    technology degree. The results show that transition to the IT market in Cluj-Napoca is primarily
    influenced by the dependency of the local IT market on western IT markets with more central
    positions, followed by the competition for workforce. The first factor: dependency is due to skill
    shortages on the labour market in Cluj-Napoca. Launching new trainings with the involvement
    of other departments at universities, such as design, business, sales, marketing or business
    informatics can reduce dependency according to the representatives of the local institutions of higher education. Transition from higher education to the IT sector for entrants in ClujNapoca is smooth, due to the strong competition for workforce (second factor). Entrants select
    their potential workplace based on the reputation of a workplace, position/projects, team
    and remuneration. Labour shortage is present both in the IT sector and in higher education.
    A long-term solution for reducing labour shortage in both sectors could be provided by creating
    attractive career paths in the academy which would require stronger cooperation between
    companies, state and higher education institutions, according to the representatives of the
    institutions of higher education.