Vol. 9 No. 4 (2020)

Published December 31, 2020



  • Thomas Hobbes and the dilemmas of the natural state Second chapter: The tipology of the state of nature

    The primary purpose of this paper is to reflect upon four aspects of the Hobbesian state of nature. Firstly, the question is whether we can interpret this original state as a mythical, abstract,
    imaginative and timless state, focusing only on the final conclusion of the Hobbesian theory, or
    it may contain a well-defined timspan, having its own historical development based on a clear
    logical construction. Secondly, this study aims at examining the natural character of man in
    the state of nature, and his harmony with his environment in respect with their „naturalness”.
    Thirdly, it tries to describe the assumed interpersonal relationships within the „primitve” state.
    Fourthly, the paper presents different states of nature reasoned out from a close reading of the
    text. All four aspect may help us to get a better understanding of the ambivalent character of the
    Hobbesian state of nature.

  • Hungarian Academics Working Abroad: Female and Male Career Paths

    Transnational mobility has not only become an integral part of the successful, internatonally driven career path of academics, but is emerging to a great extent as a major performance requirement. Similarly to academic careers in general, international mobility of researchers is also a gendered process to a great extent. This paper aims to assess the most important characteristics of Hungarian researchers working abroad with special attention put on the similarities and differences identified in the career path of female and male researchers. With an online self-administered questionnaire distributed through a snowball sampling methodology
    among Hungarian PhD-holders working abroad for more than one year, we investigated the motivation for international mobility, the career path, work contracts, work-life balance, future career plans and the perception of the value of the PhD degree. Our key findings indicate that male researchers’s labour market position is more advantageous abroad than female researchers’ and overall they are more convinved of the positive value of their PhD degree, while female academics were statisfied, but at a more moderate level.

  • Informality: the Culture of Treating Others Instrumentally: An Essay about the Dynamics of the Relationship between Social Relations and Trust

    The current paper, without scientific systematization and artistic meditation, tries to address
    life itself (the normatively understood ‘good life’) in an essayist way. It strives to draw up some
    core pillars of a research program about a commonly known everyday phenomenon, informality,
    more precisely its distorted form which is inducing social inequalities and injustices, and which,
    because of this, should be seen reflexively and critically. The proposed argument is a theoretical
    reflection on József Böröcz’s still actual and progressive scientific endeavor to create a framework
    for the sociology of informality.

  • Start-up studio, the business model innovation (The example of INNONIC Zrt.)

    Public discourse mostly uses the term start-up as a simplified collective category to describe companies founded to sell technological innovations. At the same time, in addition to bringing a new or novel idea to market, most business functions (marketing, sales, product/service development, HR etc.) are performed in an innovative and proactive way. In spite of the uncertainty of the market and limited resources, one of the key characteristics of such organisations is the high potential of the rapid economic development. In order to be able to take the advantage of the business opportunity, a supportive socio-economic and institutional environment is essential to obtain intensive growth and sustainability. In our case study, we are aiming to illustrate the importance of so-called start-up studios in catalysing innovation by the example of a company operating in international markets in the Debrecen region. Illustrating our findings by an analogy, we examine how the studio as a “mother ship” uses organizationalmanagement methods, cultural patterns, and through what mechanisms it contributes to the success of start-ups.

  • „In our society publicity ratify the success”. Success and career model of rural theater’s artists

    This study aims to answer the question of how actors and actresses define their own success and carreer. What does succes mean to an artist in rural theater? The study primaly discusses some contemporary analyses of sucess, amongst them I am using Deaton-Kahnemann’s and Barabási’s theories. I am also presenting the metodology of my research and later I show rural
    theatre’s organization based on Bourdieu’s theory. Finally I describe the definition of success and career of the actors and actresses embedded in an organizational context which helps to understand their tipical habits.

  • Where is the truth? – Greek catholic high school youth’s justice values

    The purpose of our study is to present what young people think about justice, and how they
    are different from the youth and society of the country. The functioning of a society requires
    that fair conditions prevail in it. However, there are several types of justice. What young people,
    as adults of the future, think about this value is essential for the functioning of a society. We
    present philosophical interpretations and value sociological research on justice, then we define
    the concept of justice for Hungarian society and Hungarian youth. In our research we asked all
    eleventh and twelfth students of a Greek Catholic high school in Eastern Hungary in 2014 and
    2019. Quantitative method was used to compare students’ views on justice with the other young
    people in the country. According to our results during the five years of research, equality was
    more important for young people, especially for the boys. The importance of the value of equality
    was clearly related to the religiosity of the asked young people.

  • Public administration reforms in Central-Eastern-Europe

    The goal of this paper is in one hand to summarize how public administration reform trends
    have spread in Central-Eastern-Europe since the transition, on the other hand to overview the
    techno-economical paradigms which can determine the near future in the region. To analyse
    spreading and development of New Public Management to Post-NPM doctrines periodization of
    Drechsler and Randma-Liiv (2014) is being used. At the end threads and opportunities related
    to technological development are aimed to be found in relation with public administration and
    governance. Using entrepreneurial state’s concept shows that solving wicked issues needs active
    state’s involvement, which might have a strong effect on public administration’s reform as well.
