For authors

Instructions for Authors


  • The average length of papers is 40 000 characters. The manuscripts should be between 25000 and 60000 characters without bibliography and annexes.


  • The paper should include an abstract (max. 1200 characters).


  • The paper should include 5-7 keywords.


  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Word, in doc or docx format. Use 12-point Times New Roman for the text and 1.5 spacing.
  • The manuscript and the headlines should have a clear structure.
  • The manuscript should include an introduction and conclusion.


  • the reference list should only include works that you actually cited
  • full references should be listed at the end of the manuscript on a new page with the title ’References’
  • full references should be listed in alphabetical order (both references in the manuscript and in the footnotes)
  • in case of foreign authors alphabetical order is also required, first the surname then the first name's initial with a comma (similarly to Hungarian authors). E.g.: Szabó, T.; Barr, N.
  • full references should follow the style below:
  • Book: Author(s) (publication year): Title of the work. Publisher, place of publication
  • Journal article: Author(s) (publication year): Title of the article. The name of the journal, volume: page numbers
  • Article in a collection: Author(s) (publication year): Title of the paper. In: The name of the book’s editors (ed, eds): Title of the book. Publisher, place of publication
  • DOI number should be indicated in the full references list


  • tables and figures should be within the text
  • all tables and figures should be presented with line number and title
  • line numbers and figures of tables and figures should be listed above
  • the source of each table and figure should be listed the following way:
  • if it is your own editing: 'Source: edited by the author’
  • if it is cited from another work: ’Source: Author(s) (year), original page number of the table/figure
  • tables, figures, charts should be attached as an extra file in an edited version


  • Footnotes may not include citations or references. References should always be in the main text instead of the footnotes.
  • Footnotes are to be included in the main text with Arabic numerals.


  • Citations should always be in the main text.
  • In the text cite references by name and year in parentheses.
  • Verbatim citation: (Barr 2010: 125) cite references by name and year in parentheses, followed by the page number(s)
  • non-verbatim citation: (Barr 2010) cite references by name and year in parentheses

If there are more than two authors, the names must be separated by a hyphen. (e.g. Szabó – Déry 2002)
In the case of multiple-author citations, if there are more than three authors, only the name of the first author should be given, with a note et al. (First author et al.)


You can submit a manuscript online. Registration and login are required to submit and to check the status of ongoing submissions.


The editors will not accept manuscripts that have been published or are awaiting publication in Hungarian. Studies previously published in a language other than Hungarian will be considered.

All submitted articles are first reviewed by the editors. For manuscripts that do not follow the format or substantive rules the review process does not begin and the editors return them to the author.

In all cases, papers that pass the formal and substantive criteria will be evaluate anonymously by 2 or more peer reviewers – experts in the relevant field.

If the editors cannot find a peer reviewer within 6 weeks, the submitted article will be returned to the author.

The review is submitted in a standardised format, based on defined criteria.

The publication process will be completed within 12-16 weeks of submission.


Articles accepted by the editors will be forwarded to two reviewers.
Reviews are submitted via the OJS standardised editing platform.
The reviewers will prepare the review within a maximum of 4 weeks of the request.
The editors cannot be responsible for delays caused by reviewers.
The editors have 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the reviews to make a decision. The editors will decide whether to accept, revise or reject.



The bibliography includes the DOI of all works cited, where available, in the following format:

Copy the bibliography into this search and copy the links ( back into the manuscript file.



The names and email addresses provided to the journal will be used only for the purposes described in the journal. They will not be transferred to third parties for any other purpose.

Publication Ethics.