
Planetary consciousness, biospherical governance, climatic rightfulness: Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future


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How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Beke, O., & Kis, A. (2023). Planetary consciousness, biospherical governance, climatic rightfulness: Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future. CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal, 12(1), 13-28.

Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future was published in 2020. The novel is the sequel to the New York 2140 science fiction dystopian novel. The conceptual continuation presents a vision of unsustainable capitalism that functions via endless expansion. The Ministry for the Future brings into focus the outcome of externalities of capitalism: climate change and its effects on societies and individuals. The study emphasis on critique of capitalism, of mass production and mass consumption, at the same time it points at the techno-optimism in The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. The analysis of appearance of climate change in the novel is interdisciplinary, the study’s approach is scientific and empirical.