Közelkép – Tanulmányok

Representations of induced abortion in the Hungarian online media


Copyright (c) 2020 CROSS-SECTIONS -Social Science Journal

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How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Beata, Magda, N., Katalin, H., Zsuzsa, K., & Adrien, R. (2020). Representations of induced abortion in the Hungarian online media. CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal, 9(1), 121-152. https://doi.org/10.18392/metsz/2020/1/8

This study focuses on how induced abortion is represented in the Hungarian online media in
relation to the reception of the public debate on the new Polish abortion law. The study was aimed
at revealing the major themes, the embedding conceptual network and the framing of induced
abortion in the online press. Since the press is an essential influencing factor of public opinion
due to its broad publicity, research should focus on the characteristics of the discourse in whose
space the concerned individuals form their views and make decisions on abortion. A thematic
analysis of relevant press releases revealed eight major themes that framed abortion in a specific
manner: thematization of induced abortion as a social/demographic issue; legislative issues of;
and attitudes towards, abortion; abortion as an act of (physical) self-determination; contents
related to the abortion decision; to its causes and consequences; and depiction of women
choosing abortion. Furthermore, the analysis revealed the themes most frequently associated
with abortion and potentially related themes typically not associated with it.