
„In our society publicity ratify the success”. Success and career model of rural theater’s artists


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How To Cite
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Baluja, P. (2022). „In our society publicity ratify the success”. Success and career model of rural theater’s artists. CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal, 9(4), 84-104.

This study aims to answer the question of how actors and actresses define their own success and carreer. What does succes mean to an artist in rural theater? The study primaly discusses some contemporary analyses of sucess, amongst them I am using Deaton-Kahnemann’s and Barabási’s theories. I am also presenting the metodology of my research and later I show rural
theatre’s organization based on Bourdieu’s theory. Finally I describe the definition of success and career of the actors and actresses embedded in an organizational context which helps to understand their tipical habits.