Tematikus tanulmányok – A munkaerőpiac gazdasági-társadalmi kérdései

Equal opportunities at work? Equal opportunities and legal protection in the labour market


Copyright (c) 2022 Gross-Sections

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A CC BY licence alkalmazása előtt megjelent cikkek esetében (2020 előtt) továbbra is a CC BY-NC-ND licence az érvényes.

How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Suhajda, C. J. (2018). Equal opportunities at work? Equal opportunities and legal protection in the labour market. CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal, 7(4), 46-63. https://doi.org/10.18392/metsz/2018/4/4

The study examines the realization and the development of legal protection of equal opportunities
in the labour market. The purpose of the research is to identify the most common problems
related to the violation of equal opportunities during the period since the Equal Treatment
Authority began its work.
The study explores whether types of discrimination can be identified, which are the most
prominent and which are the most disadvantaged characteristics of the labour market in
Hungary today. The correlations discovered demonstrate that although regulation of the legal
background has greatly facilitated the awareness of individuals in this field, there is a need to
create further forums of discussion to achieve measurable results.