Thematic articles

Two sides of one coin: Social network of commuter and their families


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How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Huszti, Éva. (2022). Two sides of one coin: Social network of commuter and their families. CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal, 10(2), 54-71.

People around a person have important roles of the social integration and form of quality of life.
Changes in the life circumstances like getting a job or changes of the workplaces have significant
effect to egocentric social network. In a new workplace usually shape new relationships. Then
again, it is also possible that besides increasing of number of new contacts, there will be those,
which are drop out from the personal network. Paper shows the rearrange of the personal
social network of people who works as a commuter and theirs partnerships. Commuter is a
person who works far from his/her home and he/she goes home weekly or rarely. This topic was
examined making interviews in 2019 (N=24). On the one hand, these interviews revealed a wide
and confidant family and kin networks. On the other hand, it seems that, due to the workplaces
and the common activities at the workplaces and other places (accommodation, shopping etc.), commuter can make new, long-term and confidant friendships which complete his/her family
relationships and make their social capital stronger.