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  • Social Value Changes and Social Work Education: Examining the Student Base and Career Orientation of Social Work and Related Undergraduate Programs in Light of Social Value Changes
    Megtekintések száma:

    The rapid pace of technological modernization, coupled with the economic and political impacts of the past 30 years, has significantly reshaped the value system of the domestic population. As a result, human-centred community values that have held significant dominance for centuries (e.g., solidarity, supportive relationships, community) are increasingly being overshadowed by the growing dominance of individualistic and materialistic values. The societal acceptance and expansion of an ideology that prioritizes material growth and personal interests influence the development of personality and the moral framework of value systems through social interactions. This shift thus affects the motivational orientation of career choices among the younger generation. This study examines the extent of change through comparative quantitative data analysis and proposes measures to address the declining interest in social work careers.