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  • Self-contained child protection – possible ways to open up

    The aim of the research, based on a qualitative methodology, is to gain an understanding of
    whether external/affiliated services are provided in child protection system targeting parents or
    children and young people with child protection problems. The aim is to examine the extent of a
    service focused and innovative approaches in child protection, where is the place and what is the
    role of civil services. The study, which based on 15 expert interviews, argues that child protection
    is currently characterised by many dysfunctions, as a self-contained and isolated sub-system of
    social policy, which not only fails to deliver the basic objectives of child protection in practice, but
    in many cases hides structural deficiencies and systemic anomalies. There is a need to explore
    new ways of child protection, including the use of volunteering, the services of civil organizations
    and broad partnerships.

  • Munkáskönyv

    Kuczi Tibor: Munkásprés – a munka kikényszerítésének története az ipari forradalomtól
    L’Harmattan-Jelenkutató Alapítvány, Budapest, 2011 (309 oldal)

  • A possible vision for young public workers or The Hungarian JWT

    According to different statements more and more youngsters, under 25 years of age, appear in Public Work Programs at the present time in Hungary. Even it occurs more frequently that pa-rents, primarily because of financial reasons, take out their children from school, and send them to public workers.This paper draws attention to this phenomenon. Furthermore, it shows a possible paral-lel between those young people who are in JWT (Job Without Training) and those Hungarian youngsters who are working in Public Work Programs reflecting on the Hungarian particulari-ties of this parallel.
    The concept of JWT and its categories are presented, and also which of these categories may connect with the Hungarian public workers’ state of being. Statistical data show the rate of public workers and their gender breakdown. Reports also suggest that the rate of young public workers is growing and their situation may become futureless.The author thinks that the growth of young public workers’ rate and their settled situation in this employment sector is likely to make inevitable for them to become NEET in the future.

  • Enforcement of Community Approaches in Child Protection Practice: International Trends

    Child protection has changed in important ways on international level in recent years. Child protection as social institution adapts to and follows social change. Global competitions, mobility
    of capital and workforce, acceleration of economic processes and interdependence of national
    economies, and the economic crises of 2007 has their impact on the operation and workings of
    welfare systems. This study examines the trends and tendencies in international child protection practice since the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, what type of child protection
    orientations can be distinguished, what kind of characteristics can be described and which way
    seems to emerge—as a common challenge—in general in the field of the state’s child protection
    activities. The study draws attention to the importance of some topics in international discourse, such as complex needs of the clients, importance of partnerships, support of parenthood and a
    range of professional skills and competences to achieve these goals.

  • Equal opportunities at work? Equal opportunities and legal protection in the labour market

    The study examines the realization and the development of legal protection of equal opportunities
    in the labour market. The purpose of the research is to identify the most common problems
    related to the violation of equal opportunities during the period since the Equal Treatment
    Authority began its work.
    The study explores whether types of discrimination can be identified, which are the most
    prominent and which are the most disadvantaged characteristics of the labour market in
    Hungary today. The correlations discovered demonstrate that although regulation of the legal
    background has greatly facilitated the awareness of individuals in this field, there is a need to
    create further forums of discussion to achieve measurable results.

  • Participatory research of social issues: practical experience from a research project on homelessness

    This article is an account of our practical research and cooperation experience from a
    participatory research project on homelessness and psychosocial disability carried out in a
    Hungarian university context, by a student and two experts by experience in a researcher role.
    We argue for the involvement of disadvantaged people using social services in research related
    to disadvantaged people and social services, highlighting the advantages and challenges of this
    kind of research based on our experience. Finally, we formulate practical recommendations that
    migh be useful for beginners – like we used to be – in participatory research in this field.

  • Női szempontok…: A nők növekvő munkaerő-piaci jelenléte és hatása az amerikai családok életére az ezredfordulón

    A szakértők régóta vizsgálják a női munkavállalásban történt változások hatását az amerikai családok életére. Az 1970 és 2001 közötti időszakban a gyermeküket egyedül nevelő vagy párkapcsolatban élő, huszonöt és negyvennégy év közötti nők körében a foglalkoztatottsági ráta 43 százalékról 71 százalékra emelkedett. A családok számára a női munkavállalási kedv emelkedése egyet jelentett azzal, hogy a nők otthoni és egyéb, nem piaci tevékenysége a fizetett piaci munka irányába tolódott el. Ennek következményeként sok család csak úgy képes megoldani a gyermek ellátását, hogy fizetett szolgáltatást vesz igénybe. Ebben a tanulmányban, a témában meghatározó tanulmányok elemzésével, (1) a munka- és a gyermekvállalás stratégiáit vesszük górcső alá az egyedülálló és a párkapcsolatban élő anyák körében (2), valamint azt, hogy a munkavállaló anyák távollétének milyen következményei vannak a gyermek fejlődésére. Tanulmányunkban mindezeken felül bemutatjuk a gyermekvállalás időzítését és az első gyermek megszületése körüli munkavállalási trendeket is, különös tekintettel a 25 és 44 év közötti, a gyermekvállalás és gyermeknevelés aktív időszakában lévő nők munkaerő-piaci jelenlétére, továbbá a nők és a férfiak házimunkában és a gyermek gondozásában vállalt szerepére.