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  • Analysis of face milling technology with a thermal camera by the changing of the number of revolution

    The aim of the publication is the analysis of the temperature zone of cutting operation in case of face milling technology. The analyses are done considering of the changing of discreet number of revolution beside the constancy of the more technological parameters. The measuring concept will be determined. After the experiments the received thermal images will be analysed.

  • Monitoring of the Profitability Effect of Tourism Supports in the North Great Plain Region

    Today the tourism is one of the largest and the most dynamically progressive sector, monitoring of its performance important research area. The sector and its companies' performance are related tightly, a present study deals with the corporate performance test. Its accurate goal is the monitoring of the profitability effect of 2007-2013.yearly budgetary periods tourism supports in the North Great Plain Region through the example of two of a region's companies. The basis of the examination the statistical, corporate data which can be reached publicly and data from the questionnaire filled by the companies and data from their competition registrar.

  • The Evaluation of the Employment of Migrants by Employees

    The exploration of specifications of the employee groups endangered in the labour market, and their social
    and labour market integration have always been a challenging task for the professionals. As a result of the
    domestically also appeared migrant wave, the actuality of the topic has even more increased. In this study -
    prepared in the framework of the research program „Human resource management challenges of the reception and labour market integration of the migrants” - we aimed to reveal the attitudes of employees about the labour market integration of the migrants. We have defined an objective to explore whether they are afraid of losing their current jobs, what factors influence the employment of the migrants and what kind of positive and negative effects they take on the society and economy. Based on the results of the survey we have found that employees are not afraid of migrants taking their jobs, still they are quite uncertain whether they would employ or work with a migrant person. Regarding the effect on the society and economy an unambiguous negative attitude was experienced.

  • Simulation of a Quadcopter with LabVIEW

    The aim of the paper was to create a LabVIEW-based Real-Time embedded system supported development environment, which was used for the Real-Time kinematics and dynamics simulation of a quad copter as well as the adherent state-feedback controller. The state-feedback controller was designed with Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) based method.

  • Comparing higher education preferences with labour market needs

    Hungarian institutions of higher education play an important role in national economy: they ensure intellectual labour with appropriate knowledge and professional competencies for Hungary in all profession fields. If the rules of private sector are applied for these institutions – interpreting it within a certain framework as the quality of education and research has to be maintained and there are social benefits associated with them -, they owned by the state, their management is the institutional leadership and their consumer is the labour market. Thus, training programmes must or should be developed in accordance with the needs of labour market. It represents a major challenge, even without taking into consideration other factors, since future requirements should be aimed (at least a 3-5 year training period later) – along with a rapid technological development. Even if the state makes significant efforts to adapt training programmes to meet the requirements of the labour market demands, students who want to further their education pay limited attention to these factors in their educational decision-making. Partly for this reason, career transition or shortages may occur in the case of certain professions. This paper seeks to address to what extent the most popular training programmes meet the expectations and to what extent the degree earned may be regarded as a ‘success’ in the labour market; moreover, if they do not overlap each other, how much applicants prefer those training programmes which are to be considered the most successful based on recruitment information. Admission statistics of Education Department and database of DPR provide the necessary information for the period 2010-2017 and these data sources enable authors to follow-up students from application to higher education until employment.

  • Pop Trade Policy – Some Reflections on the Current Trade Policy of the US

    After a brief review of the antecedents our paper aims to systematically organize the recent and current changes in the trade policy of the United States in three broader areas: her changing attitudes towards TPP and WTO, the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the trade war being fought, mostly against China. Our goal is to relate these changes to the trade policy of the former presidential terms, to understand them in the framework of populism and that of the economic policy questions solved only by the second best answer, that is, by protectionism.

  • Value Creation along a Production-Service Value Chain

    Today’s products and services are so complicated and intertwined that their individual value creation is hard to determine. It is especially true when the products and services are necessary complements of each other and when they are affecting customer satisfaction for a long time. In the case of durable products needing professional installment service, the study of value creation poses many difficulties. Our research shows and emphasizes the process characteristic of value creation, and how the different steps (production, service, long-term use) should be looked at, and what further analyses can be done.

  • Connection Between Internet Using Habits and Ethical Attitude of Business Students

    In these days we are witnessing a trend of more and more using IT assets and the using of internet too. As teachers at the university we can see that our students also tied with a thousand threads to the IT world. Current research aims to explore the students’ internet using habits, how many times they spend on the web  and why. In our previous work we examined our economist students’ ethical attitudes. In this study we try to connect this two themes. Our research question: are there any connection between our students’ ethical judgment and their internet using habits.

  • Labour Market Success of Engineering Graduates

    The study aims to explore the labor market success of engineering graduates. The role of science field in the areas of job search time, earnings and job congruence proved significant. The engineering discipline proved to be outstanding in all the tree tested indicators. The database was GraduatesTracking System 2011-2012 (DPR 2011-2012). The indicators of employ ability could be compared among the young graduates of domestic higher education institutions in the engineering science, and similarities and differences could be highlighted

  • Digitalization Process by Agricultural Companies, or the Results of a Questionnaire Survey

    The term “information society” first appeared in Japanese social science in the early 1960s (Z. Karvalics, 2007). The interpretation of the concept has undergone significant changes over the past decades, showing that dynamically developing societies, which are undergoing constant changes due to the rapid development of information, information management and the dynamism of the digital world. The close relationship and connection between information and information technology has become a fundamental factor in the societies of today, the organizations life, which generates inevitable, sometimes serious debates and profound changes. Economic operators must necessarily be resilient to technological change. We should think of the time of the Industrial Revolution, when modern weaving machines flooded the factories. Otherwise, a resilient organization will not survive in an evolving and ever-changing dynamic economic environment. Of course, this is true of agriculture as well, just as it is for other sectors of the national economy. On the one hand, my assumption on the basis of which my questionnaire was compiled was that enterprise management systems are increasingly used by enterprises in agriculture due to the diversification of activities. At the same time, I assumed that the size of a business could influence the use of information technology (hereinafter IT), so I hoped that my research would provide reliable data on this as well.

  • Automation Capabilities for the Logistics Service of Jobshop Production System

    One of the most important subsystems of manufacturing is the logistics system for transporting materials between technological phase. It is integrated depending on the production structure. The special feature of highly flexible workshop system production is that the material handling system is typically separate and the movement needs occur independently of each other, so the flexibility of the material handling system is required to achieve the expected production goal. In practice, therefore, the organization and execution of material handling is to a considerable extent dependent on the human factor. The purpose of this research is to explore the potential for automation of material handling activities in this particular production environment.

  • Vocational Teacher Training –Modeling, Professional Vocabulary Development, Connecting Subjects

    Vocational Teacher Training Programmes provide teachers of Vocational Education and Training schools. University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering offers Vocational Teacher Training in five specializations, in form of cooperative training. The company specialists participating in the training teach prospective vocational teachers with modern professional knowledge. The aim of this article is to summarize the pedagogical experiences of the prospective vocational teachers, based on the content analysis of their lesson plans. The investigation focuses on prospective vocational teachers’ examples of modeling, professional vocabulary development and connections between subjects from their practical pedagogical training in Vocational Education and Training schools.

  • Indicators of environmental performance evaluation – theory and corporate case study

    In the last decades there was a change in the field of corporate performance evaluation. Performance management systems, indicator-based systems and new, intellectual capital-based evaluation systems have appeared. Finally new, wide range of corporate evaluating methods was born in theory and in practice too. It is also important to mention, that in a life of organizations there is an improvement in the activity in connection with sustainable development, and also in the usage of methods connecting to sustainable development. Therefore the evaluation in the dimensions of sustainability – in a case of environmental performance evaluation, or evaluation of corporate social responsibility – became more and more emphasised. We concentrate on the theory and practice of environmental performance evaluation. Summarize – based on definitions – the concept of environmental performance evaluation. We concentrate on peculiarities of environmental performance indicators – based on international standards and literature review; and also mention the characteristics of indicator systems. Based on theory, the practice is also important. Therefore we present a case study of a multinational company.

  • Utilization of grinding dross remained from production process in order to minimize waste and save costs

    It is i mportant to reuse wastes from production process particulary. In the course of metal roughing grinding dross comes off. Its oil content is high enough to treat i t wi th piston briquette machinery and by this methode  part of this oil can be retrievable and returned to production. By means of making a ma terial balance I determined how much effective the machinery has to be to work the dross and its payback was also calculated.

  • Testing the Sametest-effect in a BSc-level Business Communication Course Examination

    Using secondary data, we empirically examine two biasing effects that may arise in the written evaluation of large groups of students. Suppose the students take the examination in consecutive groups, and we wish to avoid the distortion caused by tests of different difficulty. In that case, we can decide to use the same examination questions. However, the danger of the "same test effect" arises, according to which the group writing later can perform better if it receives information from the examinees in the previous round. Using the same examination tests cannot be recommended if that effect is significant. Another related potential phenomenon is the "revealed sameness effect". Accordingly, if the examinees are aware of the repetition of the questions, it significantly increases the scores of the following group. We tested these phenomena using the data of a three-round written examination. A previously published analysis of a larger sample found that the "same test effect" can be expected if the students decide in which round they take the examination. Since it was possible to freely register for the examination rounds for the assessment analyzed in this study, we assume that the "same test effect" will be significant. Based on the literature, we also expected that the "revealed sameness effect" would occur in the third round. The performed linear regression analysis (N=77) only found some weak evidence for the 'revealed sameness effect' but not for the 'same test effect'.

  • Innovation in Nonbusiness Organizations from a Conceptual Point of View

    The definitions of innovation have been transformed a lot over time since Schumpeter introduced his concept. Even recently one of the most prestigious innovation management references, the Oslo Manual have changed its concept. One rarely discussed aspect of the concept of innovation is that most of the definitions are referring to the business sector; only a few of them are referring to any kinds of organizations, including non-profit and governmental organizations. Any kind of organization must innovate sooner or later; therefore they have to learn how to manage innovation effectively and efficiently. That is why the broad type of definitions is recommended, involving not only for-profit organizations but non-profit and governmental organizations as well.

  • Human security issues of deep wells retraining

    Nowadays, in the world's energy production structure, fossil fuels dominate and at the same time cause a number of environmental problems. Comparing the use of conventional fossil fuels with geothermal energy, this kind of energy production is extremely beneficial, as there are no pollutants and a renewable energy source. Moreover, if we want to compare geothermal energy with other renewable energy sources (such as wind energy, solar energy, etc.), much of the benefits can also be attributed to geothermal energy becouse it is a stable energy source and the area requirement is low. Due to these extremely favorable properties, the study of the applicability of geothermal energy is gaining ground in renewable energy sources. In addition, it is well known that there are approximately 20 to 30 million abandoned oil wells in the world, plus sealed wells for other purposes, and the final number may be much larger. In the case of abandoned oil wells, the escaping residual oil may be a problem, which can lead to significant environmental problems. Taking these factors into account, research on the recyclability of abandoned wells for geothermal purposes becomes a target for more and more research topics around the world. It is interesting to note that a significant part of the publications are concerned with examining the technological potential of energy utilization, studying heat transport processes, and generating general, energetic or economical evaluations. A publication of a kind that would have evaluated the safety of recyclable abandoned wells in publishing databases was limited. It is therefore an important question that the abandoned wells, from the point of view of human security and environmental protection. How can they be reactive, how can the new technological elements be built up and how much human security factors of the newly created system are affected by the existing elements?

  • Management Practices from Christian Point of View

    Globalisation is a complex and worldwide process overarching historical times and continents. However the phenomenon brought efficiency and new opportunities to companies, providing practically free access to raw materials, labour and knowledge, it also caused negative effects like the degradation of the biosphere, greater social and economic inequality especially in the developing countries. There are some companies operating worldwide which have acquired great economic power and influence. and governments have only limited possibilities (if any) to regulate their operation. The expenses of profit maximisation are high, which are often ‘paid’ by the socialnatural environment (as externalities) and/or by humans. The aim of our study is to overview how current business relations could be formed to be more „human friendly”. The research is done from a Christian philosophy point of view, focusing on the employees as the major stakeholder group of the comanies. As part of the study some practical examples and Hungarian organisations related to this topic are introduced in order to highlight the relevance of the topic.

  • The Special Aspects of Leasing as Long-Term Asset Financing Method in Hungary

    Leasing has become widespread in the world in the 1970s, while in Hungary the first leasing firms appeared in the 1990s. The authors in this article introduce the most prevailing and most often used forms of leasing and their main characteristics in Hungary. Based on the statistical data of the 2008-2015 period the authors analyse the performance of investments, the volume of trade in the total leasing market and the course of the amount of capital assets and new capital investments on the level of the national economy. The conclusion of the current article is that the changes of the investment’s performance in the national economy and the EU development funds influence greatly the course of the Hungarian leasing market.

  • Economic Analysis of Thermal Insulation Systems

    One of today's most important problem of inadequate energy management. In Hungary, most of the buildings considered to be outdated in the building materials used and taking into account the construction technology. A significant part of the heat energy used for heating purposes before leaving the environment through the building envelope elements used in time. In our study we investigate whether an average house how much energy you can save the facade walls with insulation.

  • Examination and Comparison of Leadership Style of Two Multinational Company

    A vezetés a 21. században az élessé vált gazdasági válságban való versenyképesség megtartásában és megőrzésében kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszik. Ehhez hozzájárul az a tény is, hogy a vezetés nem csak alakítója, hanem része is annak a viszonynak, hogy a vevői szükségletek és a szervezet követelményei úgy kerüljenek összhangba, hogy mind a két fél elérje a céljait. Egy vezető feladata, hogy összekapcsolja az egyéni és a szervezeti célokat, elérve ezáltal a legjobb szervezeti teljesítményt és a legnagyobb munkavállalói elégedettséget. Ehhez viszont szükséges felismernie azt, hogy a vállalati kultúra és az egyes munkavállalók milyen vezetési stílus alkalmazását követelik meg. Kutatásunk célja, hogy két multinacionális vállalat esetében egy vezetési stílust mérő kérdőív segítségével feltárjuk a sikeres vezetés ismérveit és összehasonlítsuk a kapott eredményeket.

  • Simulation of BLDC Motor Drive Systems for Electric Vehicles Using Matlab Simulink

    The defining scientific developments of our time would not have been possible without the use of simulations. The aim of the research is to create a simulation of a BLDC motor. When creating a simulation, great emphasis must be placed on defining the purpose of the simulation. This basically determines the structure and complexity of the model. The model discussed here was created so that an optimization task could be defined more precisely by inserting it as a sub-model into a vehicle dynamics model. Scalability was another aspect, that is, to be able to increase the accuracy of the model with measured data in the future, as well as to be able to validate it. During the research, a BLDC motor efficiency map generation program was created, as well as an environment for testing the generated data. The created system gives researchers the opportunity to use a shape-correct efficiency model when simulating a BLDC motor even without measured data. This makes it possible to discover real relationships between model parameters when performing optimization.

  • Examination of road sections in Debrecen by noise mapping

    During the research, noise level calculations were performed for 13 numbered roads in and around Debrecen and a noise map analysis was conducted on the roads’ environment. The first examined year was 1995, the last was 2017. In the time interval, annual status was determined based on average daily traffic data. In addition to the road noise values calculated for each section, a noise map was prepared for each survey year. For the evaluation of the results a difference map of the highlighted periods was prepared. Typically, noise level increase from road sources was identified between 1995 and 2017 in a significant part of the studied area (southern and eastern parts of Debrecen and around the newly built roads). Stagnant noise level was diagnosed near the downtown of Debrecen and around the main road No. 4, furthermore in some places noise reduction was caused by the development of the road network (between Debrecen-Józsa and Hajdúböszörmény, between Debrecen and Látókép around road No, 33, and along roads No. 4808 and No. 4814) .

  • Company Valuation of an Entity Operating in International Accounting Environment

    Company and asset valuation plays a major role nowadays. Determining the company’s value is a key factor for management in appropriate decision making, and it is a necessary step for individuals who wish to invest and for investors. There are numerous models which utilize different methods for company valuation. In our study we based our valuation on the McKinsey model for a company in an international accounting environment. In the study we present the main attributes of the McKinley model, its structure, which includes the main steps of valuation. We put a special emphasis on the calculation of free cash flow, future balance sheets and profit and loss accounts anticipation as well as future turnover, which highly influences the changes of data in the future reports thus in the company value. The McKinsey model is a discounted cash flow model, in which the company value and the consequent future cash flow can be determined as present value.

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