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Simulation of BLDC Motor Drive Systems for Electric Vehicles Using Matlab Simulink
48-52Views:274The defining scientific developments of our time would not have been possible without the use of simulations. The aim of the research is to create a simulation of a BLDC motor. When creating a simulation, great emphasis must be placed on defining the purpose of the simulation. This basically determines the structure and complexity of the model. The model discussed here was created so that an optimization task could be defined more precisely by inserting it as a sub-model into a vehicle dynamics model. Scalability was another aspect, that is, to be able to increase the accuracy of the model with measured data in the future, as well as to be able to validate it. During the research, a BLDC motor efficiency map generation program was created, as well as an environment for testing the generated data. The created system gives researchers the opportunity to use a shape-correct efficiency model when simulating a BLDC motor even without measured data. This makes it possible to discover real relationships between model parameters when performing optimization.
Investigation of the Eigenfrequency of the Bending Vibration of the Beam Clamped at Both Ends Around the Principle Directions of Inertia Based on a Single-Degree Freedom Model and a Finite Element Method Analysis
69-79Views:218In this study, we have dealt with the calculation methods of the eigenfrequencies associated with the bending vibrations of rectangular-shaped beams clamped at both ends. Said eigenfrequencies were determined analytically in the single-degree of freedom model of the beam and the case of the three-dimensional solid and three-dimensional rod models by finite element modal vibration analysis. We presented the calculation method of the characteristics of the analytical model and then calculated the eigenfrequency for a concrete example. We have described the concept of modal characteristics, and in the following, we have determined its natural frequency based on the solid-beam and rod models of the former beam. We calculated and compared the solutions belonging to the models recorded in different ways in 11 additional cases of the presented methods.
Survey of the Dynamic Modeling Methods of Light Vehicles
723-727Views:244Vehicle dynamics models can be classified into two groups based on the model simplification. There are simplified models based on neglections, these models do not contain all body directions: longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions. There are several reasons for the simplification: control, estimation and analysis methods can be used only with simplified models, or another reason is the computational cost. Apart from simplified models, there are detailed/truth vehicle dynamics models which aim is to provide a virtual plant of the real vehicle for virtual prototype-based development. In this paper, some simplified vehicle models are presented, after a short introduction.
Vehicle dynamics modelling of an electric driven race car
106-114Views:139In the following we are presenting a vehicle dynamics simulation program developed in MATLAB environment. The program is capable of calculating the dynamics functions of a vehicle from its technical data. The program has been successfully applied for the optimization of the technical data of an electric driven race car that was designed and constructed at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Debrecen.
Vehicle Modelling and Simulation in Simulink
260-265Views:430In this paper a vehicle dynamics model is presented, which is an example that contains all the necessary aspects of making a decent vehicle model. Several examples show the use of such a model: basic vehicle dynamics phenomena can be recognized with the simulation of a detailed vehicle model. We are dealing with the connection between downforce and under/oversteer in this paper. In addition, the use of numerical simulations in the field of control systems is pointed out by an example of simulating an ABS control for the vehicle.
Survey of the Application Fields and Modeling Methods of Automotive Vehicle Dynamics Models
196-209Views:225In this paper, a review is presented on automotive vehicle dynamics modeling. Applied vehicle dynamics models from various application fields are analyzed and classified in the first section. Vehicle dynamics models may be simplified because of different reasons: several control/estimation/analysis methods are suitable only for simplified models (e.g. using control-oriented models), or because of the computational cost. Detailed/truth models of vehicle dynamics represent another field of vehicle dynamics modeling, these models play an important role in the virtual prototyping of vehicles. In the second section, the main modeling considerations of vehicle dynamics are presented in longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions. Various physical effects must be considered in the case of vehicle dynamics modeling, a lot of these effects are significant only in a specific direction of the vehicle body, which is the main potential of model simplification. The section presents vehicle modeling considerations in all of the three translational directions of the vehicle body.
Vehicle Dynamics Simulation in Matlab/Simulink Environment
36-41Views:281In the following we are researching different methods of vehicle dynamics simulations. Starting from a simple two-wheeled vehicle model, we are showing ways to simulate the movement of vehicles with real suspensions on any surfaces. MATLAB, Simulink and Simscape provide very suitable resources for the above mentioned purposes. The benefits of such vehicle model become obvious because of the fact during the physics simulation we can access all the data we need to simulate any control algorithms for vehicles: in this article we are presenting a simple ABS control simulation.
Parameter Estimation of Drag Coefficient and Rolling Resistance of Vehicles Based on GPS Speed Data
109-115Views:176In this paper, a parameter estimation method of the model-based design approach is applied to estimate the drag coefficient and the rolling resistance coefficient of a vehicle. In fact, a constant-force parameter (c_const) and a velocity-square-force parameter (c_square) are in the vehicle model, and these result in the sum force applied along the translational DOF that models the vehicle. It is only an assumption that the constant force is the rolling resistance and the force proportional to the square of the velocity is the drag force of the air. Only GPS speed data is used for the estimation process. The conclusion is that parameter estimation is a good alternative when expensive measurement devices are not available to measure the force losses separately and directly.
Accuracy Analysis of Two Parallel Manipulators
38-45Views:97The aim of the study is to analyse and visualize the accuracy of two parallel manipulators. The kinematics are calculated using vectors and the Newton method. The accuracy is calculated based on the actuator errors, visualization is done with color shading. Calculations was done using MATLAB
Longitudinal Dynamic Simulation Possibilities of Vehicles Using AVL Cruise M
743-748Views:255For creating vehicle dynamic simulations, in most cases, an appropriate software is required to help the dynamic model design. For this purpose several kinds of software are available in the market with different properties and user interfaces. In this article a leading simulation software of the market, AVL Cruise M, is shortly presented.
Kinematics and Workspace Analysis of Parallel Manipulators
1-5Views:122The aim of the study is to analyse the kinematics and the workspaces of two parallel manipulators. The kinematics are calculated using vectors and the Newton method. The workspaces are shown using constant orientation. The result of the study is that the kinematics and workspaces are comparable of the two manipulators. MATLAB was used for calculating.
Vehicle Dynamic Simulation Possibilities Using AVL Cruise M
309-323Views:241In most cases, when creating vehicle dynamics simulations, we need software that can speed up model creation and simulation. There are many programs on the market for this purpose, but they have different knowledge and user interfaces. We present in this article briefly introduces the use of one of the market's leading vehicle simulation software, the AVL Cruise M.