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  • Approximated Poncelet configurations
    In this short note we present the approximate construction of closed Poncelet configurations using the simulation of a mathematical pendulum. Although the idea goes back to the work of Jacobi ([17]), only the use of modern computer technologies assures the success of the construction. We present also some remarks on using such problems in project based university courses and we present a Matlab program able to produce animated Poncelet configurations with given period. In the same spirit we construct Steiner configurations and we give a few teaching oriented remarks on the Poncelet grid theorem.
  • Dynamic geometry systems in teaching geometry
    Computer drawing programs opened up new opportunities in the teaching of geometry: they make it possible to create a multitude of drawings quickly, accurately and with flexibly changing the input data, and thus make the discovery of geometry an easier process. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the application possibilities of dynamic geometric systems in primary and secondary schools, as well as in distance education. A general characteristic feature of these systems is that they store the steps of the construction, and can also execute those steps after a change is made to the input data. For the demonstration of the applications, we chose the Cinderella program. We had an opportunity to test some parts of the present paper in an eighth grade primary school.
  • Reappraising Learning Technologies from the Viewpoint of the Learning of Mathematics
    Within the context of secondary and tertiary mathematics education, most so-called learning technologies, such as virtual learning environments, bear little relation to the kinds of technologies contemporary learners use in their free time. Thus they appear alien to them and unlikely to stimulate them toward informal learning. By considering learning technologies from the perspective of the learner, through the analysis of case studies and a literature review, this article asserts that the expectation of these media might have been over-romanticised. This leads to the recommendation of five attributes for mathematical learning technologies to be more relevant to contemporary learners' needs: promoting heuristic activities derived from human history; facilitating the shift from instrumentation to instrumentalisation; facilitating learners' construction of conceptual knowledge that promotes procedural knowledge; providing appropriate scaffolding and assessment; and reappraising the curriculum.
  • Experimentieren um einen Satz zu finden - vollständig separierbare Mosaike auf der Kugel und ihre Anwendungen
    This paper reports a case-study which took place within the project named "Inner differentiation and individualization by creating prototypes and analogies under consideration of motivational constraints (taking into account computer-based teaching and learning)" as a part of a pre-service teacher training at the University of Salzburg (Herber, H.-J. & Vásárhelyi, É.).
    The goal of the experiment was to help students to learn the fundamental concepts and basic constructions of spherical geometry using the Lénárt Sphere (a transparent plastic ball with construction-tools) and some self-made interactive worksheets with the Windows version of the dynamical geometry software Cabri.
  • Hyperbolische 5-Rechtecke
    The main topic of this paper is the investigation of 5-pentagons whose interior angles are all right angles within the hyperbolic geometry (so-called 5-rectangles). Some knowledge of elementary hyperbolic geometry is required.
    At first the existence of such a polygon is shown by construction within the Kleinmodel. Then two formulas due to D. M. Y. Sommerville [3] are proved. This means to juggle with trigonometric formulas of hyperbolic geometry.
    In the last years a big number of papers concerning hyperbolic geometry was published. This proves that the interest in this nice discipline is growing again.
  • Apollonius' problems in grammar school
    In this work there are ten problems of Apollonius listed with illustrations and solution possibilities including students' solutions, too. Usually, it is rather difficult for students to grasp the essence of these problems with the use of traditional means, bows and rulers, but the use of computers offers higher accuracy.
  • The unity of mathematics: a casebook comprising practical geometry number theory and linear algebra
    We give a sustained example, drawn largely from earlier publications, of how we may freely pursue a line of mathematical enquiry if we are not constrained, unnaturally, to confine ourselves to a single mathematical subdiscipline; and we draw conclusions from the study of this example which are relevant at many levels of mathematical instruction.
    We also include the statement and proof of a new result (Theorem 4.1) in linear algebra which is obviously fundamental to the geometrical investigation which constitutes the leit-motif of the paper.
  • Charakteristische Dreieckpunkte in der projektiv-erweiterten hyperbolischen Ebene
    Some basic planimetric constructions regarding segments, angles and triangles are shown in the Cayley-Klein model of the hyperbolic plane. Relationship with the situation in the Euclidean plane is given. H-triangles are classified considering the location of their vertices and sides with respect to the absolute. There are 28 types of triangles. It is shown that there exist 12 pairs of dual triangles, while 4 types of triangles are dual to themselves. For every type of triangle the existence and number of the characteristic points are determined. Few examples of triangles with construction of their characteristic points, incircles and circumcircles are given.
  • Veranschaulichung der Lehrstoffstruktur durch Galois-Graphen
    In this article we compare the process diagram with the Galois-graph, the two hierarchical descriptions of the curriculum's construction from the point of didactics. We present the concrete example through the structure of convex quadrangles. As a result of the analysis it is proved that the process diagram is suitable for describing the activity of pupils, still the Galois-graph is the adequate model of the net of knowledge. The analysis also points out that in teaching of convex quadrangles the constructions of curriculum based only on property of symmetry and only on metrical property are coherent. Generalizing concept is prosperous if the pupils' existing net of knowledge lives on, at most it is amplified and completed. Teaching of convex quadrangles in Hungarian education adopts this principle.
  • Eine geometrische Interpretation der Ausgleichsrechnung
    Using real examples of applied mathematics in upper secondary school one has do deal with inaccurate measures. This will lead to over constrained systems of linear equations. This paper shows an instructive approach which uses methods of descriptive and computer aided geometry to get a deeper insight into the area of calculus of observations. Using a qualified interpretation one can solve problems of calculus of observations with elementary construction techniques of descriptive geometry, independent of the norm one uses.