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  • Numerical mathematics with GeoGebra in high school
    We have prepared a suite of motivational examples which illustrate numerical methods for equation solving. Fixed point iteration, Newton's method, secant method and regula falsi method are implemented as GeoGebra tools. Our experience in teaching of numerical mathematics in "Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj" high school in Novi Sad is presented. We have tested pupil proficiency in numerical equation solving with and without use of a computer and the results are presented.
  • On some problems on composition of arithmetic functions
    The main goal of this paper is to investigate some problems related to the commutativity of the composition of arithmetic functions. The concept of commutativity arises many times in high school maths, so it is natural to study the composition of functions, namely the equation f(g(n)) = g(f(n)), where f and g are such well known arithmetic functions as d(n), φ(n), σ(n), ω(n), or Ω(n). We study various aspects of solvability: can we exhibit infinitely many solutions; can we determine every solution; can we find suitable values in the range of both functions f and g for which the equation is, or is not solvable, respectively. We need just the basic facts about the above functions,and we use only elementary methods in the proofs. We present some interesting questions, their solutions, and raise some unsolved problems. We found that this topic can be discussed well in secondary school, mainly within the framework of group study sessions as we had some classes with a group of kids in 9th grade. We summarize the experiences of this experiment in the last section.
  • Two centuries of the equations of commutativity and associativity of exponentiation
    In this survey article we guide the reader through the solution of the commutative equation of exponentiation x^y = y^x and that of the associative equation of exponentiation x^(y^z) = (x^y)^z. Various characterizations of the integer, rational, real and complex solutions are discussed together with some new results and open directions. The article is supplemented by a detailed and commented bibliography on the history of these equations.
  • Some Pythagorean type equations concerning arithmetic functions

    We investigate some equations involving the number of divisors d(n); the sum of divisors σ(n); Euler's totient function ϕ(n); the number of distinct prime factors ω(n); and the number of all prime factors (counted with multiplicity) Ω(n). The first part deals with equation f(xy) + f(xz) = f(yz). In the second part, as an analogy to x2 + y2 = z2, we study equation f(x2) + f(y2) = f(z2) and its generalization to higher degrees and more terms. We use just elementary methods and basic facts about the above functions and indicate why and how to discuss this topic in group study sessions or special maths classes of secondary schools in the framework of inquiry based learning.

    Subject Classification: 97F60, 11A25

  • Some problems of solving linear equation with fractions
    The aim of this paper is to offer some possible ways of solving linear equations, using manipulative tools, in which the "−" sign is found in front of an algebraic fraction which has a binomial as a numerator. It is used at 8th grade.
  • Die Stichprobe als ein Beispiel dafür, wie im Unterricht die klassische und die bayesianische Auffassung gleichzeitig dargestellt werden kann
    Teaching statistics and probability in the school is a new challenge of the Hungarian didactics. It means new tasks also for the teacher- and in service-teacher training. This paper contains an example to show how can be introduced the basic notion of the inference statistics, the point- and interval-estimation by an elementary problem of the public pole. There are two concurrent theories of the inference statistics the so called classical and the Bayesian Statistics. I would like to argue the importance of the simultaneously introduction of both methods making a comparison of the methods. The mathematical tool of our elementary model is combinatorial we use some important equations to reach our goal. The most important equation is proved by two different methods in the appendix of this paper.
  • The theory of functional equations in high school education
    In this paper, we are going to discuss some possible applications of the theory of functional equations in high school education. We would like to line up some problems, the solution of which by functional equations are mostly not new results – they have also been treated in [1] and [2] –, although their demonstrations in high school can show a new way in teaching of talented students. The area of the rectangle, the calculating method of compound interest, binomial coefficients, Euler's formula, the scalar product and the vector product of vectors – we are looking for the reasons behind the well-known formulas. Finally, we are going to give a functional equation in connection with mean values. It can be understood easily, but its solution is beyond the high school curriculum, so we advise this part only to the most talented students.
  • On two long lasting delusions in the history of equations
    Almost everybody was thought, that the 9th century Moshlem mathematician al-Khwarismi was the inventor of two powerful methods – called by him as al-jabr and al-muqabala – in solving quadratic equations. The second belief is that between Leonardo's Liber abaci and Luca Pacioli's Summa... happened nothing interesting in algebra. We will show that both beliefs are false by giving examples from the antiquity and analyzing Mediaeval Italian manuscripits.
  • The Frobenius exchange problem on competitions and in classroom
    Let a_1, ..., a_n be relatively prime positive integers. The still unsolved Frobenius problem asks for the largest integer which cannot be represented as Σ x_i a_i with non-negative integers xi, and also for the number of non-representable positive integers. These and several related questions have been investigated by many prominent mathematicians, including Paul Erdős, and a wide range of partial results were obtained by various interesting methods differing both in character and difficulty. In this paper we give a self-contained introduction to this field through problems and comments suitable also for treatment in a class of talented students.
  • Teaching Fourier series, partial differential equations and their applications with help of computer algebra system
    In this paper, some examples of Fourier series and partial difference equations will be shown to demonstrate opportunities for CAS use in various circumstances. The well-known white-box – black-box teaching-learning techniques and the modularization will be used to allow the use of the same worksheet in different ways.
  • Regula falsi in lower secondary school education II

    The aim of this paper is to investigate the pupils' word problem solving strategies in lower secondary school education. Students prior experiences with solving word problems by arithmetic methods can create serious difficulties in the transition from arithmetic to algebra. The arithmetical methods are mainly based on manipulation with numbers. When pupils are faced with the methods of algebra they often have difficulty in formulating algebraic equations to represent the information given in word problems. Their troubles are manifested in the meaning they give to the unknown, their interpretation what an equation is, and the methods they choose to set up and solve equations. Therefore they mainly use arithmetical and numerical checking methods to solve word problems. In this situation it is necessary to introduce alternative methods which make the transition from arithmetic to algebra more smooth. In the following we will give a detailed presentation of the false position method. In our opinion this method is useful in the lower secondary school educational processes, especially to reduce the great number of random trial-and-error problem solving attempts among the lower secondary school pupils. We will also show the results of some problem solving activities among grade 6-8 pupils. We analysed their problem solving strategies and we compared our findings with the results of other research works.

    Subject Classification: 97-03, 97-11, 97B10, 97B50, 97D40, 97F10, 97H10, 97H20, 97H30, 97N10, 97N20

  • Various systems in a single mathematical model
    Our aim is to study differential equations and systems described by them which have great historical importance and are considered to be fundamental on different levels of education.
    Due to their simplicity these are suitable for those who deal with this topic and want to gain useful experience in this field.
    Furthermore, our aim is to give these equations a general form which facilitates the studying of the different models by computer even for an individual programmer. At the same time it facilitates the use of different mathematical auxiliary-programmes.
    By giving the equations this way we get a chance of studying the relations between the individual systems.