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  • Contributions to the distribution of Arabis nemorensis (Cruciferae) in Hungary

    Arabis nemorensis is a poorly-known species with sparse and mostly uncertain literature records in Hungary. A complete list of its known occurrences was presented in Soó’s synopsis in 1968. A few new records of this taxon have been reported since then. In the present study all literature records were evaluated by means of revision of Hungarian herbarium materials. Several vouchers were succesfully traced, and their identity as A. nemorensis was confirmed (Baja, Ercsi, Lesenceistvánd, Miskolc, Nagykanizsa, Szigetújfalu). In other cases, the putative vouchers belonged to A. hirsuta or A. sagitatta, thus the corresponding literature records proved to be erroneous (Balatonmáriafürdő-alsó, Gyenesdiás, Kőszeg, Vasboldogasszony, Zalaújlak). On the other hand, hitherto unknown Hungarian localities of A. nemorensis were revealed, specifically in the Bükk Mts. (Eger, Kács), the Bakony Mts. (Márkó), in the western Balaton region (Hahót, Hévíz, Keszthely-Fenékpuszta, Nyirád, Tapolca) and the Hungarian Plains (Csákvár, Debrecen, Egeralja, Fertőd-Eszterháza, Kiskőrös, Lébény, Ócsa, Sárszentmihály, Szigetszentmiklós). The species appeared to be new for the phytogeographical regions Bakonyicum and Nyírségense. Additionally, a few specimens of A. nemorensis collected outside the territory of present-day Hungary were revised in BP. The historical occurrence of the species at Torja (Turia in Romania) is documented by two specimens (Schur, 1853, as A. gerardi; Jávorka & Keller, 1943, as A. hirsuta). Another specimen that was collected in 1879 at Óbecse (Bečej) and labelled as A. glastifolia by Kovács was found to be A. nemorensis too. Since the identity of Schneller’s literature record (1858) from Futak is uncertain, Kovács’s specimen is currently the only, though historical record of this species from Vojvodina province in Serbia. Further specimens of A. nemorensis were discovered in the collections of Lengyel. They were collected and labelled as A. sagittata near Pomogy (Pamhagen) in 1910 (and questionably in 1919), probably representing the first gathering of A. nemorensis from Burgenland state in Austria.

  • Dr. Sándor Polgár, my grandfather

    My grandfather, dr. Sándor Polgár was the second son of a Jewish family the members of which were at home in northwestern Hungary since generations as were the family of his wife Margit Csillag. He attended Benedictine secondary school in Győr and completed his studies at the Faculty of Sciences in Budapest where he got a teaching diploma for sciences at secondary school level. After that he obtained his PhD degree in aquatic plants. Beside science and pedagogy he was also interested in philosophy and music and he spoke fluent German and French. A number of his students became later successful scientists in Hungary and abroad. He was murdered together with my grandmother and a large number of his family members in Auschwitz.

  • The herbarium of the Botanical Garden of Eötvös Loránd University (BPU)

    The paper introduces the herbarium of Eötvös Loránd University (BPU), currently stored at the Botanical Garden of the University, according to its state in the year 2013. The BPU herbarium consists of ca. 16 000 specimens the relevant data of which have been organised into an OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet database. The specimens were collected in 16 European countries, mainly in the current territory of Hungary (80%), Romania (12%) and Slovakia (5%). Other countries are represented with very few specimens. The vast majority (ca. 70%) of the Hungarian specimens were collected in Pest, Veszprém, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties. Although the gatherings cover a century and a half period of time, the most rapid growth of the collection took place from the 1930s to the 1960s. The most prolific collectors were Rezső Soó and his followers: Lajos Felföldy, Tibor Simon and Szaniszló Priszter. Felföldy and Simon enriched the collection through more than 60 years. Data on the native plants collected in the present-day Hungary are summarized in Electronic Appendix 1. (incl. taxon name, settlement, collecting year, collector, file name of documentary photograph).

  • Black poplar riparian forests (Carduo crispi-Populetum nigrae) along the river Drava

    The objective of this study is to analyse the phytosociological characteristics of riverside black poplar forests on the flood plain of the Drava River (southwestern Hungary) by means of 25 relevés. Based on the results of traditional analyses (vegetation structure and attributes of constituent species), their ecological niche and place in plant succession, those streamside forests can be identified with the plant association Carduo crispi-Populetum nigrae described from the Szigetköz region (northwestern Hungary). Stands of this association develop from purple willow scrubs (Rumici crispi-Salicetum purpureae), and are located at an elevation about one and a half meters lower than those of its successor vegetation unit, the white poplar association (Senecioni sarracenici-Populetum albae).

  • Short communications

    1. Occurrence of Lycopodium clavatum L. in 'Egri-Bükkalja' microregion (NE Hungary)

    2. Contribution to the urban flora of Debrecen (E Hungary)

    3. Contributions to the distribution data published in the Atlas of Hungarian Orchids

    4. New occurrence of Sisyrinchium bermudiana L. in the Carpathian Basin (Transylvania, Romania)

    5. Occurrence of Myagrum perfoliatum L. near Mezőberény town (East Hungary)

  • Spreading of native Spergularia species along roadsides of Transdanubia (NW Hungary)

    During the systematic floristic research along Transdanubian roads (NW Hungary) since 2013, two native halophyte Spergularia species has been found. Due to the well known spreading near motorways in Eastern-Central Europe, the appearance of Spergularia marina along roads in north-western Hungary is not a surprise. Occurrences of the species were registered along fourteen main roads. Some of the stands are very rich where S. marina forms single-species lines along the asphalt edge. The spreading of Spergularia media along roads is yet much less intensive. Four stands were found near the motorways M1 and M7, main road 74, and the common section of the main road 86-87. Both species are native in the Hungarian plains, being specific elements of Pannonic alkali grassland associations, however, their secondary migration along road edges is promoted by road salting, intensive management of roads and increased vehicle traffic. In this paper, we specify secondary occurrences of the two Spergularia species, discuss their ecological and abiotic circumstances and publish corresponding distribution maps. Due to recognition problems in Spergularia, a corrected determination key was provided. 

  • New occurrence of Cycloloma atriplicifolia in the Northern part of Kiskunság region (C Hungary)

    A new occurrence was found of the rare non-native species, Cycloloma atriplicifolia (Spreng.) J. M. Coult. in the Northern part of Kiskunság, Hungary on 02.07.2019 on a sandy road [N 47.297476°, E 19.382936°, KEF: 8782.1]. This is 80 km apart from the first and until now single occurrence of this species in Hungary. The authors removed the individuals, however, some seeds could remain in the soil. It is assumable, that the species was spread by wheels of the car used by the authors, as they visited the original occurrence of the species and the new one during the autumn in 2018 with the same car. This new occurrence draws attention to an important, but overlooked invasion pathway: to the invasion with cars of ecologists.

  • The flora of Bolondvár (Central Hungary, Colocense)

    A 0.26 km2 sized Natura 2000 area called Bolondvár, located in Central Hungary, near the village Mezőfalva was studied. It is used regularly as a meadow or sometimes as a pasture. Floristic data were collected between 2010 and 2013. The total number of taxa recorded was 362. The species diversity was high compared to other places of Hungary. There were 11 protected (e.g. Ajuga laxmannii, Astragalus asper, Cirsium boujartii, Inula germanica) and numerous locally rare species (e.g. Hieracium densiflorum, Lavatera thuringiaca, Orobanche lutea, Veronica austriaca).

  • New occurrence of Myricaria germanica in a secondary habitat (NE Hungary)

    In this paper, we report a new occurrence of Myricaria germanica (L.) Desf in a secondary habitat from the north-eastern part of Hungary, from the edge of the Bükk Mountains, in a slag dump in Miskolc. The plant is established on a steep wall formed during the extraction of slag. Due to the erosion of the wall, occasionally a few plants fall off. The age of the dead specimens is between 5 and 13 years, based on their growth rings. The population of about 50 individuals is the largest (but perhaps the only) living population of the species in Hungary. Other rare and protected species (Epilobium dodonaei Vill., Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H.P. Fuchs, Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth ex Mert.) have also been found in the slag heap area.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae II.

    The present article is the second part of the series aiming to contribute with new data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Current occurrence data of 612 vascular plant taxa from 283 flora mapping quadrates (CEU) are presented. New records are distributed over the entire Hungary, however, most are localised in the North Hungarian Mts. Occurrence data of rare native taxa (e.g. Antennaria dioicaBupleurum pachnospermumCarex rostrataCeratocephala testiculataCicuta virosaCirsium boujartiiEpipactis moravicaLycopsis arvensisParnassia palustrisPyrus nivalisRumex kerneriRumex pulcherSilene nemoralisStellaria alsineTeucrium botrysVicia lutea), rare or data-deficient alien taxa (e.g. Nonea luteaPanicum dichotomiflorumSilybum marianum) as well as frequent but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Eragrostis minorHeliotropium europaeumSaxifraga tridactylites) are also enumerated, since our intention was to fill the gaps in the Atlas. Remarcable contribution on the occupied territory of Ranunculus illyricus and Spergula pentandra in the Nyírség region (E Hungary), and on the Hungarian distribution of expanding alien weed Senecio vernalis are also presented.

  • Contributions to the subspontaneous occurrences of Malva moschata (Malvaceae) in Hungary

    Malva moschata is an alien species in Hungary, seldom cultivated as garden ornamental plant. Although considered as occasional escapee from cultivation, Hungarian literature has only cited Budapest as an example of such cases thus far. During a revision of the Malva collection in BP herbarium, several specimens were traced (mostly erroneously labelled as Malva alcea) which demonstrate subspontaneous occurrences of the species, primarily from the Transdanubian region (Hungary). The vouchers are hereby listed, arranged in alphabetical order of localities (settlements). Literary connections, if relevant, are briefly discussed.

  • Conservational status of Grimmia plagiopodia Hedw. in Hungary

    Three new localities of the protected and endangered moss species, Grimmia plagiopodia Hedw., were discovered in 2017 in the southern part of Börzsöny Mts (North Hungarian Mountains) at Nagymaros and Kismaros villages. The authors have re-evaluated the threat-status of the species applying the most recent IUCN Red List categories and criteria. According to this, G. plagiopodia can still get the endangered (EN) status in Hungary.

  • On the former occurrence of Calla palustris in Hungary

    The origin of a more than 150 years old herbarium specimen of Calla palustris L. stored in JPU is reconsidered in this study. According to the information on its label, the specimen was collected in 1856 at Lake Velence, close to Székesfehérvár city (central Hungary). Some Hungarian botanists are skeptical about the authenticity of this record. Based on the current occurrences of some remarkable swamp species (e.g. Carex pseudocyperus, Liparis loeselii, Sphagnum spp.) and habitat types (e.g. willow carrs and swamp forests) at the lake, as well as the habitat preference of bog arum, there is no reason to question the former occurrence of the species here or even in other Hungarian localities. The content and accuracy of the examined voucher meet the expectations of floristic data. However, in the absence of recent data the species can be considered extinct from Hungary.

  • The subgenus Ceratochloa (DC. et P. Beauv.) Hack. (Bromus L., Poaceae) in Hungary

    The subgenus Ceratochloa is a taxonomically difficult small group of the genus Bromus. The species of this subgenus are mostly native to America, and are often introduced to other continents. Two species of them, namely B. catharticus and B. carinatus have been reported from Hungary so far. Bromus catharticus was first found in Győr city in the 1910s, much later (in the 2000s) in Környe and Kálmánháza villages. The Hungarian records of B. carinatus come from Keszthely and Sopron cities. We have recently found two new occurrences of B. catharticus in the city of Pécs, South Hungary.

  • Short communications

    1. Occurrence of Ophioglossum vulgatum in a dry loess grassland in the Tiszafüred–Kunhegyes plain (Great Hungarian Plain)

    2. Dolomite rocky grassland species introduced by raw materials of a road construction (Kecskemét, Great Hungarian Plain)

    3. Geranium divaricatum on the Hevesi-sík, next to Füzesabony (Great Hungarian Plain)

    4. Ophrys sphegodes in the Castriferreicum (W Hungary)

    5. First occurrence of Cephalanthera longifolia var. rosea in Hungary

    6. Spiraea crenata in the Eastern Bakony Mts (Transdanubian Range, Hungary)

  • The occurences of two ‘old-new’ alien grass species, Rostraria cristata (L.) Tzvelev and Cynosurus echinatus L. in Pécs

    Some small populations of Rostraria cristata and Cynosurus echinatus, two ‘old-new’ alien grass species in Hungary, were recently discovered in the city of Pécs (South Hungary). A morphological description of these species as well as a survey of their former and current localities are presented. 

  • The occurrence of Viola collina Besser in the Bükk and Uppony Mts. (N Hungary)

    Herbarium revisions and recent field observations revealed the occurrence of Viola collina Besser in the Bükk and Uppony Mts. (northern Hungary). This species has not been reported from the North Hungarian Mountains thus far. Altogether 94 localities of V. collina have been recorded in that region between 2007 and 2014. A map of the species’ local distribution is provided. Local habitat preferences of V. collina are briefly discussed.

  • Data on the distribution of some protected plant species and on their presence in secondary habitats

    In this paper, I publish my floristic data on some protected and strictly protected plant species collected in Hungary between 2016 and 2021. The data published in this paper cover 31 micro regions of Hungary, but most of them come from the Great Hungarian Plain, especially from Pest and Bács-Kiskun counties. I describe the occurrences of 41 protected and three strictly protected vascular plant species (two ferns and 42 flowering plants), some of which represent new data for the particular micro region or even larger geographical areas (e.g. Botrychium matricariifolium, Thlaspi alliaceum and Nasturtium officinale). For some species, the published data either come from floristically understudied areas (e.g. Ranunculus illyricus, Vinca herbacea and Cardamine amara) or are considered rare in the certain region and/or in the whole country (e.g. Apium repens, Cnidium dubium and Vicia narbonensis). For other species, the newly reported occurrences are presented as complement to the already known distribution data (e.g. Cephalanthera damasonium, C. rubra, Linaria biebersteinii, Sonchus palustris and Agrostemma githago). In support of the nature conservation actions, I provide data from the flora of some floristically understudied micro regions (e.g. Dorozsma-Majsai Sand Ridge, Bácskai Loess Plain) and try to highlight the role of canals in Hungary in species and biodiversity conservation, by the example of the Danube-Tisza canal. In this manuscript, I publish data on twelve protected plant species from the Danube-Tisza canal and its canal bank (eg. Peucedanum palustre, Carex paniculata, Clematis integrifolia).

  • Distribution of Pseudoleskea saviana (De Not.) Latzel in Hungary

    Three new localities of the moss species Pseudoleskea saviana (De Not.) Latzel were discovered in the Börzsöny Mts in the administrative district of Perőcsény village, North Hungarian Mountains (Nagy-Hideg-hegy, near Hangyás-bérc, in the col between Csóványos and Magosfa). Small populations were found on shaded andesitic boulders in mixed deciduous forests. Up to the present, only old collections of the species were known from a single locality in the Mátra Mts; therefore, the red list status was data deficient. The morphological distinction of P. saviana from P. incurvata, its closely related congener also reported from Hungary is not always exempt from difficulties. However, the presence (P. saviana) or absence (P. incurvata) of a central strand in the stems, the shape of mid-leaf cells (P. saviana: more elongated, 3–4 times as long as wide; P. incurvata: at most twice as long as wide), as well as the shape of the outer basal cells (P. saviana: quadrate or shortly rectangular; P. incurvata: transversely elongated) seem to be reliable distinctive features.

  • The Wildflower of the Year 2016 in Hungary: snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris)

    In this paper a short review of the nomenclature and etymology, taxonomy, morphology, histology, life cycle, phenology, reproduction, habitat preference, biotic interactions, biologically active compounds, micropropagation, applications possibilities and conservation status of snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris L.) can be found. Refining of the European distribution area and contributions to the distribution in Hungary are also presented. Primer seed-set, thousand-seed weight, soil charac¬teristic and demographic data are published.

  • The Sea milkwort (Glaux maritima) in the Carpathian Basin

    Sea milkwort (Glaux maritima L.) is a broadly distributed species in the northern hemi­sphere, inhabiting primarily maritime habitats from the arctic to the temperate zones. It is also found inland in semi-arid and arid regions with saline soils. Its status in the Carpathian Basin has become very uncertain owing to the lack of known extant populations. To evaluate its current status, I review all known occurrences within the Carpathian Basin where this species has been recorded or collected, and report five new localities of the species in Hungary, all in the western part of the Great Hungarian Plain. I also analyze habitat relationships of the species using traditional phytosociological relevés. Review of species distribution data in the Carpathian Basin revealed that sea milkwort has undergone severe reduction in population number and disappeared from many localities. Currently, only a few populations can be found in this region: the Northern Carpathians in Slovakia and the western part of the Great Plain in Hungary. In Transylvania (Romania), only a single population has been reported recently suggesting the critical status of the species there. Features of the habitats confirm the halophytic nature of the species and its fidelity to wet saline meadows. Its common accompanying species are mostly broadly distributed, salt-tolerant plants. Heterogeneity of the samples in species composition suggests that sea milkwort is not a habitat-specialist species. Several of its common associates in Hungary are also found in sea milkwort habitats in Mongolia, Asia and Utah, North America. Based on the available evidence, sea milkwort shall be considered a severely threatened plant in the Carpathian Basin. Characteristics of the vegetation in its habitats do not explain its occurrence in mountainous environments.

  • Floristic data from the northern edge of the floristic region ‘Crisicum’ (NE Hungary) II.: Borsodi-ártér és Sajó–Hernád-sík

    In this paper we provide new floristic data for 126 species and one hybrid from the Borsod Plain and the Sajó–Hernád Interfluve (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Northeast Hungary) observed between 2006 and 2019. A significant proportion of the data is related to gravel mining activities in the area. We present new localities for rare or sporadic native taxa in Hungary (e.g. Chenopodium murale, Ch. rubrum, Lycopsis arvensis, Chamaenerion dodonaei, Reseda luteola, Senecio viscosus, Gnaphalium luteoalbum, Cyperus glomeratus) as well as rare or sporadic adventive weeds (e.g. Lepidium densiflorum, L. virginicum). We publish additions to the distribution of several legally protected species (e.g. Pseudolysimachion longifolium, Nymphoides peltata, Epipactis tallosii, Leucanthemella serotina). Presence of some taxa is remarkable regarding to the flora of the whole area of Crisicum (Sherardia arvensis, Thymelaea passerina, Silene conica) or the Great Hungarian Plain (Monotropa hypopitys).

  • Floristic data from Lengyel–Hőgyész Natura 2000 site (SW Hungary)

    This paper presents occurrence data of 169 taxa from the Lengyel–Hőgyész Natura 2000 site (HUDD20026) which is on the southern part of Tolna Hills, SW Hungary. Data were collected during three years (2015, 2016, 2017), on different sites annually. The presented data contribute to the distribution dataset of Atlas florae Hungariae. Regionally rare or sporadic species (e.g. Asplenium scolopendrium, Asplenium trichomanes, Polystichum setiferum, Doronicum hungaricum, Paris quadrifolia, Scilla vindobonensis) are enumerated. Presence of Epipactis leptochila subsp. neglecta and Platanthera chlorantha were not registered from this site before. Subspecies of Carex divulsa are also studied on this site – distribution of these infraspecific taxa have not been mapped recently in Hungary.

  • Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz. ex Rupr.) Schmalh. in Hungary

    The plant that was reported as Vaccinium oxycoccos L. from the Nyírjes-tó (Sirok village, NE Hungary) in 1994 was subsequently (1999) identified as Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz. ex Rupr.) Schmalh. by the first author of this article. To substantiate this identification morphometric data were collected and analysed from Vaccinium specimens occurring in the Sphagnum dominated mires of Nyírjes-tó (Sirok vilage) and Nyíres-tó as well as Báb-tava (Bereg-plain) in September 2016. Field photographs taken previously at the localities of Bereg-plain were also used for identification. The leaves of the Sirok plants are smaller, ovate-triangular, i.e. widest near base. The ovate-elliptic bracteoles are inserted on the basal third of the glabrous pedicels. The flowers are solitary, and have dark pink corollas and hairy filaments on the whole abaxial surface. The fruit is pyriform. In contrast to the Sirok plants, those of the Bereg-mires have clearly larger and ovate-elliptic leaves. The filiform bracteoles are inserted on the middle third of the minutely hairy pedicels. The whitish flowers are grouped in clusters of (2)–3–4–(5), i.e. they form an inflorescence. The filaments are hairy only on the margins of the abaxial surface. The fruit is globular. The statistical analysis confirmed that the Sirok plants belong to Vmicrocarpumwhereas the Bereg-plain plants represent V. oxycoccos.

  • A new, remarkable population of Epipactis placentina found near Parádsasvár village (Mátra Mts, NE Hungary)

    The present paper surveyes the Hungarian records of Epipactis placentina Bongiorni & Grünanger, which is the rarest Epipactis species in Hungary. Currently, E. placentina is known only at Parádsasvár village in the country. This population (ca. 40 generative individuals) was found in 2019, in an old beech forest, in northern exposition.