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Investigation of Parental Roles in Relation to Youth Football
105-114Views:185My research is based on the fact that, thanks to the development of sports and the capital flowing into the sector, youth sports are no longer just a useful way of spending free time for children and a mean for educating them for a healthy lifestyle, but also an opportunity to lay the foundation for an adult sports career and, with it, secure future existence. In order for the training to be effective and productive, one of the many components is the existence of parental support. Youth competitive sports pose many challenges for a family and influence their lives from several aspects. In my research, I examined how youth sports affects parents in terms of certain demographic variables, what changes it generates in their family life, and I also paid attention to what expectations the family has about sports. The basis of the study is an online questionnaire survey, which was filled out by more than 700 parents of youth football associations. My research revealed that, in accordance with the previous literature related to the topic, their children's sports have a significant impact on the lives of the parents and they set different expectations regarding it, which are also influenced by various social and demographic factors.
Examining the Social Involvement of Sports Civic Organizations
23-34Views:176Analyzing the information available in the Hungarian database of the CSO, we can see that a significant part of the income of classical non-governmental organizations, especially non-governmental organizations with a sports profile, comes mainly from state or private support. In addition, it can be said that these organizations are essentially non-profit-oriented and play a significant role in social integration and the performance of essential social tasks. Therefore, the relevant question is to what extent and in what way their social embeddedness is realized, in what way do NGOs influence people in the course of their operation? Within this, the study of the social usefulness of sports non-governmental organizations and the sphere of support conditions in the sphere emerges as a priority area. In our study, we undertake to examine the activity of the organizations included in the survey, their social impact and to compare the results with their role in local society. Nearly 50% of the NGOs surveyed in the study have a local scope, and more than 50% typically engage in grassroots and leisure-related activities.
Examination of Student’s Motivation to Participate in E-Sport
389-398Views:393The basis of our research is the popularization of e-sport and its significant development. Compared to many other sports, e-sport is not only a sports game, it is also a dynamically developing business in which the market success of its stakeholders depends to a large extent on its ability to recognize the needs of its stakeholders, sportsmen, the public and sports clubs. In our research we are looking for the answer to the question of students' attitude towards e-sports and what motivates them to spend more time with e-sports. Among other things, we have found that students are intrinsically motivated, besides getting their own pleasure, meeting themselves, it is very important to gain experience and to constantly develop themselves, to learn more new techniques and methods with the given e-sports game.
Studies on Consumer Motivation Among Users Of Fitness Services
442-453Views:309The rate of inactivity experienced world-wide is the cause of numerous health problems. The sedentary lifestyle of the population represents a great burden to a nation’s economy. The health indicators of Hungary are below the European average, not only those concerning physical activity, but also with respect to smoking, nutrition, and alcohol consumption [1]. In 2013, only 38% of the Hungarian population exercised regularly, while 62% rarely or never [2]. The diseases associated with inactivity represent a higher burden to the economy than the costs of raising the level of activity would be [3]. Based on previous studies, the motivating factors for leisure athletes in Hungary are the preservation of health, to increase physical strength, relaxation, recreation, the love of exercising, and stress management [4; 5]. The sports facilities available to a wide range of people, the fitness clubs offer the possibility to join regular sports activities, which is why it is necessary to examine the motivation behind the participation of athletes taking part in the trainings provided by fitness facilities. Many previous studies examined the goals of athletes and the motivational factors behind exercising, and came to the conclusion that trainings held in fitness rooms and at home are related to intrinsic motivational factors, while taking part in other sports activities are related to intrinsic motivational factors [6; 7]. The focus of my study are leisure athletes using the services provided by fitness clubs (753 people), of whom I evaluated the motivational factors behind taking part in trainings. The results show that the motivational factors driving consumers of fitness services show a ranking that is identical to those of other leisure athletes, with most of them taking part in fitness trainings in order to preserve their health, to improve physical strength, and for recreational purposes, while the improvement of physical appearance also plays an important role.
Vehicle Dynamics Simulation in Matlab/Simulink Environment
36-41Views:277In the following we are researching different methods of vehicle dynamics simulations. Starting from a simple two-wheeled vehicle model, we are showing ways to simulate the movement of vehicles with real suspensions on any surfaces. MATLAB, Simulink and Simscape provide very suitable resources for the above mentioned purposes. The benefits of such vehicle model become obvious because of the fact during the physics simulation we can access all the data we need to simulate any control algorithms for vehicles: in this article we are presenting a simple ABS control simulation.
Frank Lloyd Wright and the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo
129-135Views:100Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most prominent architects of the first half of the twentieth century. Wright's architecture was given a name organic, also known as organic architecture, which means the effort to harmonize the buildings and the surrounding natural environment. During his life he designed a lot of buildings, but perhaps one of the most important buildings which received the biggest negative and positive response is the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.
Developing of Capacity Analysis Method
1-19Views:338Capacity planning is strategic significance in companies’ life. The strategic of capacity enlarging in fluencies the competitiveness of companies. There are several method for determination of long-term capacity from simple ones to expensive, high calculation requiring processes. We have to rearrange the production for the increasing demand, it is not so simple because it needs some investments. We must scrutinize that is it worth for us? The aim of this study is to investigate whether capacity enlarging is going to be realizable without investments only the eliminate of waste. In this method needs exact determine of the current capacity so we use modified, extended capacity model. In this model we consider the availability, quality and efficiency of the machine more over we observe the effect of the service program of the machine.
Study Habits of University Students
109-117Views:86What kind of electronically available content can students prefer? We conducted a questionnaire survey in which we asked about the study habits of university students: where, how, with whom, when, how much, where do they study? Do they use problem-solving software? We need to find out about it, since learning habits and strategies have changed significantly in recent years. Taking into account the answers to the questionnaire, we draw attention to some activities that improve the quality of education.
Bread Making and Consumption Habits in the Gluten-free Diet
252-262Views:291Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune disorder characterized by sensitivity to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in many grain products (wheat, rye, barley and oat). When a person with celiac disease consumes gluten, his/her immune system perceives the gluten to be a harmful substance and reacts negatively. The only treatment for people with celiac disease is lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Bread is a basic and frequently consumed food made from basically gluten-containing grains. Bread plays essential role in the Hungarian dining habits, thus bread consumption in the gluten-free diet is a challenging question. The aim of our empirical research was to investigate the gluten-free bread making and consumption habits of people following a gluten-free diet.
Egy hazai vállalat szervezeti magatartásának vizsgálata, különös tekintettel a motivációra
206-216Views:783A XXI. században a globális versenyképesség jelenti a vállalkozások számára az egyik legnagyobb kihívást. A vállalkozásnak magas színvonalú és kiegyensúlyozott működést kell megvalósítania ahhoz, hogy meg tudjon felelni a globális kihívásnak. A cégeknek erre a jelenlegi helyzetre kell minél hamarabb jól működő stratégiát kialakítani, mielőtt az összes tehetséges szakmunkás külföldre vándorolna a jobb remények érdekében, még nagyobb munkaerőhiányt okozva ezzel a piacon. Tanulmányunk célja az volt, hogy a vállalaton belül megvizsgáljuk a szervezeti magatartást, illetve a motivátorokat, és javaslatot tegyünk a fejlődési lehetőségekkel kapcsolatban. A szervezet elemzéséhez először a szervezetben dolgozókat soroltuk be a generációs elméleteket alapul véve. A baby boom generáció számára motiváló tényezőként jelenik meg a magas munkabér, a növekvő béren kívüli juttatások, a jó munkatársi kapcsolatok, illetve az önálló munkavégzés. Az X generációnak is a magas munkabér és a jó munkahelyi kapcsolatok a legfőbb motiváló tényezők, illetve a modern technikai berendezések. Az Y generációt leginkább a jó munkahelyi kapcsolatok, a magas munkabér, valamint a béren kívüli juttatások növelése ösztönzi. A cégnél dolgozó legfiatalabb generáció szinte hallani sem akar a felelősségi kör bővítéséről és az előléptetési lehetőségről. Számukra is meghatározó a biztos munkahely.
LSI with Support Vector Machine for Text Categorization – a practical example with Python
18-29Views:400Artificial intelligence is becoming a powerful tool of modernity science, there is even a science consensus about how our society is turning to a data-driven society. Machine learning is a branch of Artificial intelligence that has the ability to learn from data and understand its behavers. Python programming language aiming the challenges of this new era is becoming one of the most popular languages for general programming and scientific computing. Keeping all this new era circumstances in mind, this article has as a goal to show one example of how to use one supervised machine learning method, Support Vector Machine, and to predict movie’s genre according to its description using the programming language of the moment, python. Firstly, Omdb official API was used to gather data about movies, then tuned Support Vector Machine model for Latent semantic indexing capable of predicting movies genres according to its plot was coded. The performance of the model occurred to be satisfactory considering the small dataset used and the occurrence of movies with hybrid genres. Testing the model with larger dataset and using multi-label classification models were purposed to improve the model.
The Empirical Examination of Different Customer Types
92-100Views:157The proper knowledge of customer types is essential for a well functioning company – regardless of its size. In current research we wanted to identify and characterize the particular customer groups with involving 302 persons. During the examination we measured the attitudes of these participants with the help of a statement range based on Kotler’s classical customer types. For the identification we made factor- and cluster analysis, and we could separate five different factors. They received the names of Angry, Definite, Discursive Passive, Experience Shopping and Indefinite - based on some related statements. After the cluster analysis – along these factors - we could separate four different groups: Young Impulse Shoppers, Outspoken Definites, Negatives and Born Customers. Each and every group requires different communication, sales attitude and service morals.
Opportunities for Keeping Talent Highlighting Career Needs
31-43Views:447Organizations should focus not only on finding a workforce, but also on finding a talented employee and to be able to keep them. That is why we considered it important to pay attention to talents and careers. In this paper, we attempt to identify those factors which are important for career prospects among future employees and those already in the workforce. Moreover, we want to identify the factors which those who are already employed consider to be factors influencing their career prospects. We conducted a survey of students using questionnaires. 116 questionnaires were completed, of which 73 were filled in by BSc / BA students and 43 by Msc / MA students. We sought to discover to what degree the respondents considered the career factors we presented them with as influencing their ability to acquire an ideal job, as well as to what degree the same career factors would be able to assist them in their future career advancement. Presently, in their roles as students seeking gainful employment, important factors include perseverance, diligence, knowledge, and aptitude, all of which the respondents feel will become even more important in making their later advancement possible. At present, they do not consider the support of companions / partners and morality important; but they consider the support they receive from their colleagues to be a factor which grows in importance over time. In the questionnaire survey of employees, we were looking for two answers. On the one hand, which factors are important in shaping their careers, and on the other hand, at the workplace, which factors were related to employee retention and satisfaction. For their careers, they consider it important to have diligence, morality, and the support of colleagues. These results are similar to the views expressed by the students. However, those who already work consider ‘kissing up to the boss’ to be more important for their advancement possibilities than the students did. The responses concerning factors contributing to successful employee retention brought interesting results. Factors that are most commonly fulfilled, such as a good co-worker relationship and the working relationship with a leader, are barely above the average score of 4, which is actually a result that is above average. Medium results include the realization of independence, challenging work, fair pay and career prospects factors, all of whcih would be vital for talented people to experience flow in their careers. In the long term, leaders and HR professionals need to pay attention to take calculated, equisite steps to keep talented workers.
Risk Analysis of Food Retail Companies in Hungary’s Northern Great Plain Region
539-550Views:345Based on the financial ratios of analyzed companies we were performed a risk analysis, highlighting the degree of operational and financial leverages and the degree of combined leverage combining preceding ratios. We introduced a new aspect of the risk concept which began to spread in recent times. In the interest of to be able to analyse together cross-sectional and time series data, panel regression model was used. The panel regression is an extension of the multivariate linear regression interpreted as a multi-level model. In our study, the panel regression was used for analysis of food retailer companies, in the Northern Great Plain region's counties, in the period 2009-2014.
Conemporary Danish Architecture- Humanity and Rationality
6-10Views:149In my study I have examined the characteristics of contemporary Danish architecture and the way how they formed. In Denmark, there is strongly rooted social atmosphere. The architectural efforts strongly reflects the social problems every time, considering the environmental aspects. The regionalist methods appear in the architecture, because of this the different architectural styles appear specific way. Self-reflective and analytical way the Danish architects try to answer the contemporary issues, even more emphasize the human factor.
Customer and Supplier Relationships and Their Characteristic in the Automotive
1-12Views:292This article gives short review with the help of specialized literature that was written both national and overseas.This gives information about whatrelationships can you speak in the automotive.This study briefly presents what are the forms which are preferred by the companies, they are more general and what distinctive characteristics do the forms of contact have. Essential question of the customer-supplier relationships is the following – how does the customer company treat its supplier as a partner. The supplier relationship is very precious if we are not talking only about easy product-delivery but a positive relationship can be developed between the two sides. The aim of this study is a literature review which has summarized the theoretical ground of this subject, so that means a kind of a starting point in the practice.
Analysis of Social Media Activities - Through the Examination of Handball Clubs Competing at Different Levels
39-53Views:313In Hungary, handball enjoys special attention and support, this is true not only for our country, but also for Europe, and the sport is gaining more and more space worldwide. One of the biggest innovations of the last two decades is certainly social media, which has reformed the basic strategies related to information transfer and traditional marketing activities. The processes of content production on these platforms have radically changed, which every sports club should pay attention to, as they can gain significant advantages in terms of economics, marketing and community building if they are able to communicate well. Three sports clubs competing at different levels were compared during a qualitative study in terms of their social media marketing strategy activities, namely PICK Szeged, Balatonfüredi KSE – BFKA Balatonfüred and DEAC handball team. The basic concept of this research model was built on how the online marketing communication activities of club teams fighting for different professional goals at different levels differ from each other, as well as what are the development opportunities and aspects that can be used as effectively as possible on social media platforms. The handball club teams agreed on several research questions, but a significant difference could also be discovered in one area, in which the professionals responsible for social media disagreed or represented a different point of view. Looking at my results, it can be concluded that behind a successful online marketing strategy there is always serious preparation and planning work, as well as the diversification of content production on different platforms, because the consumer communities of the platforms are also different from each other.
Investigation of the Resistance Force Acting on a Sailing Craft in the Case of a Change of Draft Caused by a Change of Powertrain Using Numerical CFD Simulations
30-35Views:229Nowdays In the case of recreational craft, interfering with motor drive solutions is a common workflow due to increasingly strict rules for environmental reasons. When switching from an internal combustion engine to an electric engine, the change in draft varies from boat to boat, but it can be said in all cases that as the mass changes, so does the draft. Because of this, the magnitude of the resistance force acting on the ship also varies. In this paper, we examine, through a specific example, the benefits of a change in dive caused by weight gain at different travel speeds.
Gamification in the field of human resource, a creative solution for recruitment
373-382Views:665With the introduction of latest tools and the expansion of technological solutions, the usage of smartphones ,with instant internet connection of course, has become an essential part of the net generation, also known as generation Z. At the same time, the role of IoT devices has also become part of our daily lives, completing and sometimes making it easier. This is due to the fact that the tools become more and more cheaper as time passes and parents and young people no longer consider these a technical innovations, but as a necessity. These generations; Y, Z and Alpha appear simultaneously on today's job market, which poses a serious challenge to future HR leaders and recruiters. Because of the generational gap between them, both motivational and demanding, novel solutions are becoming increasingly appreciated in this area as well. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the potential of gamification and to highlight the its major areas, as well as to draw the attention to "good practices" in creative recruiting through better known examples. In addition, I also tried to point out the effect on the relationship between motivation and flow-experience. The gamification method is becoming more and more popular in our country, as it plays an increasingly important role in business and education as well. In recent years, with the use of serious games, there have been several examples of HR recruitment and selection, which clearly strives to reach out to younger generations.
Examination of the Solvency of a Company in an International Accounting Environment
332-342Views:376It is highly important for every business to be solvent for both short and long term. Solvency is a prerequisite for the operation of a company, especially short term solvency, also known as liquidity. Liquidity plays a prominent role in the life of a given business. For this it is important for a business to strive to avoid liquidity problems. In the present article we examine the short term solvency of an American corporation, which prepares its financial statements according to the US GAAP (The United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). We present the fundamental short term solvency ratios, and the subsequent conclusions. Since for the calculation of the ratios the data of the examined company’s financial statement is needed, which shows differences from the yearly report of a Hungarian company, in the article we will also discuss the differences between the two accounting systems with regard to those items, which have an effect on the liquidity ratios, in particular current assets and short-term liabilities.
Kinematics and Workspace Analysis of Parallel Manipulators
1-5Views:121The aim of the study is to analyse the kinematics and the workspaces of two parallel manipulators. The kinematics are calculated using vectors and the Newton method. The workspaces are shown using constant orientation. The result of the study is that the kinematics and workspaces are comparable of the two manipulators. MATLAB was used for calculating.
Információ visszakeresésekor szöveg típusú állományoknál használt indexelési technikák
108-113Views:108Information retrieval from a typically not structured text became greatly important already more than two decades with the appearance of the Internet. Various methods are available for prosperous information retrieval. One of them is the use of inverted files that the general when searching for specific web content. This paper provides an overview of search unstructured text documents.
Determination of the Differential Equations of a Dynamical System using Dual Description
41-48Views:51The paper deals with the description of a mathematical model of a mechanical system using the so-called energy-based approach. The model is created using both generalized displacements and generalized momenta. The latter prescription method is less common in practice, due to its complexity. The two ways are presented through the same example mechanical problem, and a control task is also solved with the help of a PID block.
An Overview of the Situation of SMEs in Hungary in Catching up to Industry 4.0
72-80Views:173Since I have been working I have been in contact with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large companies in various ways. I have thus been confronted with the disadvantages of the former in terms of the introduction and use of 4IF technologies. Yet most of them are aware that to remain competitive in the market, they cannot avoid digitising their operational processes to some extent. I have also found that this mainly depends on the characteristics of the organisation; for example, its orientation. Domestic SMEs are therefore currently at a competitive disadvantage in the market. However, there is no information on whether there is a trend towards development and where they themselves should develop. This would help them to develop the right, achievable vision for the future, coupled with a feasible business strategy.