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  • Geometry expressions: an interactive constraint based symbolic geometry system
    Dynamic geometry systems such as Geometers' SketchPad or Cabri are productive environments for the exploration of geometric relationships. They are, however, strictly numeric, and this limits their applicability where the interplay between geometry and algebra are being studied. We present Geometry Expressions – a dynamic symbolic geometry environment. While retaining the ease of use of a typical dynamic geometry environment, Geometry Expressions diverges by using constraints rather than constructions as the primary geometry specification mechanism and by working symbolically rather than numerically. Constraints, such as distances and angles, are specified symbolically. Symbolic measurements for quantities such as distances, angles, areas, locus equations, are automatically computed by the system. We outline how these features combine to create a rich dynamic environment for exploring the interplay between geometry and algebra, between induction and proof.
  • Dynamic geometry systems in teaching geometry
    Computer drawing programs opened up new opportunities in the teaching of geometry: they make it possible to create a multitude of drawings quickly, accurately and with flexibly changing the input data, and thus make the discovery of geometry an easier process. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the application possibilities of dynamic geometric systems in primary and secondary schools, as well as in distance education. A general characteristic feature of these systems is that they store the steps of the construction, and can also execute those steps after a change is made to the input data. For the demonstration of the applications, we chose the Cinderella program. We had an opportunity to test some parts of the present paper in an eighth grade primary school.
  • GeoGebra in mathematics teaching
    GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software which combines dynamic geometry and computer algebra systems into an easy-to-use package. Its marvel lies in the fact that it offers both the geometrical and algebraic representation of each mathematical object (points, lines etc.). The present article gives a sample of the potential uses of GeoGebra for mathematics teaching in secondary schools.
  • Central axonometry in engineer training and engineering practice
    This paper is concerned with showing a unified approach for teaching central and parallel projections of the space to the plane giving special emphasis to engineer training. The basis for unification is provided by the analogies between central axonometry and parallel axonometry. Since the concept of central axonometry is not widely known in engineering practice it is necessary to introduce it during the education phase. When teaching axonometries dynamic geometry software can also be used in an interactive way. We shall provide a method to demonstrate the basic constructions of various axonometries and use these computer applications to highlight their similarities. Our paper sheds light on the advantages of a unified approach in such areas of engineering practice as making hand drawn plans and using CAD-systems.
  • Report on the First Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra- and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education, 20-23 June, 2007, Pécs, Hungary
    The Department of Mathematics of the University of Pécs, Pollack Mihály Engineering Faculty organized in the year 2007 a conference on the role of CAS and DGS in the Mathematics education. We discuss the conference's activities.
  • The background of students' performance
    The question to which we were seeking was: how can we reveal the students' strategies and mental process by following their work precisely and by finding out what correlation these have with their efficiency. Our aim was to understand the factors behind of students' achievement. We tried to follow up the process of problem solving by looking at the number of wrong turnings.