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  • Bemerkungen zur Prototypentheorie – Begriffs - und Konzeptbildung
    Psychological theories of prototypes are put forward by mathematical modelling. Some didactical consequences are discussed on the background of this analysis. By the help of an example (classification of convex quadrangles) hints are given for didactical interpretations of actual models of cognitive psychology dealing with problems of constructing prototypes.
  • Kompetenzstreben und Kompetenzerwerb: Funktionale didaktische Fördermöglichkeiten durch Differenzierung und Individualisierung
    As a first glimpse of specific research endeavours the most important components of competence motivation are discussed in relation to didactical questions of gaining competence by inner differentiation and individualization: self-efficacy, optimal challenge, intrinsic motivation, exploration needs, internal attribution, self-determination motivation, defense of self-worth, self-concept, and achievement motivation. In this sense "competence" means ever changing standards of self-regulation of an individual interacting with the various cognitive and emotional demands of his/her environment.
    In fulfilling these requirements a prototypical example of inner differentiation in mathematics instruction is given. This didactical elaboration is available as a selfinstructing unit in Hungarian and German language within the "Electronic periodical of the Department of Methodology of Mathematics" which can be reached under
  • Experimentieren um einen Satz zu finden - vollständig separierbare Mosaike auf der Kugel und ihre Anwendungen
    This paper reports a case-study which took place within the project named "Inner differentiation and individualization by creating prototypes and analogies under consideration of motivational constraints (taking into account computer-based teaching and learning)" as a part of a pre-service teacher training at the University of Salzburg (Herber, H.-J. & Vásárhelyi, É.).
    The goal of the experiment was to help students to learn the fundamental concepts and basic constructions of spherical geometry using the Lénárt Sphere (a transparent plastic ball with construction-tools) and some self-made interactive worksheets with the Windows version of the dynamical geometry software Cabri.
  • Number theory vs. Hungarian highschool textbooks: √2 is irrational
    According to the Hungarian National Curriculum the proof of the irrationality of √2 is considered in grade 10. We analyze the standard proofs from the textbooks and give some mathematical arguments that those reasonings are neither appropriate nor sufficient. We suggest that the proof should involve the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.