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  • A didactic analysis of merge sort
    Due to technical difficulties, educators teaching merge sort often avoid the analysis of the cost in the general and average cases. Using basic discrete mathematics, elementary real analysis and mathematical induction, we propose a self-contained derivation of bounds αn log_2 n + βn + γ in all cases. Independent of any programming language or pseudo-code, supported by intuitive figures, it is suitable for informatics students interested in the analysis of algorithms. It is also a good exercise in showing that induction allows us to actually discover constants, instead of simply checking them a posteriori.
  • Wichtige Momente aus der ungarischen Geschichte des Analysisunterrichts

    Törner et al. (2014) paper gives an outstanding review about teaching analysis at high school level in (Western) Europe. We tried to extend this paper with some results from the Hungarian Math History (Beke and Rátz 1897-1924, after second World War 1949-1960, the current situation-first of all based on schoolbooks, and we also included an experiment from 1984-1989 by E. Deák, which was interrupted and partially forgotten). In summary, this paper deals with the turning points of the brief history of teaching secondary school analysis in the XXth century in Hungary, including some conclusions at the end.

    Subject Classification: 97A30, 97C30, 97D30, 97E50, 97I20, 97I40, 97U20

  • The requirements in statistics education – comparison of PISA mathematical tasks and tasks from the mathematical textbooks in the field of statistics
    This work presents the results of the analysis of both PISA items and Croatian mathematical textbooks in the field of statistics.
    The analysis shows that PISA's released statistics problems have in many ways different mathematical requirements from the requirements of textbook problems in the statistics chapters, with respect to the mathematical activities, complexity and in the forms of questions. The textbook analysis shows that mathematical examples and problems often require operation and interpretation skills on a reproductive or connections level. Statistics textbook problems are given in the closed-answer form. The results also show that while PISA puts strong emphasis on the statistics field, in the current Croatian curriculum this field is barely present. These discrepancies in requirements and portion of statistics activities surely affect the results of Croatian pupils on PISA assessment in the field of mathematical literacy.
  • Analyse von Lösungswegen und Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten eines Problems für die Klassen 7–11
    Making several solutions for a problem i.e. the generalization, or the extension of a problem is common in the Hungarian mathematics education.
    But the analysis of a problem is unusual where the connection between the mathematical content of the task and of its different formulations is examined, solutions from different fields of mathematics are presented regarding the knowledge of different age groups, the problem is generalized in different directions, and several tools (traditional and electronic) for solutions and generalizations are presented.
    This kind of problem analysis makes it viable that during the solution/elaboration several kinds of mathematical knowledge and activities are recalled and connected, facilitating their use inside and outside of mathematics.
    However, an analysis like this is not unfamiliar to the traditions of the Hungarian problem solving education – because it also aims at elaborating a problem – but from several points of view.
    In this study, a geometric task is analysed in such a way.
  • Über den Vergleich des mathematischen bzw. mathematikdidaktischen Vektorbegriffs durch den Galois-Graphen
    In this article we show how to apply the method of Galois-graph – one of the means of the formal concept-analysis in order to coordinate the mathematical and didactical requirements. As an example we have chosen the concept of the "vector". As a result of the analysis it is proved that, in elaborating the right vector concept the geometric and algebraic foundations are both needed. The analysis also points out that the geometric model, based on the concept of the "directed segment" is unnecessarily overemphasized in the East-European education.
  • An e-learning environment for elementary analysis: combining computer algebra, graphics and automated reasoning
    CreaComp is a project at the University of Linz, which aims at producing computer-supported interactive learning units for several mathematical topics at introductory university level. The units are available as Mathematica notebooks. For student experimentation we provide computational, graphical and reasoning tools as well. This paper focuses on the elementary analysis units.
    The computational and graphical tools of the CreaComp learning environment facilitate the exploration of new mathematical objects and their properties (e.g., boundedness, continuity, limits of real valued functions). Using the provided tools students should be able to collect empirical data systematically and come up with conjectures. A CreaComp component allows the formulation of precise conjectures and the investigatation of their validity. The Theorema system, which has been integrated into the CreaComp learning environment, provides full predicate logic with a user-friendly twodimensional syntax and a couple of automated reasoners that produce proofs in an easy-to-read and natural presentation. We demonstrate the learning situations and the provided tools through several examples.
  • Supporting the theory of math didactic using knowledge-measuring questions and analysis of the solutions
    New or rediscovered results presented in this paper are the results of the analysis of the problem sets used in the two-tier system secondary school final examination in mathematics, a system that was introduced in Hungary in 2005.
    Many of the revealed problem arise in connection with misunderstanding the text of the problems. Causes of misinterpretation can be either that the text is lacking some important information, or that it should be interpreted not in word-to-word manner.
    Theses and their argumentations presented here refer partly on the new types of problems (tests, non-standard mathematical contents), and partly on improvement of learning-teaching process in topics of equations and approximations.
  • Frequency-based dynamic models for the analysis of English and Hungarian literary works and coursebooks for English as a second language
    We examined the characteristics of how word types are introduced in English and Hungarian literary works as well as in English coursebooks written for second language learners. By subdividing the texts into small segments of equal length, we were able to pinpoint subtle changes in the narrative. Based on the frequency of the word types in the original text a model was generated, and applying the model artificial texts were created. By comparing the original and the artificial texts, the places where these changes within the narrative occurred, could be located. Studying coursebooks we found that their vocabulary and how they introduce word types resembled those of randomly collected and concatenated short stories. According to our observations writers of the coursebooks forget that not only should the number of word types be carefully planned, but their repetition, in sufficient number, should also be cared for.
  • The efficiency of written final exam questions in mathematics based on voluntary data reports, 2012–2015
    The efficiency of each question in the mathematics written final exam is not recorded by the institutions organizing the graduation exam. In order to overcome this deficiency the committee of final exams in mathematics and the Hungarian Educational Authority ask schools to send – beyond the total marks obtained on the paper – the scores of each question of all individual candidates to the Authority every year since 2012. Because a high proportion of schools complied with this request between 2012 and 2015, the researchers were provided valuable information for a deeper analysis on the effectiveness of exams. In this paper we have carried out an analysis of the efficiency of questions set in the written examination papers both on the intermediate and on the higher level in the last four years, on the basis of these voluntary data reports.
  • Über einen allgemeinen Übungsbegriff bei verschiedenen Unterrichtsmethoden in der Planung des Mathematikunterrichtes
    Practice is important in the education of mathematics but is neclected in the didactic of mathematics. One of the reasons is that practice is often defined too "narrowly" and the definitions of practice have in most cases an obscure background theory. In the article a general definition of practice is given, which – in contrast to the usual definitions – views practice from the point of the pupils (practice means activity of pupils). By utilising this definition consequences will be drawn. These consequences serve as for the more exact planning of practice in education as for the analysis of the dependency of practice from teachingsmethods.
    In the second part an example will be presented for planning together practice and lesson, in two different teachingsmethods (traditionel, problemsolving). The analysis of both worksheets (one for each method, identical teachingsmaterial) was made on the basis of authors practise in lessons i.e. her own concepts and the experience with pupils at a class 5. On the basis of the expectable solutions is specified – using a criteriacatalog – what was practised.
    The analysis of practice leads further to the examination of above mentioned dependency from teachingsmethods.
  • Comparing the IT skills and the programming knowledge of Hungarian students specialized in informatics with Romanian students attending a science course or a mathematics-informatics course
    The goal of this research is an analysis of the IT skills and programming knowledge of Hungarian and Romanian students attending a Science course or a Mathematics-Informatics course. Analysed was how effectively can students from different grades answer questions dealing with different subjects. After having evaluated the test results correctness of the original presumption emerged. Significance level was 5% through the analysis. Significant divergency in knowledge of Hungarian students and Romanian students of Humanities (Profil Uman) was found in 11th and 12th grades too. Romanian students attending a science course (Profil Real) and a Mathematics-Informatics course scored higher in programming than their Hungarian counterparts specialized in Informatics in the 11th grade. After the evaluation a final conclusion can be made: Romanian students of the Real Profile have the same or more practice in programming than Hungarian students specialized in Informatics, though the latters have the same or better IT skills. Unfortunately, Hungarian teachers concentrate on word processing and spreadsheet calculation and teach programming just for the students specialized in Informatics, although algorithm thinking would be important for every student before finishing secondary school.
  • Psychology - an inherent part of mathematics education

    On the chronology of individual stations of psychology and their effect on mathematics education designed as working document for use in teacher training.
    The article is structured as a literature survey which covers the numerous movements of psychology towards mathematics education. The current role of psychology in mathematics education documented by different statements and models of mathematics education should provide a basis for the subsequent investigations. A longitudinal analysis pausing at essential marks takes centre of the continuative considerations. The observed space of time in the chapter covers a wide range. It starts with the separation of psychology from philosophy as a self-contained discipline in the middle of the 19th and ends with the beginning of the 21st century. Each stop states the names of the originators and the branches of psychology they founded. These stops are accompanied by short descriptions of each single research objective on the one hand, and their contributions to mathematics education on the other hand. For this purpose, context-relevant publications in mathematics education are integrated and analysed. The evaluation of the influence of concepts of psychology on teaching technology in mathematics is addressed repeatedly and of great importance. The layout of this paper is designed for the use as a template for a unit in teacher-training courses. The conclusion of the article where the author refers to experiences when teaching elements of psychology in mathematics education courses at several universities in Austria is intended for a proof on behalf of the requested use.

    Subject Classification: 01A70, 01-XX, 97-03, 97D80

  • Veranschaulichung der Lehrstoffstruktur durch Galois-Graphen
    In this article we compare the process diagram with the Galois-graph, the two hierarchical descriptions of the curriculum's construction from the point of didactics. We present the concrete example through the structure of convex quadrangles. As a result of the analysis it is proved that the process diagram is suitable for describing the activity of pupils, still the Galois-graph is the adequate model of the net of knowledge. The analysis also points out that in teaching of convex quadrangles the constructions of curriculum based only on property of symmetry and only on metrical property are coherent. Generalizing concept is prosperous if the pupils' existing net of knowledge lives on, at most it is amplified and completed. Teaching of convex quadrangles in Hungarian education adopts this principle.
  • Teaching polygons in the secondary school: a four country comparative study
    This study presents the analysis of four sequences of videotaped lessons on polygons in lower secondary schools (grades 7 and 8) taught by four different teachers in four different countries (Belgium, Flanders, England, Hungary and Spain). Our study is a part of the METE project (Mathematics Educational Traditions in Europe). The aims and methodology of the project are described briefly in the introduction. In the next section of this paper we describe various perspectives on teaching and learning polygons which were derived from the literature, concerning the objectives, conceptual aspects and didactic tools of the topic. The next two sections introduce the main outcomes of our study, a quantitative analysis of the collected data and a qualitative description linked to the perspectives on teaching polygons. We conclude by discussing some principal ideas related to the theoretical and educational significance of this research work.
  • Interactive web portals in mathematics
    Many of the recent problems in higher education (less contact seminars, the heterogeneity and the increasing number of our students) call for new instructional methods. At University of Szeged we have developed a mathematical web portal which can offer a solution for such problems among the changing circumstances. This freely available, easy-to-use web-surface supports interactive mathematical problem-solving and student self assessment. Our computer program cooperates with a lot of free software (computer algebra systems, formula parsers, converters, word processors). WebMathematics Interactive has been available for the public since June 2002 on its web page
  • Entwicklung eines Messinstruments zu den Grunderfahrungen des Informatikunterrichts

    The three basic experiences of computer science education (GI) take into account the personal perceptions and attitudes of students to computer science education. The aim of this study is to develop an inventory to capture these learners' perceptions and perspectives in order to select content or to track learners' development in relation to computer science. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), partial least square analysis (PLS) and con rmatory factoranalysis (CFA) was used in this study to generate and select items and establish reliability and validity.

    Subject Classification: Q20, Q50

  • Longest runs in coin tossing. Teaching recursive formulae, asymptotic theorems and computer simulations
    The coin tossing experiment is studied, focusing on higher education. The length of the longest head run can be studied by asymptotic theorems ([3]), by recursive formulae ([10]) or by computer simulations . In this work we make a comparative analysis of recursive formulas, asymptotic results and Monte Carlo simulation for education. We compare the distribution of the longest head run and that of the longest run (i.e. the longest pure heads or pure tails) studying fair coin events. We present a method that helps to understand the concepts and techniques mentioned in the title, which can be a useful didactic tool for colleagues teaching in higher education.
  • A Nim like game and a machine that plays it: a learning situation at the interface of mathematics and computer science

    The purpose of this work is to take a didactic look at a learning situation located at the interface between mathematics and computer science. This situation offers a first approach to the concept of artificial intelligence through the study of a reinforcement learning device. The learning situation, inspired by the Computer Science Unplugged approach, is based on a combinatorial game, along with a device that learns how to play this game. We studied the learning potential when the human players face the machine. After an a priori analysis using the Theory of Didactic Situations (TDS), we conducted a pre-experiment in order to strengthen our hypotheses. In this article, we will focus on the analysis of the didactic variables, the values we have chosen for these variables and their effects on students’ strategies.

    Subject Classification: 97D99, 97K99, 97P80

  • Mathematics teachers' reasons to use (or not) intentional errors
    Mathematics teachers can make use of both spontaneously arising and intentionally planted errors. Open questions about both types of errors were answered by 23 Finnish middle-school teachers. Their reasons to use or not to use errors were analyzed qualitatively. Seven categories were found: Activation and discussion, Analyzing skills, Correcting misconceptions, Learning to live with errors, (Mis)remembering errors, (Mis)understanding error and Time. Compared to earlier results, the teachers placed substantially less emphasis on affective issues, whereas the answers yielded new distinctions in cognitive dimensions. In particular, teachers' inclination to see errors as distractions could be divided into two aspects: students misunderstanding an error in the first place or student forgetting that an error was erroneous. Furthermore, the content analysis revealed generally positive beliefs towards using errors but some reservations about using intentional errors. Teachers viewed intentional errors mainly positively as possibilities for discussion, analysis and learning to live with mistakes.
  • Teaching correlation and regression in three European countries

    In this article, we compare the presence of correlation and regression analysis in secondary education of Ireland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, through the analysis of final-exam tasks and curricula based on the Anthropological Theory of Didactics (ATD). It points out that the same topic can appear in different ways and extent in curricula, even if the mathematics teaching goals are similar. This article is a kind of introduction to the research that explores the possibilities for the appearance of these concepts in the Hungarian mathematics education. Therefore, in the second part of the article, Hungarian curricular goals are included, and it is shown which methodology of the three studied countries has the greatest curricular basis in Hungary.

    Subject Classification: 97xxx

  • From Newton’s fluxions to virtual microscopes
    The method of fluxions was originally given by Newton among others in order to determine the tangent to a curve. In this note, we will formulate this method by the light of some modern mathematical tools: using the concept of limit, but also with hyperreal numbers and their standard parts and with dual numbers; another way is the use of virtual microscopes both in the contexts of classical and non standard analysis.
  • The investigation of students' skills in the process of function concept creation
    Function is a basic concept of mathematics, in particular, mathematical analysis. After an analysis of the function concept development process, I propose a model of rule following and rule recognition skills development that combines features of the van Hiele levels and the levels of language about function [11]. Using this model I investigate students' rule following and rule recognition skills from the viewpoint of the preparation for the function concept of sixth grade students (12-13 years old) in the Ukrainian and Hungarian education system.
  • Das Konzept des Analysisunterrichts von Professor Igor Kluvánek – einige Ergebnisse der qualitativen Forschung
    A renowned Slovak mathematician Professor Igor Kluvanek (1931-1993) during his affiliation with the University of Adelaide in Australia (1968-1990) has worked out a unique course of mathematical analysis for future high school teachers of mathematics. The course has been tested in its conceptual form but, as a whole, it still awaits its publication in the form of a monograph. Along these lines, our aim is to present the way he has introduced some key notions of differential calculus and to discuss its advantages. Central is the continuity of a function via which the limit and the derivative of a function at a point is defined.
  • Integrating Didactic Games in Higher Education: Benefits and Challenges

    In our paper, we study the reasons for the introduction of didactic games and the way of their application in higher education, especially in teaching mathematics. After describing the main characteristics and needs of Generation Z students, we outline the advantages and drawbacks of gamification and game-based learning, followed by some new aspects to their classification. The idea of device-based grouping arose because the most commonly used methods require IC tools. Gen Zs naturally accept gamified learning materials available on digital and mobile platforms, but we must not forget about traditional games either. In higher education, especially in the case of small-group teaching there should also be room for traditional, specialized didactic games, of which we focus on the benefits of card games.

    Subject Classification: 97C70, 97D20, 97D40, 97U70

  • Comparison of teaching exponential and logarithmic functions based on mathematics textbook analysis
    Exponential and logarithmic functions are key mathematical concepts that play central roles in advanced mathematics. Unfortunately these are also concepts that give students serious difficulties. In this paper I would like to give an overview – based on textbook analysis – about the Hungarian, Austrian and Dutch situation of teaching exponential and logarithmic functions. This comparison could also provide some ideas for Hungarian teachers on how to embed this topic in their practice in another more "realistic" way.