
Wichtige Momente aus der ungarischen Geschichte des Analysisunterrichts

October 14, 2021

Copyright (c) 2021 Ödön Vancsó, Hana Burian

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How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Vancsó, Ödön, & Burian, H. (2021). Wichtige Momente aus der ungarischen Geschichte des Analysisunterrichts. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 19(1), 57-76.

Törner et al. (2014) paper gives an outstanding review about teaching analysis at high school level in (Western) Europe. We tried to extend this paper with some results from the Hungarian Math History (Beke and Rátz 1897-1924, after second World War 1949-1960, the current situation-first of all based on schoolbooks, and we also included an experiment from 1984-1989 by E. Deák, which was interrupted and partially forgotten). In summary, this paper deals with the turning points of the brief history of teaching secondary school analysis in the XXth century in Hungary, including some conclusions at the end.

Subject Classification: 97A30, 97C30, 97D30, 97E50, 97I20, 97I40, 97U20