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    This literature review seeks to investigate the value of human aesthetic labour in light of the growing deployment of robotic service workers. As automation continues to advance and replace human workers in a variety of industries, including service industries such as retail, hospitality, and entertainment, the role, value and the significance of aesthetics and the human touch grows. Due to the contemporary nature of the topic, researchers combed databases like Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for relevant articles using terms like "human aesthetic labour," "robotic service workers," and "service industry." This review will investigate the extent to which the rise of robotic service workers has altered the perception and value of human aesthetic labour. The findings of this research review will contribute to the ongoing discussion on the future of work in the service industry and provide businesses with insights on the significance of preserving human aesthetic labour and its impact on customer and guest experience as well as business performance.



  • Access in the Systematic Approach of Customer Service

    The term 'customer service" can illustrate the basic activity: customer service = service for the customer. The most important features in one of the definitions of customer service are to satisfy the customers, market orientation,  complexity, long term participation in the market and the double meaning (both activity and organization). To manage the relations and characteristic features of customer service into a system assist the effective operation and control of customer service : the customer service is a particular system (system part) to integrate and permanently coordinate the technological work to satisfy the customers. The dynamical interaction of the customer service and marketing is illustreted by the marketing - customer model (MV); which is suitable for the assessment of the effect of the customer service on the elements of the model.

  • Research about marketing of public services including customer satisfaction, considering the appearing tendency of environment conscious consumers in the County of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok

    Our research is targei ng the supplier companies operate in the County of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok. The defi nii ons of public service and public ui lity service will be described in this ari cle. We examine how the County supplied with public ui lity services so we can have a bigger picture about how pleased or even unpleased are the people of the region about the services. Finally we discuss the subject mat er of markei ng aci vii es of public ui lity service companies. Is the sai sfaci on of customers an evidence for the assumpi on that there is limited contest between the ui lity service companies?


    There are 11 larger fitness clubs in Debrecen, where group training also appears as a service. These fitness centers can be identified as the leading fitness providers in the city based on this services, their area size and their machine park. We performed an economic analysis of these fitness providers based on their annual report data. Finally, the data of the balance sheets and income statements of 9 fitness service providers were collected, with the help of these statements we analyzed the wealth, financial and income situation of the examined organizations. It can be stated that the balance sheet of the examined fitness clubs is in line with their profile, ie investments in real estate and machinery dominate, which can often be realized by relying on external sources. In this context, there is a risk of indebtedness, which calls the attention of these large fitness centers in Debrecen to take the necessary steps to improve both their profitability and financial stability in the future.

  • The Responsibility of Accounting Service Providers

    It is a natural demand in each sector of economy to recognise the errors which threaten effective and produci ve operai on, to disclose cause and eff ect relai onships, to draw the lessons and define responsibility. In stagnai ng economy and crisis period the tendencies searching responsible are fastening, the complex examinai on of the scope of the problems are mostly failed to come about, at er marking and proclaiming the scapegoat only partial solutions born, and because of different interest a signifi cant number of problems remain unsolved. Arising positive effects on the level of macroeconomy in some cases exert negative influence to microsphere, so during searching for solutions – besides analysing processes - it is inevitable to examine also their generated, sometimes cumulating effects. Spreading criticism in the last periods blamed bureaucracy, accounting service system and its forecasi ng ability to explain low level of economic growth. Finding way-out methods are aimed at the question if it is possible that – besides reduci on of bureaucracy - accountancy has an implement system which - above micro level line – can indicate approaching crisis also on the field of macroeconomy with more speed and effectiveness, giving enough i me and space for interveni on opportunii es. Approaches may start from numerous aspects, my study examine a possible part and some of its components.


    One of today’s most important social and economic phenomena is the fourth industrial revolution, the effect of which is that digitalization can significantly transform business processes. The corporate controlling area cannot avoid transformation either, its methods and tools will change. Just as controlling itself, its changes can also differ between sectors, especially in the extremely diverse service sector. The aim of the research is to examine, on a domestic sample, whether there are differences in this respect between companies with a main commercial activity and the rest of the service sector. The data of the questionnaire research conducted with 46 controllers and managers were evaluated by means of cross-tabulations, averages and statistical tests. There are no differences in the digital development of the key performance indicators that form the basis of controller work, in the use of ERP systems, automation solutions and language algorithms. In the commercial group of the sample, the use of business intelligence tools providing advanced planning and analysis options is significantly more common. The two groups of the sample do not differ in terms of the factors encouraging the digitalization of the controlling area, but the companies with a commercial main activity differ in terms of the importance of the factors hindering the process: they are more averse to new technologies, more afraid of their usual positions, but perceive the financial aspects of the development to be less important.

  • Significance of Retail Services, Their Connection to the Geographical Location, Retail Services in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Country: kiskereskedelmi szolgáltatások szerepe és földrajzi előnyök kapcsolata : mi a helyzet Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyében?

    Nowadays the question as to wgat can make the customers satisfied and loyal to a shop is getting more and more important. One of its potential tools is the introduction of retail services, which has a significant role in the increasing importance of services, too. Not only retail, but also services are part of our everyday life and pervade it. Retail satisfies aour needs and demands throught buying. In concentrated retailing, the competitions among competitors is becoming more and more intense. In this competition, a retail service  can become a relative competitive edge. These services have to follow customer demands as well as have to be  hard to copy by competitors, i.e they have to be sustainable in the long run. The quality and standard of a specific retail service depends on the place/area of requistion, the exact retail unit, the current employee and his/her level of compensation in the organistation.

  • The Current State of the Educational Service Market in Ukraine

    The level of educai onal service development is the precursor of economic status and social well-being of society. The issue of improving the system of teri ary educai on in Ukraine and the quality of vocai onal training poses an important socioeconomic problem, the solui on of which is possible on condii on of complying with the socioeconomic requirements of market economy. 

  • The Development of Logistics Service Centres through the Use of Results in Network researches

    Logistics centres of a huge capacity and ability to create added value have emerged in recent decades. These centres have become network nodes among the co-operating organizations which accomplish the management of supply chains by connecting different modalities and networks with their infrastructure and informatics. The effective operation of logistics centres present in business networks are usually managed by logistics supplier businesses (3PL/4PL). Defining the supply net as a complex network, logistics centres may be called hubs, the routes and relationships connecting the centres – by borrowing the term used in network theory – may be called edges. Taking into consideration the results of Barabási’s network research we are searching for correlations between his proven principles and the growth possibilities of the centres (hubs) operated by logistics service providers.


    Both tourist service providers and tourism developers it is becoming increasingly important to take into account the generational aspects. Generation’s problem is classically related to the activity of human resource management as a factor for employees involved in providing personal services appearing an integral part of the supply. The second one, but not the secondary aspect is related to the generational characteristics of demand that should be reflected in the supply of services. Generational demand characteristics are identified by a primary, question-based method, and the supply was analysed by observation generations’
    specific tourist products. Comparing the obtained results leads to the conclusion about the adaptation to the generation needs.

  • New generations – new trends in the spa industry

    Today's tourism market is a scene of rapid changes that equally affect the demand and the supply side. In the spa industry market, due to the presence of both wellness and medical services, a wide range of generations appear as consumers, with different expectations toward the service providers. Therefore, the changes taking place in the present and the upcoming years are worth exploring, which, in addition to the changes in consumer habits, visualize the expansion of consumer needs. Current article attempts to describe the expected spa services by examining the nature of generations and identifying future changes that can be predicted. The author primarily tries to summarize the market trends that contribute significant changes, using international and national secondary resources and the professional experience gained in the industry.

  • The Features of the Development of Rural Tourism in Russia

    Rural tourism in Russia is determined by established traditions, the peculiarities of the agricultural sector and share of rural population in total population.
    The National Association of rural tourism organizations has been created in Russia. Rural tourism clusters have also been created as a basis for developing infrastructure. The government supports the projects of small and medium-sized businesses with subsidies and preferential loans with the creation of a tourism cluster. However, the problem of information security, the standardization of the service and the evaluation of service quality in rural tourism, transport accessibility, training of qualified personnel have not been solved yet.

  • Issues of social regeneration in hungarian small villages

    The problem depopulated settlements, which can be traced back to a lack of social reproduction, is not only a Central European phenomenon. Trends in the value and extent of consumer society are driving developing and developed societies, one of the indirect results of which is the aging population of villages and the depletion of endogenous resources in the affected settlements. With this, these settlements lose their most important competitiveness potential, their population retention power.  In many cases, the economic vacuum found in small-village areas and the declining population further strengthen the process, which has a restrictive effect on the range of public service tasks, thus further worsening the opportunities of those living in the area. The study examines the economic and social potential of small villages using descriptive and complex statistical methods.

  • The Regional Features of Tourism in Russia: the Formation of Clusters

    In the present study we draw attention to the urgency of the problem related to the formation of tourism clusters. Then we describe the current state and the specific features of the object of study. We expand upon the scientific basis of the proposed research methodology. Finally we offer recommendations on the practical application of the expected results. The organizational model of the regional tourist cluster based on a two-element core, in the case of its practical
    application will improve the efficiency of the formation and development of clusters in a variety of service industries, and adapt them to the high variability of the environment. The improvement of scientific and methodological tools, the connection of economic and administrative resources provide a solid foundation for the development of the tourism sector, increase the investment activity of economic entities and increase the investment attractiveness of the economy at the regional level of government.


    The aim of the article is to present the tourism as a potential developing phenomenon of the rural areas. The positive impacts of the tourism on the economy and appear in connection with the labour market and the investments. Tourism can have a postive effect on the health condtions of the citizens, mostly because of the increase of the sporting activity level. The employees formerly employed by the agricultural sector can easier move to the service sector because of the development of the rural areas.

  • Investigating the judgement and using of creative accounting

    We have chosen creative accounting as the subject of our study, which many people associate with fraud and illegal methods. We asked professionals in the field how they interpret this phenomenon and whether they use it in any of its aspects. To do this, we created a 16-question questionnaire, which we sent out exclusively to accountants and professionals, and closed the door to responses on 8 October 2023, with 134 completed. In this paper, we have focused on the perception of creative accounting, but we have also touched on its application, but we were aware that respondents would be reluctant to answer questions that were too personal and direct. One of our research questions was about perceptions of creative accounting, one was about the importance of accounting principles and two sought to find correlations between the responses. The aim of this study, by sending out the questionnaire, is to improve the perception of creative accounting and to raise awareness of the importance of its use, within a legal framework of course. We would also like to encourage professionals to think that their accounting service should not consist of simply carrying out routine tasks, but that they should consider for each of their companies what activities, and possibly changes in their choices, could help them to achieve optimum operation, tax payments and thus a higher rate of profitability for their company.

  • Women’s Buying Habits in the Case of Cosmeti c Products

    In our present study we wish to point out the peculiariti es of women’s cosmeti cs buying habits. In our interview examinati on we have tried to get a closer picture of the characteristi cs of women’s buying habits and their atti tudes to cosmeti cs. The topicality of our research has been supported by several phenomena. On the one hand, the most frequent associati on with women is ‘beauty’; a woman always has to be well-groomed, prett y, and beauti ful according to the expectati ons of society. On the other hand, the appreciati on of the role of the body appears as a general trend in society, which means that each product or service, which serves bodily culture and care, play a more and more important role. Many other authors (Davis-Rigaux 1974, Popcorn- Marigold 2001, Pólya 2012) have already discussed women’s cosmeti cs buying habits, fi rst of all their decision making role within the family, but because of the topicality of the theme we have considered it important to conduct further, empirical examinati on.

  • The Role of “Gulyásfesztivál” in Tourism of Szolnok City and Changes of its Visitors

    Nowadays the gastronomy does not only appear as a tourist supra-structure service, but it is part of the supply of attraction by its gastronomic events. This research aims to answer the question, that by what means are motivated the participants to visit the gastronomic festivals, and how has changed the motivations in the last period. The results of secondary and the primary analysis may provide guidance for communicating on the gastronomic festivals in the next few years.

  • Critical analysis of logistics strategy models in retailing

    Logistics is key for retailing because product availability is a signifi cant element of customer service and has key importance for compei i veness as well. In the following I would like to demonstrate the strategic retail models of the academic literature and give diff erent points of view on retail logisi cs. Then, with the help of an empirical study I will elaborate on the model of Hungarian retail logistics.

  • The Implementation of a Crucial Project in Jászladány by the European Union

    Highlighting the importance of the aids given by the European Union we are discussing the question of by which resources a project can be realized and what goals they have to meet. Within it we focus on the implementation of a specific project, the Social Reformation Operational Programme (Code number: TÁMOP – 5.3.6-11/1) complex settlement programme (ensuring a complex human service access) through the example of Jászladány. The aim of the research is to demonstrate with the help of the project how the European Union contributes not only to the economic and social development of the country, but also helps to change the European Union's citizens’ personal life and attitudes.


    In recent years, the circular economy has become an important objective of the environmental protection and economic policy of the European Union. As part of this, waste processing and disposal has a cardinal feature due to the reduction of the environmental load, in the same way, the trends of the consumer society pose a serious challenge to the reduction of the environmental load. The present study looks for the answer to what kind of relationship can be identified between the generated waste, the solvent demand and the concentration of residential health by analyzing the generated household waste and individual welfare indicators. To establish this, the authors use concepts accepted and applied in international statistical life, as well as statistical tests performed on primary data.

  • Controlling characteristics of SMEs in the Észak-alföldi Region

    Since the regime change in Hungary, the main federal task has been to strengthen the small and medium-sized ventures. The size of the category plays an important role in the employment as well as in the GDP production. Those areas that make businesses strong and reduce the risk of their activities are in the center of attention in this hardly predictable economic era. One of those areas is the views and methods of controlling which is still hardly adoptable to most of the CEOs in businesses. The introduction and the use of these operations give concrete results within a relatively short period of time, making the decision makers’ job easier at the companies. The study includes the examined SMEs, the design of business characteristics, the valuation of suppliers and customers, the production and the prime costs of the service. The vision of SMEs that characterizes the application of the tools and methods of controlling are also included.

  • New Challenges in Military Aviation

    In the article the authors present the eligibility criteria of the procedure, which enables the military airfield to serve for public purposes as a joint civil military airport. The article pays special attention to the necessary changes and amendments of the laws in force and the auditing procedures, which concern the owner and the operator of the airfield in order to meet the requirements of European Union legislation.


    In the economic sense, the COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a fast-moving, rebounding crisis. In the course of our research, we looked for the answer to what results the pandemic crisis brought about from a public procurement point of view, and what peculiarities can be identified as a result of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the energy crisis. Our basic hypothesis is that the pandemic crisis situation had a less negative impact on the Hungarian public procurement market, however, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the energy crisis result in a much more complex economic situation, so their impact is likely to be more prolonged. 

  • Tourism Competencies Development – Contradictious Perceptions of Stakeholders

    Tourism and hospitality sector has an important role in the national economy as it has high  labour intensity, generates foreign currency income and improves the local economy by multiplier effect. Tourism labour market employs a wide range of employees from non-qualified to highqualified people. Tourism tertiary educators in Hungary continue their operation by national-level legislation, and accreditation and students who complete tourism courses (should) be capable of professional occupation. The post-Bologna system offered more opportunities in tourism and hospitality education; two distinguished courses were available on the educational market to educate hospitality or tourism experts. After 2006, by launching Bologna system, institutions are allowed to commence just one, Tourism and Catering bachelor programme. A questionnairebased survey was conducted among graduating bachelor students with tourism and catering major, tutors teaching tourism and catering students and actors of tourism market, who going to be the employers of tourism graduates. The main aim of the research was to explore the personal or organizational expectations of stakeholders for professional competence development as a result of tourism and catering bachelor-level education. The bust majority of students stated that their primary aim is to gain professional competencies in tourism and hospitality to be able to fulfil managerial positions or to continue their studies on master-level. Although generic competences as communication skills in foreign languages, social sensitivity, problem solving or creativity have salient influence on job performance, students did not believe that they would be
    essential. However, these factors were thought to be the most crucial by tutors and tourism service providers despite the fact that generic skill development is not in focus in tourism and catering bachelor-level education in Hungary. Not just the educational institutions but tourism companies providing work placement for students were considered to be an appropriate basis for competencies development that raised the question of monitoring and assessment. The findings can be profitable for all stakeholder group or policy decision makers in bachelor-level curriculum development.