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  • The emergence of digital transformation in the automotive industry - Industry 4.0 in Hungary

    It is no exaggeration to say that the digital transformation can be seen as both a paradigm shifts and a real technological revolution (Perez, 2010, Mergel, et al., 2019). In order to get to know the preparedness of the Hungarian automotive industry players in the topic, we conducted an empirical research in October - December 2020. The main goal was to determine the level of automotive actors in the digital transformation process. Company leaders were primarily asked about their progress in the digital transition process, its opportunities and challenges, organizational culture, and potential human resource management responses. This study focuses on the digital transition concentrating on the following dimensions: strategy and leadership, human resources, business processes, supply chain, manufacturing, products and services. Based on the results, we classified the examined Hungarian automotive industry actors into clusters.

  • University Ranking Lists and Mirror Images - as Prospective Students Make Their Choice

    The paper is based on a survey carried out by the authors, which aimed, on the one hand, at specifying the extent to which would-be students know the rankings of universities and take them into consideration when choosing university faculties, and, on the other hand, at revealing the role played by other factors in their decisions. The majority of would-be students know the rankings of universities but these have not became an important factor in the decision processes. To have good lecturers and professors, to acquire useful knowledge, and to obtain a job with their degree are considered by would-be students as crucial factors. They try to get information from several sources and the Internet has become the most important one, which they use routinely and with skill. On the other hand, it can be proved that they would like to rely on more customized information sources as well.

    JEL classification: Z13

  • Critisism of insolvency rules

    The co-authors, who are participants in the research program (Ministry of Education FKFP 0025/2001-2004), give a critical analysis of the Hungarian regulation of insolvency law in their recently published study. Their findings, proposals have been formulated after studying respecting rules in the USA and in major Western-European countries (Germany, Austria, Italy, France, England, Switzerland). Not only legal regulations have been processed and critically analysed in their study, but judiciary precedents related to them as well. The aim of the study is to help re-codify the Hungarian insolvency law.

  • Trends and Tendencies in the Development of HR Departments in Hungarian State Universities

    In the last couple years it has been fully accepted that human resource management plays an increasing role in the success of organizations, and also in the development and sustainability of national and international competitiveness (Gordon- Whitchurch, 2007). In the developed industrial countries – mostly the Anglo-Saxon pioneers – public institutions (including higher education) abandoned the normative and bureaucratic-controlled Taylor system (Karoliny et al, 2003). Beginning in the 70’s representatives of the New Public Management model, based exclusively on the effectiveness of business solutions, gained more ground. The early 80’s brought the widespread implementation of reform programs. These efforts have created models and experience that were applicable in the converging countries of Europe – including Hungary. After reviewing the latest professional literature and analyzing practices of eleven Hungarian universities we will assess the conversion of Human Resource Management and consider possibilities for modernization.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: I21; H19; M52;M53;M54

  • Allocation Of Residual Income Rights Under Internal Governance Empirical Results from the Hungarian Trucking Industry

    The paper offers a property rights and monitoring cost explanation for the allocation of residual income rights between the carriers and truck drivers under internal governance. First, by applying property rights theory, we argue that the structure of residual income rights depends on the importance of noncontractible (intangible) assets of the truck driver to generate a residual surplus. The more important the truck driver’s intangible knowledge
    assets, the more residual income rights should be transferred to him. In addition, we controlled for the monitoring costs as an additional explanatory variable of the allocation of residual income rights. According to agency theory, the higher the variable proportion of the driver’s income, the higher the monitoring costs.These hypotheses were tested by using data from the Hungarian trucking industry. The empirical results are supportive of the hypotheses.

    JEL- Index: G32, M2

  • A személyiség és a képességek szerepe az egyetemi sikerességben: avagy igazolható-e a szűrő hipotézis a Debreceni Egyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Karának hallgatói körében végzett felmérés alapján

    Tanulmányunk azt a kérdést járja körül, hogy milyen befolyással bír a tanulmányi eredmények alakulására az értelmi és érzelmi intelligencia, valamint a személyiségstílus. Mindezt a Debreceni Egyetem közgazdász hallgatói körében végzett felmérések segítségével vizsgáljuk meg. Elemzésünkben főként regreszszióanalízisre támaszkodtunk. Az eredmények segítségével két kérdésre kívánunk választ kapni. Egyrészt arra, milyen kapcsolat van az említett változók és a vizsgált szakon való sikeres szereplés közt, másrészt, hogy rendelkezik-e a felsőoktatás tisztán információs (szűrő) funkcióval is, vagy csupán termelékenységet növel. Kapott eredményeink az egyes felmérések esetében némileg eltérnek, de általában elmondhatjuk, hogy az egyetemi eredményességet szignifikánsan befolyásolja a hallgató neme, szüleinek végzettsége, értelmi intelligenciája, intro- vagy extrovertáltsága, gondolkodó vagy észlelő személyiségstílusa, valamint a minták egy részénél érzelmi intelligenciája és észlelő vagy ítélkező személyiségstílusa. Mivel ezek nem mindegyike függ a felsőoktatás hatásától, elmondhatjuk, hogy bizonyítékot találtunk a felsőoktatás szűrő funkciójának jelenlétére.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: I21, J24

  • Strategic directions of international degree mobility – examining the motivation of foreign students studying in Hungary and the factors influencing foreign studies

    In the scope of our research, we examined the motivation of foreign students studying in Hungary. The objective of the applied questionnaire survey was to explore the possibilities both on the supply and demand side based on which young people who wish to study outside their home country identify Hungary as a potential destination country. In the first phase of the research, the statistical study of inward student mobility was performed. The image of Hungarian higher education is interesting also because, although the countries sending the most students are still in the neighboring countries (Slovakia, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine), there is a dynamic growth in terms of the number of students from Norway and Asian (China, Iran) and African (Nigeria) (Statistical database of the Office of Education). In the second phase of the research, the questionnaire survey was conducted seeking the answer to the following: what factors played a role in the decision of foreign students to study abroad (when did they decide to study abroad, where did they obtain information, what were the factors that influenced their choice of country and institution, etc.). How satisfied are they with the chosen training, with the organization education and what are their plans following the completion of the training? What prior information was available about training and subsistence expenses, what were the sources of funding, how did the costs of subsistence develop and what were the returns on these expenses, what was the proportion of leisure time and studying, and what were the options of spending leisure time? - How satisfied are they with institutional services (technical equipment, classroom facilities, library service, and institutional programs)? In the present article, we cover the factors influencing foreign studies considering the limitations of the scope.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: I2, J1

  • Examining the perception of innovative online banking services – a discrete choice experiment among university consumers

    In our study, we examine consumer preferences for innovative online banking services among students in business and management education. To achieve our research goal, we conducted a discrete choice experiment with the target group. The alternatives of our hypothetical decision situations included in our experiment were characterized by the possibility of ATM smartphone integration, the availability of real-time banking, the availability of NFC payment, and the cost per transaction. Based on our model estimates, we found that all three examined services (ATM smartphone integration, real-time banking, NFC payment) have a positive perception among respondents, while the increase in cost has a negative effect on the respondents’ sense of utility. The results of the latent class model estimated in order to address the preference heterogeneity highlighted the existence of a consumer group with very strong preferences and thus a high willingness to pay (average HUF 70) towards the existence of the NFC service. Male students with a non-Debrecen resident in higher-level vocational training are more likely to be included in this class.

  • The carrier follow-up survey of the graduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Debrecen

    In the fall term of 2002/2003 a pioneer carrier follow-up survey of the graduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Debrecen was carried out. The aim of the research is to facilitate the improvement of teaching, to increases its quality. The paper reviews the first results of the tecently launched survey.

  • Some economic aspects of higher education quality

    Based on the world's most renowned university rankings, OECD annual reports and Eurostat data, this paper seeks to demonstrate that a competitive economy requires competitive (higher) education and that there is a significant correlation between the quality of higher education and economic development. Furthermore, in this process, the higher education quality assurance organization system has an outstanding task and responsibility through the formation of quality culture, guidelines, helpful research, summary of good practices and making constructive suggestions. Finally, it points out that close collaboration between universities and agencies with stakeholders is a priority area, which could contribute to a much more capability-based output system in the longer term. It also considers it desirable to make the relationship between universities and scientific research networks and research institutes closer and more vibrant (where it is not).

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: H52, I22, I23, I25, I26, O15

  • Human Resources Management in the Changes in Hungary In the Light of Two Consecutive Cranet Researches: Két egymást követő Cranet felmérés eredményei alapján

    Management, including Human Resources Management, has undergone major changes in Hungary since the economic and political changes of 1989. This area is even regarded as a field of continuous transformation. This study makes an effort to compare differences and similarities of specific features of Human Resources Management in Hungary in the light of two consecutive surveys, Cranet 2005 and 2008 (Cranet is an established group of top business schools and academic institutions, all collaborating to provide unique and rigorous data on human resource management practices across the world). According to these analyses, the study compares typical characteristics and practices of Human Resources Management in Hungary with major trends and tendencies of this field in 32 countries, including 6 countries from the Central and Eastern European region as well.

    JEL classification: J24, M1, M54

  • Methodological challanges of digitalization in business education: Digitalization in business education

    University education has to persevere in the 21st century in a changing environment. The knowledge that is to be obtained seems to increase with the advancement of technology. The development of science and the changing needs of the job market demand continuous development and more efficient university curricula. This article investigates the effect of technology on education efficiency; it describes and evaluates several teaching approaches. The conclusions tend to turn towards the direction that although obtaining information became considerably easier than even ten years ago, knowledge still has to be learned the same way as before. The neurobiological process of learning is the same as a hundred years ago.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: A20, A22, A23

  • Talent management in education: the war for talent

    The study analyses how J. Harsányi College became inoperable. J. Harsányi College is an organization that supports young talent at the Economics faculty of J. Selye University. The main object of the research is to help the relaunch of the organization and to raise the interest of the students in work and in the activity of the College. The research ask questions concerning studying, and how to improve the motivation and awareness of students. The author describes the theoretical background of talent management in the first part of the study, and then introduces her proposals on the basis of primary research.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: A29, M12

  • Examination of Management of TESCO Hungary's sustainability and community activities

    In their fifth sustainability management case study, the authors examine the focus, organizational processes, and operation of TESCO's responsibility and community activities in Hungary. On the one hand they executed analyses of publicly available company reports and internal documents, while on the other hand, they conducted semi-structured interviews with internal and external experts who play a key role in the added CSR activities. In addition to the descriptive presentation of the activities, the authors' work points out that there are many crutial organizational conditions for the effective management of organizational processes related to sustainability and communities, furthermore they highligted the possibilities and limitations of involving external parties and service providers, as well. The value of the case study is enhanced by the fact that no comprehensive case study presenting the sustainability activities of the leading domestic food retail companies has been published recently.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: A13, D6, F6, M14, M19, M38

  • The Rigidity of Labor Markets and the Unit Root in the Time Series of Unemployment rate: Raising a Problem

    The article is a review of the literature concerning the time series of the unemployment rate, and of the economic explanations behind the tests of these time series. We seek to identify the theoretical explanations behind a possible unit root in unemployment time series. We argue that the main difficulty faced by these unit root tests is the change in labor market institutions. The ffects of institutional changes make the traditional tests rather weak, while the panel unit root tests oversimplify the economics of the question. Our conclusion is that the possible application of the tests developed theoretically for nearly unit root processes seems to offer a way out of this dilemma.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: C22, E24

  • Financial decisions and the knowledge illusion

    The author deals with those influential factors of behaviour that arise from the phenomenon of knowledge illusion originating from over-confidence. It rises from the constantly recurring fault of information process. In order to demonstrate knowledge illusion, the author takes examples from special literature, from another aspect the result is shown on the basis of questionnaires filled in by university students. He draws the conclusion that in the case of financial decisions, knowledge illusion usually makes an impression on the participants" market activity. According to this assumption knowledge illusion is one of the important and not negligible factors of financial decision-making and analysis.

  • ipari forradalom, avagy a modern gazdasági növekedés gyökereiről: A „miért éppen Anglia?” helyett a „miért történt meg egyáltalán?” kutatása (Joel Mokyr: A Culture of Growth. The Origins of the Modern Economy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University

    Joel Mokyr gazdaságtörténész munkássága nem csak saját szakmai közösségében, de a közgazdaságtan más területein kutatók, elsősorban az intézményi közgazdászok között is széles körben ismert. Azonban széles szakmai ismertséggel jellemezni Mokyrt valójában „gyenge” állítás, hiszen kétségtelenül ő ma az egyik legjelentősebb gazdaságtörténeti kutató, egyike azon keveseknek, akik nagyon erős intézményi közgazdaságtani megközelítéssel „nyúlnak” a történelemhez. Kutatásaiban az ipari forradalom Európája áll a középpontban, amely a modern (tartós) gazdasági növekedést2 hozta el az emberiségnek. Mokyr fél tucatnyi könyvben és nagyon sok cikkben vagy könyvfejezetben fogalmazta meg azokat a kérdéseket, amelyek új gondolkodási utakat nyitottak a modern gazdasági növekedés okainak kutatásában, s természetesen válaszokat is adott ezekre.

  • Technológia és szervezeti innovációk kölcsönhatása: az e-munkavégzés elterjedésének példája Új munkavégzési formák, mint az új fejlődési pályák hordozói?

    A kilencvenes évtized ún. transzformációs gazdaságaival foglalkozó társadalomtudományi vitájával összehasonlítva meglepő, hogy a XXI század elején viszonylag szerény az érdeklődés a poszt - szocialista
    gazdaságok új fejlődési útjainak vizsgálata iránt. Elemzésünk célja a közép-európai régióban fejlődő piacgazdaságok új fejlődési útjainak azonosítása. Pontosabban: szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet a globalizálódás, az információs és kommunikációs technológiák gyors elterjedésének és a különböző típusú piacok deregulációjának kontextusában megjelenő tudásgazdaságba való bekapcsolódás lehetőségeire, illetve azok kihasználását elősegítő és korlátozó néhány tényező szerepére. A tanulmány három részből áll. Az első, bevezető fejezetben az ún. transzformációs gazdaságok fejlődésében jól kimutatható különböző fejlődési ciklusok jellemzésére vállalkozunk, jelezve az ún. bejárt úttól való függés és az ún. intézményi vákuum megközelítések szerepét az átalakulási folyamat megértésében. Ezt követően, az elemzés röviden jellemzi a közvetlen külföldi tőkebefektetések (FDI) vezérelte gazdasági modernizáció fontosabb eredményeit (pl. foglalkoztatás, termelékenység növekedés, export, keresetek és az innováció) és olyan problémáit, mint a gazdaságfejlődés aszimmetrikus jellege. Az új fejlődési pálya tartalmát, „tanuló gazdaságba” való bekapcsolódással valamint a kiegyensúlyozottabb gazdasági szerkezet létrehozásával azonosítják a szerzők Az utóbbival összefüggésben, a tanulmány a mikro-, kis- és középvállalati (KKV) szektor szerepének felértékelődését hangsúlyozza. A tanulmány második és harmadik része, a nemzetközi kutatási tapasztalatokra építve jelzi a közép-európai gazdaságok, ezen belül a magyar gazdaság részvételének lehetőségeit a gyorsan fejlődő tudásgazdaság globális értékláncában. Az elemzés felhívja a figyelmet arra, hogy a régió poszt - szocialista gazdaságai viszonylag vonzó célterületei az olyan nagyobb hozzáadott értékeket képviselő tevékenységek kihelyezése
    számára, mint az általános üzleti funkciók. Mindazonáltal, e kedvező pozíciók több szempontból is törékenyek. Egyfelől a globális értékláncra jellemző változások gyorsak, és a tanuló-innovatív szervezetek kritikus tömegének folyamatos létrehozására van szükség. Másfelől, a kritikus tömeg megteremtése szinte lehetetlen az KKV - szektorba tartozó vállalkozások egyéni és kollektív (hálózati) tanulási és innovatív képességének fejlesztése nélkül. Az elemzés – szintén nemzetközi kutatási tapasztalatok felhasználásával – jelzi az olyan új munkavégzési formák, mint például a távmunka elterjedését befolyásoló szervezeti és kulturális tényezőket. Ezzel összefüggésben a szerzők az információs és kommunikációs technológiák hatékony használatát befolyásoló szervezeti innovációk, valamint az ezekhez kötődő egyéni és főleg szervezeti (kollektív) tanulási folyamatok jelentőségét hangsúlyozzák. Végül, az elemzés összegzéseként, a szerzők röviden felvázolják azokat a kihívásokat, amelyekre mind a kutatóknak, mind a gyakorlati szakembereknek, mint társadalmi szereplőknek válaszolniuk kell a magyar gazdaság új fejlődési pályára állításának érdekében.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: O33; L23;F23.

  • Deep vs. Shallow Integration. The Case of NAFTA and Mercosur

    Integration processes began in the 1960s and have become increasingly intense, bringing with them a growing share of intra-industry trade flows in international trade. According to the Smooth Adjustment Hypothesis (SAH), trade between similar industries or products results in lower adjustment costs in the factor markets. Due to the liberalizing effect of trade integrations trade flows intensify, causing an increase in intra-industry trade flows and consequently a decrease in adjustment costs at the same time. The alteration of trade patterns can be caused by changes both in quantity and in quality. Analyzing these effects separately allows us to better understand the trade policy practices of the chosen countries and to provide the decision makers with information.
    In this paper we analyze NAFTA and Mercosur, two integrations which differ both in factor endowments and in depth of integration (deep vs. shallow). We used SITC Rev. 1 AG3 (industrial level) and HS92 AG6 (product level) bilateral trade data from the UN COMTRADE database to analyze the evolution of intra-industry trade flows.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: F13, F14, F15

  • Analysis of the Competitiveness in the Agri-food sector: The case of Latin America and the Caribbean Region

    Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries are among the global leaders in the production and exports of agricultural and fisheries commodities, accounting for 15% of the world’s average agri-food export from 1995 to 2019. With rising global market competitiveness, considering the agri-food sector, it is important to assess if the region can compete against other global rivals, and in what products. Accounting for regional potential economic power, remarkable agricultural food export and market expansion, this paper explored the LAC agricultural trade patterns and export competitiveness through the analysis of the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) index, and its modifications - SRCA (Symmetric Revealed Comparative Advantage), RTA (Relative Trade Advantage, and RC (Revealed Competitiveness) - in the agricultural sector for the period of 1995-2019. This paper contributes to the literature by presenting the export characteristics in Latin American developing countries, which can be an important instrument for decision-makers in the agricultural trade policy. Throughout the research period, the results indicated that Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico were the TOP agri-food exporters in LAC. The highest RCA, SRCA, and RTA were found in Guatemala, whereas the greatest RC was found in Argentina. At the product level analysis, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit, industrial or medicinal plants, and straw and fodder (HS12) were the most exported items at the 2-digit level. Fruit and nuts, edible; peel of citrus fruit or melons (HS08) had the most competitiveness in the worldwide market, with the highest SRCA and RC indices, whereas coffee, tea, mate, and spices (HS9) had the highest BRCA and RTA values. The evidence suggests that among the TOP 10 exporters in LAC, all indices in the global agri-food trade are said to be relatively stable, whereas survival rates do not persist over time.