Vol. 5 No. 3-4 (1999)
Floral biology and fertility of apricot
9-15.Views:331Floral biology and fertility of apricot
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Visualization of the Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Data of Muscat Ottonel Must and Wine Measurements
16-21.Views:218The lack of interpretation methods useful in evaluating the aroma-profiles of wines makes it necessary to thoroughly investigate alternative evaluation procedures. By adding three appropriate normal hydrocarbon standards to all sample extracts, measuring the Programmed Temperature Retention Indexes of the components and by normalizing the peak areas to that of the 1-alpha-Terpineol (in musts) or Benzeneethanol (in wines), the aroma features could be visualized. The relationship or identity of the aroma patterns could be deduced from the presence or absence of similar polygons in the -constellation-map" of the components.
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Investigation of the Antioxidant Effect of Hungarian White Wines and Tokaj Wine Specialities
22-26.Views:341Authors investigated the antioxidant effect of wine-phenolics, expressed as total antioxidant status (TAS-value). This property may play an important role in elimination of the harmful effects of free radicals in human body.
Independently of their polyphenol composition, special quality Tokaj wines did not show extremely high TAS-values. In Tokaj Aszu wines the total antioxidant status was independent of the "puttony" number but was influenced by the length of aging time.
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Studies on the essential oil of different fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) populations during onthogeny
27-30.Views:254In the recent studies two Foeniculum vulgare Mill. populations (Hungarian and Korean) had been studied in open field trials in 1997-98 in Budapest for the identification of their essential oil characteristics. The essential oil accumulation level as well as the composition of the oil were studied during ontogenesis and at 6 phases of the umbel development from budding to overripening.
In the vegetative phases, the accumulation level of the essential oil was higher in the Hungarian genotype. In the leaf rosette stage, anethole is the main compound in both genotypes (40-96%), except the root of the Korean populations which contains 54% dillapiol. The accumulation level of anethole is slightly decreasing, while dillapiol is slightly increasing during the ontogeny. a- and [3-pinenes are characteristic compounds of the leaves, especially in the Korean genotype (10-11%). Before seed setting, fenchone was present in a considerable amount (7.5%) only in the umbels of the Hungarian genotype.
During the generative development, the maximum values of essential oil content are reached at the milky fruit stage (10,11%) in the Hungarian. and at the green fruit stage (7.1% ) in the Korean type, while the composition of the essential oil changed only slightly. The ratio of fenchone is increasing after flowering and being stable during ripening. Anethole varies to a smaller extent in the umbels, only.
We proved, that the dinamics of essential oil accumulation and the oil composition may vary according to genotype. Based on our results, the Korean population is characterized in the system of Bernáth et al. (2) as a high anethol-low methyl chavicol chemoform of the anethol chemovariety (fenchone<15%; anethole>68%; methyl chavicol< 3,2%).
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Allelopathic effect of the Cladonia verticillaris lichen extracts and fumarprotocetraric acid on the early growth of germinating seeds and seedlings in Allium cepa L.
31-35.Views:168The allelopathic activity of the different extracts of the lichen Cladonia verticillaris and fumarprotocetraric acid on the early growth of A cepa (IPA 6) seedlings depends on their chemical composition and concentration, respectively. It was observed that the length of the radicle was significantly stimulated by fumarprotocetraric acid at high concentrations and by the total extract of C. verticillaris thalli, which contained a high level of fumarprotocetraric, acid confirmed by HPLC-technique. In addition, it was found, that the phosphate buffer extract, which contained high level of methyl (3-orcinol carboxilate measured by HPLC, reduced the length of the hypocotyls significantly. Under our experimental conditions there was no influence of the different types of extract and fumarprotocetraric acid on the ratio of seed germination, in relation to the control. From the study of HPLC it was found that fumarprotocetraric acid and methyl 13-orcinol carboxilate were present in all extracts at different concentrations, depending on the method of extraction.
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Colour components of different table beet varieties
36-38.Views:226Information of the total pigment content of table beet roots is not sufficient enough to estimate their suitability to processing. Differences in the occurrence of the red pigment components of different thermostability determine the mode of processing of the varieties. Pigment extraction methods which require heat treatment (e.g. table beet root powder) need raw materials of higher betanin content.
Of the tested varieties — Bonel, Nero, Favorit, Rubin and Detroit — Bonel and Favorit had the highest betanin content (50.03 and 49.53 mg/100g, respectively).
The isobetanin quantity varies according to varieties (13.10-26.62 mg/100g). Values between 2.92-6.63 mg/100g and 0.96-2.96 mg/100g. respectively were found for betanidin and isobetanidin.
Data revealed the highest BC/BX ratio in the variety Rubin (2.08) indicating good inner colour in sensory tests. However, the high total pigment content (81.01 mg/I00g) was associated with lower betanin content (46,26 mg/100g) and at the same time, with higher isobetanin (25.16 mg/100g), betanidin (6.63 mg/100g) and isobetanidin (2.96 nig/100g) contents. Out of the tested varieties Nero had the lowest total red pigment content (57.43 mg/100g) but the relative betanin value was the highest with nearly 70 %.
Laboratory testing of the table beet root varieties will be required to find the most suitable material to produce colouring agents.
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Comparative investigations on protoplast culture of some Brazilian and Hungarian sweet pepper cultivars and hybrids
39-45.Views:213Cotyledon protoplasts were isolated from 16-18-day-old in vitro grown seedlings of 9 Brazilian and 3 Hungarian pepper varieties and hybrids. Large numbers (average 9.59 X 106 protoplasts g 14 fresh weight) of highly viable (average 87.0%) protoplasts were released using a pectocellulolytic enzyme mixture. Protoplasts were cultured in K8p mediuni using an alginate disc embedding method. The osmotic pressure of the medium surrounding the alginate-embedded protoplasts was reduced by replenishing the liquid medium at K8p:K8 ratios of 1:0. 2:1, 1:1 in the first. second, and third week, respectively. Initial plating efficiency (IPE) average was 38.5% and after 21 days protoplasts reached microcolonies (15-20 cells) stages. Microcolonies were transferred after 3-4 weeks to a MS-based medium supplemented with 1.0 mg I-1 zeatin, 3.0% (w/v) sucrose, 0.24% (w/v) phytagel and pH 5.8, whereupon they formed callus. Final plating efficiency (FPE) average was 0.29% at a plating density of 1.0 x 105 protoplasts Protoplast-derived calli were cultured on a range of MS-based media supplemented with either BAP, IAA, TDZ; and zeatin. No morphogenic response was observed in any genotype investigated.
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The Effects of Some Parameters on Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation in Muskmelon
46-49.Views:201Some parameters involved in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in muskmelon Hales best (HBS) were studied. Cotyledon explants excised from 3.5-day-old seedlings were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harbouring binary vectors which contained GUS and BAR genes. After co-cultivation on a low pH medium, explants were transferred to selective medium, with higher pH, containing Claforan and Finale. The medium was changed every two weeks till shoots were induced. All shoots rooted on MS medium supplemented with 0.3 mg/L IBA. These parameters combined as a whole led to successful transformation. The expression of the introduced gene construct was confirmed by GUS staining of shoot segments.
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Dynamics of the uptake of nutrient elements from the medium of in vitro cultured apple rootstocks
50-53.Views:192Cation uptake of J-TE-F apple rootstocks propagated in vitro was studied by the analysis of culture medium. Test-plants were grown on liquid medium under different light regimes. Samples for tests were taken twice a week.
Media without plants served as controls. The analysis of those showed, that only the uptakeable iron-content changed depending upon light treatment. The concentration of all other cations was considered unaltered.
As a result of analysis, it could be established, that elements present in the media were taken up in different rates by plantlets: Cu, P and Zn were utilized totally, but only 50% of K and 20 to 40% of Ca and Mg were taken up under the light treatments applied.
The dynamics of the uptake process was also observed. It was registered that they differed in the case of some cations. So Ba was utilized at the beginning of subculture, others for example B in the later phases. Some elements disappeared unevenly so K, P but the whole quantity is taken up during subculture.
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Further information to the acclimatization of "in vitro" plants
54-58.Views:177The experiment was carried out with in vitro propagated 'MM 106' apple-rootstock plantlets. The transpiration of the plantlets was examined, and the changes followed by SEM analysis.
Data about the transpiration intensity of the acclimatized plants, of its value under different conditions of relative humidity and influenced by the existence of roots, as well as by the degree of acclimatization are presented.
Leaves were also examined and it was found, that stomata of in vitro developed leaves closed slowly, and the number of stomata of newly developed leaves decreased.
It is also shown, that in vitro propagated roots, generally, lose their hairs during acclimatization, but these roots are all the same important, as new roots of full value develop out of them.
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Knot formation by Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi on the in vitro shoots of Sorbus redliana
59-62.Views:191Two strains of Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi were isolated from Forsythia sp. and Nerium oleander in Hungary in 1997. The effects of growth regulators produced by the bacteria were studied in different experiments. The strains were co-cultured with Sorbus redliana in vitro shoots without being in contact with the plant on solid media. Further culture filtrates in different concentrations were added to the culture medium. The growth regulators presented in the agar caused knot formation on the shoots and on the leaves in both kinds of culture. There were significant differences in the cultural and physiological characters, auxin and cytokinin activity of the strains of different origin.
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Inheritance of the characters related to flower formation, blooming and fertilisation in apple
63-65.Views:256On the base of observations performed during a period of 20 years the blooming characters-of apple varieties and their progenies the following statements are actual.
In blooming dynamics there was no difference between paternal and maternal effects. In the assignment to blooming time groups, the paternal effect prevailed whereas in the tendency of flower initiation on long shoots maternal parent was more decisive. Varieties as 'Golden Delicious'. 'Jonathan', 'Red Delicious', 'Rome Beauty' and 'Staymared' and their respective, naturally raised mutants did not differ in blooming characters.
The possibility of predicting the relation to blooming time groups of early (July, August) ripening individuals is low, whereas late (September. October) ripening ones have a good chance to be medium late in blooming time.
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Reactions of some cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) lines and hybrids to zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) and selection of tolerant breeding lines
66-68.Views:195In the past years zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) has been appeared as a new pathogen of cucurbitaceous plants in Hungary. It caused severe disease outbreaks on the fields of pickling cucumber hybrids which are highly tolerant to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Preliminary inoculation tests have showed that all of the important pickling cucumber hybrids produced in Hungary were susceptible to ZYMV-P. However, a selection of Chinese Long and the breeding line I- KS 10C proved to be highly tolerant. The Fl plants of the crosses between the tolerant lines and the susceptible genotype H I were susceptible to ZYMV-P. F2 populations segregated for susceptible and tolerant individuals at a ratio of 3:1. The results strongly suggest that the resistance to ZYMV in our sources is controlled by a single recessive gene. Inoculations of the ZYMV and CMV susceptible cultivar Budai csemege and the CMV tolerant hybrid Perez Fl with the complex of ZYMV+CMV resulted extremely severe symptoms (strong mosaic and necrotic spotting of the leaves) on both cultivars. On the Chinese Long line, which is tolerant to ZYMV and CMV, respectively, the complex of the two viruses caused mild symptoms. The results show a synergistic pathological effect of ZYMV and CMV on differrent cucumber genotypes. More detailed studies on the interactions among the plant genotypes, viruses and virus strains are needed to develop cucumber hybrids that are highly resistant to the ZYMV+CMV complex.
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New trends in selection of poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)
69-75.Views:313Since the isolation of morphine by Sertümer in 1805 more than 40 alkaloids have been isolated from the poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Some of them have high biological-pharmacological activity and economical importance, while others have none, or restricted ones. The increasing demand for poppy alkaloids is the consequence of the widening of the medical application of morphine and its related compounds: the quantity of morphine used for the treatment of pain reached a record level of 17.9 tonnes in 1997, compared with an annual average of 2.2 tonnes used during the period 1978-1983. However, the production of raw material (either opium, or dried capsule is produced) has to be re-evaluated taking into consideration the UN Convention signed in 1988 against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. The countries were forced by the Convention to introduce new arrangements in poppy production including selection and introduction of new cultivars.
In the present work up to date results of poppy selection are reviewed explaining the biosynthetic and eco-physiological background of their alkaloid accumulation. The effectiveness and the possibilities of traditional selection methods as well as the probability of the application of biotransformation for producing cultivars accumulating low or high alkaloid content or plant material with special alkaloid spectrum (codeine, thebaine, narcotine) are discussed. The examples of Hungarian cultivars 'Monaco', 'Kék Gemona' and 'Tebona' are given in more detail.
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Self pollination in peach
76-78.Views:437The peach is though considered to be a self fertile fruit species, also some self sterile and male sterile varieties have been registered. The latter type seems to be frequently met in Asian varieties, whereas in the USA and Europe, J. H. Hale and Flaminia are grown. The purpose of the present study was the assessment of fertility relations of peaches and nectarines grown in Hungary. The authors studied, since 1974, more than 100 different peach and nectarine varieties as for fertility relations, especially their autogamous or geitonogamous fruit set on isolated, i.e. bagged flowers at bud stage, then set free after blooming finished. Isolated flowers of some varieties were also self pollinated, artificially. According to the results the varieties have been assigned to four alternative groups. Self sterile varieties in the proper sense have not been found, but partial self sterility (less than 10% fruit set), self fertility (10 to 20% fruit set) and high self fertility (more than 20% fruit set on selfed flovters) was generally met. The majority of the varieties belonged to the last two groups, nevertheless. the rate of fruit set displayed seasonal variation, the maximum was in one case 89.9%. The purposeful self (hand)pollination of the isolated flowers increased fruit set, substantially. Varieties rated as partially self-sterile are J. H. Hale and Fuzador (the former being partially male sterile too). Although in some years and some varieties, fruit set legged below 10% but according to the means the majority of nectarines are assigned to the self fertile category whereas most peach varieties, either for fresh consumption or industrial types, were highly self fertile.
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Inter-incompatibility of self- incompatible apricots and their varietal properties
79-81.Views:454There are four apricot varieties grown in Hungary derived from local selections known to bear fruits of giant (60 - 100 g) size: Ceglédi óriás, Nagykőrösi óriás, Szegedi mammut and Ligeti óriás. Being morphologically similar, they seem to be closely related to each other. The detailed study of the morphology (of leaves and fruits) and phenology (of blooming and ripening dates) as well as the fertility relations was aimed to find out the degree of kinship between the varieties in question.
It was stated that the value of morphological traits is variable from the taxonomic point of view. The most important signs of common origin were the time of blooming and the leaf size. Less valuable are the date of m:iurity and the size of fruit because of their variability. In the literature Satin') & Nyeki (1991) published the first proof of inter-incompatible relation between apricot varieties. This should be considered as an argument of close genetic relation between those "giant" varieties of apricots.
The first three varieties. Ceglédi óriás, Nagykőrösi óriás and Szegedi mammut are closer related in blooming and ripening date, as well as in size of fruit to each other than the variety Ligeti óriás.
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Effect of the placement of self-incompatible apricot varieties on their yield in commercial plantations
82-86.Views:408Earlier studies concerning self-, free- and cross- fertilization of apricot varieties grown in Hungary, proved the existence of self-sterile as well as self-fertile varieties within the recommended assortment. The self-sterile and partially self-fertile varieties should be planted in association with polliniser varieties, only. The present paper reports about the yields of trees of the widely grown, self-sterile local variety, Ceglédi óriás (Giant of Cegléd), depending on the distance of adequate polliniser trees. In the univarietal, 27 row-wide block of the relevant variety, an efficient polliniser, Magyar kajszi was planted to the 10th and 19th row. In the close vicinity, another block of polliniser, Rózsakajszi C. 320 was located. The number of fruits set per tree has been counted or estimated in two consecutive years. In both seasons, the yield of the Ceglédi óriás trees diminished with the growing distance from the nearest polliniser trees. Those trees in the center of the block, between the two (10th and 19th) rows of Magyar kajszi bore acceptable yield (40 kg/tree in 1987), however, considerable reduction of the number of the fruits set was stated already in the 4-5th row from the polliniser away. Similar gradient of fruit set was apparent in relation to the neighbouring block of Rózsakajszi C 320. The beneficial effect of the vicinity of polliniser varieties was obvious as far as the distance of the 10th row. Taking into consideration the self-sterility, the early blooming time and the poor fertilization of the variety Ceglédi óriás, a planting design of associating it with at least two polliniser varieties (e.g. Gönci magyar kajszi and Ceglédi bíbor) is highly recommended. On the basis also of earlier results, a proposal has been developed for the association of apricot varieties as recommendations for optimising yields. Blooming time, fertilizing potential, schedule of the picking season and market possibilities have to be considered simultaneously.
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Cultivars, marketing and integrated Production of apples in the Czech Republic
87-92.Views:141Development in apple production in the Czech Republic has been adversely effected during a few recent years by escape of capital investment from the agrifood industry (due to privatisation, restitution and transformation). On the other way round the competition on the domestic market is much higher than it was before because of unlimited import of subtropical and tropical fruit and some import of traditional fruit species as well. Therefore fruit growers are very much concerned in any possible means (which are not economically feasible) to be more competitive. One of the most common approach is the use of new cultivars bred in the country which are resistant or tolerant to diseases and offer better quality both for fresh market and processing. Another way for increasing competition ability for fruit growers is the join and mastering of integrated production which also considerably improve the quality of fruit as far as aspects of health are meant.
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The necessity and possibilities of irrigation in fruit growing under conditions of Hungary
93-94.Views:335Climatic and soil conditions are highly suitable for most temperate fruit species and promise profitable yields with good quality. An accurate choice of the growing site is, however, decisive because of the wide range agro-climatic variation an soils within the country. One of the most important factors is the annual precipitation which does not exceed, in general, 700 mm. The aims of irrigation practices are, succinctly speaking, the improvement of quantity and security of yields and the guarantee of quality. The relative importance of those criteria changes according to the fruit species. In up to date apple, pear and cherry production, micro-irrigation systems are mainly considered. According to recent experiences, the micro-jet type of water distribution should be preferred to the dripping system. In cherries, the choice of the method is motivated by the need to prevent fruit cracking. Most of the peach and apricot plantations are located on the dry and moderately dry regions of the country. Because of the late freezes, the improvement of security is crucial. There the investment of irrigation systems should concentrate to the possibility of anti-freeze sprays. High water requirements of plums are met in Hungary by irrigation where the method should be decided at the plantation and adapted to the harvesting procedure which could be mechanised or (in high density plantations) picked by hand. Sour cherries are perhaps the less dependent on watering under Hungarian conditions. Yields in small fruits: currents, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries could be increased by irrigation to 40-50 % and may improve quality too. In those cultures the system of moving flexible wing tubes are considered to be the best irrigation technique.
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Agroclimatological properties of growing sites assigned to apple and pear production in Hungary
95-97.Views:269Apple and pear growing sites in Hungary are classified into four regions according to the Hydro-thermic Coefficient: dry, moderately dry. moderately humid and humid. Most of the plantations of apple and pear are located in regions considered as moderately dry and moderately humid. Within that category, the two respective species have different preferences, i.e. the ecological features of Hungary give different opportunities for apple and pear growing. Apple is grown almost everywhere in the country, successfully. The selection of cultivar-regions is needed mainly for increasing competitiveness on the market. Main apple growing regions are listed in 3 large groups. For the definition of cultivar-regions, mainly the configurations of soil and precipitation, i.e. conditions of the soil and opportunities of gaining water were decisive. Market factors are also considered. The area assigned to pear is much less than that of apple, in Hungary. Some well known and popular varieties would require high air humidity which cannot be presented in most of Hungary. Therefore, the possibility to establish regions for pear varieties is restricted, we have to create a particular micro-environment. Two groups are potential. The first one comprises sites where the annual precipitation is 700 mm, at least. There, apple and pear production would compete each other. In more dry habitats (less than 700 mm annual precipitation), micro-environments should be found and only drought-resistant, mainly summer-ripe cultivars should be chosen with, preferably, low tendency of sclereid formation. In that case, neither irrigation could help to produce adequate quality in varieties sensitive to low air humidity.
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Growth and yield of sweet cherry trees on different roostocks
98-101.Views:267The first nine years' results of sweet cherry rootstock trial from Hungary are presented with the aim to select efficient rootstocks for the local ecological conditions. The trials were established in 1989 with 'Van' and 'Germersdorfi óriás' cultivars on the following rootstocks: mahaleb Sainte Lucie 64, Colt, MxM 14, MxM 97. All the trees were headed at 80 cm and trained to a modified Brunner-spindle system. Tree size and yield was measured every year, and the cumulative yield efficiency was calculated.
Based upon the results, mahaleb cherry SL 64 is a vigorous rootstock with good compatibility and productivity. In comparison to SL 64. the trunk cross-sectional area and canopy spread of the 'Van' trees decreased by 10-15% on rootstock Colt, while the trees of 'Germersdorfi orias' on Colt roostock grew even larger than on SL 64. Considerable 30-40 % reduction of tree size was achieved on trees grafted on M x M hybrids. Trees of `Germersdorfi óriás' showed a similar tendency without significant differences. The cumulative yield efficiency of `Van' trees after nine years was highest on rootstock MxM 14, followed by Sainte Lucie 64. Trees on Colt and MxM 97 rootstocks showed low productivity. `Germersdorfi óriás' produced the highest cumulative yield efficiency on SL 64, followed by MxM 14 and Colt and last MxM 97. Biennial bearing index of heavy cropping 'Van' trees was smaller than that of `Germersdorfi óriás'. The trees of 'Van' on MxM 97 showed higher biennial bearing index, while 'Germersdorfi orias' on different rootstocks showed similar tendency, but without significant differences.
MxM 14 and MxM 97 rootstocks reduced the crotch angle of the shoots on both sweet cherry varieties which is disadvantegous to spindle training. Slight suckering (1-3/year) of the rootstocks Colt, MxM 14 and MxM 97 were observed during the first few years.
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Ornamental plants in Hungary Part I. Protected cultivation
102-105.Views:247Between 1950-1989, the production and trade of ornamental plants in Hungary was characterised by meeting the demands of the home and that of the Eastern-Block market and by a minimal external trade with the Western countries. After the socio-economical changes in 1989/90, the trade of flowers gradually became liberalised and the Hungarian growers had to face the concurrency of steadily increasing import from the West and from all over the World. This tendency coincided with the physical and mental degradation (outdating) of most of the glasshouses, along with the decline of several former large growers of the communist type (state or cooperative), the appearance and growth of new private companies and the building (rebuilding) of new plastic houses and (mainly second-hand) glasshouses. In spite of the above-listed problems, the production as a whole did not (or only slightly) decrease and/or even an increase occured in many areas mainly in the open-ground production. In 1998, the protected flower cultivation comprised round 110 ha of glasshouses, 180-220 ha of plastic structures and 3-5 ha of frames, with the main crops as follows: cut flowers and cut foliage 220-240 ha; pot plants (with geraniums) 30-40 ha; bedding plants (without geraniums) 20-25 ha; "transit--greenhouses (for redistribution only) 3-5 ha: other (eg. propagation of woody ornamentals) 3-5 ha. The structure of open-ground production was as follows: Total 1150-1210 ha, including: Nursery products: woody ornamentals 880 ha; perennials 10-15 ha; rose bushes 30-35 ha. Other open-ground crops: flower bulbs 50-60 ha; dried flowers 130-140 ha; open-ground cut flowers 25-30 ha; flower seed 30-35 ha; (biennial) bedding plants 10-15 ha.