Vol 30 (2024) Current Issue

Published July 16, 2024


  • Effect of biochar and inorganic fertilizer on the quality of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) in Kenya

    Despite its health benefits, the production and quality of beetroot is still low in Kenya due to the application of non-recommended rates of fertiliser and soil amendment. This research aimed at contributing to the improvement of the beetroot quality in Kenya. It was designed to determine the effects of biochar and NPK (17-17-17) on the quality of beetroot in Kenya. An RCBD factorial experiment was conducted at Egerton University farm, Kenya, for two seasons.  Biochar (0, 5, 10 t/ha) and NPK (0, 200, 300 and 400 kg/ha) were applied together before planting. Data were collected on beetroot diameter, total phenolics, total soluble solids, calcium, iron and phosphorus contents and analysed using SAS statistical software. The co-application of biochar and NPK significantly (p≤0.05) increased the beetroot diameter, iron, calcium, phosphorus, TSS and phenolics content in season two and not in season one. The sole application of biochar showed a significant increase in the iron content of beetroot in season one. However, biochar did not have a significant effect on beetroot diameter, mineral content, TSS and phenolics content of beetroot in season two. The sole application of NPK at 200, 300 and 400 kg/ha significantly (p≤0.05) increased the diameter of beetroot and iron content in both seasons one and two and also significantly improved the calcium and phosphorus content in season two. These NPK levels were not statistically different from each other, but different from the control. It is therefore recommended to apply NPK and biochar for quality beetroot.

  • Effects of farmyard manure (FYM) and blended NPSB fertilizer rate on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Gewata, Kaffa, southwest Ethiopia

    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an essential crop for nutrition and food security and generating income to small-holder farmers in Ethiopia. Productivity of the crop is, however, limited by poor nutrient management practices and low soil fertility. In most parts of potato growing areas of Ethiopia, soil are deficient in macro (nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur) and micro nutrients (boron) which are known to affect production and productivity of potato. A field trail was accompanied to determine the growing response of potatoes ’Belete varieties’ to combine the treatment of farmyard manure and blended NPSB (nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur and boron) fertilizer at Gewata, southwest Ethiopia during 2019/2020 main cropping season. The variables are laid out four level of farmyard manure (0, 5, 10 and 15 t/ha) and four level of blended NPSB fertilizer (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg/ha). The treatments were organized in a completely randomized block design with three replications using a 4x4 factorial layout. SAS (version 9.4) was used for data were analyzed. The finding indicate that, combined application of FYM (farmyard manure) with NPSB significantly (p<0.01) affects plant height, average mass of tuber, number of marketable and unmarketable tuber per hill, and tuber yields per plot. It also significantly (p<0.05) influenced days to flowering, maturity, and tuber number per hill. The highest tuber weight (99.33 g), tuber number per hill (9.67), and yield (34.10 kg) per plot were recorded from the mixed fertilization of 15 t FYM with 150 kg/ha NPSB mineral nutrients. As a current finding, it can be stated that the combined use of FYM (15 t/ha) and NPSB blended fertilizer could improve potato growth and yield in the study area (150 kg/ha).

  • Effect of straw and plastic mulches on growth and yield of zero tillage potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in the Coastal Khulna Region of Bangladesh

    A randomized complete block design experiment was undertaken at the field laboratory of the Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, from November 2021 to March 2022 to ascertain the impact of various mulch treatments on zero tillage potato cultivation. The experiment employed BARI Alu 78 as the planting material and utilized three replications with five distinct mulch treatments. These mulch treatments were identified as follows: Straw mulch (T1), Mulch film (T2), Black polythene (T3), White polythene (T4), and Blue polythene (T5). The metrics that were recorded included the number of sprouts, plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf width, leaf length, number of tubers, tuber length, tuber breadth, number of defective tubers, weight of defective tubers, and tuber weight. Different mulching techniques significantly influenced the overall crop yield and the underlying factors that influenced the results. The mulch film treatment resulted in the highest yield, with a production of 34.76 tons per hectare, followed by black polythene (28.11 tons per hectare), straw mulch (23.74 tons per hectare), white polythene (20.44 tons per hectare), and blue polythene (18.66 tons per hectare). The economic analysis revealed that mulch film had a high benefit cost ratio along with high input and output. Black polythene came in second place when the benefit cost ratio was compared to that of mulch film and the rest of the three treatments. Combining zero tillage with mulch film or black polythene demonstrates significant potential for becoming a cost-effective practice in the coastal region of Bangladesh.

  • Optimization of fertilizer use efficiency, soil quality and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) growth with biochar under drip irrigation conditions irrigation conditions

    Biochar (BC) is an eco-friendly product characterized with high content of carbon and usually obtained by heating biomass without oxygen. Utilizing BC as organic material to amend the problematic soils and improve plant growth and yield has been proved previously. This study investigated the effect of vetiver grass biochar (VGB) on fertilizer use efficiency, soil quality, and oil palm growth performance. A net house experiment was conducted at the Farm Unit, UiTM Sarawak Branch, between August 2022 and March 2023. A factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five treatments and four replications was devised. Treatments applied were: T0) absolute control; T1) 100% NPK fertilizer; T2) 100% vetiver grass biochar; T3) 50% vetiver grass biochar + 50% NPK fertilizer; and T4) 25% vetiver grass biochar + 75% NPK fertilizer. The BC application significantly improved the fertilizer use efficiency through reducing the rate of fertilizer applied. It also significantly enhanced most soil-measured chemical properties and soil nutrients. The growth performance of oil palm plant was significantly enhanced by BC application in terms of plant height, hump diameter, leaf number, chlorophyll content, and plant biomass. The BC application demonstrated its usefulness in managing soil and cultivating oil palm plant sustainably by reducing the rate of fertilizer applied and improve the fertilizer use efficiency. Based on the output, we suggest that treatment T3 (50% vetiver grass biochar + 50% NPK) can be used to improve the growth performance of oil palm.

  • Agrobacterium transformation of Rhodiola sp.: current status and limitations

    The study of secondary metabolites has led to the discovery of new drugs for treating human diseases. However, consistent plant supply can be challenging, leading to the use of plant tissue culture techniques such as hairy root culture. Hairy roots have stable genetics, lateral branching, and can produce secondary metabolites, including alkaloids, flavonoids, and terpenoids. Research on hairy roots as a subject began in the late 19th century, and for the last four decades, hairy roots have been utilized for producing secondary metabolites and recombinant proteins. This article focuses on Rhodiola species - genus of perennial plants that belongs to the family Crassulaceae - and its potential as a source of secondary metabolites using hairy root culture techniques. Rhodiola sp. is widely distributed throughout the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with several species having significant medicinal properties. The article discusses the possible use of hairy root cultures for the production of Rhodiola secondary metabolites, including salidroside and rosavins, which have demonstrated significant pharmacological activity in various studies. The use of elicitation and genetic engineering techniques to boost secondary metabolite production in Rhodiola hairy roots is also explored. Overall, the article highlights the potential of Rhodiola hairy root cultures as a valuable source of secondary metabolites with medicinal properties. However, despite some studies Rhodiola hairy root induction and culturing still remains highly unexplored.

  • Evaluation of biological control option for Bagrada bug (Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister)) in Kenya

    Brassica production is important for economic development of Kenya. Bagrada bug, a significant pest of brassicas, affects their yields and quality, currently posing a threat to both local and commercial vegetable production in Kenya. Biological control of bagrada bug using natural enemies is a cheaper and environmentally friendly method. The study aimed to identify native egg parasitoid species in Kenya. A field prospection survey of the bagrada bug egg parasitoid was done by a series of bagrada bug egg exposure in different parts of the country. Freshly laid bagrada bug eggs in cards were exposed for possible parasitism in the field for three days. The eggs were later carried to the laboratory at NSRC to await hatching. Two egg parasitoid species Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) and Gryon sp. were identified during the study after a period of bagrada bug egg exposure in Machakos and Kisumu. Two cards with parasitized bagrada bug eggs were recovered from Machakos from which one card yielded four parasitoids of one species Trissolcus basalis and the other yielded two parasitoids Trissolcus basalis and Gryon sp. One card with two parasitized eggs by Trissolcus basalis was recovered from Kisumu, however, there were no parasitoids identified in Nanyuki, Naivasha and Kitengela where bagrada bug is also prevalent. Results showed parasitoid presence in fields with high bug populations compared to areas with few or no Bagrada bug infestations. Conducting trials in both laboratory and field settings is recommended to obtain clear data on the effectiveness of the identified egg parasitoid in managing the bagrada bug population.

  • Interaction impact of drought stress, nutrient-deficient water, and seed-borne pathogen (Alternaria alternata) on germination and vigor of two tomato varietiesination and vigor of two tomato varieties

    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is considered one of the leading vegetable plants in the world. This study evaluated the germination and vigor capabilities of ‘Marmande’ and ‘Kecskeméti Jubileum’ varieties under different conditions, including drought stress, nutrient-deficient water, and the effect of seed-borne disease caused by Alternaria alternata when prime and non-prime with salicylic acid. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory in 2023 at Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management Faculty of University of Debrecen. Results indicated that the ‘Kecskeméti Jubileum’ variety exhibited a superior strength to ‘Marmande’ in the seedling’s dry weight, seedling growth rate, and vigor index under nutrient-deficient water. Nevertheless, when applying levels of drought, the ‘Marmande’ variety had a higher viability rate of 62.5% in comparison with another variety, and the germination rate of the two tomato varieties is at 85.5% in 5% concentration but decreased progressively when exposed to a higher drought concentration of 10%. When using 3 ml of salicylic acid during germination stages, the seedling vigor index of ‘Marmande’ shows a greater index at 165 compared to ‘Kecskeméti Jubileum’, just 108 under the infection of Alternaria alternata.  The results of the examination of drought stress, and the effect of Alternaria alternata, one cause of seed-borne pathogens, showed that the percentage germination and vigor ability of the ‘Marmande’ variety performed better than ‘Kecskeméti Jubileum’ under the same conditions.

  • Effect of rabbit urine foliar spray on the yield and post-harvest quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

    Of all vegetable crops, tomato occupies the second-largest cultivated land after potato. However, its production is often lamed by insufficient nutrient supply and invasion by insect pests. Unlike inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides commonly used, rabbit urine supplies nutrients to the crops, controls insect pests and has low mammalian toxicity. However, the most suitable rabbit urine foliar spray concentration for tomato production is currently unknown. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with six treatments and four blocks to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of rabbit urine foliar spray on the yield and post-harvest quality of tomato. The six treatments used include: five concentrations of rabbit urine (100%, 40%, 25%, 18.2% and 0%) and 0.1% Duduthrin 1.75EC. Results indicated that treatment 18.2% rabbit urine registered the highest marketable yield (129.14 t/ha) in trial 1. In trial 2, treatment 25% rabbit urine recorded the highest marketable yield (165.08 t/ha). These two treatments gave the highest marketable yields due to their sufficient nutrient supply, optimal pest control and zero foliage scorching. Unlike fruit firmness and sugar acid ratio, total soluble solids and titratable acidity increased with increase in rabbit urine concentration. Therefore, a rabbit urine foliar spray concentration of 25% optimally improves yield and post-harvest quality of tomato. More research work can be done to determine the effect of spraying intervals of rabbit urine on the yield and post-harvest quality of tomato.

  • Prevalence of banana diseases and post-harvest losses in Kenya, and biocontrol potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi against Fusarium wilt

    The demand for bananas (Musa spp.), which is ranked as the most important fruit crop in Kenya has been on the rise owing to both their dietary contribution and income generation. Meeting this demand has however been hampered by losses during production or post-harvest. This study assessed banana disease and post-harvest losses in leading producing counties in Kenya namely; Kisii, Nyamira and Embu. The study also assessed the efficacy of Rhizophagus irregularis in controlling Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data on post-harvest losses. Disease scoring tables, charts and photos were used to confirm observed symptoms and hence, disease occurrence and severity. AMF biocontrol efficacy experiment was conducted using tissue culture bananas grown in the greenhouse. The study revealed that most smallholder farmers were unaware of the causes or the prevalence of post-harvest losses. The findings also revealed a significant difference (p<0.05) in the severity of banana diseases across various cultivars from the three counties. The AMF treated bananas showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in plant height, total leaf area and chlorosis in comparison to other treatments. The study also revealed a reduction of Fusarium’s pathogenic effects including chlorosis, reduced leaf surface area and eventual necrosis.

  • Morphological characterization of shallot (Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum) segregating populations obtained from natural-outcrossing in Ethiopial-outcrossing in Ethiopia

    Shallot is a vegetable and condiment crop widely used in Ethiopia and globally. However, absence of improved and adaptable varieties has been the major cause of low productivity. Narrow genetic base of local shallot germplasm owing to vegetative reproduction of the crop, among others, has been the root cause of low productivity. Nevertheless, some plants within the germplasm were observed bolting and producing viable seeds, presenting an opportunity for genetic diversification. Consequently, a germplasm enhancement program was initiated using these naturally outcrossing genotypes where about eighty-one genotypes were generated. The present study was thus undertaken with the objective of characterizing, classifying, and selecting the eighty-one genotypes for future breeding activities. The genotypes were planted in 9x9 simple lattice design with two replications at Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center (Ethiopia) during the dry (irrigated) season of 2021. The genotypes were evaluated for fifteen growth, yield, and quality traits. Significant variations were observed among the genotypes in terms of bulb yield, bulb height and diameter, total soluble solids, bolting percentage, and bulb skin color. Bulb yield of the genotypes ranged from 31.33 t/ha in DZSHT-79-1A to 9.63 t//ha in DZSHT-45-1A-1. DZSHT-51-2 (207.93 g) was the highest yielder per plant whereas DZSHT-065-6/90 (74.51 g) was the lowest yielder. DZSHT-14-2-1/90 had the thickest bulb (44.69 mm) significantly thicker than twenty two genotypes which had bulb diameter ranging from 28.92 mm to 20.29 mm. DZSHT-81-1/90 was a genotype with the longest bulb height (52.33 mm) while DZSHT-147-1C was a genotype with the shortest bulb (33.12 mm). DZSHT-307-1/90 had the highest TSS (16.78°Brix) significantly differing from DZSHT-002/07 which had the lowest TSS (11.17 °Brix). Dry matter of the genotypes ranged from 12.00% to 22.79%. DZSHT-004/07, DZSHT-111-2-1, DZSHT-41-2B and DZSHT-72-2 had DM% greater than 20% which coupled with greater than 14 °Brix could make them suitable for dehydrated shallots. Among the 81 genotypes characterized 4 (4.9%), 7 (8.6%), 13 (16.1%), 28 (34.6%) and 29 (35.8%) were yellow, golden, light red, red and dark red in colour, respectively.  Fifteen of the genotypes had at least 50% bolting plants whereas twenty nine of the genotypes had less than 25% bolting. The results revealed that seven principal components explained approximately 76% of the observed variation. Cluster analysis grouped the genotypes into seven clusters, with the majority falling into three clusters. The study successfully identified genotypes with diverse and important traits and availed both the genotypes and the information for future breeding programs. These genotypes could be used for the development of improved hybrid and open pollinated shallot varieties with higher yield, quality and pest resistance/tolerance attributes.
