Optimization of fertilizer use efficiency, soil quality and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) growth with biochar under drip irrigation conditions irrigation conditions
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Biochar (BC) is an eco-friendly product characterized with high content of carbon and usually obtained by heating biomass without oxygen. Utilizing BC as organic material to amend the problematic soils and improve plant growth and yield has been proved previously. This study investigated the effect of vetiver grass biochar (VGB) on fertilizer use efficiency, soil quality, and oil palm growth performance. A net house experiment was conducted at the Farm Unit, UiTM Sarawak Branch, between August 2022 and March 2023. A factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five treatments and four replications was devised. Treatments applied were: T0) absolute control; T1) 100% NPK fertilizer; T2) 100% vetiver grass biochar; T3) 50% vetiver grass biochar + 50% NPK fertilizer; and T4) 25% vetiver grass biochar + 75% NPK fertilizer. The BC application significantly improved the fertilizer use efficiency through reducing the rate of fertilizer applied. It also significantly enhanced most soil-measured chemical properties and soil nutrients. The growth performance of oil palm plant was significantly enhanced by BC application in terms of plant height, hump diameter, leaf number, chlorophyll content, and plant biomass. The BC application demonstrated its usefulness in managing soil and cultivating oil palm plant sustainably by reducing the rate of fertilizer applied and improve the fertilizer use efficiency. Based on the output, we suggest that treatment T3 (50% vetiver grass biochar + 50% NPK) can be used to improve the growth performance of oil palm.
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