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  • The Wildflower of the Year 2013 in Hungary: Summer Snowflake (Leucojum aestivum L.)

    In this paper a short review of the taxonomy, nomenclature, morphology, distribution, habitat characteristics, phenology, reproduction, biotic interactions, biologically active compounds, conservation status and threatening factors of Leucojum aestivum can be found.

  • Floristic data from the Great Plain of Hungary (Alföld)

    In this study we report relevant occurrence data of 49 species and hybrids and their habitats from the Great Plain registered in the period between 2011 and 2017. Due to importance for nature conservation, we present additional data of further 13 species. Most of the data are originated from riverine oak-elm-ash forests of South East Hungary (from the region of Gyula, Békéscsaba, Doboz settlements). The most important result of our study is the rediscovery of Gagea minima and Dictamnus albus. Besides, we report new occurrence data for the Great Plain (Alföld), as well as for the flora of the microregions in questions (e.g. Draba muralisNicandra physalodesCystopteris fragilis) and also present the data of the regionally endangered species (e.g. Inula heleniumOphioglossum vulgatum). Some rare weed taxa (e.g. Calepina irregularisCardamine impatiens), spreading adventive taxa (e.g. Chorispora tenellaEuphorbia maculataPhytolacca americanaPh. esculentaSicyos angulata) and in surveys rather underrepresented species (e.g. Loranthus europaeus, Arabis hirsutaRumex confertus) are reported too.

  • Some floristic data from surroundings of Kötcse (South Transdanubia, West Outer Somogy)

    There are very few published and documented floristic data from the hills of the SW region of Hungary called 'Outer Somogy'. This paper present the occurrence data of 31 vascular plant species from the western part of this region. Among them 14 taxa are legally protected and further 17 taxa are sporadically occurring. The records were collected within the administrative area of villages Karád, Kereki, Kötcse, Nagycsepely, Szólád (Nezde) and Teleki.  Most data were recorded in 2014. This is the first report on the occurrence of 1) Neotinea ustulata subsp. aestivalis in South Transdanubia, and 2) Epipactis microphylla and E. tallosii in Outer Somogy. Data provided on the occurrence of Cirsium boujartii on the northwestern border of the distribution area of this insufficiently known species.

  • The clammy goosefoot (Chenopodium pumilio R.BR.) in Zugló (Budapest) and new data on the distribution of invasive species in NE Hungary

    The paper summarise occurrences of some rare invasive weeds of Hungary. We found currently second population at the Australian origin Chenopodium pumilio in Budapest (Zugló) in September 2016. Further, 27 occurrence data of 8 other species (Amaranthus deflexus, Echium maculatum, Lepidium densiflorum, Oxybaphus nyctagineus, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Portulaca grandiflora, Sarothamnus scoparius, Tragus racemosus) is also reported in the persent paper from the ‘Északi-középhegyég’ area (Northeast-Hungary), and some data from beside the Hungarian–Slovakian border, especially settlements, strongly disturbed places (especially road curbs, pavement cracks, train stations), indicating the Central European flora mapping system quadrate number. Voucher specimens were deposited in herbarium of Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (BP).

  • New occurrence of Caldesia parnassifolia (L.) Parl. in Hungary

    Caldesia parnassifolia is a critically endangered and strictly protected species in Hungary. It was known only from one locality of occurrence so far, where it was last reported in 2003. Its new occurrence was discovered in Somogy county, in 2010. It appeared in an artificial pond created in the place of an originally swampy depression. Based on this newly discovered occurrence we can assume that other potential populations might still exist in South-Transdanubium, which could be rediscovered if similar conservation measures occur.

  • The biases of floristic surveys I. Naive planters: “cuckoo” of the Medves (N Hungary)

    The aim of the planned thematic studies is to point out the main biases and/or errors of floristic surveys in Hungary. In this first article of the series we focus on those examples when native species were planted out of their original habitats and/or range by a non-professional naturalist. The sources of information are those letters that were posted by Ferenc Varga to the first author of this article in 2005. The circumstances of the transplantation of 10 phytogeographycally significant species of the investigated area and/or the Pannonicum (Adonis vernalisArum orientaleAsarum europaeumGenista germanicaPhragmites australisPulsatilla grandisP. nigricansSalvia aethiopisViola albaXeranthemum annuum) are detailed in the text and summarised in a table. The correspondence between the first author and Ferenc Varga provides insight how the ambition of a non-professional naturalist can influence the flora of an area. Most of the species were removed from South and transplanted to North, almost 10 km away from their original stands. With the exception of Adonis vernalis and Genista germanica at least one transplantation of the species was successful. In the case of Salvia aethiopis, the naturalized populations came 1.25 km close to Slovakia, where this species is a very rare and endangered (EN) taxon.

  • Interesting moss and liverwort records from the Western Mecsek Mts (South Transdanubia, Hungary)

    During an extensive field work in the acidophilous forests and fens of the Western Mecsek Mts. current localities of several species, which haven’t been recognised here for 50 years, were revealed (e.g. Bazzania trilobata, Diphyscium foliosum, Scapania nemorea). The authors also found some new stands of regionally and/or locally rare taxa (e.g. Buxbaumia aphylla, Dicranum tauricum, Jamesoniella autumnalis, Lepidozia reptans, Sphagnum squarrosum) as well as species new to the moss flora of the Mecsek Mts. (e.g. Aulacomnium androgynum, A. palustre, Calliergon cordifolium, Hedwigia stellata). Both investigated habitat types were found to be infected by invasive moss (Campylopus introflexus) and liverwort (Riccia rhenana) species. It is noteworthy that most of the species were found in winter or at the beginning of spring, when most vascular plants are inactive and their coverage is negligible. In this period moss and liverwort taxa are active, and are therefore easily noticeable. The authors raise the possibility that the expansion of Dicranum tauricum in Hungary is a consequence of former coniferous (especially Pinus spp.) plantations, since the old, dead trunks of pine species can serve as stepping stones to colonization for this taxon.

  • Data to the flora and vegetation of Hungary III.

    We report the occurrence data of 44 vascular plant taxa collected at various localities in Hungary (mainly the Danube–Tisza Interfluve and South Transdanubia) during floristic, vegetation and ecological field surveys between 2016 and 2018. Of the species in the present article, 27 are protected or strictly protected. In the paper we focused on plants that are rare regionally (e.g. Botrychium lunaria, Polystichum aculeatum) or in the whole country (e.g. Ophrys oestrifera, Ranunculus psilostachys), as well as on plants that occurred in unusual habitats (e.g. Corydalis solida). We also included new localities of weedy species, some of which (e.g. Opuntia humifusaSporobolus cryptandrus) may present nature conservation threats.

  • Data to the flora of Hungary I.

    The paper gives new floristic data from several regions of Hungary. Some of them are recent evidences of old data (e.g. Herniaria incana in Pomáz), others are new occurrences of recently expanding alien species (e.g. Eleusine indica, Geranium purpureum, Typha laxmannii), casual species (e.g. Lobularia maritima, Nepeta racemosa) or legally protected taxa (e.g. Agrostemma githago, Ornithogalum brevistylum, Ranunculus illyricus, Sonchus palustris).

  • New montane species in the Hungarian bryophyte flora

    During a bryofloristical investigation in the vicinity of Ómassa (Miskolc) in the Bükk Mountains (NE Hungary), three montane-boreal bryophyte species new to the Hungarian bryoflora were collected. Encalypta spathulata Müll.Hal. was found on the ledges of limestone cliffs of Vörös-kő Hill as well as on the rocky debris among roots of a fallen tree lying under the cliffs. Hydrogonium croceum (Brid.) Jan Kučera and Orthothecium rufescens (Dicks. ex Brid.) Schimp. were found in the crevices of dolomite cliffs on the north-facing steep slope of Jávor Hill. While the latter two species are widespread in European Mountains, E. spathulata is considered to be a rare species, and is assessed as ‘Vulnerable’ in the IUCN red list.

  • Campylopus flexuosus (Hedw.) Brid.: a moss new to the Hungarian bryophyte flora

    Two localities of Campylopus flexuosus new to Hungary were discovered by the authors near Uzsa in the Bakony Mts during mapping of the Hungarian bryoflora. In this paper the circumstances of the occurrences are described and illustrated by maps and photographs; a short description of the species is provided together with photographs of diagnostic characters.

  • Epipactis exilis in the Börzsöny Mts (C Hungary)

    Seven specimens of Epipactis exilis has been found in the Börzsöny Mts, in a beech forest along the creek Szén-patak on the 21st August 2020. This strictly protected species is very rare in Hungary, the present observation is its fifth occurrence in the country. It is new to the Börzsöny Mts flora.

  • Contributions to the flora of Tolna and Baranya counties IV.

    The authors present the most important floristic data of Tolna and Baranya coun­ties, col­lected together or separately in the last 15 years, or observed by other data providers. In total, occur­rence data of 140 taxa are reported. Most of them are protected species in Hungary, but the list also includes rarer weeds (Ado­nis flammea, Althaea cannabina, Aphanes arvensis, Bunias orientalis, Legousia speculum-veneris, Vicia lutea) and adventive species (Helminthia echioides, Oxybaphus nyctagineus, Rubia tinctorum). Several species of phytogeographical importance were also found in the forest-steppe vegetation of the loess areas studied. Occurrence of Linaria biebersteinii should be highlighted. L. biebersteinii is a very rare species in the Transda­nubian region, and is no longer found in Europe west of this region. The occurrence of Himantoglossum adriaticum is a new contribution to the flora of the southern Transdanubian region.

  • Occurrences of Kievan nettle (Urtica kioviensis) in the South Nyírség (East Hungary)

    So far, only one herbarium data and one flora mapping data on Kievan nettle (Urtica kioviensis Rogow.) has been known from the Southern Nyírség. Since 2004, the species has been detected in 14 flora mapping quadrats. Its data were also collected in winter because its habitats are more easily accessible on ice, its overwintering shoots are more noticeable, and they are strikingly morphologically different from the great nettle (Urtica dioica L.). Typical habitats were willow carrs (Calamagrosti-Salicetum cinereae), reeds (Phragmitetum communis), rush-beds (Typhetum latifoliae, Typhetum angustifoliae), tufted sedge communities (Caricetum elatae) and tall sedge meadows (mainly Caricetum acutiformis). The largest stocks live in reservoirs in secondary habitats. A significant part of the stocks is located in the wide valleys of the main watercourses in the area.

  • Floristic data from the Tokaj–Zemplén Mts and the surroundings (NE Hungary)

    In our paper, we publish the most important new floristic data from the region of Tokaj Hills and Zemplén Mountains (incl. Szerencsköz, Hernád-mente, Bodrogköz, Tatkaköz, Harangod) from the last ten years. During this period, we discovered two new protected species (Asplenium javorkaeanum, Epipactis nordeniorum) in the Zemplén Mountains and seven new protected species (Cep­ha­lan­thera damasonium, Cirsium brachycephalum, Epilobium palustre, Epipactis palustris, Lycopodium cla­va­tum, Pyrola rotundifolia, Polystichum aculeatum) in the Hungarian part of Bodrogköz. We found new lo­ca­tions of several rare species (Epipactis exilis, Dryopteris expansa, Blechnum spicant, Androsace maxima, Orchis coriophora, Orchis purpurea, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Sonchus palustris, Cicuta virosa). We confirmed the occurrence of four species, which have not been detected for decades (Sedum his­pa­nicum, Erysimum wittmannii subsp. pallidiflorum, Pseudolysimachion spurium, Botrychium lunaria).

  • Floristic records from Northern Hungary III. Zemplén Mts

    We report new floristic data collected from the Zemplén Mountains between 2004–2022. Altogether, 1215 occurrences of 133 species were recorded from 33 Central European Flora Mapping quadrats. We present occurrences of so far not reported or rare species, e.g., Carex appropinquata, C. cespitosa, C. disticha, Centaurea stenolepis, Scabiosa columbaria, Tephroseris aurantiaca. We put special emphasis on occurrence data of geobotanical importance, such as Anthriscus nitidus, Echium maculatum, Lunaria rediviva, Nepeta pannonica, Oreopteris limbosperma, Petasites albus, Primula elatior, Thlaspi jankae, Veronica montana, as well as newly rediscovered species based on archive data: Cirsium rivulare, Parnassia palustris. We mention common species, which are lacking data from the area, e.g., Adoxa moschatellina, Allium flavum, Cardamine amara, Dipsacus fullonum, Galanthus nivalis. Moreover, we report numerous new occurrences of taxa typical to the Zemplén Mts.: Aruncus dioicus, Huperzia selago, Lycopodium annotinum, Securigera elegans etc. We complete the enumeration with additional data from the literature and herbaria.

  • Contributions to the flora of Baranya and Tolna counties III.

    During the last four years (2014–2017) that have passed since my last publication, I have been collecting 25 000 new floristic data for the territory of the Danube–Drava National Park. The most valuable and interesting records of 116 taxa are presented here, e.g. those of the strictly protected Digitalis ferruginea and Paeonia banatica, and the protected species Polystichum lonchitis, Dryopteris affinis, Doronicum orientale, Helleborus dumetorum, Corydalis intermedia, Spiraea media, Veratrum nigrum. New records of not protected but rare species, such as Lycopsis arvensis, Silene dichotomaTeucrium botrys, Thladiantha dubia, Vicia lutea, Hypochoeris radicata are also enumerated. Some curiosities are mentioned as well, including the sizes of the biggest (and probably the oldest) Crataegus monogyna, Hedera helix, Ruscus hypoglossum and Ruscus aculeatus individuals that were found during my field work.

  • The Algae of the Year 2015 – Candidates of the election

    While science-based education is widespread for macroscopic flora and fauna, the microscopic world has received much less attention. In 2015, having the aim of establishing a tradition, the Phycological Forum announced its first “Alga of the Year” in form of an online voting. The three candidates of algae were Didymosphenia geminataHaematococcus pluvialis and Prymnesium parvum, from which the Haematococcus pluvialis received the overwhelming majority of votes. Introducing the ecological and economical aspects and distribution of the candidate taxa in Hungary, we aimed at to stress that there is a high educational potential of microscopic life. Furthermore, our study draws the attention to the fundamental role of algae in aquatic ecosystems, stressing their importance in maintaining life.

  • Data on the occurrence of sedge species (Carex, Cyperaceae) in and around South Nyírség (East Hungary)

    We provide floristic data on a total of 38 sedge species in the area of South Nyírség and its immediate surroundings. We also detected some populations of previously undescribed or rare species in the Hungarian Great Plain, such as Carex buxbaumii, Carex hartmanii, Carex umbrosa, and Carex paniculata. We report several new occurrences of species with little literature data from the area, such as Carex brizoides, Carex michelii, Carex pallescens, Carex elongata. However, during the last 13 years, we were not able to detect seven species previously mentioned in the literature. Herbarium data confirmed that some of the older Carex nigra occurrences for the area actually refer to Carex cespitosa. Based on herbarium data and the literature, we think that local data on Carex pairaei may largely refer to Carex divulsa subsp. leersii and/or Carex spicata. Contrary to many pieces of literature, Carex vulpina was not observed inside the sandy area.

  • Floristical data from loess substrate of Harangod and South-Cserehát (NE Hungary)

    This paper contains the new floristic results of the author from Harangod and SouthCserehát, collected between 2009 and 2013. It presents data on 66 and 48 species respectively. Several new localities of forest-steppe species (e. g. Artemisia pontica, Corydalis cava, Galium odoratum, Lilium martagon, Melica altissima, Thalictrum minus, Viola elatior), meadow species (e. g. Gratiola officinalis, Senecio sarracenicus) and adventiv plants (e. g. Gypsophila perfoliata, Panicum capillare, Typha laxmannii) are published here.

  • Contributions to the knowledge of biology and Hungarian distribution range of Orobanche reticulata

    Some new Hungarian occurrences of Orobanche reticulata Wallr. are discussed in this paper. On the Bér-hegy hill (Eastern Bakony Mts) the species was observed on a so far unknown host plant (Carduus hamulosus). Although the species usually flowers from May to July in Hungary, the observed individual was in full bloom in October, probably due to the extremely rainy year (2010). Another population of the species, found at Magyaralmás settlement in the foreground of the Vértes Hills, deserves attention because of its size. In early summer of 2020, individuals of O. reticulata appeared in a great quantity (several hundred ones) on a fallow land that was developed from a natural dry grassland having been ploughed in the previous year. In this case the local host plants were Carduus nutans subsp. leiophyllus and Carduus acanthoides. Some further records of the species from the Transdanubian Mts and the regions of Külső-Somogy and Mezőföld present new data in the Hungarian flora mapping program.

  • Data to the distribution and nature conservation of Sorbus bakonyensis

    Sorbus bakonyensis (Jáv.) Jáv. (syn. S. majeri Barabits) is an apomictic species with a very narrow distribution range in the Bakony Mts (Hungary). Its previous occurrence data were published only from Kopasz Mt. (~Kápolna Hill, Csordás valley) above the village Márkó. It was possible to slightly expand the known area of the species to the East and to the West (Kis-Bükk Mt) of Kopasz Mt. with a detailed mapping. Due to the number of known individuals (six mature trees and a variable number of seedlings) and its small distribution range (~2 km2) the species is critically endangered. Regarding its small population, the high number of big game (wild boar, red deer) and the more and more frequent drought periods are significant risk factors. In situ preservation of the species is still a realistic goal, but ex situ propagation in tree nurseries and reintroduction to the suitable habitats of the mapped area (clearings, forest edges) are also justified.

  • Notes to the vascular flora of Sopron Mountains and its foreground

    Records of 26 vascular plant species from the territory of Sopron Mountains (16 species) and Sopron Basin (11 species) are presented. Our field works (between 2014 and 2020) focused on some localities at the eastern and southern parts of the region. Tetragonolobus maritimus is new for the Sopron Mts, whereas Ajuga chamaepithys and Lycopsis arvensis are new for the Hungarian part of the hills. Some protected plants like Agrostemma githago, Gentianopsis ciliata and Sesleria uliginosa were rediscovered in the region. Comments about all species and their local chorology are added. A remarkable degradation process of bogs around Harka village, caused mainly by insufficient water supply of meadows, was observed. The spread of occurrences of several naturalized weed such as Aegilops cylindrica, Galium parisiense, Geranium rotundifolium, Kochia scoparia, Lepidium virginicum, Oenothera salicifolia, Sagina apetala subsp. apetala and Verbascum lychnitis was noticed. The most surprising observations refer to Galium parisiense; the spread of the species by transport had no precedent in Hungary before.

  • Floristic records from Northern Hungary IV. Helleborus dumetorum from the Cserhát Hills and other occurrences

    In this publication, the author provides occurrences of geobotanical importance from the North Hungarian Mountains collected in the spring of 2023. First occurrence for the following species was recorded: Helleborus dumetorum from the Cserhát Hills, Lunaria annua from the Mátra Mts. and Dryopteris affinis from the Bükk Mts. Ranunculus aquatilis was found again in the Bükk Mts., where it had been collected more than 100 years ago, and Rubus saxatilis was found for the fourth time in the Zemplén Mts.

  • Rubus armeniacus Focke, an unnoticed invader in the Hungarian flora

    The authors report on the occurrence, distribution and invasion potential of Rubus armeniacus, a bramble species of Caucasian origin, in Hungary. The first verified records of the species are from the 1990s. It has established strong populations in ruderal habitats mainly around Budapest and some other cities, whereas its competiveness is rather weak in closed non-lowland forests rich in native bramble species. In terms of conservation, it constitutes a real threat to the vegetation of Pannonian sandy habitats. The results of this study also emphasize the importance of recognising "nonnative cryptic species" for ecology and conservation biology.