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Data to the flora of Heves–Borsod Plain I. Distribution of forest, forest steppe and steppe elements
16-65Views:228This paper reports new floristic data of 159 taxa (158 species and one hybrid) from the Heves–Borsod Plain (5 micro-regions between the Mátra and Bükk Mountains and the Tisza River valley). The data were collected between 1999 and 2018 and supplemented with collected specimen (altogether 93 herbarium sheets). This study is the first part of a thematic series that analyzes the distribution patterns of forest, forest steppe and dry grassland ‘steppe’ species, beyond reporting floristic data. The data were derived from 51 flora-mapping quadrats (CEU), based on 5.395 field collected data records. Some indicator species of the three species groups have been assessed in detail (with the addition of distribution maps of 25 species). I have also tested two East-West direction ‘lines’ (the 100-meter isoline and the Csörsz Ditch) for the possible existence of North-South chorological gradients in the area. True forest species (mostly Querco-Fagetea elements) show a dispersed pattern, their representatives can be linked to forest blocks appearing in the landscape. Streams from the adjacented hilly areas (even if they are strongly modified) are very important in the dispersal of the forest species. Their significance and role are decreasing towards the South. For some steppe and forest steppe species (e.g. Brachypodium pinnatum, Campanula bononiensis, Clematis recta, Elymus hispidus, Lychnis viscaria, Ranunculus illyricus, Sanguisorba minor, Stipa spp., Teucrium chamaedrys, Trifolium alpestre, Vinca herbacea) the examined lines indicate a regional area boundary, while for other species (e.g. Phlomis tuberosa, Thalictrum minus) gradient-like distribution differences were not observed. In the distribution of many species an additional southern gradient running along the northern boundary of the former Heves Floodplain was detected. Southwards to this line, the representatives of the selected species are already very sporadic, occurring only in synantropic habitats (e.g. Vincetoxicum hirundinaria).
Flowering phenology and distribution pattern of Lizard Orchids (Himantoglossum)
157-167Views:121Hybridization is very rare between the species of Himatoglossum genus, despite the fact that it is common in other orchid genera. The reasons for this can be the lack of overlapping distribution areas or the different flowering period of the species. In the paper distribution and flowering data of Himantoglossum species are presented from herbarium sheets or references (sources paper-based or internet). We collected 1001 precisely dated flowering records of 12 species. In case of 6 species (H. adriaticum, H. caprinum, H. comperianum, H. hircinum, H. jankae, H. robertianum) we had sufficient records to calculate the average flowering day and blooming length. According to the collected data the distribution of the species are overlapping except for H. formosum, H. galilaeum and H. metlesicsianum. Studying 55 species pairs, insignificant differences in blooming time were only at 21 species pairs, among them only 5 (H. comperianum - H. caprinum, H. montis-tauri - H. comperianum, H. hircinum - H. adriaticum, H. montis-tauri - H. caprinum és H. jankae - H. calcaratum) have overlapping distribution area. Data on hybridization could be found only at three species pairs among them. From the results we can conclude that in the case of Himantoglossum genus the rarity of hybridization is mostly due to the phenological isolation.
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae XIII.
85-88Views:58007The present paper is the 13th in a series of papers contributing new floristic data to complement the distribution maps of Atlas Florae Hungariae. We present altogether 1307 new occurrence data to advance our knowledge of the distribution of vascular plants in Hungary. New data are presented for 634 vascular plant species from 256 flora mapping quarter quadrates (CEU). Due to the unevenness of data collection, the data are highly dispersed over the area of Hungary. Most of the presented occurrence data are from the Great Hungarian Plain, the North Hungarian Mountains, and the Little Hungarian Plain regions. The enumeration includes rare native species (e.g., Androsace maxima, Erysimum crepidifolium, Orobanche gracilis, Peucedanum palustre, Pulsatilla zimmermannii, Scopolia carniolica, Vicia biennis), rare or data deficient adventive species (e.g., Euphorbia prostrata, Euphorbia serpens, Lindernia dubia), subspontaneous occurrences of native species (Asplenium scolopendrium, Daphne laureola, Chenopodium opulifolium), species spreading along linear infrastructure (Eleusine indica, Plantago coronopus, Sorghum halepense, Spergularia salina, Tragus racemosus), and also common native species with data deficient distribution maps (Agrostis stolonifera, Bromus benekenii, Bromus japonicus, Carex caryophyllea, Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa, Equisetum ramosissimum, Vulpia myuros).
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae V.
383–403Views:203The current paper is the 5th one in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Several distribution data of 360 plant taxa from 66 flora mapping units are published in this study. Most of them are from the South Transdanubia. As a result of systematic surveys, more than 30 new species were found in 6 flora mapping quadrates. Most of the species are frequent, treated usually as weeds, but some of them are rare (e.g. Anchusa azurea, Centunculus minimus, Euphorbia stricta, Hypericum humifusum, Sagina apetala), and in some cases they are legally protected species in Hungary (e.g. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Dryopteris affinis, Festuca dalmatica, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Urtica kioviensis).
Results of floristic and phytogeographical research in the Velence Hills (Hungary, Transdanubian Mts)
117–152Views:436A recent floristic mapping of the Velence Hills has clarified the local distribution of many plant species. This study presents records of 219 phytogeographically significant or sporadic/rare taxa (216 species/subspecies and 3 natural hybrids). The local distribution of some species representing typical regional distribution patterns (Alyssum turkestanicum, Artemisia austriaca, Bupleurum pachnospermum, Doronicum hungaricum, Hypericum elegans, Lathyrus sphaericus, Minuartia viscosa, Ornithogalum comosum, Scabiosa canescens, Sedum caespitosum, Sternbergia colchiciflora, Vinca herbacea) are shown on maps. More than fifty taxa previously unknown from the area were recorded during the floristic mapping, including phytogeographically significant ones, such as Bassia laniflora, Brassica elongata, Bupleurum praealtum, Centunculus minimus, Hypericum elegans, Orlaya grandiflora, Phleum bertolonii, Silene dichotoma, Stipa tirsa, Tordylium maximum, Trifolium diffusum, T. ochroleucon and Valeriana dioica. In terms of phytogeography, the Velence Hills can primarily be characterised by the co-existence of continental and sub-Mediterranean elements as well as species of acidophil and strongly basic habitats.
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae X.
101–106Views:392This paper is the 10th in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Distribution data of 686 plant species from 194 flora mapping units are published in this study, but all of them are listed in an electronic appendix. As a result of local surveys, more than 100 new species were found in a single flora mapping unit. Other “linear surveys” along the National Blue Trail revealed 142 new species in 10 flora mapping units in total. Among these, Carex strigosa is one of the most interesting taxa in the Bakony Mts. Previously published and new distribution data of this legally protected sedge species suggests that it is spreading from SW to NE within the Transdanubian Mts. Results from our survey shows that studying synanthropic habitats like frequently used hiking trails might provide a significant amount of new data points at the scale of Hungarian Flora mapping units. Moreover, similar studies might shed some light on the origins and migration routes (e.g. Illyrian and Dacian routes) of “native” species.
Distribution and identification key of Rubus L. ser. Micantes in Hungary
56-68Views:83Based on a substantial field-work and herbarium revision carried out between 2007 and 2014, the authors present the taxonomical evaluation of recently known representatives of Rubus L. ser. Micantes Sudre in Hungary, providing the first grid-based distribution maps and an identification key of four species of the section (Rubus balatonicus Borbás, R. clusii Borbás, R. styriacus Halácsy, R. tabanimontanus Figert) for Hungary.
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VI.
87-102Views:266The current paper is the sixth one in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Current occurrence data of 389 vascular plant taxa from 117 flora mapping quadrates (CEU) are provided. New records are indicated from different regions of Hungary; however, most occurrences are located in the North Hungarian Mts and from the city of Szolnok and Western Hungary. Occurrence data of rare native taxa (including data of Equisetum fluviatile, Galium rivale, Gladiolus imbricatus, Hypericum maculatum, Persicaria bistorta, Potentilla inclinata, Ranunculus lingua, Rhinanthus rumelicus, Trifolium fragiferum subsp. bonannii, Viola pumila), rare or data-deficient alien taxa (e.g. Amaranthus blitum subsp. blitum, Cymbalaria muralis, Elymus elongatus, Euphorbia peplus, Heracleum sosnowskyi, Impatiens balfourii, Lepidium densiflorum, Rhus typhina, Telekia speciosa), as well as frequent but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Carex otrubae, Chenopodium polyspermum, Crepis tectorum, Filipendula vulgaris, Petrorhagia prolifera, Poa palustris) are also enumerated. In case of the most common species we provided the CEU codes only.
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae II.
227-252Views:344The present article is the second part of the series aiming to contribute with new data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Current occurrence data of 612 vascular plant taxa from 283 flora mapping quadrates (CEU) are presented. New records are distributed over the entire Hungary, however, most are localised in the North Hungarian Mts. Occurrence data of rare native taxa (e.g. Antennaria dioica, Bupleurum pachnospermum, Carex rostrata, Ceratocephala testiculata, Cicuta virosa, Cirsium boujartii, Epipactis moravica, Lycopsis arvensis, Parnassia palustris, Pyrus nivalis, Rumex kerneri, Rumex pulcher, Silene nemoralis, Stellaria alsine, Teucrium botrys, Vicia lutea), rare or data-deficient alien taxa (e.g. Nonea lutea, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Silybum marianum) as well as frequent but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Eragrostis minor, Heliotropium europaeum, Saxifraga tridactylites) are also enumerated, since our intention was to fill the gaps in the Atlas. Remarcable contribution on the occupied territory of Ranunculus illyricus and Spergula pentandra in the Nyírség region (E Hungary), and on the Hungarian distribution of expanding alien weed Senecio vernalis are also presented.
Contributions to knowledge on the distribution of nine adventive or invasive algae species in Hungary
11-21Views:128Hungarian records of nine adventive or invasive algae [Didymosphenia geminata, Nitzschia closterium, Reimeria sinuata, Navicula schroeteri, Pleurosira laevis (Bacillariophyceae); Pediastrum simplex (Chlorophyceae), Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi, Sphaerospermopsis aphanizomenoides (Cyanobacteria)] are presented. Navicula schroeteri Meister is a new species for the Hungarian flora. Although the observed distribution patterns of these species were very different, the increasing frequency of their appearance indicates significant effect of climate change on abiotic environment of inland waters, such as the increase in water temperature, increase in salt concentration, and eutrophication. The significance of continuous biomonitoring is emphasized, which, through the recognition of natural and human-induced changes in species composition of algae, or the appearance and rapid expansion of non-indigenous species, can detect environmental changes of inland waters.
Online distribution atlas of the Hungarian vascular flora (Atlas Florae Hungariae): Homepage structure and prospects of database building
238–252Views:514In December 2018 the online Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary (Atlas Florae Hungariae) was published. The database was built from more than 1 million data records. It mainly contains data from the Hungarian Flora Mapping Programme, but herbarium and literature data were also processed. Maps of species richness illustrate the taxonomic diversity of biogeographical areas and shows the differences of survey quality. After the Flora Mapping Programme ended, between 2016 and 2019, additional data from scientific articles were processed. 25% of new data originated from the article series “Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae” in the Kitaibelia journal, which significantly broadened the distribution of some species. Records of Mesophile forest species (e.g. Allium ursinum, Dryopteris dilatata) increased, as well as records of weed species (e.g. Euphorbia maculata, Senecio vernalis) which can be attributed to their natural spreading. The most important future tasks are to create a reviewed list of taxa and extend data records with an attribute table containing all additional information. Until now the database website is presented only in Hungarian ( Registration is available for anybody, after sending a request via e-mail ( There are different options (excel file by e-mail or online web form) on how to upload floristic data for registered users. Data is only accepted if required information (name of taxa, date, data publisher, settlement, CEU code) is filled out. Each record of uploaded data is revised by the website administrator and taxa specialists. The English version of the webpage will be available in the near future.
Research on the distribution of woolly cup grass (Eriochloa villosa) in the northern part of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Hungary
27–32Views:503Eriochloa villosa (Thunb.) Kunth was recorded for the first time in Hungary in 2007. Since then, the species spread intensively in the area and appeared at some other parts of Hungary. We carried out a research at the current distribution range of the species in the northern part of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. We asked how big is the infested area surrounding the place of the first occurrence and whether other occurrences could be found in other parts of the investigated area. This article also gives a review on its known localities in Hungary and neighbouring areas. During the field research, 58 locations of the species were identified, it occurred mainly in ploughed and unploughed agricultural fields, and at some places in disturbed grasslands, too. It has spread on a large scale around the neighbouring areas of the first location found in 2007. Other locations were also found even at more distant places such as in the valley of the Sajó and Bódva rivers and in the Cserehát region. This means that further spread of Eriochloa villosa can be expected, especially in areas with an intensive agricultural activity, in disturbed grasslands, and a threat of its appearance is also suspected in open natural habitats.
Distribution and flora of areas with alkaline and saline soils in the Mezőföld, Hungary
39-61Views:237Areas with alkaline and saline (solonetz and solonchak) soils occupy substantial areas in the westernmost, Transdanubian part of the Great Hungarian Plain (Mezőföld). To this date, the flora and vegetation of only two localities have been studied in some detail, while the rest has remained largely unknown in this respect. In this paper, I provide brief descriptions of these little-known areas and present a list of halophytes with distribution data from the last 17 years. The names of the plants are followed by the name of the township and the geographical location where the plant was found, the code of the grid cell of the Central European Flora Survey grid that includes the location, and in selected species, the year when the species was first recorded. The list is arranged in alphabetical order irrespective of taxonomy. The occurrence data indicate that the floras of these saline-alkaline areas represent only subsets of, but in combination are almost identical to the overall flora of similar habitats in the Sárvíz plain.
Leucojum vernum at the Súri-Bakonyalja and overview of its distribution in the Bakony Region
242-246Views:388In Hungary Leucojum vernum is considered a plant species of montane character, distributed predominantly in Transdanubia. Apart from some isolated localities (Zalaszántó Basin Mts, Tapolca Basin), the occurrences of the species are mainly confined to the region “Magas Bakony” and its periphery within the Hungarian Middle Mts. In the spring of 2020 a large population was discovered by the author in the region “Súri-Bakonyalja”, which significantly expands the known local distribution range of the species. The new population, together with other phytogeographically significant species (e.g. Anemone nemorosa, Corydalis intermedia, Veratrum album), was found in a poorly explored valley system (Kisbér village: Báró-erdő). Based on all literature and herbarium records, the local distribution range of L. vernum is surveyed.
Data to the distribution and nature conservation of Sorbus bakonyensis
229-233Views:1330Sorbus bakonyensis (Jáv.) Jáv. (syn. S. majeri Barabits) is an apomictic species with a very narrow distribution range in the Bakony Mts (Hungary). Its previous occurrence data were published only from Kopasz Mt. (~Kápolna Hill, Csordás valley) above the village Márkó. It was possible to slightly expand the known area of the species to the East and to the West (Kis-Bükk Mt) of Kopasz Mt. with a detailed mapping. Due to the number of known individuals (six mature trees and a variable number of seedlings) and its small distribution range (~2 km2) the species is critically endangered. Regarding its small population, the high number of big game (wild boar, red deer) and the more and more frequent drought periods are significant risk factors. In situ preservation of the species is still a realistic goal, but ex situ propagation in tree nurseries and reintroduction to the suitable habitats of the mapped area (clearings, forest edges) are also justified.
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae III.
122-146Views:519The current paper is the third one in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Current occurrence data of 558 vascular plant taxa from 186 flora mapping quadrates (CEU) are presented. New records are indicated from different regions of Hungary; however, most occurrences are located in the North Hungarian Mts. Occurrence data of rare native taxa (e.g. Marsilea quadrifolia, Salicornia prostrata, Stellaria palustris, Potentilla patula, Althaea cannabina, Lythrum tribracteatum, Ajuga laxmannii, Plantago schwarzenbergiana, Alisma gramineum, Gagea bohemica, G. szovitsii), rare or data-deficient alien taxa (e.g. Chorispora tenella, Thladiantha dubia, Senecio vernalis) as well as frequent but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Scleranthus annuus, Vicia hirsuta, V. lathyroides) are also enumerated. In case of the most common species we provided the CEU codes only.
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VIII.
238-261Views:258The current paper is the 8th in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the maps published quite recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Distribution data of 539 plant taxa from 157 flora mapping units is presented in this study, most of them are located in the western half of the country. As a result of systematic surveys, more than 190 new species were found in a single flora mapping quadrat. In another survey along some asphalted roadsides Puccinellia distans was found as a new species for 68 flora mapping grid units. All these indicate the necessity of further systematic research and publication of floristic results in papers like the “Contributions…” series. Most of the enumerated taxa are frequent, treated usually as weeds, but some of them are sparse and scattered or rare in Hungary (e.g. Nigella arvensis, Vaccaria hispanica, Rumex pulcher, Urtica urens), and in some cases they are legally protected plants in Hungary (e.g. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Dryopteris affinis, Gymnocarpium dryopteris and Huperzia selago). We also listed some casual alien plants and naturalized species that were not mentioned in the last neophyte list of Hungary (e.g. Acer cissifolium, Cyperus alternifolius, Gaillardia aristata, Galanthus elwesii). In the Outlook we pointed out the insufficient survey of some synanthropic (urban) habitat types in Hungary, like verges, gardens and flowerbeds that can be the hotbed of established species or can serve as stepping stones for potential invaders.
KURTTO A., SENNIKOV A.N. & LAMPINEN R. (eds) (2018): Atlas Florae Europaeae 17. Distribution of vascular plants in Europe = Rosaceae (Sorbus s. lato). – The Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe & Societas Biologica Fennica Vanamo, Helsinki, 132 pp.
106Views:124Sokéves előkészületek után megjelent az európai hajtásos növények elterjedési térképeit bemutató sorozat 17. része. A puszta chorológiai adatok egybegyűjtésén túl a kötet páratlanul alapos taxonómiai és nevezéktani háttérmunkát tükröz...
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae I.
101–115Views:262The main aim of the present work is to contribute with new data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Occurrence data of 297 vascular plant taxa from 247 flora mapping quarter quadrates (CEU) are presented. This floristic paper is somehow unusual because besides the occurrence data of rare or sporadic taxa (e.g. Armoracia macrocarpa (Waldst. et Kit.) Kit. ex Baumg., Samolus valerandi L., Epipactis voethii Robatsch), frequent, but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Ranunculus ficaria L., Viola kitaibeliana Roem. et Schult., Gagea villosa (M. Bieb.) Duby), as well as alien taxa (e.g. Cymbalaria muralis G. Gaertn., B. Mey. et Scherb., Potentilla indica (Andrews) Focke, Tragus racemosus (L.) All.) are also enumerated, since our intention was to fill the – sometimes evident – gaps in the Atlas. The name initials of the author(s) who actually found the given occurrence are presented in brackets at each record.
The Wildflower of the Year 2016 in Hungary: snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris)
79–100Views:1055In this paper a short review of the nomenclature and etymology, taxonomy, morphology, histology, life cycle, phenology, reproduction, habitat preference, biotic interactions, biologically active compounds, micropropagation, applications possibilities and conservation status of snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris L.) can be found. Refining of the European distribution area and contributions to the distribution in Hungary are also presented. Primer seed-set, thousand-seed weight, soil charac¬teristic and demographic data are published.
The occurrence of Viola collina Besser in the Bükk and Uppony Mts. (N Hungary)
254-258Views:159Herbarium revisions and recent field observations revealed the occurrence of Viola collina Besser in the Bükk and Uppony Mts. (northern Hungary). This species has not been reported from the North Hungarian Mountains thus far. Altogether 94 localities of V. collina have been recorded in that region between 2007 and 2014. A map of the species’ local distribution is provided. Local habitat preferences of V. collina are briefly discussed.
Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae IX.
253–256Views:332The current paper is the 9th in the series aiming to provide new data to the distribution maps of Atlas Florae Hungariae. Data of 734 vascular plant taxa (from 222 flora mapping quadrats) are presented in this study. The new localities are spread across nearly the entire country; however, most of the data are from the North Hungarian Mts, the northern part of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, the southern edge of Hanság, alongside River Maros and the Hortobágy. Altogether, 1632 new data records are presented in this paper. The list mainly contains rare and locally important native species, as well as species with uncertain native/alien status (e.g. Allium ursinum, Chamaecytisus triflorus, Cotoneaster niger, Cyperus pannonicus, Elatine triandra, Eleocharis acicularis, Eleocharis ovata, Erodium hoefftianum, Geranium lucidum, Globularia punctata, Hippuris vulgaris, Hottonia palustris, Lindernia procumbens, Marrubium vulgare, Ononis pusilla, Orobanche bartlingii, Orobanche cernua, Pisum elatius, Polycnemum majus, Polygonum graminifolium, Ribes nigrum, Schoenoplectus triqueter, Verbascum ×denudatum, Verbascum ×vidavense, Viola canina subsp. schultzii). We report new localities of expanding alien species (e.g. Amaranthus deflexus, Artemisia annua, Euphorbia maculata, Helminthia echioides, Hordeum jubatum, Impatiens glandulifera, Ipomoea purpurea, Mahonia aquifolium, Panicum riparium, Robinia viscosa, Rudbeckia hirta, Veronica peregrina, Yucca filamentosa) and mention a few rare, successfully “surviving” alien plants with nature conservation value (e.g. Acorus calamus, Monochoria korsakowii). Moreover, occurrences of common plants are presented when new to the Atlas Floraea Hungariae (e.g. Bromus hordeaceus, Symphytum officinale, Vicia tetrasperma).
Recent Hungarian distribution of Potamogeton coloratus
77–83Views:211The distribution of fen pondweed (Potamogeton coloratus) restricted to Europe where it is one of the rarest and most threatened pondweed species. In Hungary, former data of fen pondweed originated mostly from thermal and karstic springs. Due to intensive bauxite mining activity in the edge of the Transdanubian Mountain Range (NW Hungary) these springs dried up by the end of the 20th century, and it caused the temporal extinction of the species. After the ceasing of mining activity many of the former karstic springs have regenerated and several fen pondweed populations have re-established. In this paper we summarized 18 population data of fen pondweed collected between 1999 and 2016. Many of them were formerly registered in the 19th century too. Most of the new and re-discovered populations were found in karstic springs or in artificial and natural lakes in the vicinity of these springs.
Distribution of Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler in the Southern Nyírség (E Hungary)
188-196Views:164This study presents the current distribution of narrow small-reed (Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler) in the southern part of Nyírség (E Hungary). Beyond the efforts to confirm previously known occurrences, a high number of potential habitats were surveyed. Field work was carried out from late autumn to early spring taking advantage of the better perceptibility of dry foliage. The species was detected in 43 localities inside the boundary of 15 settlements, which considerably exceeded our expectations. Although most of the populations were quite small, in some cases their extent reached over 1000 m². Populations around the settlements of Penészlek, Fülöp and Nyírábrány were the most frequent and the largest in size. The endangered status of the species is caused by the insufficient water supply of suitable habitats in the region. Besides habitat change, desiccation can also amplify the effect of anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. ploughing, fishpond development), which poses a further threat to populations.
Floristic data from Lengyel–Hőgyész Natura 2000 site (SW Hungary)
31–38Views:168This paper presents occurrence data of 169 taxa from the Lengyel–Hőgyész Natura 2000 site (HUDD20026) which is on the southern part of Tolna Hills, SW Hungary. Data were collected during three years (2015, 2016, 2017), on different sites annually. The presented data contribute to the distribution dataset of Atlas florae Hungariae. Regionally rare or sporadic species (e.g. Asplenium scolopendrium, Asplenium trichomanes, Polystichum setiferum, Doronicum hungaricum, Paris quadrifolia, Scilla vindobonensis) are enumerated. Presence of Epipactis leptochila subsp. neglecta and Platanthera chlorantha were not registered from this site before. Subspecies of Carex divulsa are also studied on this site – distribution of these infraspecific taxa have not been mapped recently in Hungary.