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  • Assessment of the New Regional Plan in Mongolia with regards to Rural Development and Urbanization Issues based on Arkhangai and Uvurkhangai Provinces

    This study discusses the relationship between the rural development process in Mongolia regards to its rapid urbanization issues.This paper took Arkhangai and Uvurkhangai, two similar provinces, and compared their rural development from 2013 to 2021 to understand the complex relationship between rural development and urbanization issues. A chain-based method, fixed-based method as well as per capita methods were used to get more accurate results from the comparison. The results confirmed that ongoing rural-to-urban migration due to more access of education, workplace, etc. (due to its more attractive factors) slows down the development of such factors in that rural area, putting the whole process in a cycle. As for the two provinces, the infrastructure, education, health level is all similar, but their potential economic growth is specialized in two different sectors. Arkhangai has more agricultural products due to its land and soil resources and Uvurkhangai has more potential for the tourism sector. It can be concluded that the government’s new plan of dividing the country into six regions with specialized enterprises would be a good idea for future rural development projects (previously there were only four regions existing).

  • Interpretative Possibilities of Local Products and their Role in the Development of Tourism Destinations

    Rural tourism is a progressively growing factor of local economy in Europe. For this, those products of rural tourism are needed that are based on direct rural at raci ons like natural facilii es, technical at ractions, demonstrai on of special aci vii es. The examinai on which is presented above is about the products of rural tourism. It examines the system of interaci ons between the eff ects of the development on products of rural tourism. In addii on, it examines the eff ects of arrangements made in rural development on the development of tourism. In the future one way of the rural development can be the development of rural tourism giving a chance for alternai ve aci vii es and ways of earning money. Among the several specialized tourism it is gastronomic tourism that is mostly based on tradii on. It is very close to rural people, they can easily keep these tradii ons alive and they can think they are closed related with them. The astronomical tourisi c off ers of rural small regions and the natural curiosity of tourists can induce a development that can be a base of conscious development of products. 

  • The examination of the representation of the landscape in the domestic rural development documents

    The author of this article carries out researches on that, how a planning approach from the landscape perspective could support the rural development planning. As a part of the research process the author reviewed the rural development plans on national level from 1999 and on the local level in four pilot areas in the last planning period. As an outcome of this review it was found that the landscape is one of the main categories and an often used concept of the rural development planning both on national and on local level in Hungary. However, as the documents reflected, the interpretations of the concept „landscape” are very different, so it needs to be clarified and unified. Nature, society and culture, as well as economy manifest themselves in the landscape. The documents in question deal with landscape mostly as it were only a visual, natural phenomenon. Therefore, following the horizontal principle of sustainability, it seems to be a good approach to develop a planning system, which is able to treat landscape as a whole (nature, society, culture including economy). However, the landscape diversity points out the constraints of application of a general planning method in rural development. The other main outcome of the review is that there is a conflict between the complex national objectives and the mosaic-like projects carried out on the local level. A solution can be an organic application of the national objectives on the local level considering the concrete landscape with its specific attributes where the planned projects were parts of a complex local development plan in a synergic and successive way.

  • Sopron−Fertő, as a priority tourism development area

    In 2016, the organizational management of tourism in Hungary has changed, the basis of which was defined in the CLVI. Tourism Development Act of 2016. The law puts the focus of tourism development on the tourist areas, which aims to make the destinations able to renew their competitive travel offers in the short term for both foreign and domestic guests who are looking for experiences or have higher specific spending. One of the five priority tourism development areas named by the Government until September 2017 is the Sopron-Fertő destination. Based on the 122 completed questionnaires, it can be stated that five towns (Sopron, Bük, Hegykő, Fertőd and Nagycenk) in the Sopron-Fertő priority tourism development area are known among households participating in domestic tourism.

  • Local geopolitics, and spatial development

    Local geopolitics is in fact the application of geopolitical tools in the definition of local conflicts. This topic is a brand new branch of the French geopolitical research areas. In France since the 1980’s, the reforms related to the division of scope of competence between the state and territorial governments have had an increasing effect on the relationship of local communities and of those communities with the state. One of the key characteristics of this relationship is the effort to harmonize the needs of local communities and of spatial development. Researching the geopolitics of spatial development is an important issue of local geopolitics in France today. The matter of mid-level spatial development is widely challenging for French professionals therefore it is worth having a look at it – especially as this level of development has gone through major changes recently in Hungary

  • Facilitate for Talented Students in Higher Educai on by Counceling Psychology Methodology

    Personality development and learning support are the fi elds of the psychological counselling, which can help to every student in the higher educai on, and are pari cularly important for the talented young people. The unfolding of the genius means the complex development of the personality, the explorai on and the conscious and direci onal development of the strengths and weaknesses. This is not a trouble free process and it is also not a simply task to take on the
    external viewer posii on. The counsellor can help to the students and can produce the chance for the development to the genius young people with the method of the personality development and the learning support.

  • Community development role of renewable energy projects

    The spread of utilization of renewable energy resources is primarily motivated by objectives of energy policy and climate protection. However the rural and community development role of the new investments had got a greater significance in the past years. In the last years or decades the different renewable energy sectors became an important objective of regional policy. In parallel with these changes the renewable energy sources aroused the interest of potential investors. The low population density and relative richness of natural resources in rural areas provide favourable conditions for location of these investments. On the base of local economic development aspects was designated as positive effects that the investments utilize the internal resources of these regions. However in practice it raises different significant questions. What is the role of local financial resources, professional skills and sufficient number of customers in renewable energy investments? We cannot imagine authentic and successful rural development projects without considering the interests and participation of local communities. Our research focuses on requirements of prosperous and long-term sustainable renewable energy based community development solutions following Hungarian and European examples.

  • Tourism Competencies Development – Contradictious Perceptions of Stakeholders

    Tourism and hospitality sector has an important role in the national economy as it has high  labour intensity, generates foreign currency income and improves the local economy by multiplier effect. Tourism labour market employs a wide range of employees from non-qualified to highqualified people. Tourism tertiary educators in Hungary continue their operation by national-level legislation, and accreditation and students who complete tourism courses (should) be capable of professional occupation. The post-Bologna system offered more opportunities in tourism and hospitality education; two distinguished courses were available on the educational market to educate hospitality or tourism experts. After 2006, by launching Bologna system, institutions are allowed to commence just one, Tourism and Catering bachelor programme. A questionnairebased survey was conducted among graduating bachelor students with tourism and catering major, tutors teaching tourism and catering students and actors of tourism market, who going to be the employers of tourism graduates. The main aim of the research was to explore the personal or organizational expectations of stakeholders for professional competence development as a result of tourism and catering bachelor-level education. The bust majority of students stated that their primary aim is to gain professional competencies in tourism and hospitality to be able to fulfil managerial positions or to continue their studies on master-level. Although generic competences as communication skills in foreign languages, social sensitivity, problem solving or creativity have salient influence on job performance, students did not believe that they would be
    essential. However, these factors were thought to be the most crucial by tutors and tourism service providers despite the fact that generic skill development is not in focus in tourism and catering bachelor-level education in Hungary. Not just the educational institutions but tourism companies providing work placement for students were considered to be an appropriate basis for competencies development that raised the question of monitoring and assessment. The findings can be profitable for all stakeholder group or policy decision makers in bachelor-level curriculum development. 



    In the European Union, the population uses 26% of the energy. Due to the strategic goal of achieving climate neutrality and the crises of recent years, investment in the use of renewable energies has accelerated. In order to support this process, the Circular Economy Analysis Center of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) started the development of a so-called multidisciplinary smart map, which shows the possibilities of renewable energy sources that can be used locally, and the selection of the optimal energy production mix based on the location of residential buildings and buildings. The purpose of this article is to present the selection of test sites necessary for the development of the map, highlighting their geographical, meteorological, economic, and social characteristics. Based on the applied multi-criteria system, the selection of testing locations and tasks is a complex task. The investigations are summarized in five chapters. The first one describes the introductory thoughts related to the initiation and development of the project. The second deals with Hungarian residential energy consumption in the light of international data. The third presents the principles of smart map development and defines the criteria for testing locations. And the fourth one analyzes and presents the principles and possibilities of selecting locations. The fifth part summarizes the location selection process, describes the methodology of the applied analyzes and describes the results of the location selection. The described procedure can guide the examination of these factors in other international projects.

  • Innovati on is a Key Factor in the Development of the Countryside

    One of the determining factors of the countryside’s competi ti veness are innovati ve enterprises. Through their development programmes they boost the use of the countryside’s own resources and reprogram the knowledge bases, which open new spaces for development by building on countryside traditi ons. The innovator is a key factor in this process. The innovator is capable of realising the need for change, is capable of renewal and holds the competencies that determine the success of his enterprise and thereby the competi ti veness of his environment and that of the countryside.


    Territorial determination of the tourism development areas is crucial for professionals responsible for destination management. The direct motives are (1) the available financial development funds, (2) the expansion of tourism supra- and infrastructure, (3) the evolvement of destination image, however induced factors can be (1) the involvement of ancillary services or (2) using single communication. Main concern of the tourism supply is to provide sufficient information to the potential travellers, although the question arises how demand is able to follow the iterative changing in determinations. The fact that a narrower area is periodically associated with a different tourism development area and thus has different communication generates a degree of uncertainty in the tourists’ travel decision. Current article introduces a section of a research project for the assessment of the awareness of current tourism development areas by tourists. After the clarification of concepts paper details the results of pilot testing which makes foundation for a large-sample market research. Findings are instructive not just in terms of measurement correction, but for further considerations.

  • The appearance of the conditions of sustainable development in the values of the population of Nagykörű: The results of a Qmethodology research

    One of the aims of sustainable development is to keep the local communities, to ensure their local welfare, which is essential to eliminate or mitigate negative consequences. In our research, we looked for the answer, how the local population relate to sustainable development. What preferences do they have regarding the place of residence? Do they see any inherent risks, threats? How long horizon they think and what problem solving techniques do they see? How do they think about sustainability issues? The responses were looking for with Q-methodology for which we have defined 46 claims in eight topics: local attachment; local cooperation; willingness to act; management; horizon; threats; solutions The Q methodology handles the respondents into factors, according to which claims they prefer more or less. The results are very well suited to understand the attitudes to the sustainability problems.

  • Evaluation of the Technical Management Bsc by labor market and its development possibilities at the College of Szolnok

    The College of Szolnok conducted a qualitative research under the framework of SROP 4.1.1.C –12/1/KONV-2012-2004 to support the strategic development of Technical Management BA program. Using qualitative research methods we point out that the closer cooperation with companies will be crucial in the future: it is going to allow faster response to market demand, better knowledge transfer of newest skills, and higher acceptance of Technical Management BA program and College of Szolnok. Results show that the current training level in College of Szolnok requires further development to enhance the marketability of graduates, in which the transfer of the related areas is also an important issue. Addition to professional basic knowledge strong requirements are also language and communication skills in high-level.


    The study has thoroughly presented the classic and new trends of economic gr owth, and on this basis, it can be stated that this is a complex system, and its analysis is almost always relevant, mostly because of the rapidly changing global systems and networks of contacts. The economic growth is extremely important in the 21st cent ury as well, but with a new approach. Two very important factors appear: sustainability and social development. Albeit the economic growth and
    the social development are in the opposite directions, not serving the basic idea of sustainable development at all. In this study, we aimed at portraying the complexity of this system and the range of factors influencing it.

  • The Impact of Corruption and Hidden Economy on the Operation of the SME Sector

    Corrupti on is a complex phenomenon related to hidden economy, which is also a barrier to economic development and hinders the outbreak from the crisis. Corrupti on is becoming a more sophisti cated instrument of hidden economies and is present in every country parallel to the ever intense accelerati on of our globalized world. Its extent depends on, among other things, economic dispariti es, social deformati ons, unequal burden-sharing, the rather ingenious forms of tax evasion, social morality, the country’s economic development, controlling mechanism and, more importantly, the subtle relati ons of economic crime with the prevailing powers. Hidden economy and corrupti on are interrelated phenomena. Uneven economic development, unemployment, social insecurity, contradicti ons of the legal regulati ons, and lack of transparency all provide an incenti ve to the violati on of ethical business practi ces, the exploitati on of the benefi ts of economic crime, the reinvestment of such profi ts into the business sphere and the appearance of corrupti on in the politi cal decision-making. Corrupti on is a social symptom, a subsistence constraint, a deviant form as well as a status security instrument, the mild (moral) judgment of which encourages parti cipati on in the hidden economy and economic crises. If the state or the politi cs seeks to infl uence the development of the economy and assumes excessive responsibility or procurer function, it diminishes the principle of public burdens and supports the expansion of corrupti on and the operati on of hidden economy at the sametime.

  • Modern Procedures for the Improvement of the Energy Efficient and Environmentally Sensitive Operation of Aerial Vehicles

    The undiminished development of air traffic has a direct effect on the environment of airports. Year in year out the continuously growing passenger traffic has increased the number air flights. The technological development has made it possible to increase the size and performance, - and with it the transportation of heavier payload - of aircraft. Of course, it has necessarily resulted in more fuel use (burnt fuel) emitting more pollutants into the atmosphere. In addition this effect appears not only during the high altitude flying polluting the high atmosphere, but due to the today very busy and the continuously increasing ground aircraft motion (taxiing) contaminating the close surroundings of the airport. With some innovation and technological development we can make the airports not only more environmentally friendly but also cost effective. In this paper I would like to introduce the possible use of renewable energy sources and the ground movement of aircraft without their own engines.

  • The key to rural development, startup - a new and innovative environmental solutions business search engine

    In the 21st century is a difficult task that just completed a tertiary education institution whether it can be college or university. The theoretical part of the school to learn their profession, but it is possible that the future work over the years to acquire the practice. Environmental and agricultural development specialists’ undoubtedly great expertise, which is great emphasis on research, and the resulting innovation that is present several areas. With the new technologies work more effective, energy efficient and become more conscious. By a recent graduate professionals startup business can achieve even greater success, not only in his country but also abroad supports not only the Hungarian economy by this, but also enhances the reputation of the country. Institution of higher education in the region Szolnok completed by 100 persons completed a quantitative research, which is very interesting information can be obtained.

  • Trends in the Development of Weapon Systems

    Nowadays the defence industry and the development of new technologies have been intertwined. Recently weapons and weapon systems have been tested that, little before, only science-fiction fans could believe to be possible and it was but a few professional insiders, mainly developers, who were encouraged to have anything like this on their design desks. Today the development of the defense industry is synonymous with that of new technologies from which societies benefit in at least two ways: (1) they improve the social and national safety and security, and (2) provide new tools for everyday use. The article aims to introduce readers to some features of the evolving change being presently experienced in modern warfare through some examples of the up-to-date weapons, weapon systems and technologies, and let them have a glance also at their possible forms of use in the near future.

  • The Development of Business in Various Regions with the Use of Marketing Tools

    In present day Slovakia, a huge emphasis is put on the development of business in individual regions, by which employment and economic expansion is guaranteed. One of the methods how businessmen from stagnant regions can improve their economics is marketing and the appropriate use of marketing tools. In the given paper we present possibilities for development and improvement businesses in less developed regions by the means of marketing activities. The research was realised in chosen enterprises from the field of gastronomy and it concentrated on the use of marketing tools. In the end we propose the results of the research, suggestions and references out of which we consider the effective use of marketing tools to be the most important, especially marketing communication and also information-communication technologies that should be used more by managers.

  • Skills related to EU Projects

    Our country with its accesion to the European Union in 2004 became eligble to use EU funds for its national developments. More than 7,8 billion Ft had already arrived in Hungary during 2007- 2013. The allocation and the use of EU funds represent a unique and never returning oppurtunity but also a great responsability for Hungary. While infrastructural projects (e.g roads, urban rehabilitation, fulfillment of derogation obligations) has dominated the 2004-2006 and 2007-2013 periods, the Széchenyi 2020 National Development Programme focuses mainly on economical development, 60% of the 8 200 billion Ft allocated EU funds will serve the cause of reviving and boosting the economic growth. Besides this, environmental protection, employement, innovation and the knowledge economy will represent also main focuses for the use of EU funds in Hungary. Where ever we look we see the the multitude of results of EU funded infrastructural, human, and research projects. In the 2014-2020 period even young professionals graduating from Szolnok College will be able to become potencial applicants for EU funds. During the course „Projects, from application to materialization” iniciated within the Bethlen István Specialized College
    students were able to get acquainted with the basics of project writing, project terminology and project management.

  • The interrelationship between the factors influencing retail selection behavior and FMCG market network

    From the consumer behaviour perspective the role of retail selection have a salient importance. Hence in the case of FMCG markets network development as a key area of store chains’ distribution systems is a substantial tool in competition for customers. In our paper we investigate the main network development influencing factors in the case of main store chains is Hungary. We also detail the relationship between the size and the change of store chains and the consumer store choice, possibilities, and the freedom-level of decision making

  • The Problems of Adaptive Tourism’s Development in Russia

    In the article the problems of development of tourism for people with disabilities. Special attention is paid to the organization of transportation and accommodation services. Integration into society of persons with disabilities is part of the implementation of social responsibility of the tourism business.

  • The health resort sphere in Russia and evaluation of its potential for development

    The article deals with the historical aspects of the sanatorium-resort complex formai on in Russia and it presents the assess of its current state; the main sources of funding of sanatorium- resort treatment for Russian citizens are described; tendencies of development of the market of SPA-services were shown; it includes informai on about the ways how to improve the services compei i veness; methods of the evaluai ng for poteni al of development in sanatorium-and-SPA services sphere are presented.

  • The Air Transport Capability of the Hungarian Defence Forces up to Now, Future Development Opportunities

    The accession to the NATO presented new challenges to the Hungarian Defence Forces. In order to meet the requirements of the federal obligations, besides the protection of the state we must take a role also in conflict areas even thousands of miles away from Hungary. One of the basic conditions to achieve this, is that the forces offered need to arrive at the right area of application at the right time in a cost-effective way. The purpose of this article is to present an overview on how the Hungarian Defence Forces are able to meet these requirements. An important matter is whether the air transport capacity should be provided by our own capabilities or by other (civil or military) sources. In order to answer this question I am going to analyse the processes which have influenced the development of air transport capacity over the last 10-15 years.

  • International agreements in the area of tourism

    It is not a secret that tourism plays an important role in the development of not just any specific country but the global economy in general. It also promotes urban development in such sensitive areas as coasts and islands, increased water consumption and waste production, fragmentation of habitats and loss of biological diversity. Tourism industry is also one of the reasons behind higher demand for transportation, particularly those types that damage the environment most – personal vehicles and aircraft. “In 2005 in Europe, about 59% of the tourists arrived to their destination by car, 34% by airplane”. According to UNWTO International Tourism Barometer, the international tourism was growing at the rate of 5% in the first nine months of 2013. The key driving force behind this growth is Europe (mainly Central and Eastern Europe) and Asia-Pacific region. Thus, tourism, while playing a truly significant role in the global economy, at the same time causes major damage to the environment. Hence the urgent need to eliminate negative consequences of tourism activities. This can be done by promptly regulating the activities of agents in this area. However, due to the global value of tourism, this process requires not just the local regulators getting involved, but joint effort by many countries. Therefore, international agreements between countries as the primary regulators of tourism activities are becoming increasingly important.