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  • The improvement and the new manifestation of the Veblenian conspicuous consumption theory

    This paper focuses on how the Veblenian conspicuous consumption theory has been developed further by the theorists of modern economics. The connection between status, status goods and conspicuous consumption is underlined in the discussion. It is emphasized that the price has a multiple role, however, the hypothesized positive relation between price and quantity is not necessarily valid. The wide-ranging motivations and consequences of conspicuous consumption are also analyzed. Finally, the new features of conspicuous consumption are discussed, that is, instead of wasting money on goods, cultural capital and taste have become the core of conspicuous consumption, and instead of focusing on wealth, the contexts of income have become relevant.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Codes: D11, Z13

  • Regulatory Coherence and Economic Growth

    The paper is aimed at examining differences in market regulation across countries. Its starting point is the puzzle that poor countries apply more regulatory measures than rich ones do, although it has been empirically shown that those countries that regulate less grow faster. To explain this contradiction, the paper introduces the concept of regulatory coherence, and tries to explain the differences in this concept, together with the differences in the general level of regulation. The main argument is that regulatory coherence as well as the general level of regulation is dependent on the external, broad institutional system, because this affects the incentives of the regulators. The paper tries to support this theiretical argument empirically by a cluster analysis.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: B53, M13, L51

  • Growth theory from an Austiran institutional perspective

    Perhaps the one fundamental question of growth theory is why some countries are poor while others are rich. The paper identifies two main lines of research approaching this question, by applying the social analysis of Williamson, and points out that both approaches give an asymmetric answer. The paper applies a critique, which was formulated in the theory of the firm, and compares it with a transaction cost approach. According to this critique, the one approach to economic growth lays too much emphasis on technology, while the other neglects the technological side and emphasizes only the transaction costs and incentives. This paper argues that a new approach, based on the insights of modern Austrian economics, is able to integrate these two sides.

  • Financial Crisis, Economic Policy and Economics

    Concerning the financial crisis in 2007-2009 many politicians and economists, in addition
    to representatives of other disciplines have asked: why could it not have been avoided,
    why could it not have been forecast? The present paper provides a new answer to these
    questions. The main argument is that empirical economic policy reached a deadlock when
    economists acknowledged the equilibrium models based on efficient market theory. The
    static equilibrium paradigm which appeared in the middle of last century has strongly
    prevailed to the present day, leaving aside Kornai’s (1971) or Benassy’s (1982) or Goodwin’s
    (1991) warnings. Since the economy is never in equilibrium the simultaneous equations
    describing it may not provide any guide for politicians; what they should do and how they
    should do it in a time of economic crisis. The present author’s newest book (Móczár, 2008),
    besides the dynamic equilibrium, also sketches a new paradigm, i.e., non equilibrium
    modelling, instead of the orthodox equilibrium paradigm, which allows us to treat bubbles,
    to regulate money markets etc. Its necessity is outlined here.

    JEL classification: E00, E5, E6, G28 

  • The role of culture in economic growth: an assessment, criticism and paths for future research

    There is an abundance of empirical literature on the impact of culture on economic development. This literature has been developing at the margin of growth theory and institutional economics. This paper reviews this branch of the literature by structuring it into three main lines, and placing an emphasis on (self)-criticism directed towards it, as well. The author provides some proposals for further steps towards improving the culturegrowth empirical literature, following the two routes identified by the (self)-criticism.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: O43, Z19

  • The economic impacts of direct payments on agricultural income – A Literature Review

    The economic impacts of direct payments is a widely studied field in the literature related to the Common Agricultural Policy. This article aims to provide a systematic review of the income-related impacts of direct payments. In doing so, the article screened the academic literature on the impacts of direct payments and identified 150 relevant ones, out of which 41 were written directly on income-related effects.
    Relevant articles can be classified into four groups: general, distributional, stabilisation and other impacts. Most of the literature criticised the ongoing system of direct payments and their effectiveness in producing income-related policy goals. We believe that our results can be useful for researchers and policymakers in better understanding the income-related impacts of direct payments.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: Q18

  • Transaction costs in the standardization of mobile telephone systems. The case of Japanese mobile standards

    Although there have been papers concerned with the connection between standardization and transaction costs, they have analyzed how standards decrease transaction costs. This paper shows that transaction costs emerge during the standardization process. If the creation of a standard is seen as a transaction, in which the parties exchange their explicit and implicit knowledge, standardization can be analyzed from the viewpoint of Transaction Costs Economics. Undoubtedly the knowledge of the parties is a specific asset, exchange of which causes significant transaction costs; therefore opportunism plays a crucial role
    during standardization. In this paper I show that the standardization of mobile phone systems can be analyzed in the framework set up by Teece (1986) in order to point out how transaction costs could be decreased in particular cases. The standardization of second generation mobile systems in Japan illustrates the statements made in the theoretical part of the paper.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: D23, O31, L96

  • On the theoretical background to modern financial policy

    At the formation of macroeconomics and modern economic policy a series of traditional Keynesian concepts which still carried great weight were changed in the wake of attacks from monetarism and neo-classicism. The currently fashionable financial policy regimes and the dilemmas of economic policy cannot be understood without analysing the theoretical revolution referred to above. The article examines the relevant areas and claims connected to currency and monetary policy in the modern economy, or to use a common expression the macro-economy of the open economy, with special reference to the paradigm shift of recent decades. It also studies the currently common conventions of applied economics, which, sprouting from theoretical bases, in practice influence the room for manoeuvre in national economic policy.

  • Hogyan hat a monetáris politika a befektetői döntésekre?

    A tanulmány célja, hogy megvizsgálja azokat a mechanizmusokat, amelyeken keresztül a monetáris politika kifejti hatását a befektetői döntésekre . A monetáris politikai döntések a transzmissziós csatornákon keresztül gyakorolnak hatást a gazdaságra, így e csatornák működésének alapos megismerése elengedhetetlenül fontos a monetáris politikai célkitűzések megvalósításához. Éppen ezért, a monetáris politika által alkalmazható eszközök nagyon rövid áttekintése után a dolgozat részletesen elemzi az egyes csatornák működését. Ezen belül kitér a hagyományos csatornákra („money view”) és a hitelcsatornára összpontosító nézetekre („credit view”), valamint e csatornáknak az eurózónában és Magyarországon betöltött jelentőségére. A tanulmány befejező része felhívja a figyelmet egy olyan helyzetre, amikor a monetáris politika elveszíti a befektetői döntések befolyásolására vonatkozó képességét, azaz a likviditási csapda jelenségére.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: E50, E52

  • The Relevance of the Washington Consensus for the Post-communist Countries

    The Washington Consensus (WC) is 20 years old now. With hindsight, its main significance is the unification of the normative economics. Prior to the WC, it was widely accepted that different policies should be pursued in the developed and in the underdeveloped economies. It was a sheer coincidence that the emergence of WC occurred a few months before the collapse of the communist systems of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Many scholars believe that the WC is responsible for the recurring economic crisis of the last two decades. I reject this view. A 200-year track record confirms that depressions and financial crisis have been always the intrinsic components of market economies – for the reasons identified by Marx and Schumpeter long time ago.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: F02, F23, F41, P11, P36

  • Deep vs. Shallow Integration. The Case of NAFTA and Mercosur

    Integration processes began in the 1960s and have become increasingly intense, bringing with them a growing share of intra-industry trade flows in international trade. According to the Smooth Adjustment Hypothesis (SAH), trade between similar industries or products results in lower adjustment costs in the factor markets. Due to the liberalizing effect of trade integrations trade flows intensify, causing an increase in intra-industry trade flows and consequently a decrease in adjustment costs at the same time. The alteration of trade patterns can be caused by changes both in quantity and in quality. Analyzing these effects separately allows us to better understand the trade policy practices of the chosen countries and to provide the decision makers with information.
    In this paper we analyze NAFTA and Mercosur, two integrations which differ both in factor endowments and in depth of integration (deep vs. shallow). We used SITC Rev. 1 AG3 (industrial level) and HS92 AG6 (product level) bilateral trade data from the UN COMTRADE database to analyze the evolution of intra-industry trade flows.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: F13, F14, F15

  • Critisism of insolvency rules

    The co-authors, who are participants in the research program (Ministry of Education FKFP 0025/2001-2004), give a critical analysis of the Hungarian regulation of insolvency law in their recently published study. Their findings, proposals have been formulated after studying respecting rules in the USA and in major Western-European countries (Germany, Austria, Italy, France, England, Switzerland). Not only legal regulations have been processed and critically analysed in their study, but judiciary precedents related to them as well. The aim of the study is to help re-codify the Hungarian insolvency law.

  • Fájdalmas szakítás – az Egyesült Királyság és az Európai Unió közötti kilépési tárgyalások és lehetséges következményeik: Losoncz Miklós: Az Egyesült Királyság kilépése az EU-ból és az európai integráció. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, 2017, 276 oldal.

    Az Egyesült Királyságban 2017. június 23-án megtörtént az, amire az Európai Unió hatvan éves történetében tagállamok szintjén még nem volt példa. Egy ország
    állampolgárai népszavazáson úgy döntöttek, el kívánják hagyni az integrációt. Természetesen az EU-ból való kilépésre az első precedenst 1985. február 1-én
    a Dániához tartozó Grönland kilépése szolgáltatta, ám az Egyesült Királyság lesz az első tagállam, amely elhagyja az integrációt.

  • The aspects of the Hungary's Adult Training

    The study surveys the most important aspects of the national adult training from educational economy point of view. The authors examine the national limits of legal rule of adult training. They present the different sub-systems of adult training i.e. the educational system, the non-educational system and the working place training characteristics of participation making international comparison too. We look over the target groups of adult-training and the participants motivation of the teaching arena. We also have a look at the domestic costs of the different froms of adult-training, and the division of this expenditure among the participants.

  • Presentation of two models of consumption/saving

    The Permanent Income Hypothesis (developed by Friedman) and the Life Cycle Hypothesis (developed by Modigliani) are the most popular consumption or saving theories in economics. The aim of this paper is to introduce the main features and consequences of the models mentioned above. The first part of this paper introduces the historical circumstances in which the hypotheses were developed. In the second part we mention various debates on the theories which helped tp clarify some of their more complex aspects. The aim of the third part is to introduce various ways of expanding and supplementing the basic theories and convert them into more realistic ones.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: E21

  • Examination of Management of TESCO Hungary's sustainability and community activities

    In their fifth sustainability management case study, the authors examine the focus, organizational processes, and operation of TESCO's responsibility and community activities in Hungary. On the one hand they executed analyses of publicly available company reports and internal documents, while on the other hand, they conducted semi-structured interviews with internal and external experts who play a key role in the added CSR activities. In addition to the descriptive presentation of the activities, the authors' work points out that there are many crutial organizational conditions for the effective management of organizational processes related to sustainability and communities, furthermore they highligted the possibilities and limitations of involving external parties and service providers, as well. The value of the case study is enhanced by the fact that no comprehensive case study presenting the sustainability activities of the leading domestic food retail companies has been published recently.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: A13, D6, F6, M14, M19, M38

  • Global Value Chains and Upgrading – Experiences of Hungarian Firms in the Machinery Industry

    Global production networks and global value chains have become widespread today. In these cases firms locate the various stages of their value adding activities across different countries. The activities of global value chains form a new phase of globalization characterized by fragmented production, transfer of technology, and decreasing transport costs (Kaplinsky 2013). Developing countries are involved in these production networks, perceiving this as an important (if not the only) way to develop. The Central European countries have taken an active part in the chains of multinational firms since the nineties. The benefit derived from this participation varies across sectors and firms. In this article we analyze the experiences of Hungarian companies in the machinery industry. The structure of the article is the following. After a description of the basic research question and methodology, a literature review is provided. In the following section we introduce the companies surveyed and review their product-, process- and functional upgrading experiences. Finally, we discuss our findings and suggest some managerial and policy implications.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: F23, M21

  • The role of dynamic relationship capabilities and loyalty in organisational relationships

    In this study we try to answer the question of how Hungarian organisations can be depicted in terms of relationship management in networked relationships, and how the nearly fouryear global economic crisis influences the perception of relationship capability and B2B loyalty in organisational relationships. First we review the theoretical background of dynamic relationship capabilities and B2B loyalty, then we show our empirical research results, and we try to identify the factors involved in relationship management and B2B loyalty. From our point of view relationship management has an effect on B2B loyalty, and we support the hypothesis that where relationship management is a conscious action, there are evolved procedures for this. These connected mechanisms have a positive impact on the evaluation of relationship quality and contribute to partners’ loyalty.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: M10, M14, M31, M39

  • A behavioral economics approach to perceived inflation

    Recent years have brought an era of extremely low inflation both in Hungary and in the EU. However, the inflation perceived by consumers has not followed precisely the same path. In the article I attempt to shed light on the underlying causes of this discrepancy, using the concepts of behavioral economics. A summary of the results of the relevant literature and an empirical analysis of Hungarian perceived inflation patterns (both on the aggregate level and for demographic groups) form the backbone of the article. The main findings of the research show that there is a significant bias in the inflation perceptions of Hungarian individuals, caused by psychological phenomena. The extent of the bias varies among sociodemographic groups, but not in exactly the same way as one would expect from the literature.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: E03