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  • Improving Safety & Ride Comfort through Dual Suspension System in Road Vehicles
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    The essential objective of the proposed suspension framework is to limit the undesired disturbance of a vehicle because of uneven surfaces on streets. This framework in vehicles is comprise of some fundamental components like dampers and springs which ingests the stuns that are instigated by unusual streets. In any case, these frameworks can just work up to a predefined constrain. Vehicle suspension frameworks are planned by taking the solace capacity of a traveler in record and to enhance the street grasp on each surface.

    This examination proposes an idea for structuring a superior suspension arrangement of vehicles to upgrade the nature of the drive without corrupting the dependability of the vehicle plan. In this exploration, a mix of two suspension framework is presented in which one goes about as an essential suspension while different fills in as an optional framework that can adequately lessen the vibrations. This mix upgrades the customary framework that is right now introduced in vehicles without bargaining on solace and street hold.

  • What Fields Can Technology Management be Applied to?
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    There are two types of technology management definitions. The narrow ones only refer to business organizations, the broad ones refer to any kind of organizations, including non-profit and governmental organizations. By using the narrow definitions, the interest of the non-profit and governmental organizations cannot be attracted, they could think that they do not need to deal with technology management, but in reality they obviously use it. To avoid the undue failing to utilize technology management knowledge outside the business world the broad definitions are recommended.

  • Design of Experiments Application for Machining Process Analyse
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    In this contribution are results from machining of the aluminium alloy by spiral router. The experiment was designed as full 3 - factors and 2-levels process and for evaluation of input factors to output parameters – Fx and Fy components were used Paret´s diagram and Lorentz´s line. The input parameters were: revolution speed (4000/min. and 6000/min.), working engagement of a cutting edge (depth of cut) ae (1 mm and 3 mm), back engagement of a cutting edge (with  of cut) ap (5 mm and 15 mm) and down (climb) milling.

  • A Heinrich Spatial Visualization Test Implementálása Virtuális Környezetben
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    Egy virtuális környezet fejlesztése valósult meg PC-re és Androidra. Az előbbit asztali kijelzővel, az utóbbit a Gear VR készülékkel lehet használni. A környezet használatával az emberek térbeli készségeinek mérése, valamint fejlesztése a célunk, hiszen az utóbbi megvalósítható egyszerű geometriai feladatok megoldásával. Eredetileg ez a virtuális környezet csak három térbeli készséget fejlesztő tesztből állt, nevezetesen a Mental Rotation Testből, a Mental Cutting Testből és a Purdue Spatial Visualization Testből. A szerzők már végeztek régebben méréseket ezekkel a tesztekkel, de most már a Heinrich Spatial Visualization Test is bekerült a virtuális környezetbe. Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk ezen teszttípus implementálását és jövőbeli mérési tervünket.

  • Analysis of Disinfection Technologies that can Increase the Efficiency of Indoor Logistics Processes, which has been Reduced due to the COVID Pandemic
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    As a result of the Coronavirus, both supply chain and internal logistics processes at factories have changed a lot. In many areas, the effectiveness of the logistics processes has declined because of the restrictions implemented against the virus. The study lists some adverse effects where logistics processes had to be modified due to the changing and protection measures against or negative effects of the virus. The authors also argue that these restrictions decreased the efficiency of logistics processes and workers' productivity. One option to increase the logistics sector's efficiency is to use air purification technologies, like the ones studied in this paper: UV-C, Bioxygen® or plasma-ion decontamination technologies. These disinfection processes can create a safe indoor environment. The authors analyse the examined technologies with SWOT analysis. The analysis results demonstrate which disinfection application is the most beneficial to help in improving indoor air quality for logistics processes.

  • Efficiency of the Machining Process of Circular Shapes by Electrical Discharge Technology
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    Due to its high machining precision, EDM technology is nowadays very important in the production of high-precision parts for various industries. The high precision of the machined surface in combination with the ability to machine circular surfaces brings, in addition to several advantages, some negatives. The most significant negative of this machining technology is the relatively low productivity as well as the overall production efficiency. The latter is affected by many accompanying phenomena. The main accompanying phenomenon that contributes to the decline in the overall economic efficiency of EDM is the microgeometry errors that occur due to the non-homogeneity of the EDM process. Another accompanying negative phenomenon is the geometric accuracy errors of the machined surface, as a consequence of systematic destruction of the wire tool electrode, faulty interpolation in its guidance, and, last but not least, its vibration. These aspects consequently lead to the requirement for multiple applications of additional finishing cuts, which significantly reduces the overall economic efficiency of the machining process. Therefore, the experimental research aimed to search for options that can effectively help to achieve higher productivity but especially the overall economic efficiency of the machining process.

  • Use Design or Technology: The Antique Römer Glass
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    In this paper, the Römer-glass are assessed as indicator of the technology and design by using a comparative method. We identifed their designing technology methods and associated them with manufacturing centres. All of them made from green forest glass and produced in northwestern and central Europe from around 1000-1700 AD. The Römer glass present dining traditions and habits in the middle ages, furthermore like a personal belongings can be associated with the presentation of social status or individual expression.

  • New Method for Dynamic Tribological Test of Engineering Polymers
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    In this article, tribological tests of Polyamide 6 (PA 6), Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMW PE) and Polyoxymethylene copolymer (POM C) by a new testing method is introduced. The tribometer used in the test is capable for pin-on-disc measuring within all possible layout known in tribology practice, otherwise can be modified into special model of fatigue sliding test. The pin was a specimen made from examined materials, always in contact with a rotating metal disc under a normal load, which is usually static. However, since vibration exists in every practical scene as an important phenomenon, for instance in turning process, we added vibration load into the test. The supplement load is generated by a special-designed vibrating machine. Then properties of examined materials can be studied more profoundly under vibration load. As a result, different value of friction coefficient in static and vibration load have been discovered and taken into comparison.

  • The Effect of Sizes of the Cast Polyamide 6 Rods upon Tensile-Impact Strength
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    We have studied the tensile-impact strength of the magnesium catalysed cast polyamide 6 (PA6) rods according to the EN ISO 8256:2004 standard. The purpose of our investigation was to follow: the mechanical properties of rods are mapped beside same casting technological process in case of different diameters. We have compared the received results with each other than have sought disparities. We examined cylindrical product (rod) in seven dimensional steps in diameter ranging from 40 mm to 300 mm. We have determined that the semi-finished products can be divided into two groups typically in case of their tensile-impact strengths in this size range. The tensile-impact strength is higher in case of the rods with a diameter of less than 100 mm and it is smaller in the larger dimension range. Therefore, the smallest tensile-impact strength can be established in case of the natural semifinished PA6 rods that each rod accomplishes independently of size. However, a range can be determined, which the tensile-impact strength values of product are separated according to the manufacturing size

  • Az optikai karakterfelismerő mesterséges intelligencia hatása a munkaerő-piacra
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    Az informatika rohamos fejlődésének köszönhetően ma már nincs szükség sok millió forintos bonyolult szuperszámítógépek kiépítésére, ha nagy mennyiségű adatokat szeretnénk tárolni, feldolgozni, vagy azt modellezni. A mai mikroprocesszorok és CPU-k olyan gyártástechnológiával készülnek és olyan számítási teljesítményre képesek, melyek 10 évvel ezelőtt még elképzelhetetlenek voltak. Egyre nagyobb mennyiségű adatokat vagyunk képesek tárolni, feldolgozni és megjeleníteni is. Az adatok ilyen szintű feldolgozási kapacitása mellett egyre inkább teret hódítanak a gépi tanulást alkalmazó programok és felhasználási területek is. A gépi tanulás során mesterséges neuron hálók felhasználásával biológiai ihletésű szimuláció történik, mely képes megoldani bármilyen problémát melyek számítógép segítségével megoldhatók. Az informatika fejlődése a technológia gyors és radikális változásait idézi elő, amely nem csupán a felhasználók digitális adaptációját igényli, hanem bizonyos foglalkoztatáspolitikai és munkaerő-piaci megoldások idomulását is. A mesterséges intelligencia alapjaiban kérdőjelezheti meg az egyes munkajogi relációkat: az élő munkaerő redukálása mellett új munkavállalói kompetenciákat kényszerít ki. Erre utal az 1998-ban megjelent Supiot-jelentés is, melynek alapfeltevése volt, hogy válságban van a munkajog alapját képező társadalmi, gazdasági szabályozási modell.

  • Introducing a Task Management Tool into the Operation of a Management Consulting Firm
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    Lean and agile methods are now widely used in various fields. Seeing their success, management consultancy firms also want to take advantage of using them. In this case study, the company selects the appropriate task management tool for their operation, the kanban board, and implements it. The implementation process is supported by quantitative analysis. In order to track the introduction progress of the kanban board, a key performance index is defined: the board activity, which is the number of operations performed on the board in a given time period. Based on the evaluation of over 26 weeks’ data, board activity proved to be an appropriate indicator of the kanban board’s reception, operation, and stability. The individual indicators examined, however, were not found to be suitable for performance appraisal.

  • The Influence of Employment Stress On the Academic Performance of Working Students: Perspectives from Pakistan
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    One must grasp stress's intricacy to develop and implement stress-reduction strategies. Employment-related stress on academic performance is becoming an acute concern for psychological and mental health in Pakistan. The current research focuses on how employment-related stress interferes with graduate students' academic performance in Parachinar, District Kurram Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This investigation applies quantitative methods—the Govt. Postgraduate College Parachinar, District Kurram, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan, completed a standardized questionnaire to 180 students from various academic disciplines.

    The findings illuminate stress's intricacy. It may be utilized to establish and encourage more efficient and achievable strategies or techniques that improve academics and job satisfaction, inspiration, and effectiveness at the individual and organizational levels.

    The research study concluded that 81.67% of male students suffered from employment stress. Student stressors include workload (31.67%), lack of time management (9.44%), interpersonal conflicts (20.00%), high study load (21.11%), and financial problems (17.78%), and the coping strategies being adopted by these students; Moral support (13.89%), Social support (30.00%), Financial support (45.00%), and Job enrichment (11.11%). The research concludes that addressing the highlighted concerns, counselling, and other successful coping strategies may alleviate academic and employment stress.

  • Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Information Systems: Investigating its Trust and Adoption Determinants
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    With the rapidly emerging trend of employing Artificial Intelligence technologies within modern economics. This study is an attempt to fill the research gap associated with the factors that have influence with the adoption of artificial intelligence in human resources information systems on HR-leaders intention to use it. It empirically investigates the influences that trust, technological readiness, facilitating condition and performance expectancy on HR-professional’s behavioral intention to use AI in HRM. Besides, examine the moderating effect of age and experience on the proposed associations. Data were collected from by online questionnaire from 185 HR managers. A structural framework was introduced to test the relationship between study latent variables. Result exhibited that trust and performance expectancy has a significant influence on HR-professionals behavioral intention to use AI-HRIS. Trust and technological readiness showed a significant influence on HR-professionals performance expectancy of using AI-HRIS. While facilitating condition, organizational size and technological readiness did not show a significant influence on HR-professionals behavioral intention toward using AI-HRIS. Lastly, Age and Experience did not have a moderating effect on trust and performance expectancy association with the behavioral intention toward using AI-HRIS. The findings of this study contribute to the theory development of information technology diffusion in HRM.

  • Improvement of High Strength Automotive Steels Wettability Properties Using CO2 Laser Surface Treatment
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    As a result of stricter environmental and safety standards, vehicle manufacturers have to reduce the weight of the vehicles, because 10% weight loss cause 8-10% reduction of fuel consumption. To reduce car’s weight and increase safety, vehicle manufacturers use high-strength steels. Further weight reduction can be achieved by using corresponding bonding technology (soldering, sticking) and optimizing these technologies can increase the strength of the joints. According to literature research, the improvement of interface properties has a large effect on bonding technologies. In order to improve interface properties, we can use multiple surface treatments. In our research we investigate the effects of CO2 laser surface treatment on high strength steels, because CO2 lasers are often used in the vehicle industry. In order to detect the effect of surface treatment, we investigate the wettability of the treated and untreated steels. In our research we measure the surface tension of treated and untreated steels. Our main goal is to improve wettability properties thus the bonding technology. In our research we used DP 600 high strength steel sheet with the thickness of 1 mm. We cut the steel sheet to 25mm wide and 55mm long workpieces. Before the surface treatment, the workpieces had to be cleaned and degreased using methanol. We searched for parameters that do not cause any visible changes on the surfaces. Among the parameters of the treatment we were able to change the output power of the laser. We used contact angle measurement to examine the wettability.

  • Design of Manufacturing Process of Mould for Die Casting by EDM Technology with the Computer Aided
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    At present, we cannot imagine a modern production process without computer support. At the same time, its integral part is the implementation of advanced and highly sophisticated production processes and technologies. Their aim is first and foremost to ensure quality production of products with high economic efficiency of the production process. EDM technology is one of the currently active progressive technologies. This is a technology that in practice is characterized by high product quality. The high quality of products not only through this progressive technology, but also other, whether conventional or progressive, is difficult to achieve without computer support. The aim of the paper is therefore to demonstrate the process of manufacturing a die-casting mould using progressive EDM technology using computer support.

  • Optikai iparban termelődő szürkevíz minőségi és mennyiségi vizsgálata, javaslattétel kezelési technológiára
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    Kutatásunk során a Carl Zeiss Vision Hungary Kft. mosodai szürkevizét vizsgáltuk. Kutatásunk célja, hogy az optikai iparban termelődő szürkevíz minőségi és mennyiségi paramétereiről átfogó képet kapjunk. A minőségi paraméterekre nézve további célunk volt, hogy vizsgáljuk, szükségszerű-e elszeparáltan gyűjteni az optikai iparban termelődő különböző eredetű szürkevizet. Ezt követően pedig olyan kezelési technológia kidolgozását terveztük, amely szürkevíz kezelés szempontjából gazdaságilag is értékes lenne a cég számára. Vizsgálatai eredményeink alátámasztják, hogy nem szükségszerű elszeparáltan gyűjteni a mosógépekből illetve a takarítógépekből származó szürkevizet, hiszen azok hasonló mértékben terheltek szennyező anyagokkal. A szürkevíz tisztítási technológiák pénzügyi értékeléséhez két különböző elven működő technológiát vettünk alapul (koaguláció-flokkuláció, és aerob biomembrán technológia). Beruházási és fenntartási költségek tekintetében is egyértelműen az aerob biomembrán technológia megvalósítása bizonyult gazdaságosabbnak.

  • Full-Scale Tests of Pipeline Girth Welds Under Complex Cyclic Internal Pressure and Static Bending Loading Conditions
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    The critical elements of high-pressure hydrocarbon transporting pipelines are often the girth welds, which are subjected to complex loads. The aims of our research and this paper are to introduce our full-scale pipeline fatigue and burst tests applying cyclic internal pressure and superimposed external bending stress on girth welds, furthermore, attracting the importance and the applicability of the investigation results. A unique testing system was built to study the behaviour of pipeline girth welds under simultaneous loads. The tests were evaluated using video camera recordings, internal pressure vs. burst time functions and failure pressure values.

  • Experimental Study on the Effect of the Geometry of Punching Tool on Clinch Joints
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    In this study the effect of the punching tool’s geometry on aluminum alloy clinch joints is analyzed by experiments. Based on FE simulations the tip radius and the cone angle of the punching tool is changed, and their effect was analyzed by microscopic investigations and single lap tensile-shear tests.

  • A precíziós gazdálkodás kilátásai Magyarországon
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    A mezőgazdaság számára a precíziós gazdálkodás jelentheti a jövőt, hiszen egyszerre járhat a jövedelmek növelésével és a környezetterhelés mérséklésével. A precíziós gazdálkodás statisztikailag igazolható többletet termel hozamban, bevételben, eredményben, de nem azonnal. A többletjövedelem potenciál 20-50% között várható. A precíziós gazdálkodásra főként azért térnek át a gazdaságok, hogy tehermentesítsék a dolgozókat. Sok gazdálkodó azonban még mindig tart az új technológiával működő eszközök használatától, pedig a mezőgazdaságban is megkerülhetetlen lesz az informatika alkalmazása. A technológia alapvetően drága, még nem elterjedt, sőt a gazdák a fokozatosság elvét követve csupán néhány technológiai elemet használnak, ráadásul az óvatosság jegyében a technológia mezőgazdasági területük csak egy részére terjed ki. A gazdaságoknak tehát meg kell tanulni a korábbinál precízebben gazdálkodni, nem csak a termőföldön, hanem fejben is.

  • Aktív hűtés hatásainak vizsgálata 3D nyomtatás esetén
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    A 3D nyomtatás egyre szélesebb körben alkalmazott gyártási eljárás. A gépek és anyagok fejlődésével egyre több ember számára hozzáférhető ez a technológia, egyre egyszerűsödik az alkalmazása. Mindemellett a technológia sajátosságaiból adódóan azért igényel gyártástechnológiai ismereteket. Bizonyos esetekben nagy túllógások esetén szükséges a frissen lerakott rétegek mielőbbi megszilárdítása. Ezt aktív hűtéssel lehet megvalósítani, ami viszont hatással lehet a darab anyagtulajdonságaira is. A kutatás a gyártás során alkalmazott aktív hűtés hatásait vizsgálja

  • Introduction to Design and Analysis of Torsional Vibration Dampers in Vehicle Industry
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    The crankshaft of today’s internal combustion engines with high performance output are exposed to harmful torsional oscillations originated from the unbalanced gas and inertial forces. To avoid the fatigue damage of engine components, caused by the undesired vibrations, torsional vibration dampers can be applied. Viscodampers are one type of the torsional vibration dampers, which operational fluid is silicone oil. For cost-effective R&D activities and production, finite element and finite volume numerical discretization methods based calculation techniques must be involved into the engineering work supported by the modern computer technology. The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the multidisciplinary design and development process of visco-dampers in vehicle industry applications. Four different examples as structural, fatigue, CFD analyses and structural optimization have been introduced in the present work. It turned out from the static structural and fatigue analyses, that the investigated damper has safety factor over the limit for both static structural and fatigue analyses, so it is suitable for the given load conditions. In the structural optimization process 34.36% mass reduction has been achieved. According to the coupled fluid dynamic and heat transfer simulations a rather stagnating air zone evolved between the engine and the damper during the operation, which can cause efficiency reduction of cooling fins mounted onto the housing. In light of the numerical results, the suitable damper position has been determined for the highest heat transfer.

  • Design an Opening Force Measuring Device for Balancing Clips
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    This paper deals with the development of a force measuring device to determine the opening force of different types of balancing clips. These elements can be used in the impellers of ventilators to rebalance the rotor. The measuring device contains a commercially available beam type load cell. The data processing is performed by Arduino Nano development platform with a 24-bit sigma delta A/D converter. The device is well applicable to determine the opening force of the clips in different opening distances.

  • Using the Photostress Method to Determine the Residual Stresses
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    Strains and stresses in loaded and photoelastically coated structural members can be determined using the PhotoStress method. The quantitative values of variations in the principal strains (stresses) and their directions could be employed to get the strain or stress components field on the entire coated surface. In the PhotoStress experiment, isochromatic fringes give qualitative and quantitative information. It provides a source of information on the directions and magnitudes of principal strain and principal normal stress on the surface of photoelastic coated parts. This article reviews the principle of using PhotoStress analysis to measure the residual stress and provides the boundary condition of using this method.

  • Application of Topological Methods in the Development of Vehicle Components
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    Many areas of the industry are characterized by continuous changes, which define new directions of development in product design. The development of computers and software, the spread of modern production tools and the development of material technology make it possible to expand traditional production technologies with modern processes. Integrated CAD systems have occupied their place in the product design and development process for decades, reforming classical design methods. Popular optimization procedures in integrated CAD systems, such as shape optimization, topological optimization and the new generative design process, provide effective solutions for design engineers in more and more industrial application areas. Experience shows that modern design methods can be used in many areas of industry. The appearance of metal powder printing and additive technology make it possible to test the designed prototypes or even to produce the final products. The following article aims to support the above with the help of a case study.

  • Surface Quality of Carbide Metal After Electrical Discharge Machining
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    Recently, the requirements for machining shape-complex products made of hard-to-machine materials, including carbide, have been increasing significantly. However, their machining is rather problematic. Additionally, a high-quality standard of the machined surface is generally required, not only in terms of roughness but also in terms of the geometric accuracy of the machined surface. All this while maintaining a high level of economy in the machining process. However, meeting these demanding requirements in real technical practice is not always an easy task. Moreover, in combination with modern machining processes, only a limited number of production technologies can meet this requirement. Therefore, due to the high demands placed on today's modern production and the required high standard of the machined surface, progressive EDM technology is increasingly finding its application. And it is through this progressive technology that it is possible to achieve relatively good success in carbide machining. The aim of this paper was therefore to describe in detail the results of an experimental investigation aimed at identifying the quality of the machined surface achieved in terms of the roughness parameters of the machined surface in the electrical discharge machining of selected types of carbides using a wire tool electrode.

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