Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)

Published June 10, 2016


Management Sciences

  • Vállalkozói képzés a 21. században a felsőoktatásban – lehetőségek, módszerek, jó gyakorlatok

    Challenges of the 21st century require answers from higher education as well. In Europe, most of the entrepreneurship programmes on the higher education institutions are less than ten years old. Whilst business studies may battle for academic legitimacy, it has a clear advantage when it comes to graduate employability. The aim of this paper is to give answer to the following questions: why entrepreneurship education is important, what are the methods which are already used and what are the results of them. The answers to the questions are based on literature reviews, a case study and in-depth interviews with alumni carried out at the University of Debrecen, where since 2010 Team Academy Debrecen, a new education model from Finland is implemented. Tiimiakatemia education is an innovative Finnish model founded in 1993 by Johannes Partanen that develops team entrepreneurs. Based on the results some of the important elements of entrepreneurship teachability are: learning by doing, passion, learning in teams, coaching and mentoring.

  • Szervezeti struktúra jellemzői spanyol labdarúgó kluboknál

    In Hungary the developement of sport sector needs to changes in structural scheme of sport organizations. The question is that, in the different sports areasthe association-based sports model, or the buisness-based sports model can operate effectively. Nowadays, in addition to professional successes in sporting activities, Hungarian sports entities and professional sports enterprises do consider options for the most effective operations possible, and gather good international practices in order to establish such business-based sports models in Hungary that are efficiently operable. The business side of sports is particularly apparent in professional football. On a global scale, this sport clearly demonstrates the process of structural transformation that is directed at the realization of the appropriate form of enterprise and structural setup. This article has been written to describe the Spanish model by example of organizational scheme of Real Madrid and Barcelona FC.

  • A vállalati kultúra sajátosságai a KKV szektorban

    A kis-és középvállalkozások szerepe az európai gazdaságban kulcsfontosságú, ugyanis a kkv szektor közel 87 millió embert foglalkoztat, a versenyszféra alkalmazottaknak mintegy kétharmadát és az Európai Unió hozzáadott értékének mintegy 58%-át teszik ki. Míg az uniós átlag 4,2 fő, addig a magyarországi kkv-k átlagosan 3,1 főt foglalkoztatnak. A kis- és középvállalkozások napjainkban nagymértékben hatást gyakorolnak a magyar gazdasági teljesítményre, illetve a foglalkoztatásban jelentős részt vállalnak, kiemelkedő a szerepük az új gazdasági szerkezetben. A versenyképesség lényegére, a vállalat termelékenységére nagy hatással vannak a vállalaton belüli, főleg a vállalati menedzsment és a vállalati kultúratényezők. Tanulmányom célja megvizsgálni a kis- és középvállalkozások vállalati kultúra tényezőit, amelyeket meghatározói a hatékony működésnek, majd ezek alapján javaslatot tenni a versenyképesség növeléséhez hozzájáruló kultúrafejlesztésre.

  • Employment Practice of Persons with Disabilities and a Reduced Work Capacity in the Open Labour Market

    Based on the labour market situation of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity as an employee group we can claim that it is an employee group struggling with significant disadvantages. Their economic activity is behind thereof the population without disabilities and a reduced work capacity. According to the latest statistical data the employment level of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity is only around 18 per cent. The governments in power try to increase the economic activity of the affected employee group with both positive and negative incentive system laying stress on the field of primary open labour market. However, it is all unimaginable without changing the approach of the society and the business sphere, which can succeed through the legal regulation of equal opportunities, equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination. By means of professional interviews carried out with company directors and HR directors of 3 examined companies operating in the Northern Great Plain region as well as case studies the article aims at exploring the attitude of market participants towards the employee group of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity, legal changes of recent years, the extent this group is employed and the obstacles that make their further employment more difficult.

  • The Sustain of the Leadership Methodology in Higher Education

    Higher education institutions have to follow the changes of current higher education and market oriented atmosphere. All these changes have to be measured and probably reacted to. Leaders of higher education instutions should have personal skills, which can contribute to the efficiency therefore they can motivate their colleagues. The aim of this study is to unfold the most effective measuring model to determine the leadership competencies, behaviours, properties, which can contribute to the successful operation and to the subsistence of experienced competition in higher education.

  • New Challenges for Health Systems of the European Union

    The health system is facing a number of difficultiesnot only in our country, but in the whole of Europe. In the 21st century never before seenlarge-scale problems pose a serious threat to our world, which have a significant impact on health care. We outline the challenges of today and examine their likely effect on coming health policies.

  • Ethical Attitudes by Students

    We can read about empirical researches in connection with ethical behavior or attitudes by business students only in few inland but much more foreign papers. These studies examine: which behaviors are ethical or unethical by students and how strictare students in evaluation of situations. This paper aims to explore the attitudes of business students at the University of Debrecen: what they-as future organizational leaders-think about morality of a work situation.

  • Quality Improvement in Higher Education – Role of Indicators and Student Feedbacks in Course Improvement

    Customer oriented conduct and process-based thinking have become quasivital pillars of durable competitiveness for the business world today. Following this approach should result in satisfied customers, decreased costs, and efficient employees. However, the actors in higher education are just starting tolerant his way of thinking. The increasing focus on quality issues and the process-related approach to this is catalyzed by several factors. These concept is not a new issue at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Department of Management and Corporate Economics as the flagship of teaching and researching quality management at the University looks for opportunities to give practical answer. Based on this the purpose of my paper is to demonstrate different examples at the different level of processes in higher education.

  • Business Strategy in the Model of Linear Activity Analysis of Production

    It was analyzed how the methodology of linear activity analysis of production model supports the implementation of different business strategies at a company level. Aspects of analysis are focusing on openness for markets, lean management and environmental protection strategies. The study reveals that the linear activity analysis of production – mainly due to its efficient process optimization problem solving ability – is capable supporting lean management decisions and implementing additional objectives in business strategies. Such objectives can be sustaining specific production patterns for further development or following strategies for limiting market competition. It will be shown how to quantify the costs of strategic objectives in linear activity analyzing model.

  • The Legal Aspects and Challenges of Managing Workplace Mobbing

    Workplace mobbing (psychological harassment) can be a great challenge for the management of any organization. Although the phenomenon has been discovered for quite some time, there is still no unequivocal definition, and therefore preventive and managerial actions are rudimentary. It is clear that mobbing affects not only on the individual employee, but the whole organization. The reduction of commitment of people working in this environment (and not only those directly affected by it) may have a detrimental effect on the performance of the organization. I will present a legal case study to highlight some of the general and procedural shortcomings of mobbing at the workplace.

  • Elmélet és gyakorlat ellentmondásossága a mérnöki etikában

    Economy is the framework of the activities of technological managers. The function of an economy is substantially impact by behaviors of the persons are involved in the economy. Its function depends on how they follow rules of society and community. Reliability and order of an economy are created by right conducts of such participants of economy as technological managers. This paper analyses the complex relations of law, morality and economy.

  • Analysis of Construction Risks

    The article from a longer, in practical working risk management theory and general methodology, as well as the circumstances of the construction projects for bridging study assumed abyss has been created based on the instalment. The emphasis placed on construction projects risks typical data resources, project planning methods. Construction risks and the risk management methods dealing with a separate study.

  • The Expectations and Motivation Regarding Future Income and graduation of the Students of the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Engineering

    My research conducted among undergraduate students of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen examined the students’ incentive and income expectation broken down by their gender and by their ducation level. At the same time, it aimed to measure the impact factors influencing their motivation to get the degree and their ideas regarding the payment.

  • Exploration of Labour-Market Attitudes Towards Migrants Among University Students

    The aim of this article is to present attitudes towards migration, migrants based on the results of a questionnaire filled out by university students. The definition of the migrants is followed by the results of the study. The results of the survey show that the students who consider themselves basically tolerant are rejecting migrants in action. The answers related to the educational level of the migrants have shown that basic qualification and professional knowledge can be assumed of the migrants, unless the respondents took the view that migrants have no measurable school education. The migrants’ attitudes towards work are generally wrong according to the respondents. Perhaps that is the reason why the people who filled out the survey would not work together with or employ migrants.

  • Importance of quality indicators in the healthcare – in case of musculoskeletal rehabilitation –

    Nowadays the term of management is so popular. It has an essential role in the professional life, moreover in the every day life too. Creating and using the quality indicators (one of the qualiy management tools) contribute to the improvement of the operation of the healthcare system and to the development of the quality of healthcare services. The aim of the paper is to define service quality and its dimensions in healthcare and to highlight the role of quality indicators. The research calls attention to the absence of indicators measuring the different aspects of quality directly, the difficulties of measuring service quality and the need of establishment of more specific measures in healthcare. A special area of healthcare, there habilitation of musculo skeletal diseases will be discussed. As a research my approach is to define all the indicators that are already used in this area of the healthcare. This examination is extremely important because one of the most commonailments are the musculo skeletal diseases and their number is just increasing.The paper is mostly descriptiv and follows analitical methods based on the international and Hungarian professional studies, informations. To access databases I was helped by the OSAP (National Statistical Data CollectionProgramme). Besides the importance of quality indicators the research calls for the need for more specific measures. On the other hand, the value of the paper lies in collecting the problems, defaults and improving areas of a specific healthcare field.

  • Liquidation of Public Procurement Due to Operative Regulations

    The aim of new Public Procurement law is to ensure the efficiency of appropriation public money. On new lwgal regulation public procurement procedure sbecome significantly faster and transparency and competition are increasing. Hence forward the rules of procedures under Europian Union limit won’t be standard. Innational pro curement procedures the rules are differentiated from estimate value. Important change in connection with valuation base dont he lowest price is succeeded by the method of proportion price and value.

  • The Role of Information Security in the Business Processes

    Information security (namely, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of business-related data) is an issue which companies attach increasing importance nowadays. This is, however, not a self-centred goal to achieve, but an (additional) means businesses use to work towards security in their overall operations. In addition to briefly presenting two case studies on information security practices, this paper offers a survey of terms and management practices linked with process security. Business continuity planning and risk management techniques - as outlined here in connection with information protection controls - may cover all business processes at any company.

  • Menedzsment szakos hallgatók a munkaerőpiacon: az elhelyezkedés mintázatai

    The present study analyses the labour market career of graduates from three management majors. Majors in connection with the economic and engineering educational field (economy and management, engineering manager, human resources manager) belong to the average and in numerous aspects to the good status majors and professions. The social recrutation of the majors analysed is middleclass. According to their  labour market success, such as the duration of finding a job, the level of employment and income they are among professions of favourable position. The knowledge gained at university may be considered well usable in their work. Their satisfaction with the different components of their work is similar to other university graduates, they are most satisfied with the content of their work, and less with its prestige and possible income.In this study we analyse 2011 and 2012 databases of the Graduate Tracking System.

  • A márkázás hatásainak vizsgálata a fogyasztói magatartásra két FMCG vállalat példáján keresztül

    Over the last few years, companies have realised the significance of the image they represent and besides building the brands of their products, they started to concentrate on forming the brand of the company.We wanted to examine the world of corporate brands at two FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) companies. The aim of there search was to discover the connection between consumers and brands, product brands and corporate brands; how corporate brand influences customers during purchased ecision making. The effect of consumers’ knowledge was also observed about the companies on consumers’ habits. We have assumed that from the viewpoint of some customers, choosing among several products is often based on the perception of the brands and products alone and it has little to do with the corporate brand. Although, if one of the companies has a strong corporate brand, an idea built around it, and its message is communicated effectively, when it comes down topic king sides, the brand of the company could be essential to decision making.

  • Functional Character of the Performance Management

    Performance management is a complex system, researching its modifying factors and elements, using the research results may significantly improve the success of the operation of organizations. Performance management functions are the followings: planning performance, developing measuring tools, communicating expectations, monitoring and quantifying performance, performance appraisal, feedback on performance, communicating personnel decisions, developments based on results. Along these task groups researches may be carried out separately or by aggregating several of them, in this way certain sub-fields of  performance management may be investigated in a more detailed way. In my research the characteristics of performance management systems operating in profit-oriented organizations were examined from the aspect of the management.

  • PDCA – How does the Organization Learn?

    An organisation (whether it is in the private or in the public sector)knows where it is headed, it has a vision. To achieve this vision the organisation can have a strategy beforehand or the vision can be the result of a continuously improving strategy.The strategy can be developed according to the earlier routines or in a totally new way. Many times failures help to find a solution better than the chain of successes. The lessons learned should inevitably be part of the following cycles otherwise the same issues rise again and again which finally ends in exasperation and giving up. When we create a learning process it is easier to focus on avoiding the obstacles than motivation. PDCA is a well-known method for it but what prevents us from applying it the proper way? What are the obstacles that prevent the organisation from developing through its learning processes?

  • Compare the Most Frequently Used Models of Risk Management

    The successful risk management is based on the company can recognize and treat the risks well and effectively. Nowadays there are several techniques for risk management. Each technique breaks the risk management steps on its own logic. In this article we compare four different risk management models, accordingly what are the similarities, and what are the differences between the four models.

  • How Should We Develop the Careers of Our Employees? Organizational Career Management Tools in Focus

    We can observe more and more often that people change their jobs frequently. They work for more employers during their life. The question may arise that organizations should care about the career management of their workers? Certain surveys which investigate the reasons of job changes can disprove it. One of the most common causes is that employees cannot see their career opportunities at the company. The organizations should not necessarily use complex career development systems it may also be appropriate, if they use only some techniques consciously. The study shows the career management tools used by the organizations examined in the survey. The authors demonstrate that there is a provable relation between organizational performance and career development methods. Furthermore they describethe techniques applied by the successful organizations.

  • Diagnostic Model for Supporting the Development of Health-conscious Organizational Behavior

    In the 21st century more and more countries of the world take the attitude that human health is not just an issue for healthcare services but for all major areas of life. Such an area for employees is the workplace. Protection of employee health and safety has for a long time been a non-transferable (objective) obligation and responsibility for employers in Europe. Connections between health and the workplace have however extended far beyond the traditional aspect of safety and health at work. Developing a health-conscious organisational behaviour means a challenge for many Hungarian companies; the model described in this study assists them in both diagnosing their current situation and choosing the appropriate course, method and tools for development.

  • Comparative Analysis of Motivation Theories

    The aim of the article is to compare motivation theories from the view of general psychology and work psychology. The research was done by using secondary sources and by analyzing motivation from both views. The difference between the two lines lies in outcome orientation. Psychology is more descriptive work psychology tends to focus on the results of the motivation process. In comparison, both have their values. The relevance of the research is to provide a theoretical basis for improving the development of more relevant motivation theories.

  • Labour Market Success of Engineering Graduates

    The study aims to explore the labor market success of engineering graduates. The role of science field in the areas of job search time, earnings and job congruence proved significant. The engineering discipline proved to be outstanding in all the tree tested indicators. The database was GraduatesTracking System 2011-2012 (DPR 2011-2012). The indicators of employ ability could be compared among the young graduates of domestic higher education institutions in the engineering science, and similarities and differences could be highlighted

  • Developing of Capacity Analysis Method

    Capacity planning is strategic significance in companies’ life. The strategic of capacity enlarging in fluencies the competitiveness of companies. There are several method for determination of long-term capacity from simple ones to expensive, high calculation requiring processes. We have to rearrange the production for the increasing demand, it is not so simple because it needs some investments. We must scrutinize that is it worth for us? The aim of this study is to investigate whether capacity enlarging is going to be realizable without investments only the eliminate of waste. In this method needs exact determine of the current capacity so we use modified, extended capacity model. In this model we consider the availability, quality and efficiency of the machine more over we observe the effect of the service program of the machine.

  • Napenergia használata villamosáram termelésre egy családi házon vizsgálva

    In this paper we compare the naturalgas and solarenergy utilizatio nwith the help of SWOT analisys. Than we are presenting the solarpower utilization devices and system installation in economic point of view. And two payback calculation method is demonstrated on a family house.

  • Organisational Culure and Academic Performance of Technical Management BSc Students

    Our study analyses the connection between perceived and ideal organizational cultures and academic results. A modified, self-managed OCAI questionnaire was used to measure perceived and ideal organizational cultures among engineering management students of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering (N = 114). Our results reveal weak positive linear correlations between academic performance and perceived or ideal level of clan culture. In case of other culture types we did not find any consistent relationship. Based on our results students who consider clan culture ideal can expect better results than those who prefer other types. Among students who visit at least 61% of the classes those who reported fitting (or better fitting) perceived and ideal cultures tend to perform better in their studies.

  • The Fire on the Körönd By The Eyes of an Engineer Part. III. The Second Time of Averting of Life-Danger, Preparation on Conservation

    The roof and the closing floor of the building located Andrássy Street 83-85. damaged by the fire on the Körönd. We describe the damages caused by fire, and present the state of the building after damage caused by fire.

  • Néhány választott egyéni sportág jelenlegi helyzetének és versenyképességének elemzése Magyarországon

    In the past few years, our country increased importance of sports. 2010 was highlighted in 16 individual sports, which receive state subsidies for the period 2013-2020. In this research we selected the four disciplines of sports - canoeing, modern pentathlon, wrestling, judo - I examined the domestic situation and competitiveness. The sports competitiveness investigated on the basis of their role in the media occupied, according to the method of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC and the Olympic Games Organising Committee (OCOG) mediation from the proceeds distributed to sports, by way of support. I think it is important to examine the competitiveness of sports, and international jótapasztalatokat used later to propose solutions to increase viewing figures. The first stage of this research, which shows the position of sports Hungary, explore their differences and draw parallels between the similarities.

  • Examination and Comparison of Leadership Style of Two Multinational Company

    A vezetés a 21. században az élessé vált gazdasági válságban való versenyképesség megtartásában és megőrzésében kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszik. Ehhez hozzájárul az a tény is, hogy a vezetés nem csak alakítója, hanem része is annak a viszonynak, hogy a vevői szükségletek és a szervezet követelményei úgy kerüljenek összhangba, hogy mind a két fél elérje a céljait. Egy vezető feladata, hogy összekapcsolja az egyéni és a szervezeti célokat, elérve ezáltal a legjobb szervezeti teljesítményt és a legnagyobb munkavállalói elégedettséget. Ehhez viszont szükséges felismernie azt, hogy a vállalati kultúra és az egyes munkavállalók milyen vezetési stílus alkalmazását követelik meg. Kutatásunk célja, hogy két multinacionális vállalat esetében egy vezetési stílust mérő kérdőív segítségével feltárjuk a sikeres vezetés ismérveit és összehasonlítsuk a kapott eredményeket.

  • Customer and Supplier Relationships and Their Characteristic in the Automotive

    This article gives short review with the help of specialized literature that was written both national and overseas.This gives information about whatrelationships can you speak in the automotive.This study briefly presents what are the forms which are preferred by the companies, they are more general and what distinctive characteristics do the forms of contact have. Essential question of the customer-supplier relationships is the following – how does the customer company treat its supplier as a partner. The supplier relationship is very precious if we are not talking only about easy product-delivery but a positive relationship can be developed between the two sides. The aim of this study is a literature review which has summarized the theoretical ground of this subject, so that means a kind of a starting point in the practice.

  • „Forradalmi” változások a menedzsment területén

    Development of the Science and practical application of the results created big changes in the nontradicional areas too. The „Health industry” was developed. The results of the physics, chemistry, biology and mikroelektronics etc. helped to develop some new methods of diagnosis, operation etc. The „money industry” was developed too. Our opinion is, that the most important cause of the economic crisis is a non regulated well of the „money industry”. The „knowledge industry” was developed too. The „knowledge industry” contains all level of teaching and Research + Development + Innovation. Our analyze shows that the Innovation is the most important factor of the economic Development of Society. The new scientific results created big changes in area of the Management. The „Management Science” was developed as an independent area. Some management specialists developed some management methods (eg. Value Analysis, Risk Management, TRIZ, Lean methods etc.) for efficient allocation of sources.

  • Incentive Methods of Traditional and Lean Production

    Many research deals with the lean management, but mainly related to the topic of operational management. The target of the author to investigate the lean production can be found there any incentives that could be support of the changed labour market. After the labor market outlook, which may help us to understand the actualities of the topic, grouping the incentive methods based on the model of Hay Group's happening, which is collected on the basis of literature lean processing methods. An identifiable differences in the grouping of lean and related traditional production incentives, which are sometimes more supportive of employees' commitment to the company.

  • The Implementation of the Japanese and the German Culture into the Operation Hungarian Firm

    How can the Japanese culture be implemented into the operation of a firm - partly a German property  working in Hungary. In my presented arcticle I have studied various organisational culture models, and compared them to the culture of our enterprise, seeking for similarities and contraries. I have studied the environmental factors and resources which have an effect on our production. During the investigation I have also considered how can we harmonize cultures of different nations and how it affects the production on the whole. I have also investigated the installation of robots, and searched for the solution how we can make our production much more economical. Due to the persistent decrease of population, and leck of professionals, the use of robots is neccessary to fulfill the customer requirements in time, with the sufficient quantity and required quality of goods. According to the Japanese Toyota-method,theautomatization of a technology can only be successful, if it is tested at least ten times, but –beacuse of the leck of time- we do not have the possibility of it. As the manufacturing parameters and observations have not developed the proper way, the scrap rate is higher than it is at firms, where is more available time for the building up of the technology.

  • Quality Indexes of Warehouse Services

    There was a wide range and rapid development in the field of warehouse management in the recent decades as a result of strong and spectacular improvement of establishing and operating warehouses, in addition to increasingly complex logistic processes. In my research, I analysed the complex problems of determining the performance expectedfromoperatingthewarehousetechnologicalsystem. Thisdecisioninvolvestheselection of the essential performance indicators suitable for performance measurement and the determination of the expected performance level based on these indicators through the example of an examined enterprise. During my research, I concluded that the logistic performance measurement of warehouse processes is a very difficult process, because all enterprises have to define and use indexes which adapt to the enterprise profile well and reflect the performance to be measured. This decision is of key importance, since the warehouse system and its operation principles have to be adjusted to this expected performance.

  • Solutions of Warehouse Technology in Connection with Management Decisions

    The aim of the study is to analyse the effect of management decisions on space utilization of warehouses through two companies’ example. The only way to make good decisions is to take into consideration the possible effects of changes. One of the tire manufacturing companies managed to improve space utilization, caused not only time but cost reduction. On the contrary, a bad decision of a household chemical factory induced enormous problems in the material flow.

  • Z Generation’s Expectations Against Leaders

    Expectations and ideas of labor market, workplace and leaders vary among different generations. In the current study we discuss the results of a word association survey which was conducted in 2015 among students in higher education. Students were asked to write down their first thoughts that they consider important against leaders. 391 students participated in the survey. The students formulated 20 different attribute-groups which can be classified into three main groups. Most of them defined sturdiness and empathy as their most important expectations against leaders. Attributes defined by 3-8% of respondents form the second group, while attributes defined by 1-2% are in the third group. The results show that sturdiness, confidence and authority are high above the most important skills for Generation Z.

  • The Relationship Among Ethics and Conflict Management in Hungarian Metal and Machinery Supply Chains

    It seems that ethics has become an important issue because more and more firms accept ethical codex and make them public as well. On contrary all of us know some stories when unethical behaviour resulted tragedy. Nowadays in business life ethics and responsibility appear as necessary value from the aspect of success. More papers state that ethical behaviour offers various benefits in business relationships. Our paper seeks these positives in empirical way by interviewing members and experts of Hungarian metal and machinery supply chains but we take into consideration the network effects as well. Our survey investigates how fair behaviour can prevent or decrease conflicts in business. The results of our qualitative research show that fair behaviour brings certain benefits but the economic reality and the direction of money flow are dominant. We have met various forms of conflict management and found that respondents want to maintain even very problematic business ties as well.

  • Vezetési stílusok egykor és most

    The throughputs of Management sciences have always been in the middle of interest for its 105 years long history. Analysing the management styles is a prospering and actual scientific approach of leadership research. In the following, I present the throughputs of the researches which are applying this approach: I introduce both the „classical”management style models and the new ones. As for„classical”models, I introduce the decision-making oriented typologies, the personality oriented typologies and the situational leadership theories. By „new”theories I introduce the feminin and masculin management styles, the transactional and the transformational leadership and the participative management style. In the article I summarize the internal and external factors that influence the management style, and the same time introduce the outcomes of researches studying the topic.

  • Model Calculations on the Use of Mobile and Stationary Units for Wood Pellet Production

    This paper presents the model calculations made for supporting the decision making of different technology alternatives. Base cases were A) use of a mobile pelletizer and B) using pellet factories at fixed locations for the production of a new product, sheep wool pellets. Calculations were made for three alternatives for each base case. The results of the model were used to examine the energy, time and cost criteria of the alternatives. Based on the given preliminaries, results of the model calculations supported the recommendation to choose case B) for further technology management and supply chain management decisions.

  • Szakemberhiány vizsgálata és feltételezett okai az építőiparban

    A munkaadók 36 %-a küzd a megfelelő munkaerő megtalálásával világszerte. Magyarország építőipari cégeinek helyzetét bemutatva megállapítható, hogy a megszűnő vállalkozások száma az építőiparban 2013-ra az előző évhez viszonyítva 50% felé emelkedett, amely tendencia 2014-ben tovább folytatódott. A szakmunkások közül sokan nem tudnak elhelyezkedni a hiányszakmának minősített szakmájukban, de sokan közülük nem is akarnak. Tanulmányom célja, hogy megvizsgáljam az építőiparban fennálló szakemberhiányt, illetve feltárjam ennek lehetséges, feltételezett okait.

  • Characteristics of Knowledge Economy in Respect of Hungary

    The examination of the economic role of information, knowledge, human capital and investment into the human capital has come into the limelight over the last decades. Analyses include the characterisation of knowledge economy and the relationship between knowledge economy and market challenges. In this paper we examine the definition and indicators of knowledge-based economy. We analyse the trend of the participation rate in formal and non-formal education as a knowledge input, furthermore we examine the gross domestic expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP with particular attention to Hungary.

  • Performance Management Innovation is a Medium-Sized Enterprises of Light Industry/

    To achieve the strategic objectives of the management of a company, has to monitor and coordinate continuously the tasks of the employees, they have to do to reach the targets. In this action, sometimes the management of the company has to make corrections in the work and motivations of the employees. This article presents a case study carried out on a medium-sized companies working on the light industry field. It presents a new motivation system for the employees to increase up those products, for those who are at the bottom of the producing rankings of the company, moreover to develop their performance to reach the average level. Here has to be mentioned that, the employees at the bottom of the performance rankings producing under the average levelobligates totally the same amount of circulating and standing capita of the company, lead to the intervention of the management. The norm based requirements within the framework of the production system were completed to provide the more efficient working of the employees, besides strengthen their skills and their loyalties to their colleagues. As a result of the innovation of the performance management the product of the employees standing at he bottom of the rankings increased up considerably. It has manifested formerly in the decrease of the pointing error fixed to the personal monthly norm, moreover it showed the catching up of the employees standing at the bottom of the ranking to the middle. The case that the employees at the bottom get closer to the others in the middle of the ranking helped to contribute to achieve the strategic objectives of the management through reducing the average cost of the producing, since increasing the budget of the producing activities.

  • Examining Organisational Culture with OCAI among Technical Management BSc Students of the University of Debrecen

    Based on the OCAI model, our study analyses and compares two things (1) the corporate culture of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering as it is perceived by its engineering management students; and (2) the culture they think would be ideal. According to the respondents the existing culture is closer to the clan type and further from the market type compared to the average. Their ideal culture is closer to the clan, adhocracy and further from the market (compared to the average). The perceived current and the ideal culture are significantly different only in the adhocracy type. From the 20 items of the OCAI questionnaire 7 were significantly different from the average in the case of the perceived culture and 13 in the case of the ideal culture. Differences between ideal and present cultures are statistically supported only in the following dimensions: dominant characteristics (clan is currently stronger, adhocracy is weaker), corporate leadership (market is currently stronger), strategic emphasis (hierarchy is currently stronger).

  • Link between Corporate Philanthropy and Corporate Financial Performance: Evidence from Pakistani Textile Sector

    Literature highlights the immense potential of Corporate Philanthropy (CP) for generating social and economic benefits. The debate on economic benefits align corporate philanthropy with the business bottom line arguing that it can be a significant determinant of corporate financial performance. This research is intended to extent this debate by providing sector specific perspective through analyzing the sample of Pakistani public listed textile companies. Results of the study show that corporate philanthropy has a significantly positive relationship with Return on Assets (ROA) but with Return on Equity (ROE) the relationship is found to be insignificant. The previous year’s financial performance moderates the relationship between CP and ROA but the interaction effect for ROE is insignificant.

  • Specialties of First SMED in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is considered as an effective lean management method increasingly used in pharmaceutical manufacturing. By reducing change-over times and costs, the successful implementation of the first SMEDs may bring a significant increase in terms of manufacturing flexibility. The purpose of this study is present the special factors that fundamentally determine SMEDs applied especially in the process of pharmaceutical manufacturing. By focusing on a well defined part of the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, lasting from Weighing and Measuring to the end of Tablet Pressing, the study also aims to highlight the benefits of SMED itself. The findings of the research are based on the practical experiences of four SMEDs implemented in various sections of production. According to the experiences and considering industrial specialties, the implementation of SMED has to harmonise with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which are representing the golden quality standards of pharmaceutical manufacturing.

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