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Napenergia használata villamosáram termelésre egy családi házon vizsgálva
1-12Views:150In this paper we compare the naturalgas and solarenergy utilizatio nwith the help of SWOT analisys. Than we are presenting the solarpower utilization devices and system installation in economic point of view. And two payback calculation method is demonstrated on a family house.
Analysis of the Financing and Return on a Geothermal Investment – Case Study
395-409Views:169Implementing a geothermal energy investment involves a significant amount of capital investment for a local government which cannot be realized only from its own sources therefore, it is necessary to involve external financial resources. In this article, I look at what resources the local government can get involved in implementing the investment planned by the local government. I also analyse the different combinations of these sources and when using different resources, how does the internal return on investment and its net present value change.
Compare the Most Frequently Used Models of Risk Management
1-11Views:214The successful risk management is based on the company can recognize and treat the risks well and effectively. Nowadays there are several techniques for risk management. Each technique breaks the risk management steps on its own logic. In this article we compare four different risk management models, accordingly what are the similarities, and what are the differences between the four models.
Risk Financing and Financing Risks In Case of Geothermal Investments
191-201Views:148In an investment process various sizes and types of risk arise. In project financing risk sharing is based on the assumption that the risk is to be borne by who is able to control and influence it. The article examines that project financing as a risk management technique is applicable to the treatment of geothermal investment risks.