Management Sciences

Vállalkozói képzés a 21. században a felsőoktatásban – lehetőségek, módszerek, jó gyakorlatok


Copyright (c) 2016 Georgina Árváné Ványi, Judit Katonáné Kovács, Tímea Gál, Péter Popovics

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Árváné Ványi, G., Katonáné Kovács, J., Gál, T., & Popovics, P. (2016). Vállalkozói képzés a 21. században a felsőoktatásban – lehetőségek, módszerek, jó gyakorlatok. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, 1(1), 1-18.

Challenges of the 21st century require answers from higher education as well. In Europe, most of the entrepreneurship programmes on the higher education institutions are less than ten years old. Whilst business studies may battle for academic legitimacy, it has a clear advantage when it comes to graduate employability. The aim of this paper is to give answer to the following questions: why entrepreneurship education is important, what are the methods which are already used and what are the results of them. The answers to the questions are based on literature reviews, a case study and in-depth interviews with alumni carried out at the University of Debrecen, where since 2010 Team Academy Debrecen, a new education model from Finland is implemented. Tiimiakatemia education is an innovative Finnish model founded in 1993 by Johannes Partanen that develops team entrepreneurs. Based on the results some of the important elements of entrepreneurship teachability are: learning by doing, passion, learning in teams, coaching and mentoring.

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