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Search Results

  • Short communications

    1. Occurrences and habitats of Oxytropis pilosa (L.) DC. near Kunbaracs village and on other grassland sites of Peszéradacs meadows (Kiskunság)

    2. Acer acuminatilobum (J. Papp) J. Papp 1958 (Mátra-ancient maple) in Mátraalja

    3. Occurrence of Euphorbia prostrata Aiton and Polycarpon tetraphyllum L. in West-Transdanubia (W Hungary)

    4. Muscari tenuiflorum Tausch in Keszthely Mt (Hungary, Transdanubia)

    5. Occurrence of Dasineura urticae (Perris, 1840) on Urtica kioviensis Rogow. in Hungary

    6. New occurrences of Trifolium vesiculosum Savi in the Hortobágy region (E Hungary)



  • The Wildflower of the Year 2016 in Hungary: snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris)

    In this paper a short review of the nomenclature and etymology, taxonomy, morphology, histology, life cycle, phenology, reproduction, habitat preference, biotic interactions, biologically active compounds, micropropagation, applications possibilities and conservation status of snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris L.) can be found. Refining of the European distribution area and contributions to the distribution in Hungary are also presented. Primer seed-set, thousand-seed weight, soil charac¬teristic and demographic data are published.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae II.

    The present article is the second part of the series aiming to contribute with new data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Current occurrence data of 612 vascular plant taxa from 283 flora mapping quadrates (CEU) are presented. New records are distributed over the entire Hungary, however, most are localised in the North Hungarian Mts. Occurrence data of rare native taxa (e.g. Antennaria dioicaBupleurum pachnospermumCarex rostrataCeratocephala testiculataCicuta virosaCirsium boujartiiEpipactis moravicaLycopsis arvensisParnassia palustrisPyrus nivalisRumex kerneriRumex pulcherSilene nemoralisStellaria alsineTeucrium botrysVicia lutea), rare or data-deficient alien taxa (e.g. Nonea luteaPanicum dichotomiflorumSilybum marianum) as well as frequent but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Eragrostis minorHeliotropium europaeumSaxifraga tridactylites) are also enumerated, since our intention was to fill the gaps in the Atlas. Remarcable contribution on the occupied territory of Ranunculus illyricus and Spergula pentandra in the Nyírség region (E Hungary), and on the Hungarian distribution of expanding alien weed Senecio vernalis are also presented.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae III.

    The current paper is the third one in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Current occurrence data of 558 vascular plant taxa from 186 flora mapping quadrates (CEU) are presented. New records are indicated from different regions of Hungary; however, most occurrences are located in the North Hungarian Mts. Occurrence data of rare native taxa (e.g. Marsilea quadrifoliaSalicornia prostrataStellaria palustrisPotentilla patulaAlthaea cannabinaLythrum tribracteatumAjuga laxmanniiPlantago schwarzenbergianaAlisma gramineumGagea bohemicaG. szovitsii), rare or data-deficient alien taxa (e.g. Chorispora tenellaThladiantha dubiaSenecio vernalis) as well as frequent but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Scleranthus annuusVicia hirsutaV. lathyroides) are also enumerated. In case of the most common species we provided the CEU codes only.

  • Short communications

    1. New localities of Fumana procumbens in the North Hungarian Mountains

    2. Strong populations of dwarf heliotrope (Heliotrop­­ium supinum) at Pentezug Wild Horse Reserve (Hortobágy, Great Hungarian Plain)

    3. New occurrences of Chamaecytisus rochelii on the Great Hungarian Plain

    4. Spontaneous occurrences of Daphne laureola in urban parks

    5. Occurrence of Lindernia procumbens and L. dubia in Budapest city (C Hungary)

    6. Confirmation of occurrence of Moneses uniflora near Kőszeg town (W Hungary)

  • In memoriam Palkó Sándor (1959–2002)

    Sándor Palkó (1959–2002) was the first nature conservation surveyor in Zala county at the Balaton-uplands National Park. While he was nation-wide recognized ornithologist, he extended our knowledge with many floristic data too, but we remember him mostly for his imaginative activity in nature conservation. He sent on his experience dozens of young conservationists and stood them on their own ways. His dedication carried with him all those who had predisposition. The Research and Ringing Camp of Fenékpuszta established by him has become one of the most important camps of the country for avian migration research and nature conservation practices.

  • Short communications

    1. Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce in the Buda Arboretum

    2. Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm. in the West-Transdanubia (W Hungary)

    3. Yucca filamentosa L. in the South-Nyírség (E Hungary)

    4. New occurrences of Chamaecytisus rochelii (Wierzb.) Rothm. on the Hungarian Great Plain and corrections on its previous occurrence data

    5. Hybrid birch (Betula ×rhombifolia Tausch.) in the central part of Mátra Mountains

    6. A csipkés gyöngyvessző (Spiraea crenata L.) újabb temetői előfordulása / A new occurrence of Spiraea crenata L. in a Hungarian graveyard

  • Orchids of poplar plantations – a review

    There are literature data on the occurrence of 26 orchid species and 2 hybrids in economic poplar plantations from 13 European countries. The occurrence of 4 additional species in poplar plantations in 3 countries is proved by sources on the World Wide Web. The most widespread orchids in the poplar plantations are the rhizomatous, partial myco-heterotroph Cephalanthera and Epipactis species. Their importance is enhanced by the fact that most of the known populations of some species with a relatively narrow distribution range (Epipactis bugacensis, E. campeadorii, E. fibri, E. tallosii, E. zaupolensis) are known in poplar plantations. Cultivated poplar monocultures are likely to provide habitat for further orchids in other countries too. Most of the published papers are limited to floristic data from a single or a few plantations. Longer-term observations are only available from Poland, thanks to the work of W. Adamowski, and these suggest that populations may persist for decades and even increase dynamically. The size of orchid populations in some cases can reach thousands or even hundreds of thousands of individuals. Orchids can appear earliest in (4–)7–8 years old plantations. Very little is known about how the cultivation, structure, soil conditions and the poplar cultivars influence the presence of orchids. Mycorrhizal interactions of poplars and orchids may play a key role in this process, but the available knowledge is very limited. Furthermore, little is known about how the economic use of plantations can be reconciled with the long-term maintenance of orchid populations.

  • The Herbarium of Debrecen University (DE) II.: The „Zoltán Siroki Herbarium”

    The paper introduces the “Zoltán Siroki Herbarium” (on the basis of the MS Excel spreadsheet database of the collection) which is a separate section within the Herbarium of Debrecen University (DE). The Zoltán Siroki Herbarium consists of ca. 20 000 specimens from almost all European countries, but mainly from the historical territory of Hungary. Although ca. 400 botanists contributed to this collection, most of the specimens were collected by Zoltán Siroki in Hajdú-Bihar, Pest and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén counties. The most rapid growth of the Herbarium took place in the middle of the last century (from the 1940s to 1960s), but Siroki remained an active collector until the 1980s. Some specimens from the Herbarium of former Royal Seed Testing Station (Budapest) was also incorporated in this collection; they represent gatherings from the last decades of  the 19th century and first decades of the 20th century. Data on the most significant part of the collection, representing native plants collected in the present-day Hungary, are summarized in Electronic Appendix 1. (incl. taxon name, settlement, collecting year, collector, file name of documentary photograph).

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae I.

    The main aim of the present work is to contribute with new data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Occurrence data of 297 vascular plant taxa from 247 flora mapping quarter quadrates (CEU) are presented. This floristic paper is somehow unusual because besides the occurrence data of rare or sporadic taxa (e.g. Armoracia macrocarpa (Waldst. et Kit.) Kit. ex Baumg., Samolus valerandi L., Epipactis voethii Robatsch), frequent, but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Ranunculus ficaria L., Viola kitaibeliana Roem. et Schult., Gagea villosa (M. Bieb.) Duby), as well as alien taxa (e.g. Cymbalaria muralis G. Gaertn., B. Mey. et Scherb., Potentilla indica (Andrews) Focke, Tragus racemosus (L.) All.) are also enumerated, since our intention was to fill the – sometimes evident – gaps in the Atlas.  The name initials of the author(s) who actually found the given occurrence are presented in brackets at each record.

  • The herbarium of the Botanical Garden of Eötvös Loránd University (BPU)

    The paper introduces the herbarium of Eötvös Loránd University (BPU), currently stored at the Botanical Garden of the University, according to its state in the year 2013. The BPU herbarium consists of ca. 16 000 specimens the relevant data of which have been organised into an OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet database. The specimens were collected in 16 European countries, mainly in the current territory of Hungary (80%), Romania (12%) and Slovakia (5%). Other countries are represented with very few specimens. The vast majority (ca. 70%) of the Hungarian specimens were collected in Pest, Veszprém, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties. Although the gatherings cover a century and a half period of time, the most rapid growth of the collection took place from the 1930s to the 1960s. The most prolific collectors were Rezső Soó and his followers: Lajos Felföldy, Tibor Simon and Szaniszló Priszter. Felföldy and Simon enriched the collection through more than 60 years. Data on the native plants collected in the present-day Hungary are summarized in Electronic Appendix 1. (incl. taxon name, settlement, collecting year, collector, file name of documentary photograph).

  • The Wildflower of the Year 2014 in Hungary: Siberian flag (Iris sibirica L.)

    In this paper a review of the nomenclature, etymology, taxonomy, morphology, histology, life cycle, phenology, reproduction, habitat preference, biotic interactions, biologically active compounds, micropropagation, application possibilities and conservation status of Siberian flag (Iris sibirica L.) can be found. Leaf traits, phenological data, seed-set, thousand-seed weight, germination, growth rate and soil characteristic data are published based on original observations:

    • Leaf area is between 25,3 and 52,9 cm2, its dry mass is 232 and 272 mg/g, specific leaf area is 14,5 and 15,0 m2/kg; based on measurement of 5–5 leaves of sibirica, collected from Tapolca and Létavértes (Hungary) in May of 2014.
    • Based on herbarium dataset, blooming of sibirica begins at the end of April and lasts to early-July, contrary to the literature data (May–June).
    • Capsules contain (0–)58–76(–121) fertile seeds. (20–)60–80(–90)% of ovules develops to (seemingly) viable seeds, meanwhile the other ovules remain as aborted ones or develop to infertile seeds (probably because of absence of resources); based on fruits collected from Regéc (Hungary) in 2014 and 2015.
    • Thousand-seed weight of sibirica is 8,8298–11,2914 g (based on 3×100–100 seeds collected from Regéc and Tapolca in 2014 and 2015), which is lower value than the literature data.
    • In our germination test (50–50 seeds sowed to wet soil, after different treatments) 14% of scarified seeds, 6% of scalded seeds, 4–4% of imbibed and control seeds, 0–0% of cooled and refrigerated seeds are germinated. Scarified seeds germinated in the 8–26th days, imbibed seeds 15–19th days, control seeds 16–20th days, scalded seeds 20–23th days after sowing. It seems that scarification stimulates, meanwhile temperature-treatments inhibit the germination. Until 18 weeks the seedlings grow to 30 cm (in mean) and develop 5–7 leaves (in mean). After the 14th week, the first and littlemost lateral leaves are necrosed.
    • Analyses of soil samples collected from 17 locations of sibirica in Hungary, suggest that the species prefers highly acidic to slightly alcalic, lime-free to highly calcareous soils with generally high amount of humus and clay, different amount of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen and low concentration of salt.
  • The herbarium of Debrecen University (DE) I. The “Rezső Soó Herbarium”

    The paper introduces the herbarium of Debrecen University (DE). All specimens of the herbarium were documented by digital photographs, and all data from the labels were entered into an Excel spreadsheet. The largest collection of Herbarium DE, the “Soó Rezső Herbarium” (abbreviation: SRH) consists of ca. 38.000 specimens from almost all European countries, but mainly from Hungary and the neighbouring countries. Most of the specimens originate from Hajdú-Bihar, Pest, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Veszprém and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties. The SRH stores a considerable amount of original/authentic specimens collected by Hungarian botanists, primarily by Rezső Soó and his followers, as well as Sándor Polgár. The most rapid growth of the SRH took place in the first half of the last century (1930–1950). By contrast, the collection was practically not developed between 1955 and 2000. After the millennium it started to grow again. Data on the most substantial part of the SRH covering native plants collected in the present-day Hungary are summarized in Electronic Appendix 1. (incl. taxon name, settlement, collecting date, collector, file name of documentary photograph).

  • Short communications

    1. Occurrence of Lycopodium clavatum L. in 'Egri-Bükkalja' microregion (NE Hungary)

    2. Contribution to the urban flora of Debrecen (E Hungary)

    3. Contributions to the distribution data published in the Atlas of Hungarian Orchids

    4. New occurrence of Sisyrinchium bermudiana L. in the Carpathian Basin (Transylvania, Romania)

    5. Occurrence of Myagrum perfoliatum L. near Mezőberény town (East Hungary)

  • The Wildflower of the Year 2013 in Hungary: Summer Snowflake (Leucojum aestivum L.)

    In this paper a short review of the taxonomy, nomenclature, morphology, distribution, habitat characteristics, phenology, reproduction, biotic interactions, biologically active compounds, conservation status and threatening factors of Leucojum aestivum can be found.

  • Floristic data from the central part of the floristic region ‘Crisicum’ (E Hungary)

    This paper reports new floristic data of 207 taxa. Data collected between 2005 and 2015; originated from the central part of the floristic region ‘Crisicum’ (i.e. the E part of the Great Hungarian Plain), which is a currently poorly studied area of Hungary from a floristic point of view. The paper reports occurrence localities for some rarities such as Asplenium trichomanes, Marsilea quadrifolia, Sisymbrium polymorphum, Viola stagnina, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Elymus elongatus, Montia fontana subsp. chondrosperma, Ranunculus rionii, Ranunculus illyricus, Myagrum perfoliatum, Sedum caespitosum, Vicia biennis, Dorycnium herbaceum, Oenanthe banatica, Peucedanum cervaria, Echium italicum, Digitalis lanata, Valerianella rimosa, Craex buekii, Cephalaria transsylvanica, Cyperus pannonicus.

  • Recent Hungarian distribution of Potamogeton coloratus

    The distribution of fen pondweed (Potamogeton coloratus) restricted to Europe where it is one of the rarest and most threatened pondweed species. In Hungary, former data of fen pondweed originated mostly from thermal and karstic springs. Due to intensive bauxite mining activity in the edge of the Transdanubian Mountain Range (NW Hungary) these springs dried up by the end of the 20th century, and it caused the temporal extinction of the species. After the ceasing of mining activity many of the former karstic springs have regenerated and several fen pondweed populations have re-established. In this paper we summarized 18 population data of fen pondweed collected between 1999 and 2016. Many of them were formerly registered in the 19th century too. Most of the new and re-discovered populations were found in karstic springs or in artificial and natural lakes in the vicinity of these springs.

  • The Wildflower of the Year campaign in Hungary

    The paper summarizes the previous history and recent purposes of the ‘Wildflower of the Year’ initiation, established in 2011. The main aim of this initiation is the promotion and familiarization of Hungarian flora, applying a public awareness campaign about the beauty, importance and ecological value of our spectacular wild plants. The ’Wildflower of the Year’ is selected by voting on internet ( Starting from this volume the journal Kitaibelia publishes a monograph about the wildflower of the previous year.

  • New occurrence of Myricaria germanica in a Hungarian gravel pit

    This paper reports the second Hungarian synanthropic occurrence of the rare Myricaria germanica. One flowering individual was found in a gravel pit near Hejőpapi (NE Hungary). The closest known population of the species is 60 km far from newly found locality. This occurrence indicates effectivness of anemochory. It seems, that abandoned gravel pits may be potential habitats of this threataned shub species.

  • Continuing spread of Plantago coronopus along Hungarian roads

    In the course of our research of Hungarian transport routes, we observed an intensive spread of the Atlantic-Mediterranean Plantago coronopus L., a recently established species in Hungary. Between 2017 and 2019, it was detected in 47 flora mapping quadrats, which increased the total number of occurrences to 81 since 2013. Besides motorways, the main Hungarian transport routes were involved as well. 26 occurrences have been recorded along the roads 4/E60, E573, 8/E66, 86/E65 and 87, which are severely affected by international traffic. However, on routes avoiding international transit traffic, the species’ occurrences are still rare. In some cases, the predominant direction of traffic appeared to influence the formation of new stands. It is very likely that the first individuals that appeared along the section of the M86/E65 motorway between Szombathely and Hegyfalu in 2019, arrived primarily by northbound traffic, rather than along the road 86, which runs parallel to it only a few hundred meters away. Likewise, it seems certain that the spread of the species along the roads M1/E60, E75 (Mocsa, Tata, Páty) and M7/E71 (Fonyód, Balatonlelle, Kajászó) as well as the road 8/E66 (Bakonygyepes, Veszprém) is due to reproduction of older extensive local populations. At several localities along the outer bend of roundabouts or near the exits of motorways, a dispersal role of intense winter road salting was also observed. The largest populations were located mostly along ditches, next to the (often bare) lane of roadbeds that are heavily affected by mechanical and osmotic stress. The majority of stands were found within a 3 meters wide belt along the asphalt strip (5 meters was measured in the lawn of a cemetery once). Since the species is present continuously at several localities since 2013, it is considered as naturalised in Hungary, and its further spread can be confidently predicted. The current status of the species in Hungary is naturalised (non-trans¬former) neophyte.

  • Specific variability and ecological meaning of seed weights

    There is an almost twelve order of magnitude difference in the seed weight of recent plant species. Studying the causes, patterns and consequences of this high variability is a crucial issue in plant ecology. In this paper we summarise the main conclusions of the studies in this topic to get a broad and general view of the possible explanations of high variability in seed weights and its consequences on dispersal, seed predation, seed bank formation, germination, establishment and plant growth, and on the structure and function of plant communities. Because of the extremely high number of papers published in this topic, we aimed at to concentrate on papers published in highranked international journals in the last few decades, having a special focus on publications from the Carpathian Basin. It was found that growth form, body size, genom size, latitude and light availability are responsible for the detected high variability in the seed weights of species. Infra-individual variability is mostly caused by the effects of the position on the maternal plant and the seed size – seed number trade-off. The effect of dispersal by wind or by seed predators on the variability of seed weights and its ecological consequences are the most studied. Predicting persistence on the basis of seed size and seed shape also has been a popular research topic lately. Studying the effects of seed weight variability on the structure of plant communities is also becoming more and more important, but no general conclusions could be drawn yet.

  • Aphanes arvensis L. in the Crisicum (E Hungary) and further data on the flora of Hungary

    New localities of 4 rare taxa are presented from Eastern Hungary. The species are new for the flora of particular floristical regions, specifically: „Eupannonicum”: Polystichum braunii; „Crisicum”: Aphanes arvensis; „Samicum” and „Nyírségense”: Agrimonia procera. Three new localities of the alien species Montia linearis in Hungary are presented. This species is still very rare in Europe, reported only from Poland, Denmark and Hungary.