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    The paper deals with one of the most important problem of supply chain management – the bullwhip effect. This phenomenon influences the coordination of supply chain. The issue of coordination is the key element in the success of supply chains. The aim of paper is to introduce the causes of the bullwhip effect, to present its impacts on the coordination of supply chains. It makes suggestions to decrease the negative impacts of bullwhip effect.

  • Guesthouse catering facility as an experience generator in electronic communication of hungarian rural tourism supply

    Based on the model of tourism experience components, the experience basis and experience generators allow the creation of experience promises, the formation of experience imagination and the realization of experience. The catering facilities of rural tourism cannot be considered as a part of the experience basis from the point of view of supply due to the legislative framework i.e. the limited availability of catering services. At the same time, demand considers as an essential supply element the countryside flavours, the tasting of traditional gastronomy in terms of both the endowment and the availability and from the professional point of view, the appearance of a supply element in rural tourism in Hungary is unquestionable. The exploratory research covers the entire range of qualified accommodation based on the FATOSZ (Hungarian National Association of Rural and Agrotourism) electronic communication database, analyses the experience promises based on the aspects developed according to the topic, identifying their experience basis or experience generator characteristics, looking for the relationship between quality and the gastronomic experiences.


    Both tourist service providers and tourism developers it is becoming increasingly important to take into account the generational aspects. Generation’s problem is classically related to the activity of human resource management as a factor for employees involved in providing personal services appearing an integral part of the supply. The second one, but not the secondary aspect is related to the generational characteristics of demand that should be reflected in the supply of services. Generational demand characteristics are identified by a primary, question-based method, and the supply was analysed by observation generations’
    specific tourist products. Comparing the obtained results leads to the conclusion about the adaptation to the generation needs.

  • Differential supply management by age in hotel tourism products

    In the development of hotel product strategies, the proportion of diversification and differentiation is a major decision that the hotel offers a wider range of services, which will help to find most suitable for guests, or narrows down its targeted segments and provides them with specific supply elements. One segmentation aspect could be the age of guests. The most prominent and identifiable age group in the supply is the senior, which has always been important for hotels. They have the off-season demand, predictable and well-known needs, their satisfaction is easily accessible. The research is looking for the answer to the question of whether the hotels have the opportunity of acquire the senior segment and what are the special features of the products recommended for them. Parts related to the topic of tourism marketing literature have been reduced to the accommodation services in the secondary information processing section of this paper. This is followed by the identification of the segment's booking and residence habits. Primary analysis of supply will be by observation of collecting and comparing the hotels' offerings to senior guests

  • The Current Issues of Agricultural Land Market in Slovakia

    This paper reports on the findings of the study related to the agricultural land purchases in the Slovak Republic from June 1, 2014 till September 30, 2015. The situation is analysed according to the new legislation for the period after the expiration of the moratorium on the purchase of agricultural land by foreigners. We focus on the agricultural land supply and land prices in particular Slovak regions related to the land which has been offered for sale via the Register of Publication of Offers of the Agricultural Land at the web side of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Our results show that new legal regulation Act no. 140/2014 Coll. on acquisition of ownership right to agricultural land directly favours certain groups interested in purchasing of land, and limits not only foreigners but also domestic persons interested in purchasing of agricultural land. The land supply prices are higher than the administrative ones in all Slovak regions.


    The present study focuses on the asset-structure of the Hungarian district heating suppliers with a special interest in their current ratio and the structure of their current assets. The research is aimed toward the examination of the current ratio and the structure of the assets serving short-term obligations and toward finding the characteristics of these companies in terms of their liquidity. The study also aims to find specificities characterizing the sector of district heating supply that can later be used for other research purposes. In terms of its methodology, it is based on report analyses with the reports of 72 Hungarian companies as sample population. Data retrieved from the reports is complemented with certain technical and economic information and analyzed in the time frame of nine years (2009-2017).

  • Research Findings in Logistics

    The objective of our study is to present the case studies related to logistics and supply chain management which were studied and analyzed in the 2011 / 2012 academic year by a research group, which was established by the István Bethlen College (Szakkollégium). In our article we do not wish to give a theoretical overview of the two major topic areas because of the scope of the topics, but we try to present the problem and the possible solutions supported by practical examples.

  • The Development of Logistics Service Centres through the Use of Results in Network researches

    Logistics centres of a huge capacity and ability to create added value have emerged in recent decades. These centres have become network nodes among the co-operating organizations which accomplish the management of supply chains by connecting different modalities and networks with their infrastructure and informatics. The effective operation of logistics centres present in business networks are usually managed by logistics supplier businesses (3PL/4PL). Defining the supply net as a complex network, logistics centres may be called hubs, the routes and relationships connecting the centres – by borrowing the term used in network theory – may be called edges. Taking into consideration the results of Barabási’s network research we are searching for correlations between his proven principles and the growth possibilities of the centres (hubs) operated by logistics service providers.


    Differential hotel product strategies include segment-specific programs. The senior age group has always been important for hotels. They have the off-season demand, predictable and well-known needs, their satisfaction is easily accessible. The research is looking for the answer to the question of whether the hotels have the opportunity of acquire the senior segment and what are the special features of the products recommended for them. Parts related to the topic of tourism marketing literature have been reduced to the accommodation services in the secondary information processing section of this paper. This is followed by the identification of the segment's booking and residence habits. Primary analysis of supply will be by observation of collecting and comparing the hotels' offerings to senior guests.

  • The Labour Market Study of Women Participating in Adult Education in Miskolc

    In our study we would like to present the effect of adult education on the situation of women in the labour market in the subregion of Miskolc. During our research we developed several hypotheses that we proved by analysing the literature, by statistical data, and a questionnaire on this subject. Women over the age of 18, who are economically active and are living in the subregion of Miskolc were selected for the research. Altogether 200 people completed the questionnaire. We used IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and Microsoft Excel 2007 software to examine the data. The aim of our research was to prove that regarding the inhabitants of the subregion of Miskolc adult education is not effective enough to change the situation of women in the labour market. The results of the questionnaire showed the interest in adult education, but supply does not meet demand, since the state either does not support the education or the unemployed or the job-seeker cannot find a suitable education that would match her qualifications. We would like to recommend solutions for the development of this area, for the decrease of unemployment, for the improvement of the situation of women in the labour market and for increasing the efficiency of adult education.


    Performance measurement is of fundamental importance in all sectors of the national economy. However, this is especially true for agriculture because more efficient management is becoming increasingly important in this sector as well as well to supply the population with adequate food. The study examines the performance of Romanian and Hungarian agricultural companies. A total of 5,390 companies were selected for the analysis database, of which 3,789 were Romanian and 1,601 were Hungarian. In the performance analysis, the companies’ efficiency was examined between 2018 and 2020 using the Data Envelopment Analysis method. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the Romanian agricultural companies operate with statistically significantly lower efficiency than the Hungarian ones. However, it can also be concluded that the average efficiency of enterprises is very low in both countries. The performance is low, even considering the averages of the sub-sector efficiency coefficients. There is no year when the average efficiency ratio in any sector exceeds 50%. On the other hand, the sub-sector analysis of Oilseeds and Cereals shows that, especially in Romania, the proportion of companies with an efficiency coefficient below 50% is very high. Similar conclusions can be made regarding the poultry and egg production subsector. Further research is needed to reveal the reasons more precisely for the low efficiency of agricultural companies.

  • The Youth Tourism Motivations Based on Interviews French and English Students

    The study summarizes the results of two short term research study visits, and the outline of the situation of the Hungarian topic. The results of surveys conducted among students of higher educational institutes of the three cities in the three countries (Bordeaux – France, Durham – United Kingdom, Szolnok – Hungary) are presented is comparison with highlighted of similarities and differences. The identified variations of costumer’s habits are useful for development of supply.

  • New generations – new trends in the spa industry

    Today's tourism market is a scene of rapid changes that equally affect the demand and the supply side. In the spa industry market, due to the presence of both wellness and medical services, a wide range of generations appear as consumers, with different expectations toward the service providers. Therefore, the changes taking place in the present and the upcoming years are worth exploring, which, in addition to the changes in consumer habits, visualize the expansion of consumer needs. Current article attempts to describe the expected spa services by examining the nature of generations and identifying future changes that can be predicted. The author primarily tries to summarize the market trends that contribute significant changes, using international and national secondary resources and the professional experience gained in the industry.

  • Vocational Training, Labor Market and Immigration Policy in Russia

    In point of view of labour market the immigration has become the major factor in recent times. The main tasks of immigration policy: compensation of labour shortages in relation with demographic and aging population problems; to satisfy the long-term demand for labour in some business sectors; to ensure the labor supply of innovation-qualified investment processes; organizing of preparation of experts from requested profession; to limit the short-term unskilled
    labor immigration; creating the necessary conditions and broaden the opportunities for immigration for business use.

  • Catering in the Dining Cars of the Future

    The examination of catering has become an importantissue for MÁV, the Hungarian Railways again. It plays an extremely outstanding role during longer trips, but it can also increase the comfort of passengers during shorter trips. Numerous good examples can be found worldwide, which can be adopted by Hungary. The present examination and research have started at the request of MÁV Zrt. Railway is the second most significant way of transport, aft er the airlines. However in order to be able to keep this position, railway has to widen its range of services, such as dining cars. We are trying to support the reform of dining cars considering all the relevant professional viewpoints.

  • The Role of “Gulyásfesztivál” in Tourism of Szolnok City and Changes of its Visitors

    Nowadays the gastronomy does not only appear as a tourist supra-structure service, but it is part of the supply of attraction by its gastronomic events. This research aims to answer the question, that by what means are motivated the participants to visit the gastronomic festivals, and how has changed the motivations in the last period. The results of secondary and the primary analysis may provide guidance for communicating on the gastronomic festivals in the next few years.


    The proportion of people with disabilities and changed functional work capacity has in-creased not only in the EU, but also in Hungary, with parallel studies showing an increasing trend. In our research, we examined the sporting habits of 8-18 year old children (N = 283) living with disability in the North Great Plain region, and asked about their experience with the supply elements of accessible sports facilities and integrated sports programs.

  • Innovative Biodiesel Production

    The importance of the research of the biofuels is moti vated according to the Hungary’s Renewable Energy Acti on Plan, on the other hand the Europe 2020 also emphasizes the smart and sustainable growth. The direct objecti ve of the research program is to investi gate the applicati on of microwave pre-treatment for bio-energeti c, the indirect objecti ve is to ensure security of energy supply. Based on the experiences, the microwave energy is preferably used for intensifi cati on of certain chemical reacti ons. Pre-experimental experiences have shown that microwave irradiati on in the transesterifi cati on of vegetable oils (transesterifi cati on with methanol and NaOH catalyst) results in reducti on of ti me and energy demand of the process. Producti on of vegetable oil-based is made with microwave-assisted technology under diff erent method, operati onal and process parameters. As a result of the experiments established that the
    transesterifi cati on reacti on ti mes of the microwaved transesterifi cati on are reduced signifi cantly compared to the conventi onal transesterifi cati on reacti on ti me, however, further investi gati on of compositi on of treated mixture and dielectric characteristi cs of the components are necessary to optimize the procedure for energy aspects.

  • Vocational Training, Labor Market and Immigration Policy in Russia

    In point of view of labour market the immigration has become the major factor in recent ti mes. The main tasks of immigration policy: compensation of labour shortages in relation with demographic and aging population problems; to sati sfy the long-term demand for labour in some business sectors; to ensure the labor supply of innovati on-qualifi ed investment processes; organizing of preparati on of experts from requested profession; to limit the short-term unskilled
    labor immigrati on; creating the necessary conditi ons and broaden the opportuniti es for immigration for business use.

  • The Effect of Nettle and Bear Garlic Extracts in Biological Control

    During our research we have made a fermented solution and infusion of two plants, namely nettle and bear garlic. The experiments took place in the exhibition garden at the Horticultural Faculty of Kecskemét College. Kápia paprika was the objective of the experiment. We have collected leaf samples from the experiment units and measured the growth quantity. The nettle and bear garlic extracts have a good effect on the growth quantity and the condition of plants. The injury of Helicoverpa Armigera could have been diagnosed only in the plants of the control group, however this has not occured in the treated groups. According to our research results we recommend using these plant extracts in practice for the purpose of biological control and nutrient supply.


    Territorial determination of the tourism development areas is crucial for professionals responsible for destination management. The direct motives are (1) the available financial development funds, (2) the expansion of tourism supra- and infrastructure, (3) the evolvement of destination image, however induced factors can be (1) the involvement of ancillary services or (2) using single communication. Main concern of the tourism supply is to provide sufficient information to the potential travellers, although the question arises how demand is able to follow the iterative changing in determinations. The fact that a narrower area is periodically associated with a different tourism development area and thus has different communication generates a degree of uncertainty in the tourists’ travel decision. Current article introduces a section of a research project for the assessment of the awareness of current tourism development areas by tourists. After the clarification of concepts paper details the results of pilot testing which makes foundation for a large-sample market research. Findings are instructive not just in terms of measurement correction, but for further considerations.

  • Tracebility in vojvodina's spice prepper production

    The spice paprika production has a tradition in our region; however there is a risk that due to the price competition products with dubious origin or lower quality might be included into the supply chain. This could be resolved using product-traceability in the most effective way, which is also supported by legislation. Processing plants operate such food safety and quality management systems that are strongly committed towards implementation of the product traceability systems. However, we have experienced that some spice paprika processors operate their management system an “island-like” manner: there is no cooperation with other spice paprika processing companies in the field of procurement and transparency. We believe that could be beneficial to establish a public traceability system/database for buyers in order to prove the product origin in a transparent manner. It would be worth for spice paprika producers the LocalG.A.P program/standard issued by the Food Plus to be revised for spice paprika cultivation, with this standardized and comparable food-safety and traceability criteria could be reached for producers. There is a need for such an independent, non-profit association in order to realize all of that, which could elaborate and continually develop the production criteria by experts, as well as could be overseen and managed the traceability related database.