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Search Results

  • The aspects of the Hungary's Adult Training

    The study surveys the most important aspects of the national adult training from educational economy point of view. The authors examine the national limits of legal rule of adult training. They present the different sub-systems of adult training i.e. the educational system, the non-educational system and the working place training characteristics of participation making international comparison too. We look over the target groups of adult-training and the participants motivation of the teaching arena. We also have a look at the domestic costs of the different froms of adult-training, and the division of this expenditure among the participants.

  • Protecting the Architectural Heritage and Economic Strategy

    This essay advances five theses explaining the desolate state of the architectural heritage in Hungary. It also addresses the issue of why two decades of transition was not sufficient to remedy the shortcomings of four decades of socialism. In the second part of the study we attempt to draft a strategy that could help overcome these difficulties. It aims at a combination of business, municipal and civil society activities guided by a nationally coordinated plan. Following these guidelines the architectural heritage in Hungary could be transformed into an asset instead of a liability, as has been the case in many other European countries.

    JEL classification: I38, O21, P20, R11 

  • A modern osztrák közgazdaságtan „modernitása” : (Peter. J. Boettke – Christopher J. Coyne: The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 816 oldal)

    Peter J. Boettke és egykori tanítványa, Christopher J. Coyne a kortárs modern osztrák közgazdaságtan legmeghatározóbb kutatói közé tartoznak. Az általuk szerkesztett kötet, a The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics nagyon impresszív vállalkozás, amely a kézikönyvek szokásos terjedelmét felülről feszítve gyűjti egybe a kortárs modern osztrák közgazdaságtan „témáit”. A szerzők nyilvánvaló célja ugyanis a modern osztrák közgazdaságtan által kutatott problémakörök tematikai felvonultatása.

  • A HR gyakorlatok alakulásának összehasonlító vizsgálata a világ négy régiójában, közép-kelet-európai sajátosságokat keresve

    A közép- és kelet-európai országok emberi erőforrás menedzselési (Human Resource Management – HRM, vagy röviden HR) gyakorlatának alakulásáról készülő tanulmányokat a régió országaiban működő szakemberek, vezetők és a kutatók egyaránt érdeklődéssel fogadják. E tanulmányban ezt az igényt újszerű módon, a regionális sajátosságok bemutatásával igyekszünk kielégíteni. Az összehasonlító HRM főbb fejlődési fázisainak szakirodalmi áttekintése után, az ezek megállapításaira építő régióképzési elvek alkalmazásával, összehasonlító elemzés segítségével mutatjuk be a világ Cranet hálózati tagországaiból
    képzett négy régiójának HR sajátosságait. Figyelmünk középpontjában a közép- és kelet-európai országok HR jellegzetességeinek feltárása áll. Ennek érdekében ezeket először HR kulcsfunkciónként, majd összegzően is összevetjük Európa volt szocialista országok nélküli régiójának, illetve a nem európai angolszász és a délkelet-ázsiai országok HR jellegzetességeivel, a 2008/10-es Cranet-felmérés adatai alapján.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kódok: M12, M50,M51, M52,M53 és M54

  • The role of dynamic relationship capabilities and loyalty in organisational relationships

    In this study we try to answer the question of how Hungarian organisations can be depicted in terms of relationship management in networked relationships, and how the nearly fouryear global economic crisis influences the perception of relationship capability and B2B loyalty in organisational relationships. First we review the theoretical background of dynamic relationship capabilities and B2B loyalty, then we show our empirical research results, and we try to identify the factors involved in relationship management and B2B loyalty. From our point of view relationship management has an effect on B2B loyalty, and we support the hypothesis that where relationship management is a conscious action, there are evolved procedures for this. These connected mechanisms have a positive impact on the evaluation of relationship quality and contribute to partners’ loyalty.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: M10, M14, M31, M39

  • The “Timeless and Highly Topical at the Same Time”: In Memory of Professor András Bródy

    Professor András (Andrew) Bródy, one of the most outstanding of post-war Hungarian economists, perhaps the most spirited member of his generation, died at the age of 86, on 3rd of December, 2010. For several decades he had been dealing with the mathematical formulation of Marxian theory. He was an internationally respected model-builder, applying input-output analysis, also working with Professor Leontief in this field. He was both in full command of high-level theoretical knowledge, and proficient in the latest methodological approaches. He also conducted pioneering research into the application of
    the laws of thermodynamics to economic problems. His international fame was initially based on his book Prices and Proportions, published in Hungarian (1969) and also in English by North-Holland (1970). Several articles, conference papers, and several other books he wrote or edited broadened this recognition,
    the most important landmarks being Ciklus és szabályozás (Cycles and Regulation, 1980) in Hungarian, Slowdown (1982) in both English and Hungarian, and finally, Near Equilibrium in English (2004) and Chinese (2009). Fortunately, he participated in the work of our department, the History of Economic Thought at the Corvinus University of Budapest between 1995 and 2005. This article in his honour is a brief summary of his achievements and a reader’s selection of his writings prepared for the students of our department which reflect his views on the state of economic theories; also attached is a bibliography of his most important publications.

    JEL classification: A11, B23, B24, B32

  • Examination of Management of TESCO Hungary's sustainability and community activities

    In their fifth sustainability management case study, the authors examine the focus, organizational processes, and operation of TESCO's responsibility and community activities in Hungary. On the one hand they executed analyses of publicly available company reports and internal documents, while on the other hand, they conducted semi-structured interviews with internal and external experts who play a key role in the added CSR activities. In addition to the descriptive presentation of the activities, the authors' work points out that there are many crutial organizational conditions for the effective management of organizational processes related to sustainability and communities, furthermore they highligted the possibilities and limitations of involving external parties and service providers, as well. The value of the case study is enhanced by the fact that no comprehensive case study presenting the sustainability activities of the leading domestic food retail companies has been published recently.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: A13, D6, F6, M14, M19, M38

  • The Rigidity of Labor Markets and the Unit Root in the Time Series of Unemployment rate: Raising a Problem

    The article is a review of the literature concerning the time series of the unemployment rate, and of the economic explanations behind the tests of these time series. We seek to identify the theoretical explanations behind a possible unit root in unemployment time series. We argue that the main difficulty faced by these unit root tests is the change in labor market institutions. The ffects of institutional changes make the traditional tests rather weak, while the panel unit root tests oversimplify the economics of the question. Our conclusion is that the possible application of the tests developed theoretically for nearly unit root processes seems to offer a way out of this dilemma.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: C22, E24

  • ipari forradalom, avagy a modern gazdasági növekedés gyökereiről: A „miért éppen Anglia?” helyett a „miért történt meg egyáltalán?” kutatása (Joel Mokyr: A Culture of Growth. The Origins of the Modern Economy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University

    Joel Mokyr gazdaságtörténész munkássága nem csak saját szakmai közösségében, de a közgazdaságtan más területein kutatók, elsősorban az intézményi közgazdászok között is széles körben ismert. Azonban széles szakmai ismertséggel jellemezni Mokyrt valójában „gyenge” állítás, hiszen kétségtelenül ő ma az egyik legjelentősebb gazdaságtörténeti kutató, egyike azon keveseknek, akik nagyon erős intézményi közgazdaságtani megközelítéssel „nyúlnak” a történelemhez. Kutatásaiban az ipari forradalom Európája áll a középpontban, amely a modern (tartós) gazdasági növekedést2 hozta el az emberiségnek. Mokyr fél tucatnyi könyvben és nagyon sok cikkben vagy könyvfejezetben fogalmazta meg azokat a kérdéseket, amelyek új gondolkodási utakat nyitottak a modern gazdasági növekedés okainak kutatásában, s természetesen válaszokat is adott ezekre.

  • Financial decisions and the knowledge illusion

    The author deals with those influential factors of behaviour that arise from the phenomenon of knowledge illusion originating from over-confidence. It rises from the constantly recurring fault of information process. In order to demonstrate knowledge illusion, the author takes examples from special literature, from another aspect the result is shown on the basis of questionnaires filled in by university students. He draws the conclusion that in the case of financial decisions, knowledge illusion usually makes an impression on the participants" market activity. According to this assumption knowledge illusion is one of the important and not negligible factors of financial decision-making and analysis.

  • Technológia és szervezeti innovációk kölcsönhatása: az e-munkavégzés elterjedésének példája Új munkavégzési formák, mint az új fejlődési pályák hordozói?

    A kilencvenes évtized ún. transzformációs gazdaságaival foglalkozó társadalomtudományi vitájával összehasonlítva meglepő, hogy a XXI század elején viszonylag szerény az érdeklődés a poszt - szocialista
    gazdaságok új fejlődési útjainak vizsgálata iránt. Elemzésünk célja a közép-európai régióban fejlődő piacgazdaságok új fejlődési útjainak azonosítása. Pontosabban: szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet a globalizálódás, az információs és kommunikációs technológiák gyors elterjedésének és a különböző típusú piacok deregulációjának kontextusában megjelenő tudásgazdaságba való bekapcsolódás lehetőségeire, illetve azok kihasználását elősegítő és korlátozó néhány tényező szerepére. A tanulmány három részből áll. Az első, bevezető fejezetben az ún. transzformációs gazdaságok fejlődésében jól kimutatható különböző fejlődési ciklusok jellemzésére vállalkozunk, jelezve az ún. bejárt úttól való függés és az ún. intézményi vákuum megközelítések szerepét az átalakulási folyamat megértésében. Ezt követően, az elemzés röviden jellemzi a közvetlen külföldi tőkebefektetések (FDI) vezérelte gazdasági modernizáció fontosabb eredményeit (pl. foglalkoztatás, termelékenység növekedés, export, keresetek és az innováció) és olyan problémáit, mint a gazdaságfejlődés aszimmetrikus jellege. Az új fejlődési pálya tartalmát, „tanuló gazdaságba” való bekapcsolódással valamint a kiegyensúlyozottabb gazdasági szerkezet létrehozásával azonosítják a szerzők Az utóbbival összefüggésben, a tanulmány a mikro-, kis- és középvállalati (KKV) szektor szerepének felértékelődését hangsúlyozza. A tanulmány második és harmadik része, a nemzetközi kutatási tapasztalatokra építve jelzi a közép-európai gazdaságok, ezen belül a magyar gazdaság részvételének lehetőségeit a gyorsan fejlődő tudásgazdaság globális értékláncában. Az elemzés felhívja a figyelmet arra, hogy a régió poszt - szocialista gazdaságai viszonylag vonzó célterületei az olyan nagyobb hozzáadott értékeket képviselő tevékenységek kihelyezése
    számára, mint az általános üzleti funkciók. Mindazonáltal, e kedvező pozíciók több szempontból is törékenyek. Egyfelől a globális értékláncra jellemző változások gyorsak, és a tanuló-innovatív szervezetek kritikus tömegének folyamatos létrehozására van szükség. Másfelől, a kritikus tömeg megteremtése szinte lehetetlen az KKV - szektorba tartozó vállalkozások egyéni és kollektív (hálózati) tanulási és innovatív képességének fejlesztése nélkül. Az elemzés – szintén nemzetközi kutatási tapasztalatok felhasználásával – jelzi az olyan új munkavégzési formák, mint például a távmunka elterjedését befolyásoló szervezeti és kulturális tényezőket. Ezzel összefüggésben a szerzők az információs és kommunikációs technológiák hatékony használatát befolyásoló szervezeti innovációk, valamint az ezekhez kötődő egyéni és főleg szervezeti (kollektív) tanulási folyamatok jelentőségét hangsúlyozzák. Végül, az elemzés összegzéseként, a szerzők röviden felvázolják azokat a kihívásokat, amelyekre mind a kutatóknak, mind a gyakorlati szakembereknek, mint társadalmi szereplőknek válaszolniuk kell a magyar gazdaság új fejlődési pályára állításának érdekében.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: O33; L23;F23.

  • Deep vs. Shallow Integration. The Case of NAFTA and Mercosur

    Integration processes began in the 1960s and have become increasingly intense, bringing with them a growing share of intra-industry trade flows in international trade. According to the Smooth Adjustment Hypothesis (SAH), trade between similar industries or products results in lower adjustment costs in the factor markets. Due to the liberalizing effect of trade integrations trade flows intensify, causing an increase in intra-industry trade flows and consequently a decrease in adjustment costs at the same time. The alteration of trade patterns can be caused by changes both in quantity and in quality. Analyzing these effects separately allows us to better understand the trade policy practices of the chosen countries and to provide the decision makers with information.
    In this paper we analyze NAFTA and Mercosur, two integrations which differ both in factor endowments and in depth of integration (deep vs. shallow). We used SITC Rev. 1 AG3 (industrial level) and HS92 AG6 (product level) bilateral trade data from the UN COMTRADE database to analyze the evolution of intra-industry trade flows.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: F13, F14, F15

  • Analysis of the Competitiveness in the Agri-food sector: The case of Latin America and the Caribbean Region

    Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries are among the global leaders in the production and exports of agricultural and fisheries commodities, accounting for 15% of the world’s average agri-food export from 1995 to 2019. With rising global market competitiveness, considering the agri-food sector, it is important to assess if the region can compete against other global rivals, and in what products. Accounting for regional potential economic power, remarkable agricultural food export and market expansion, this paper explored the LAC agricultural trade patterns and export competitiveness through the analysis of the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) index, and its modifications - SRCA (Symmetric Revealed Comparative Advantage), RTA (Relative Trade Advantage, and RC (Revealed Competitiveness) - in the agricultural sector for the period of 1995-2019. This paper contributes to the literature by presenting the export characteristics in Latin American developing countries, which can be an important instrument for decision-makers in the agricultural trade policy. Throughout the research period, the results indicated that Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico were the TOP agri-food exporters in LAC. The highest RCA, SRCA, and RTA were found in Guatemala, whereas the greatest RC was found in Argentina. At the product level analysis, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit, industrial or medicinal plants, and straw and fodder (HS12) were the most exported items at the 2-digit level. Fruit and nuts, edible; peel of citrus fruit or melons (HS08) had the most competitiveness in the worldwide market, with the highest SRCA and RC indices, whereas coffee, tea, mate, and spices (HS9) had the highest BRCA and RTA values. The evidence suggests that among the TOP 10 exporters in LAC, all indices in the global agri-food trade are said to be relatively stable, whereas survival rates do not persist over time.

  • Twenty-one Economic Arguments against an Unconditional Basic Income

    In 2013/14 there has been an intense public debate both in the European Union and in Hungary on the feasibility of Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) support. In the Hungarian context, the publication of a 100-page proposal was an important milestone, in which a group of experts applied the UBI concept to the present circumstances. The study, the brainchild of István Bánfalvi, a distinguished social policy practitioner, proposed the following specific amounts as from January 2015: HUF 25,000 for children (≈ EUR 83), HUF 50,000 for adults and HUF 75,000 for expectant mothers. The present paper’s first objective was to challenge the entire 25-50-75 concept from both theoretical and practical-administrative perspectives. In addition, we tried to show that income poverty in Hungary is much less of a problem than generally presumed. Our final conclusion is that from a poverty alleviation point of view the geographical remobilization of the Hungarian Roma population is by far the most important issue. Roma living in small rural settlements should be assisted to move towards large cities, where the chances of finding work, education and health care are much better.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: H21, I38, J15

  • Mobilizing Social and Organizational Resources in Project Type Cooperation: A Case Study in Networking in Interactive Media Firms

    The paper aims at the identification and interpretation of specific coordination problems faced by project-based work organisations using the example of an interactive portal development for a leading
    Hungarian economic weakly. The study provides a brief overview of the most important theoretical approaches concerning project-based work organisations and the characteristics of the new or interactive
    media sector, which may act as a new model in the fast growing knowledge economy. The interactive portal development is typical of the so-called studio-model of project-based firms (PBF) characterised by
    the novel and singular character of the product or service and by the uncertain and fluid nature of the necessary knowledge and skills. The study calls attention to the project manager’s key role in combining
    formal and tacit skills and in the coordination of actors’ behaviour which is driven by different logics. In addition, the authors stress the importance of the client’s key role in designing and developing the
    interactive media service.

    JEL classifications: L86; M54; Z13

  • Unworthy poverty as social relations

    The paper deals with recent discourses on poverty, exemplified by the case of Hungarian Romany community. For this purpose we first deduce from the theoretical framework of the underclass three way of viewing extreme poverty: the political-economic type that traces poverty back to developments of the whole society; the culturalistic type in which poverty is the result of certain behavioural deficiencies (the “culture”) of the poor; and the interdependency type that regards poverty as induced by factors in the society as a whole and perpetuated by poverty specific cultural elements of the poor themselves.
    In the second part of the study we discuss three fields of discourse with respect to the question of which of the mentioned types can be found there. In the field of social sciences it is preeminently the interdependency type which occurs, probably because of its capability to link many, even heterogeneous, observations. In public discourse – analyzed by considering an internet debate and two so-called scandals – the culturalistic type dominates: Romanies are poor, because they have Romany cultural (behavioural) deficiencies. The Romanies themselves mainly use elements of the political-economic type, explaining poverty in terms of general impoverishment, regional neglect, and group discrimination.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: I32, J15, J16, O15

  • Több hitel, nagyobb kockázat

    The main goal of this paper is to analyse the characteristics of the rapid credit growth in Hungary in recent years. The availability of credit is crucial for households who want to smooth their consumption and for firms, while the amount of credit affects the monetary transmission mechanism and financial stability risks. We analyse the reasons for the credit expansion and demonstrate that the increase in the amount of credit can improve the efficiency of the monetary transmission mechanism, We analyse the micro risks induced by credit growth. Finally we demonstrate Krugman's model (1999) in connection with the Asian crises and then we try to prove that the growth of foregin-currency denominated credit decreases the ability of monetary policy to affect aggregate demand.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: E51.

  • Economic Freedom and the Process of Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis Based on a New Measure

    This paper, relying on a conceptualization of economic freedom in terms of kinds of government actions, develops a new measure of economic freedom. However, this is not art for art’s sake; instead, it allows us to provide an explanation for how particular institutions of economic freedom enhance economic development, a view upon which scholars agree. We develop two concepts related to economic freedom, namely the freedom-compatible and freedom-non-compatible institutions and use them as tools in an analysis of the process of economic growth, especially the relationship between economic freedom and long-run income. The major argument is that freedom-compatible institutions are primary determinants of income, while freedom-non-compatible institutions depend upon them and are partly the outcomes of the growth process itself, a fact which is explained by the Misesian theory of interventionism. Our regression analyses support our theoretical insights.

    JEL Classification: B53, H10, O10

  • Knowledge Export in Higher Education: A Hierarchic Approach

    The role of higher education in economic growth is increasing parallel with the development of the knowledge industry. The export income from student mobility estimated by some experts exceeds 40 billion US dollars worldwide. In this paper we discuss two aspects of the phenomenon. First, higher education as an industry is more complex than simply student mobility. This is true despite the fact that this mobility is the most visible and most attractive part of the export activity. There are research outputs of universities and other service activities which are classified as exports and which are offered in market based systems. Second, the individual professors - whether employees of universities or freelance knowledge workers - university departments, faculties, universities, countries, regions, etc. could serve as the subjects of the statistical measurement of activities. All of those activities which are carried out by universities can be measured in different hierarchical systems.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: F14, M31