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  • MRP tasks, critical thinking and intrinsic motivation to proving
    The lack of students' need for proof is often discussed. This is an important topic, on which quite a few others have written ([26], [27], [28], [17], [8]). Nevertheless, there is limited research knowledge about how teacher can participate in process of raising of students' intrinsic motivation to proving. In this article, we discuss relationships between intrinsic motivation to proving, critical thinking and special activity – engaging with so-called MRP tasks. We present here results of a research carried out by author in two elementary schools (21 classes, grade 5-9) in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. We identified the interesting relationship between students' dealing with MRP tasks and increasing of their intrinsic motivation to proving.
  • Blind versus wise use of CAS
    During my courses for mathematics major students I often use technology linked to the arising problems. In such cases I noted that some students were used to learn just some procedures, which made them able to solve (partially) some problems and when they got the result, they accepted it passively and did not relate it to the initial problem.
    In this paper I outline a strategy and investigate some simple exercises about how to develop a critical attitude towards the results obtained by technology in an introductory course to CAS.
    I believe that wise use of technology offers an effective method in teaching mathematics, without reducing the students' mental contribution.
  • The investigation of students' skills in the process of function concept creation
    Function is a basic concept of mathematics, in particular, mathematical analysis. After an analysis of the function concept development process, I propose a model of rule following and rule recognition skills development that combines features of the van Hiele levels and the levels of language about function [11]. Using this model I investigate students' rule following and rule recognition skills from the viewpoint of the preparation for the function concept of sixth grade students (12-13 years old) in the Ukrainian and Hungarian education system.
  • A differentiated e-learning teaching program in mathematics
    The intelligent online interactions between students and teacher are still not assured because of the fact that a learning management system could not play the role of a teacher in producing a chain of deduction. Furthermore, managing a course in existing e-learning systems has not yet guaranteed the differentiated teaching because it does not enable students to appropriately learn at their corresponding levels. In this paper, we would like to introduce a differentiated e-learning course in Vietnam. We also present some designing principles for such courses and propose some typical situations in teaching mathematics aimed at helping high school students individualize their online learning in mathematics.
  • Teaching geometry using computer visualizations
    In this work we study the development of students' creativity using computer-aided-teaching during IT classroom. Teaching geometry in Bolyai Grammar School specialized natural science classes is not an easy task. Here is introduced a new didactic means of teaching geometry which nevertheless requires the same effort to understand the material, but uses a different more active method to familiarize students with the topics. Traditional methods, and the use of compasses and rulers are not omitted either, as they develop the students' motor skills.
  • E-learning in teacher training
    A research has been organised with three Colleges taking part during the academic year of 2002-03. These institutions were
    • The Teacher's Training College of Baja
    • Eszerházy Károly College of Eger
    • The College of Nyíregyháza
    The aim of the research was to reveal differences between results of students studying in the traditional way and of students using e-learning.
    The survey has been carried out among students of PE (physical education). A distance educational programme (Basics of Gymnastics) developoed before launching the survey served as basis for the survey [5]. The results of the research were first presented at the Agria-Média Conference in 2004. After analysing the results the findings were presented at the 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems in Orlando, Florida in July 2005.
    This paper tries to reveal the structure of the e-learning programme, the environment of the research and the latest results found after the final analyses of the research.
  • A role of geometry in the frame of competencies attainment
    We discuss aspects of the Education Reform from teaching to educational system. In this context we recognize some problems in recognition of some competencies that students need to achieve and we present how we have developed the measurement method of spatial abilities and problem solving competence. Especially, we investigate how students use spatial visualization abilities in solving various problems in other mathematical course. We have tested how students use their spatial abilities previously developed in geometry courses based on conceptual approach to solve a test based on procedural concept in Mathematical Analysis course.
  • Analysis of the affective factors of learning mathematics among teacher trainees
    The Hungarian National Core Curricula gives primacy to the development of abilities and the practical application of knowledge. The task of the training programme is primarily to prepare teacher trainees for the teaching and educating profession. As teachers, they are going to plan, organize, help, guide, control and evaluate the learning of mathematics of individuals and groups of students from the age of 6 to 10 (12), and cultivate their mathematical skills, thinking and positive attitude towards any mathematical activities. In order to train educators who are able to meet the above requirements on high standard, it is necessary to update the teacher training programme based on the trainees' preliminary knowledge and motivation level.
    The key to learn about the child's mind and achieve conscious development is the systematization of factual knowledge and methodological awareness. The modern, flexible approach to subject pedagogy, based on pedagogy, psychology and epistemology, qualifies trainees to educate learners who understand and like mathematics. Therefore, it is essential to develop the trainees' positive approach to mathematics and arouse their demand for continuous professional improvement. (Programme of the four-year primary school teacher training, 1995.)
    In our research we are looking for ways of ascertaining the starting parameters which have influence on the planning of the studies of mathematics and subject pedagogy. In this article we introduce a questionnaire by the means of which we collected information on the trainees' attitude and its changing towards mathematics. With the help of the analysis of the answers we paint a picture of the ELTE TÓFK (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teacher's Training) third year students' attitude to the subject, and we compare it to the tendencies noticed in the mass education. The energy invested in learning is influenced by the assumption of the relevance and importance of the subjects. Therefore we considered it also our task to reveal. Besides the students' attitude toward mathematics and their assumption about their own competence we have collected data also on their performance in the subject. Summarising the research results we show the advantages of the questionnaire, and summarise the observations which would indicate need for methodological changes in the mathematics teacher training.
  • 14 to 18-year-old Hungarian high-school students' view of mathematicians appearing in the media - a case study
    One way to develop positive attitude toward STEM subjects that popular media, including movies and films can be engaged to promote more positive and inclusive STEM images. The movie Hidden numbers offers an opportunity to explore the representations of scholars, especially mathematicians within a biographical drama. Focusing on 5 characters, this article first discusses whether these characters fit into stereotypical scientist image or not. Secondly, we examine how high school students evaluate these characters. We argue that this movie is suitable to promote positive attitude toward STEM subjects.
  • Concept systematization with concept maps in data modelling
    An important goal of concept learning is that students can allocate concepts in the hierarchical system of concepts. In the data modelling course, first, we supported concept systematization with worksheets in which the students had to fill in the blank hierarchical figures of classification of the concepts or blank Venn diagrams describing the relationships between concepts. The hierarchical systems, however, are somewhat restricted to the description of connections. The filling in Venn diagrams did not deliver the expected result, so our attention turned to concept maps. In this paper we introduce the concept maps we drew. Then we evaluate the results of concept mapping survey conducted among students. The survey was done in three courses. We compare the results of our survey with the result of an earlier concept systematising survey.
  • Comments on the remaining velocity project with reports of school-experiments
    The aim of this article is to introduce different possible solutions to the exercise referring to the calculation of "remaining velocity". We explain the possible approaches to the problem with the help of either using the tools of mathematics or other subjects. During the past few years, we have made Hungarian and Slovakian secondary school students solve the exercise, choosing from both children of average and of high abilities. The experince has shown that very few students were able to solve the problem by themselves, but with the help of their teachers, the exercise and the solution has been an eye-opener experience to all of them. A lot of students were even considering to drive more carefully in the future after getting their driving licenses.
  • Preliminary e ects of mathematics curriculum development for primary school student teachers in Sárospatak Comenius Campus
    Hungarian students' mathematics performance has been getting weaker in the past few years. A possible solution to stop this tendency is to develop curriculum. Therefore, Hungarian researchers have been refining a particular framework of curriculum development in primary school teacher training programmes. The national curriculum is designed on the assumption that learning can be broken into a sequence of levels and students can evenly succeed in gaining knowledge at successive levels. In this paper, we want to discuss how to reduce students' difficulties with different background to grow competence at successive levels.
  • Constructing the disk method formula for the volume obtained by revolving a curve around an axis with the help of CAS
    Calculus concepts should have been taught in a carefully designed learning environment, because these concepts constitute a very important base for almost all applied sciences. The integral, one of the fundamental concepts of Calculus, has a wide application area. This paper focuses on constructing the disk method formula for the volume obtained by revolving a curve around an axis with the help of a CAS.
    In this study, a semi-structured interview was carried out. In this interview, we tried to construct the disk method formula.
    The levels of constructing the disk method formula in this study are:
    • Introducing the concept: evaluating the volume of an Egyptian pyramid.
    • Evaluating the volume of a cone obtained by revolution (using Maple worksheet).
    • Designing their own ring and evaluating its price (using Maplet).
    In this study, the interview has been presented as a dialog between teacher and students. When we look at feedback from students, we see that such a teaching method effects students in a positive way and causes them to gain conceptual understanding directed towards the concepts of approximation and volume.
  • Teaching of old historical mathematics problems with ICT tools
    The aim of this study is to examine how teachers can use ICT (information and communications technology) tools and the method of blended learning to teach mathematical problem solving. The new Hungarian mathematics curriculum (NAT) emphasizes the role of history of science, therefore we chose a topic from the history of mathematics, from the geometry of triangles: Viviani's Theorem and its problem field. We carried out our teaching experiments at a secondary school with 14-year-old students. Students investigated open geometrical problems with the help of a dynamic geometric software (GeoGebra). Their research work was similar to the historical way.
  • The single-source shortest paths algorithms and the dynamic programming
    In this paper we are going to present a teaching—learning method that help students look at three single-source shortest paths graph-algorithms from a so called "upperview": the algorithm based on the topological order of the nodes, the Dijkstra algorithm, the Bellman-Ford algorithm. The goal of the suggested method is, beyond the presentation of the algorithms, to offer the students a view that reveals them the basic and even the slight principal differences and similarities between the strategies. In order to succeed in this object, teachers should present the mentioned algorithms as cousin dynamic programming strategies.
  • Assimilation of mathematical knowledge using Maple
    For more than four years we have been teaching a Maple course at University of Debrecen for prospective mathematics teachers. The aim of the course is that students get some experience on mathematical visualization with Maple. At the last part of the course the student is provided with a problem of geometrical flavor. Within three or four weeks he/she must obtain a solution. In this paper we present and analyze two of student projects: rotation of the hypercube and drawing of complex functions. The concluding remark is that most of the students will profit from using Maple for such type of problems: it helps to assimilate mathematical knowledge.
  • Group Work at High School According to the Method of Tamás Varga

    The aim of our research is to develop students’ logical thinking. For this reason, Hungarian mathematics teachers need to be encouraged to try new methods which induce greater student involvement. Research all over the world prove that self-instruction or self-verbalizing has high effect on the learning process. This was one of the key elements of Tamás Varga’s experiment in high school. In our classroom experiments we are using a special cooperative method from Kagan among 14-18 years old students, called Sage and Scribe structure. We are looking for the answers to the following question: Does this method make mathematics lessons more enjoyable and more comfortable for students? Furthermore, we assume this structure could open the gate toward other collaborative and cooperative teaching technics.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Comment les enseignants en formation initiale utilisent les technologies informatiques dans leurs classes
    The research presented here deals with the way French pre-service teachers assimilate the working of technology tools and the effects on professional practice of integrating these tools into classes. We focused on the professional writings of pre-service teachers regarding the use of technology in their teaching. The results show that, besides official instructions, the motivations put forward by pre-service teachers who integrated technology in their classes are mainly their students' interest in computers and how powerful this tool is. They also show that in such an environment teachers tend to keep in the background and to leave the students to interact chiefly with the computer. We also noticed that the specificities of managing a classroom in computer environment are not taken into account unless they generate problems.
    Résumé. La recherche présentée ici porte sur l'appropriation des outils informatiques par les enseignants français en formation initiale et les effets de leur intégration dans les classes sur les pratiques professionnelles. Nous avons pris comme objet d'étude des écrits professionnels, élaborés par ces professeurs stagiaires, portant sur l'utilisation des TIC dans leur enseignement. Les résultats obtenus font apparaître qu'outre les injonctions institutionnelles, les motivations invoquées par les stagiaires pour recourir à l'informatique concernent surtout l'attrait de leurs élèves pour l'ordinateur et la puissance de cet outil. Dans le cadre des usages en classe, nos résultats montrent que l'enseignant a tendance à s'effacer devant l'ordinateur, considéré comme l'interlocuteur privilégié de l'élève. Nous avons aussi pu constater que les spécificités de la gestion de la classe en environnement informatique ne sont prises en compte que lorsqu'elles se révèlent sources de problèmes.
  • A retrospective look at discovery learning using the Pósa Method in three Hungarian secondary mathematics classrooms

    While the Pósa Method was originally created for mathematical talent management through extracurricular activities, three "average" public secondary school classrooms in Hungary have taken part in a four-year experiment to implement the Pósa Method, which is based on guided discovery learning of mathematics. In this paper, we examine the students' and teachers' reflections on the Pósa Method, and how student perspectives have changed between their first and last year of high school. Overall, teachers and students had a positive experience with the Pósa Method. Furthermore, our research indicated that this implementation has met several objectives of the Pósa Method, including enjoyment of mathematics and autonomous thinking.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Learning and teaching combinatorics with Sage
    Learning Mathematics is not an easy task, since this subject works with especially abstract concepts and sophisticated deductions. Many students lose their interest in the subject due to lack of success. Computer algebra systems (CAS) provide new ways of learning and teaching Mathematics. Numerous teachers use them to demonstrate concepts, deductions and algorithms and to make learning process more interesting especially in higher education. It is an even more efficient way to improve the learning process, if students can use the system themselves, which helps them to practice the curriculum.
    Sage is a free, open-source math software system that supports research and teaching algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, and related areas. I have been using it for several years to aid the instruction of Discrete Mathematics at Óbuda University. In this article I show some examples how representations provided by this system can help in teaching combinatorics.
  • Examples of analogies and generalizations in synthetic geometry
    Teaching tools and different methods of generalizations and analogies are often used at different levels of education. Starting with primary grades, the students can be guided through simple aspects of collateral development of their studies. In middle school, high school and especially in entry-level courses in higher education, the extension of logical tools are possible and indicated.
    In this article, the authors present an example of generalization and then of building the analogy in 3-D space for a given synthetic geometric problem in 2-D.
    The idea can be followed, extended and developed further by teachers and students as well.
  • Why do we complicate the solution of the problem? reflection of Finnish students and teachers on a mathematical summer camp
    This paper deals with reactions and reflections of Finnish secondary school students and teachers on Hungarian mathematics teaching culture. The experiences were collected at a mathematics summer camp in Hungary.
  • Demonstrating the feature of energy saving of transforms in secondary schools
    When we are teaching the digital image formats and we are explaining the JPEG format we may get into difficulties how to explain the point and the usefulness of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) to our students. Why do we need this transform before compressing? Students probably do not know that the feature of energy saving of this transform makes the chance of good compression. In this article we show how we can demonstrate that feature of these transforms which make the chance of good compression while saving the most energy of images.
  • Lehre der Trigonometrie anhand realistischer Aufgaben im Online-Unterricht

    The aim of our study was to explore the effects of the active use of realistic exercises in the field of trigonometry. We taught a group of 14 pupils, who were in grade 11. The most of them told us they did not plan mathematics-related studies in the future. We included realistic exercises into our teaching plan, which covered the fields of scalar product, as well as the sine and cosine theorems. Our teaching experiment was done within the framework of online teaching. Effects on the motivation, performance and results of the students were taken into consideration. We also attempted to examine the effects of online teaching on motivation and whether the use of realistic exercises is worthwhile in an online classroom environment. Performance of the students showed a tendency of improvement when they were dealing with the material through realistic exercises even despite the teaching happened online.

    Subject Classification: 97C70, 97D40, 97G60

  • Teaching sorting in ICT
    This article is aimed at considering how an algorithmic problem – more precisely a sorting problem – can be used in an informatics class in primary and secondary education to make students mobilize the largest possible amount of their intellectual skills in the problem solving process. We will be outlining a method which essentially forces students to utilize their mathematical knowledge besides algorithmization in order to provide an efficient solution. What is more, they are expected to use efficiently a tool that has so far not been associated with creative thinking. Sorting is meant to be just an example, through which our thoughts can easily be demonstrated, but – of course the method of education outlined can be linked to several other algorithmic problems, as well.