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  • Programming Theorems and Their Applications

    One of the effective methodological approaches in programming that supports the design and development of reliable software is analogy-based programming. Within this framework, the method of problem reduction plays a key role. Reducing a given problem to another one whose solving algorithm is already known can be made more efficient by the application of programming theorems. These represent proven, abstract solutions – in a general form – to some of the most common problems in programming. In this article, we present six fundamental programming theorems as well as pose five sample problems. In solving these problems, all six programming theorems will be applied. In the process of reduction, we will employ a concise specification language. Programming theorems and solutions to the problems will be given using the structogram form. However, we will use pseudocodes as descriptions of algorithms resembling their actual implementation in Python. A functional style solution to one of the problems will also be presented, which is to illustrate that for the implementation in Python, it is sufficient to give the specification of the problem for the design of the solution. The content of the article essentially corresponds to that of the introductory lectures of a course we offered to students enrolled in the Applied Mathematics specialization.

    Subject Classification: D40

  • The Project Method and investigation in school mathematics
    The Project Method (PM) is becoming more common in the teaching of mathematics. Most of the time, Project Method means solving open and relatively wide formulated problems for the application of particular mathematical topics and the solving of everyday life problems.
    At present many experts in the theory of teaching mathematics advocate teaching activities as the characteristic for most mathematical work in the classroom. Thus, there is a question: whether it is possible or eventual desirable to use the PM for solving genuine mathematical problems. This paper deals with this question and discusses the connection between the PM and investigation of new mathematical knowledge for students. Our experience has shown that the PM in connection with investigations can be a useful and effective approach to teaching mathematics.
  • Maximum and minimum problems in secondary school education
    The aim of this paper is to offer some possible ways of solving extreme value problems by elementary methods with which the generally available method of differential calculus can be avoided. We line up some problems which can be solved by the usage of these elementary methods in secondary school education. The importance of the extremum problems is ignored in the regular curriculum; however they are in the main stream of competition problems – therefore they are useful tools in the selection and development of talented students. The extremum problem-solving by elementary methods means the replacement of the methods of differential calculus (which are quite stereotyped) by the elementary methods collected from different fields of Mathematics, such as elementary inequalities between geometric, arithmetic and square means, the codomain of the quadratic and trigonometric functions, etc. In the first part we show some patterns that students can imitate in solving similar problems. These patterns could also provide some ideas for Hungarian teachers on how to introduce this topic in their practice. In the second part we discuss the results of a survey carried out in two secondary schools and we formulate our conclusion concerning the improvement of students' performance in solving these kind of problems.
  • A role of geometry in the frame of competencies attainment
    We discuss aspects of the Education Reform from teaching to educational system. In this context we recognize some problems in recognition of some competencies that students need to achieve and we present how we have developed the measurement method of spatial abilities and problem solving competence. Especially, we investigate how students use spatial visualization abilities in solving various problems in other mathematical course. We have tested how students use their spatial abilities previously developed in geometry courses based on conceptual approach to solve a test based on procedural concept in Mathematical Analysis course.
  • The role of computer in the process of solving of mathematical problems (results of research)
    We would like to present results of an almost two years investigations about the role computer in the process of solving of mathematical problems. In these investigations took part 35 students of the secondary school (generalists) in the age 17–19 years. Each of these students solved following problem:
    Find all values of the parameter m so that the function
    f(x) = |mx + 1| − |2x − m| is:
    a) bounded,
    b) bounded only from the bottom,
    c) bounded only from above,
    first without a computer and next with a special computer program. We would like to show results of these researches.
  • Darstellungen und Vorstellungen und ihre Bedeutung für eine wirksame Metakognition beim Problemlösen und Begründen
    Metacognition has one of the highest effect sizes concerning successful learning. However metacognitive activities during task solving and problem solving are not directly obvious. But they can appear by writing someone's thoughts down. The following analysis, which focusses on the level of argumentation as well as on the way of derivation, shows that the quality of representation is an essential condition for the possibility of metacognition.
  • Solution of an open reality based word-problem in two secondary schools

    This survey through an open reality based word problem is intended to assess - in two secondary schools in Komárom (Hungary) and in Komarno (Slovakia, Hungarian name: Révkomárom) in grade 10 - the ability of students to realize openness of a task. The comparison is justified by the fact that the language of teaching is Hungarian in both secondary schools, but with different curricula. This survey is related to the Content Pedagogy Research Program by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It is preceded by several surveys with a word problem (Pocket Money) of the third author and led by her between 2012 and 2015, and within that project in 2017 within a large sample test, among about 1500 students and university students in Hungary (?, ?) (?, ?). In our research we wanted first to assess how openly work students in two schools of the two cities mentioned in solving the same task. The answer to this question was similar to the large sample test results, so most of the students worked in a closed way, when solving this word problem. So we went on and tried to explore how students thought about their own solution given to this task, through mixed-type interviews.

    Subject Classification: 97D70, 97F90, 97D50, 97M10

  • Comments on the remaining velocity project with reports of school-experiments
    The aim of this article is to introduce different possible solutions to the exercise referring to the calculation of "remaining velocity". We explain the possible approaches to the problem with the help of either using the tools of mathematics or other subjects. During the past few years, we have made Hungarian and Slovakian secondary school students solve the exercise, choosing from both children of average and of high abilities. The experince has shown that very few students were able to solve the problem by themselves, but with the help of their teachers, the exercise and the solution has been an eye-opener experience to all of them. A lot of students were even considering to drive more carefully in the future after getting their driving licenses.
  • "How to be well-connected?" An example for instructional process planning with Problem Graphs

    Teachers’ design capacity at work is in the focus of didactical research worldwide, and fostering this capacity is unarguably a possible turning point in the conveyance of mathematical knowledge. In Hungary, the tradition hallmarked by Tamás Varga is particularly demanding towards teachers as they are supposed to be able to plan their long-term processes very carefully. In this contribution, an extensive teaching material designed in the spirit of this tradition will be presented from the field of Geometry. For exposing its inner structure, a representational tool, the Problem Graph is introduced. The paper aims to demonstrate that this tool has potential for analyzing existing resources, helping teachers to reflect on their own preparatory and classroom work, and supporting the creation of new designs.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97D50, 97D80, 97G10, 97U30

  • Fostering engineering freshmen’s shifts of attention by using Matlab LiveScript for solving mathematical tasks

    We designed an experimental path including a summative assessment phase, where engineering freshmen are involved in solving mathematical tasks by using Matlab LiveScripts. We analyzed the students’ answers to a questionnaire about their perceived impact of the use of Matlab on their way to solve mathematical tasks. The main result is that students show shifts of attention from computations to other aspects of problem solving, moving from an operational to a structural view of mathematics.

    Subject Classification: 97U70, 97H60

  • Würfel und Augensummen – ein unmögliches Paar
    It is well known that the values 2, 3, ..., 12 of the sum of eyes that appear when throwing two regular dice are not equally distributed. It can also be shown that no matter how the dice are falsified (or if only one of them is being manipulated) they can never reach the same probability concerning the sum of eyes ([8], 91 et seq.). This discovery can be generalized for n ≥ 2 dice. Various results of algebra and (real) calculus are used, so that a connection between two different mathematical fields can be realized. Such a connection is typical and often provides a large contribution for mathematics (because it frequently leads to a successful attempt of solving a special problem) and therefore examples of this sort should also be included in the mathematical education at schools as well as in the student teachers' university curriculum for the study of mathematics.
  • Forming the concept of parameter with examples of problem solving
    Pupils are encountering difficulties with learning algebra. In order for them to understand algebraic concepts, particularly the concept of parameter it was decided by the teacher of mathematics and Information Technology to integrate the teaching of these two subjects. The aim of this study is to investigate whether, and to what degree, software can be useful in process of forming the concept of parameter. This longitudinal study was conducted in a junior high school (13-16 year old children) using different computer programs.
  • Teaching of old historical mathematics problems with ICT tools
    The aim of this study is to examine how teachers can use ICT (information and communications technology) tools and the method of blended learning to teach mathematical problem solving. The new Hungarian mathematics curriculum (NAT) emphasizes the role of history of science, therefore we chose a topic from the history of mathematics, from the geometry of triangles: Viviani's Theorem and its problem field. We carried out our teaching experiments at a secondary school with 14-year-old students. Students investigated open geometrical problems with the help of a dynamic geometric software (GeoGebra). Their research work was similar to the historical way.
  • Teaching sorting in ICT
    This article is aimed at considering how an algorithmic problem – more precisely a sorting problem – can be used in an informatics class in primary and secondary education to make students mobilize the largest possible amount of their intellectual skills in the problem solving process. We will be outlining a method which essentially forces students to utilize their mathematical knowledge besides algorithmization in order to provide an efficient solution. What is more, they are expected to use efficiently a tool that has so far not been associated with creative thinking. Sorting is meant to be just an example, through which our thoughts can easily be demonstrated, but – of course the method of education outlined can be linked to several other algorithmic problems, as well.
  • Solving mathematical problems by using Maple factorization algorithms
    Computer algebra gives methods for manipulating mathematical expression. In this paper we use the Maple software to solve some elementary problems. Computeraided approach in the instruction of mathematics helps to impart problem solving skills to students.
  • The far side of recursion
    Recursion is somewhat of an enigma, and examples used to illustrate the idea of recursion often emphasize three algorithms: Towers of Hanoi, Factorial, and Fibonacci, often sacrificing the exploration of recursive behavior for the notion that a "function calls itself". Very little effort is spent on more interesting recursive algorithms. This paper looks at how three lesser known algorithms of recursion can be used in teaching behavioral aspects of recursion: The Josephus Problem, the Hailstone Sequence and Ackermann's Function.
  • Virtual manipulatives in inquiry-based approach of 3D problems by French 5th graders

    The aim of this research is to study the appropriation of a 3D environment by learners in an a-didactical situation of problem solving. We try to evaluate the relevance of the virtual 3D environment in the development of students' cognitive and metacognitive abilities. We implanted a problem-solving activity related to a 3D cube situation with an empty part in the cube in different French primary school areas in May 2019. In the experimental group each learner works individually with a PC-computer where the virtual environment ANIPPO is implemented. In the control group the pupils work in a traditional class environment. We present the results of this pre-experimentation.

    Subject Classification: 97D50, 97U60, 97U70

  • Teaching puzzle-based learning: development of transferable skills
    While computer science and engineering students are trained to recognise familiar problems with known solutions, they may not be sufficiently prepared to address novel real-world problems. A successful computer science graduate does far more than just program and we must train our students to reach the required levels of analytical and computational thinking, rather than hoping that it will just 'develop'. As a step in this direction, we have created and experimented with a new first-year level course, Puzzle-based Learning (PBL), that is aimed at getting students to think about how to frame and solve unstructured problems. The pedagogical goal is increase students' mathematical awareness and general problem solving skills by employing puzzles, which are educational, engaging, and thought provoking. In this paper we continue sharing our experiences in teaching such a course. Whereas a brief discussion on our pedagogical objectives were covered in the first paper together with the material of the first of two lectures on pattern recognition, this follow-up paper presents the material of the second of two lectures, in which additional exercises are discussed to reinforce the lesson. Along the way we provide a glimpse of some foundational ideas of computer science such as incomputability and general system development strategies such as incremental and iterative reasoning. This paper discusses the outcomes of PBL courses, which include expected improvement in the overall results achieved by students who have undertaken PBL courses, compared to those students who have not.
  • Comparing various functions of the divisors of an integer in different residue classes
    The main goal of this paper is to investigate some problems related to the distribution of the divisors of a number in different residue classes. We study these questions modulo 3, and use mostly just elementary number theory. In some special cases, we demonstrate how this problem is related to other fields of maths, especially to combinatorics. Since the author is also a secondary school teacher, we use elementary methods that can be discussed in secondary school, mainly within the framework of group study sessions or in special maths classes. We do think that the investigation of these types of questions can motivate children to find their own way to create their own questions, and to get a deeper insight into problem solving by these experimentations.
  • The appearance of the characteristic features of the mathematical thinking in the thinking of a chess player
    It is more and more important in 21st century's education that not only facts and subject knowledge should be taught but also the ways and methods of thinking should be learnt by students. Thinking is a human specificity which is significant both in mathematics and chess. The exercises aimed at beginner chess players are appropriate to demonstrate to students the mathematical thinking of 12-14 year-old students.
    Playing chess is an abstract activity. During the game we use abstract concepts (e.g. sacrifice, stalemate). When solving a chess problem we use logical quantifiers frequently (e.g. in the case of any move of white, black has a move that...). Among the endgames we find many examples (e.g. exceptional draw options) that state impossibility. Affirmation of existence is frequent in a mate position with many moves. We know there is a mate but the question in these cases is how it can be delivered.
    We present the chess problem on beginners' level although these exercises appear in the game of advanced players and chess masters too, in a more complex form. We chose the mathematical tasks from arithmetic, number theory, geometry and the topic of equations. Students encounter these in classes, admission exams and student circles. Revealing the common features of mathematical and chess thinking shows how we can help the development of students' mathematical skills with the education of chess.
  • Teaching puzzle-based learning: development of basic concepts
    While computer science and engineering students are trained to recognise familiar problems with known solutions, they may not be sufficiently prepared to address novel real-world problems. A successful computer science graduate does far more than just program and we must train our students to reach the required levels of analytical and computational thinking, rather than hoping that it will just 'develop'. As a step in this direction, we have created and experimented with a new first-year level course, Puzzle-based Learning (PBL), that is aimed at getting students to think about how to frame and solve unstructured problems. The pedagogical goal is increase students' mathematical awareness and general problem solving skills by employing puzzles, which are educational, engaging, and thought provoking. We share our experiences in teaching such a course – apart from a brief discussion on our pedagogical objectives, we concentrate on discussing the presented material which covers (in two lectures) just one selected topic (pattern recognition). In this paper we present the ideas behind foundations for PBL and the material of the first of two lectures on pattern recognition, in which we address core concepts and provide students with sufficient exemplars to illustrate the main points.
  • Why do we complicate the solution of the problem? reflection of Finnish students and teachers on a mathematical summer camp
    This paper deals with reactions and reflections of Finnish secondary school students and teachers on Hungarian mathematics teaching culture. The experiences were collected at a mathematics summer camp in Hungary.
  • Integrating elements of data science into high-school teaching: Naïve Bayes-classification algorithm and programming in Python

    Probability theory and mathematical statistics are traditionally one of the most difficult chapters of mathematics to teach. One of the authors, Péter Princz has experience in teaching various topics via computer programming of the problem at hand as a class activity. The proposed method is to involve programming as a didactic tool in hard-to-teach topics. The intended goal in this case is to implement a naïve Bayes-classifier algorithm in Python and demonstrate the machine-learning capabilities of it by applying it to a real-world dataset of edible or poisonous mushrooms. The students would implement the algorithm in a playful and interactive way. The proposed incremental development process aligns well with the spirit of Tamás Varga who considered computers as modern tools of experimental problem solving as early as in the 1960s.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97D50, 97K50, 97K99, 97M60, 97P40, 97P50, 97U50

  • Taking learning styles into consideration in e-learning based education
    In improving electronic teaching material processes we should take the student's learning styles or methods into consideration. The ways learners receive information may be shared into three categories (modalities): visual, auditory, kinesthetic (tactile). In this paper I present some pedagogical questions of the electronic teaching-learning environment, offer a brief survey of the different learning style theories and emphasise the importance of the modalities in encoding information. The electronic teaching material should encourage the learner to choose an appropriate form of syllabus by which his knowledge can become more efficient.
  • Application of computer algebra systems in automatic assessment of math skills
    Mathematics is one of those areas of education, where the student's progress is measured almost solely by testing his or her ability of problem solving. It has been two years now that the authors develop and use Web-based math courses where the assessment of student's progress is fully automatic. More than 150 types of problems in linear algebra and calculus have been implemented in the form of Java-driven tests. Those tests that involve symbolic computations are linked with Mathematica computational kernel through the Jlink mechanism. An individual test features random generation of an unlimited number of problems of a given type with difficulty level being controlled flat design time. Each test incorporates the evaluation of the student's solution. Various methods of grading can be set at design time, depending on the particular purpose that a test is used for (self-assessment or administrative exam). Each test is equipped with the correct solution presentation on demand. In those problems that involve a considerable amount of computational effort (e.g. Gauss elimination), additional special tools are offered in a test window so that the student can concentrate on the method of solution rather than on arithmetic computations. (Another obvious benefit is that the student is thus protected from the risk of frustrating computational errors). Individual tests can be combined into comprehensive exams whose parameters can be set up at design time (e.g., number of problems, difficulty level, grading system, time allowed for solution). The results of an exam can be automatically stored in a database with all authentication and security requirements satisfied.