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  • The investigation of students' skills in the process of function concept creation
    Function is a basic concept of mathematics, in particular, mathematical analysis. After an analysis of the function concept development process, I propose a model of rule following and rule recognition skills development that combines features of the van Hiele levels and the levels of language about function [11]. Using this model I investigate students' rule following and rule recognition skills from the viewpoint of the preparation for the function concept of sixth grade students (12-13 years old) in the Ukrainian and Hungarian education system.
  • Forming the concept of parameter with examples of problem solving
    Pupils are encountering difficulties with learning algebra. In order for them to understand algebraic concepts, particularly the concept of parameter it was decided by the teacher of mathematics and Information Technology to integrate the teaching of these two subjects. The aim of this study is to investigate whether, and to what degree, software can be useful in process of forming the concept of parameter. This longitudinal study was conducted in a junior high school (13-16 year old children) using different computer programs.
  • Les mathématiques dans le grand public et dans l'enseignement: quelques éléments d'une analyse didactique
    The paper looks for reaction of the public at large that is people out of educational system, concerning the mathematical exercises. We can see some results about:
    • impact of terms on the motivation
    • the effects of the traditional didactic on the method to resolve a problem.
    Résumé. Cet article cherche la réactions du grand public c.a.d. de personnes hors systéme scolaire, de nombreuses années aprés avoir terminé leurs études vis á vis des exercises mathématiques.
    Nous présentons quelques résultats concernant les points suivants:
    – l'impact de l'« habillage » d'un énoncé sur la motivation
    – les effets de l'absence d'un contrat didactique traditionnel sur la maniére de résoudre un probléme.
  • Online tests in Comprehensive Exams – during and after the pandemic

    The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the development of electronic (e-learning) assessment methods and forced their use worldwide. Many instructors and students had to familiarize themselves with the form of distance education. During and since Covid-19 in Hungary, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen, the written part of the Comprehensive Exam in Mathematics is organized in a computer lab of the university using an online test. Our goal is that the results of the tests may be as reliable as possible in terms of measuring the students’ knowledge, and thus the grades given based on the test results would be realistic. In this paper, we show the analysis of a sample written exam and compare the real exam results of students who were prepared for the comprehensive exam during Covid-19 and who have participated in face-to-face education since then. The tools provided by the Moodle system necessary for comparison are also presented.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97D70, 97U50

  • Problems of computer-aided assessment of mathematical knowledge
    Although conventional written and oral exams are dominant in assessment nowadays, computer-aided assessment is developing dynamically. There are several assessment systems, but most of them evaluate only multiple choice questions and even the most sophisticated ones cannot follow the process of thinking of students in detail. Why is it? In this article I will analyse the difficulties of the implementation of assessment system focused primarily on mathematics questions and present some of my experience related to the eMax system, developed at Óbuda University.
  • Proof without words: four circles
    Theorem. Let O, P and Q be three points on a line, with P lying between O and Q. Semicircles are drawn on the same side of the line with diameters OP, PQ and OQ. An arbelos is the figure bounded by these three semicircles. Draw the perpendicular…
  • A first course in computer science: languages and goals
    The College Board Advanced Placement exam in computer science will use the language Java starting in fall 2003. The language chosen for this exam is based on the language commonly taught in introductory computer science courses at the university level. This article reviews the purpose of an introductory course and the various suggestions for the curriculum of introductory courses published by the Association for Computing Machinery. It then proposes that such a course stress foundational concepts over specific language syntax, and then provides a list of such foundational concepts and related topics. Based on this fundamental curriculum, the article recommends C++ as the most appropriate language. An appendix provides a sample syllabus.
  • On the past of a famous theorem: the predecessors of a theorem of Pythagoras
    The well-known Theorem of Pythagoras asserts a relation among the sides of any right-angled triangle. It can be found any secondary school textbook. An interesting question whether this result due to the Pythagoreans from the VIth century BC, or it was known in earlier civilizations. The first answer is a vague yes. According to the legends the Egyptian rope-stretchers used a triangle with sides 3,4,5 units to create right angle. But are there real evidences that this result was known earlier? We will argue that in almost all river-valley civilizations it was known and used.
  • The requirements in statistics education – comparison of PISA mathematical tasks and tasks from the mathematical textbooks in the field of statistics
    This work presents the results of the analysis of both PISA items and Croatian mathematical textbooks in the field of statistics.
    The analysis shows that PISA's released statistics problems have in many ways different mathematical requirements from the requirements of textbook problems in the statistics chapters, with respect to the mathematical activities, complexity and in the forms of questions. The textbook analysis shows that mathematical examples and problems often require operation and interpretation skills on a reproductive or connections level. Statistics textbook problems are given in the closed-answer form. The results also show that while PISA puts strong emphasis on the statistics field, in the current Croatian curriculum this field is barely present. These discrepancies in requirements and portion of statistics activities surely affect the results of Croatian pupils on PISA assessment in the field of mathematical literacy.
  • "Frontier algorithms"
    In this paper we present a new method to compare algorithm design strategies. As in case of frontier towns the cultures blend, the so called "frontier algorithms" are a mixture of different programming techniques like greedy, backtracking, divide and conquer, dynamic programming. In case of some of them the frontier character is hidden, so it has to be discovered. There are algorithms that combine different techniques purposively. Furthermore, determining the programming technique the algorithm is using can be a matter of point of view. The frontier algorithms represent special opportunities to highlight particular characteristics of the algorithm design strategies. According to our experience the frontier algorithms fit best to the revision classes.
  • A mathematical and didactical analysis of the concept of orientation
    The development of spatial ability, in particular the development of spatial orientation is one of the aims of mathematics education.
    In my work, I examine the concept of orientation, especially concepts of between, left, right, below, above, front, back, clockwise and anticlockwise. I analyze answers given for a simple orientation task prepared for elementary school pupils. I would like to call attention to the difficulties pupils have even in case of solving simple orientation problems.
    We have different ways to know more about the crucial points of a concept, especially of the concept of orientation. In this study I bring out one of them. I analyze and make some didactical conclusions about the origin and the axiomatic structure of orientation.
  • Interactive web portals in mathematics
    Many of the recent problems in higher education (less contact seminars, the heterogeneity and the increasing number of our students) call for new instructional methods. At University of Szeged we have developed a mathematical web portal which can offer a solution for such problems among the changing circumstances. This freely available, easy-to-use web-surface supports interactive mathematical problem-solving and student self assessment. Our computer program cooperates with a lot of free software (computer algebra systems, formula parsers, converters, word processors). WebMathematics Interactive has been available for the public since June 2002 on its web page
  • Promoting a meaningful learning of double integrals through routes of digital tasks

    Within a wider project aimed at innovating the teaching of mathematics for freshmen, in this study we describe the design and the implementation of two routes of digital tasks aimed at fostering students' approach to double integrals. The tasks are built on a formative assessment frame and classical works on problem solving. They provide facilitative and response-specific feedback and the possibility to request different hints. In this way, students may be guided to the development of well-connected knowledge, operative and decision-making skills. We investigated the effects of the interaction with the digital tasks on the learning of engineering freshmen, by comparing the behaviours of students who worked with the digital tasks (experimental group, N=19) and students who did not (control group, N=19). We detected that students in the experimental group showed more exibility of thinking and obtained better results in the final exam than students in the control group. The results confirmed the effectiveness of the experimental educational path and offered us interesting indications for further studies.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97U70, 44A45

  • Exploring the basic concepts of Calculus through a case study on motion in gravitational space

    In universities, the Calculus course presents significant challenges year after year. In this article, we will demonstrate how to use methods of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) to introduce the concepts of limits, differentiation, and integration based on high school kinematics and dynamics knowledge. All mathematical concepts are coherently built upon experiences, experiments, and fundamental dynamics knowledge related to motion in a gravitational field. With the help of worksheets created using GeoGebra or Microsoft Excel, students can conduct digital experiments and later independently visualize and relate abstract concepts to practical applications, thereby facilitating their understanding.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97I40, 97M50

  • Pupils' meta-discursive reflection on their cooperation in mathematics: a case study
    This article addresses the issue of how 10–11 year old pupils in pairs can actively get involved in reforming their behavior as they reflect on their interaction in order to solve mathematical problems. We studied the opportunities offered for the development of meta-discursive reflection in a pair of pupils in two alternative environments: (1) pupils' observations and discussions on their video-recorded cooperation and (2) pupils' participation in playing and acting in a drama. The results of the research revealed three levels of the pupils' meta-discursive reflection on their interaction: (1) focusing on the achievement of personal goals, (2) focusing on partners' responsibility and (3) focusing on mutual responsibility. Both environments helped the pupils to improve their socio-mathematical interaction.
  • Concept systematization with concept maps in data modelling
    An important goal of concept learning is that students can allocate concepts in the hierarchical system of concepts. In the data modelling course, first, we supported concept systematization with worksheets in which the students had to fill in the blank hierarchical figures of classification of the concepts or blank Venn diagrams describing the relationships between concepts. The hierarchical systems, however, are somewhat restricted to the description of connections. The filling in Venn diagrams did not deliver the expected result, so our attention turned to concept maps. In this paper we introduce the concept maps we drew. Then we evaluate the results of concept mapping survey conducted among students. The survey was done in three courses. We compare the results of our survey with the result of an earlier concept systematising survey.
  • Die aus der Studienzeit stammenden Aufzeichnungen des Johann Bolyai über die Würfelverdoppelung
    Hereinafter we are going to show that Bolyai Janos was preoccupied by the problem of the Duplication of the Cube, which was unknown until now by the rich Bolyai-literature.
    This problem was solved using the Parabola, the Hyperbola and the Cissoide already in the ancient times. The Cissoide was created by Diocles especially for the constuction of the Duplication of the Cube without Compass and Straightedge. The hereinafter "deciphered" document of Bolyai was written during his university studies. In his study he presents the solutions discovered by then and tries to give a new one. We transcribed his notations to the present-day use and complemented it where it was necessary.
    The mathematics historically background and the explication is very detailed described by Van derWaerden in Erwachende Wissenschaft [7], which is to find on English, German and Hungarian, too. That's because we dispense with this [8].
  • Das Konzept des Analysisunterrichts von Professor Igor Kluvánek – einige Ergebnisse der qualitativen Forschung
    A renowned Slovak mathematician Professor Igor Kluvanek (1931-1993) during his affiliation with the University of Adelaide in Australia (1968-1990) has worked out a unique course of mathematical analysis for future high school teachers of mathematics. The course has been tested in its conceptual form but, as a whole, it still awaits its publication in the form of a monograph. Along these lines, our aim is to present the way he has introduced some key notions of differential calculus and to discuss its advantages. Central is the continuity of a function via which the limit and the derivative of a function at a point is defined.
  • Teaching Gröbner bases
    In this article we offer a demonstration of how the StudentGroebner package, a didactic oriented Maple package for Gröbner basis theory, could assist the teaching/learning process. Our approach is practical. Instead of expounding on deep didactic theory we simply give examples on how we imagine experimental learning in classroom. The educational goal is to prepare the introduction of two sophisticated algorithms, the division algorithm and Buchberger's algorithm, by gathering preliminary knowledge about them.
  • Combinatorics – competition – Excel
    In 2001 the Informatics Points Competition of the Mathematics Journal for Secondary School Students (KÖMAL) was restarted [1]. The editors set themselves an aim to make the formerly mere programming competition a bit more varied. Therefore, every month there has been published a spreadsheet problem, a part of which was related to combinatorics. This article is intended to discuss the above mentioned problems and the solutions given to them at competitions. We will prove that traditional mathematical and programming tasks can be solved with a system developed for application purposes when applying a different way of thinking.
  • Decomposition of triangles into isosceles triangles II: complete solution of the problem by using a computer
    We solve an open decomposition problem in elementary geometry using pure mathematics and a computer programme, utilizing a computer algebra system.
  • An examination of descriptive statistical knowledge of 12th-grade secondary school students - comparing and analysing their answers to closed and open questions

    In this article, we examine the conceptual knowledge of 12th-grade students in the field of descriptive statistics (hereafter statistics), how their knowledge is aligned with the output requirements, and how they can apply their conceptual knowledge in terms of means, graphs, and dispersion indicators. What is the proportion and the result of their answers to (semi-)open questions for which they have the necessary conceptual knowledge, but which they encounter less frequently (or not at all) in the classroom and during questioning? In spring 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic in Hungary, a traditional-classroom, “paper-based” survey was conducted with 159 graduating students and their teachers from 3 secondary schools. According to the results of the survey, the majority of students have no difficulties in solving the type of tasks included in the final exam. Solving more complex, open-ended tasks with longer texts is more challenging, despite having all the tools to solve them, based on their conceptual knowledge and comprehension skills. A valuable supplement to the analysis and interpretation of the results is the student attitudes test, also included in the questionnaire.

    Subject Classification: 97K40, 97-11, 97D60

  • A computational thinking problem-thread for grade 7 students and above from the Pósa method

    Lajos Pósa has been developing his “learning through discovery” (Győri & Juhász, 2018) method since 1988. His weekend math camps are focused on fostering problem-solving skills and high-level mathematical-thinking skills in gifted students from grades 7 to 11. One of the core aspects of the method is the structure of the problems, all problems are part of a complex, intertwined, and rich network. In this article we analyze a computational thinking problem-thread and its role in the camps’s network of problems (Gosztonyi, 2019), and show some aspects of the method. The insights gained using this method can be useful in other contexts. The possible adaptation of the method to secondary and high schools is briefly discussed as well.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • The study of sequences defined by a first order recursion by means of a pocket calculator
    This paper will present the way we can use a simple pocket calculator to teach mathematics. Namely, a pocket calculator can be very useful to study the properties of sequences defined by first order recursion (e.g. monotonicity, boundedness and convergence) and to gain a deeper understanding.
  • The influence of computer on examining trigonometric functions
    In this paper the influence of computer on examining trigonometric functions was analyzed throughout the results questionnaire. The students, as usual, had to examine two trigonometric functions, both were given with the appropriate instructions. Three groups were tested. Two of those three groups were prepared with the help of computer and the third one was taught without computer. From the analysis of the questionnaire it follows that the computer has a great influence on understanding of the connections between the graph and very complex calculations.