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  • Questionnaire analysis of the situation of the artisans of the Debrecen Folk Crafts Festival in 2021

    Debrecen Folk Craft Festival faithfully preserves the cultural, social and economic traditions of Debrecen. As a tourist event, the festival provides an opportunity to learn about the centuries-old folk crafts, the artisans, their tools and their products. The traditional fair character of the event is given by the street stalls and the possibility to buy the products. The fair is part of Debrecen's history (it has had the right to hold fairs since the early 1400s), which has given a strong impetus to its economic development. The town's geographical and social characteristics made it a market centre. On the one hand, it was built at the junction of land routes and, on the other, it was owned by lords of national rank who helped to create a farming town and a local society of artisan-traders. In Debrecen, handicraft and trade fair past is still preserved in street names such as Külsővásártér, Mester street, Faraktár street, Csapó street, which is also the venue of the 11th Folk Craft Festival. The aim of the research is to investigate the extent to which Debrecen Folk Craft Festival is a Debrecen event, as well as the composition of the local artisans still operating (craft, age, gender, experience), their business strengths and weaknesses, and their presence on the internet. This representative quantitative survey was carried out with 23 representatives of 15 crafts (leatherworkers, potters, beadworkers, embroiderers, straw weavers, enamelers, furniture makers, woodcarvers, textile toy makers, honeycake makers, etc.) using a self-completion questionnaire. The survey is representative as all participants completed the questionnaire. Since folk crafts are part of the Debrecen identity, and the local culture, their survival is in the interest of the city. The survey covered the forms of their businesses, their sales opportunities, their financial background, etc. The structure of the paper: Introduction presents the festival itself, Material and Methodology, Results and Conclusions chapters describe the questionnaire survey’s results. Conclusions of the research: the cultural and social impact of the Folk Craft Festival is significant, especially through the promotion of folk art heritage, community organisation and its impact on consumer habits. There is still a wide variety of folk crafts in Debrecen, but the masters of some folk crafts are ageing. Traditionally, these one-man businesses still prefer to sell at fairs, because they are weak in marketing and advertising, and nearly a third of them have online presence on the association's website only. Their strength is their expertise, with 40, 50 or even 60 years of experience. The majority of products are qualified by the Hungarian Heritage House, which protects the masters from having their products copied and mass-produced by others.

  • The place and role of Debrecen style honey cake at the the Folk Art Association of Hajdú - Bihar county

    Debrecen style honey cake making has been registered in 2014 in the collection of Hungarian values of Debrecen and Hajdú - Bihar county. Thus it is worth and reasonable to study the roots and history of honey cake making and especially Debrecen style honey cake making, as well as the future perspectives of the profession. The evolution process of honey cake as a traditional open air market product to its many current forms was long and exciting. Operation of the National Value Pyramid, history of honey cake making was investigated and honey cake makers working in Debrecen and Hajdú - Bihar County are introduced in the present paper. The efforts of the Folk Art Association of Hajdú - Bihar County have been summarised, including how it promotes the honey cake - with its thousand year tradition - to remain a popular product and how it supports its members. While innovation is always a key issue for professionals, ensuring that this product is made of (traditional) healthy ingredients stays popular are the foci of Hungarian honey cake makers.

  • Students from Cumania Maior in the Reformed College of Debrecen from 1588 to 1850

    This paper’s aim is to demonstrate the presence of students from Cumania Maior in the Reformed College of Debrecen from 1588 to 1850. The five towns of this region are the following: Karcag, Kisújszállás, Kunmadaras, Kunhegyes and Túrkeve. The reason why this aspect must be researched is the geographical proximity and the influence of Debrecen, because the College controlled the mentioned towns’ education; moreover, the leaders of Cumania Maior are educated in the College, too. The list of these Cumanian students is not elaborated before, so further research is necessary and worthy. The paper introduces the presence of Cumania Maior in the education system, centered in Debrecen, and the students’ frequency, further lives and works of them. The research is based on Series Studiorum in schola Debrecina Helveticae Confessionis Addictorum and the database of János Bakóczi. The database, which was created from the former two, is completed with the individual towns’ Reformed Church records. There are 369 students whose data was put into a 17-column table, and this table was the base of the diagrams. After deducting conclusions, it is considered that the students of Cumania Maior were an essential part of this education-system which is shown in the students’ further lives.

  • Survey of the qualification of fitness trainers for group classes in fitness clubs in Debrecen

    Fitness workouts are easily accessible for everyone, and there are numerous types of fitness centers which can play an important role in everyday physical activity. There are many factors that can influence the choice of fitness consumers for the gym, also fitness professionals play a key role in this regard. It is essential for fitness clubs in order to remain competitive on the market, to employ fitness instructors with the optimal personality and expertise, but in many cases, there is a lack of verification of qualifications. In our study, we conducted interviews with 20 fitness instructors who work in a fitness center that offers group lessons to consumers. The interview included questions about trainers highest qualifications, qualifications related to trainer work and the extent to which this is monitored by their employers. Most of the interviewed trainers have OKJ qualifications, but the results reflect that fitness providers have not checked their qualifications at all before applying them. Controlling the qualifications be in the interest of fitness clubs, not only avoiding accidents, but also increasing attendance at group classes by employing reliable, excellent personal trainers.

  • Introducing the social situation of Hajdú-Bihar County in numbers

    The aim of our study is to provide an overview of the social situation in Hajdú-Bihar County. Hajdú-Bihar County, the economic, educational, scientific and cultural center of the Northern Great Plain region. Its conditions are favorable for fulfilling its role, and it’s economic, educational, commercial, and cultural and health relations are significant beyond the national borders. In connection with Hajdú-Bihar County, it is important to mention the utilization of its logistics role and the role of the regional knowledge base. Debrecen city is the center of HajdúBihar County, this is the second largest city in Hungary in terms of population. For decades Debrecen has been an outstanding role of Hajdú-Bihar County, and the city has a socio-economic impact on the whole region as a regional center. Among the above-mentioned impacts, this study focuses on the social impacts of Hajdú-Bihar County and the calculations based on local and national statistics to support and analyze this impact. The social impacts were examined primarily from a demographic point of view (population, gender, age and composition by educational level, qualifications, employment, income conditions) compared to previous years and national data.

  • Changes of soil chemical properties after sewage sludge compost treatment

    The small-plot experiment with sewage sludge compost (SSC) was started in the spring of 2003. Soil type is acidic Arenosol at the Research Institute of Nyíregyháza, University of Debrecen, in the NE part of Hungary. The applied SSC contained 40% of sewage sludge, 25% of straw, 30% of rhyolite and 5% of bentonite. Four treatments in five blocks have been conducted, where the SSC was applied at a rate of 0, 9, 18 and 27 t ha-1 and then was ploughed into the soil. Treatments were repeated in 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2015. Test plants were maize (Zea mays L.), triticale (x Triticosecale x Wittmack) and green pea (Pisum sativum L.) followed each other in a crop rotation every year. Composite soil samples were mixed from 5 subsamples in each plot from 0-30 and 30-60 cm soil layers after harvesting of test plants. Experimental results showed that composted sewage sludge Régiókutatás Szemle 2018 2. sz. DOI: 10.30716/RSZ/2018/2/5 application had positive effects on the chemical properties of the soil, especially the increase of pH and humus content.

  • Architect-Master Ferenc Orbán’s Court Buildings in Debrecen and its vicinity

    The modern Hungarian judicial system was based on Act IV of 1869 – which regulated the judicial power – and the acts of 1871, which stipulated the formation of courts of first instance. Operating of courts needed suitable and modern court buildings besides personal conditions. The creation of this court buildings took decades. Following the construction period of the country courts (around 1880–1910), the state concentrated on the decent placement of district courts. From the 1910s, it was seen that new district court buildings were built in the country. This process continued in the period between the two World Wars. We can also meet with expert architects in this field. One of them – perhaps less known by the general public – was Ferenc Orbán, an architect-master, who noted the design of a number of district courts in the 1920s. His buildings can be found in our narrower region: in Debrecen, Berettyóújfalu, Hajdúböszörmény and Hajdúszoboszló. This short interdisciplinary study focuses on these and the work of the architect.

  • Sport, nonprofit and civil organisations: The investigation of employment and volunteering in Hungary and in Romania

    The civil organisations started to appear more often around the local regime changes in Hungary and Romania. Most of these civil organisations aimed to perform different tasks in culture, sports or other public purposes. At the same period in the two named countries, Hungary and Romania, a significant change began in employment. Before the regime changes in the two countries, the most important actor on the employer's side was the state itself. However, after 1989, private companies started to employ more employees and play a greater role in the labour market. At the same time, several civil organisations appeared on the local labour markets that could employ people. However, some of these organisations employed a few volunteer employees who covered most of the activities related to the organisational aims of these organisations. Volunteerism became more popular in Hungary and Romania as well. Volunteering is widespread in sport-focused civil organisations in connection with organising smaller or major sporting events. The study aims to explore the employment characteristics of the sectors concerned in the context of volunteering, particularly the study of non-profit and nongovernmental organisations active in the field of sport and measurable volunteering in the field of sport. Based on the hypothesis test results, it can be concluded that due to the different political past, there was indeed some delay in developing the civil sphere in Romania. In the case of both Hungary and Romania, the role of voluntary work is significant. In sports, the role of volunteers has become unavoidable in connection with the operation of various sports associations and sports clubs and the organisation of large sports events.

  • The local history- and photo collection of the Méliusz Juhász Péter library

    The documents in our collection are indispensable sources for local history research. Our goal is to meet the demands of research. We strive to inform our users as versatile as possible about the past and present of Hajdú-Bihar County, the historical Bihar, Hajdú County and Debrecen. We collect and process documents related to the historical Bihar County, Hajdú County, Hajdú-Bihar County, Debrecen and the settlements of the county. We strive for completeness. We pay close attention to the local content produced by the local press and the publications of local people. Since 1968 we have been conducting media monitoring service from national and local newspapers, since 1990 this work has been computerized. From 2013 onwards, our “JADOX Hajdú-Bihar County Local History Collection” database is available on our website. Local book presentations, film shows, exhibitions, presentations are organized by our department. We provide local history researchers with the opportunity to present their research results.

  • Working conditions at the Cannery of Debrecen according to the house organ’s news

    The Cannery of Debrecen started their production in 1969 but the ceremonial handover only took place a year later. One hard argument for the company to be placed in Debrecen was that the city could provide the complete labour force for the completion of the production appropriation of the current plan. This was not always successful, despite the fact that they wanted to solve the employment of women and released agricultural workers with the establishment of the new factory. The management of the factory took different measures to attain and keep the employees, which was not an easy task because fluctuation was high since the working circumstances were unfavourable and the work was seasonal. The increase of domestic demand and export demand for canned products made the management of the company to reach for their “hidden reserves”. One possible form of this was the “socialist brigade movement”, who advertised work competitions. We can also see in the brigade journal entries that the socialist brigades took extra assignments, from these entries we can get an insight into the lives of the employees and what was expected from them.

  • The geopolitical-geoeconomical importance of european integration in East-Central Europe from the late eighties until now

    Due to political reforms in 1990 the geopolitical and geoeconomical situation of the East-Central European countries has changed. In the very first years of the new political era these countries focused on the integration to the European Union. In 2004 the biggest accession ever opened the door to ten new member states resulting a more wider, more complex partnership in Europe. After a decade of their integration it was clear that East-Central European countries have benefited from the membership, in economical and many other ways. They can express their interests much stronger as members of the EU then before their memberships. But their perception regarding deepening the integration is in change. There is a need to express their opinion much stronger. As a result, the geoeconomic interpretation of economic integration has become much broader in sense than in earlier periods, and sometimes involves far more thought than traditional interpretation.

  • Investigation of folk traditions, crafts – preservation of cultural values at the Folk Art Association of Hajdú-Bihar County

    The mission of the Folk Art Association of Hajdú-Bihar County (the Association) is to represent the profession and the interest of contemporary folk art artists, investigate, present and develop the values of folk art crafts. Among the systematic programmes of the Association, there are research programmes, collecting materials in museums and on site, creative camps, professional further training programmes, exhibitions, organisation of regional and national conferences. Among the priority programmes of the Association, the International Pottery Festival and the Handicraft Festival of Debrecen are representative. Regarding creative houses and folk art craft workshops, artists of the Association work in the “Tímárház” studio in Debrecen and maintain workshop galleries (in the towns of Nádudvar, Hajdúszoboszló, Hajdúnánás and Balmazújváros). Of the main research projects of the Association, the following are particular focal points:

    • The Association began to revive the traditions of the almost extinct “Debrecen style” pottery nearly two decades ago. As a result, nowadays eight potters are engaged in the modern interpretation of the pottery traditions of Debrecen in the town and county.
    • Renewing and reviving the “cifraszűr” (embroidered felt-cloak) and clothes made by felt application technique.
    • Exploring and re-teaching the traditions of “Debrecen style” wood goldsmith craft.

    Our present study focuses on our ongoing research projects, results achieved so far and further plans, ways of further investigation of the above mentioned three areas.

  • Examination the information content of the notes to the financial statement through companies with different activities

    The aim of the study is to present the infromation content of the notes to the financial statement using different types of companies. Companies must provide a realistic picture of their assets, financials and profitability position. It is necessary an integrated information system to evaluate the businesses. The data of the financial statement prepared by accounting act are historic, and they are about the past. These data are explained in notes to financial statement. This study investigates 15 notes to the financial statement considering the obligations declared in accounting act in case of different types of company. The companies are selected by expert sampling. The main activity of enterprises are food-retail, services and processing. Both of three scope of activities companies 's notes specific, that mostly the simplified financial statements include several deficiencies. The notes of the financial statements are fully compliance to the rules of the statutue. The reason of the differencies are the different market participants make a different expectation of the notes's importance and preparation.

  • Complex examination of employee health awareness and occupational health promotion opportunities for Debrecen employees

    Recognizing the importance of proper health, people have become increasingly responsible and aware of their health in recent decades. Maintaining health is a rewarding activity for both the employee and the employer in the long run. Investing in the health of employees is at the same time an investment in the successful operation of a company, as for most companies, the employees themselves are the key factors that determine a company’s profitability. Companies can gain a great deal by paying attention to the health of their employees, not only will it make it easier to attract and retain new workforce, but it will also increase employee efficiency. In order to preserve and improve the health of their employees, their health awareness needs to be developed, and employers can do a lot to achieve this process. There are countless opportunities for employers to promote health awareness, healthy eating and regular exercise among their employees. There are countless opportunities for employers to promote health awareness, healthy eating and regular exercise among their employees. Exploiting the potential of corporate health promotion is extremely important and necessary, as it is a long-term profitable investment for both the individual and the company, so its widespread use would be warranted.

  • Legal practice of the Imperial Royal County Court of Debrecen (1853-1861)

    In this study, I would like to present the criminal law practice in the period of neoabsolutism of the Imperial Royal County Court of Debrecen. In this period, the Austrian Penal Code was in force in Hungary, so the primary aspect of my research is how the provisions of the Code were enforced in practice. On the other hand, I try to answer questions about which crimes have occurred most often, what were the most common types of offenses, what characterized the perpetrators' image, and finally what the penalties were imposed in the specified period.

  • Study of Eating Habits among the university students in Debrecen (exploratory research)

    The health and health awareness are getting more and more important nowadays. By the way, there are many health trends, what could be exercise or eating habits. This is one of the more important areas, because numerous studies have confirmed that the obesity, the overweight or even musculoskeletal and chronic diseases are becoming more common in the population. There are several components of health awareness. In my research among the components I analysed the healthy, moderate eating and the consumption of nutritional supplements and vitamins. The aim of my research is to analyse the eating habits of students at the University of Debrecen. I did primary and secondary data collection during my research. The primary research will be implemented in several steps in survey. In my paper I present the results of exploratory research. Based on the first results, it can be concluded that the most students do sports and take vitamin supplements to preserve their health. Food groups were used to assess their eating habits. More than 50% of the respondents consume meat, cereals and dairy products per day. However, most students only consume vegetables or fruits several times a week, which does not meet the latest recommendations.

  • Examination of entrepreneurial willingness among the master students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen

    There is a lot of interest in entrepreneurship today, and there are also many initiatives to introduce young people to the mysteries of entrepreneurship. Starting and running a business requires different competences and a lot of courage. There are many barriers to start-ups, which in many cases discourage people from even starting up. In the present research, I set out to assess the entrepreneurial propensity and competences of Master's students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen. My research question was focused on what future plans the students have, whether they would like to start a business, what barriers they think are related to entrepreneurship, and how they evaluate themselves in terms of their existing competences in starting and managing a business. To investigate my research questions, I created a questionnaire that, in addition to demographic questions, explores existing entrepreneurial experiences, plans, barriers, and core competencies. The questionnaire was administered in March 2022 through a face-to-face survey. 84 Master's students completed the questionnaire. The conclusions of the survey show that the sample is divided in terms of whether young people would like to be entrepreneurs and that a range of barriers are present in young people's lives, but that they rate highly the listed competences for entrepreneurship as self-reported.

  • Institutional and consumer market aspects of regional tourism development along the Lower-Ipoly

    Depending on the macro-level management of tourism, whether a top-down or a bottom-up or integrated tourism development method is applied, the assessment of the organizational and consumer market is an integral part of the status quo analysis. Coordination the stakeholders of the organizational market could be the task of a TDM, however, the linear extent and network of settlements, the specific location, and the unfavourable demographic characteristics raise a number of problems. The study summarizes the results of a research to make foundation for a tourism development concept, outlining the similarities and differences between the two stakeholder groups regarding the tourism needs of the given area. It also covers the preferred types of tourism and the services that make up each tourism product (absolute value, ranking and the ratio to the average). The Lower-Ipoly region can occupy a special position in the tourism market in some aspects (water, bicycle and ecotourism) by combining special product and destination development, as well as experience management and perhaps visitor management elements. Although the limited resources of the organizational market confine the realization of consumer ideas, the success of development is influenced by the demarcation of boundaries, which is a qualitative rather than a quantitative issue and is related to segmentation and differentiated supply. The organizational functions of the destination management are performed by the leading organization of the project currently being implemented. Thus, due to the overlapping maintenance periods, if the projects are sufficiently coordinated, continuous tourism coordination will take place even in the absence of a TDM organization. The results of the consumer market research show that solving the problems arising from limited natural resources requires a significant change in market behaviour not only for tourism service providers, but also for tourists.

  • Analysis of the adequate fluid intake amongst the 3-14 year olds

    Adequate nutrient and fluid intake is the most important thing for the developing body, and for most young people and children, the time spent in kindergarten or school plays a decisive role, as they need to inject adequate amounts of fluid into their body during their daily lives. In our research we examined the age group of 3-14 years in the institutions of kindergartens and primary schools of Debrecen. The survey was conducted in the form of an online questionnaire, the results were evaluated with the help of the SPSS statistical program and MS Office Excel. According to our results, 69.7% of children do not consume the appropriate amount of fluid in their daily lives, which is essential for their development and attention. In the case of schoolchildren, inadequate fluid intake is common, and in order to remedy this, it would be advisable to allow institutions to consume fluid during school hours, or to encourage them by placing water machines. Based on the results, we made further recommendations.

  • The awareness and recognition of the tourism brand "Heart of the Hungarian Great Plain" and its attractions

    The objective of developing a geographical area is, first and foremost, the effective operation, the provision of an appropriate place to live and the well-being of its inhabitants, through the creation of appropriate economic, cultural, technological and ecological conditions. According to Ritchie-Crouch (2003), a tourism destination is competitive, if it has the capability for increasing tourism revenues, attracting tourists continuously, providing visitors with memorable experiences that meet their expectations, and furthermore, for profit generation. At the same time, however, the well-being of the local population must be maintained or increased by the preservation of resources for the future generations (i.e. keeping principles of sustainable development). The dynamic growth in tourism demand is also leading to increased competition between destinations. Intense competition also poses a challenge for the tourism marketing organization in the target area in terms of image building, product development and communication. However, the successful development of tourism can only be achieved through a well-functioning, well-cooperating system. Cooperation is needed both at regional and tourism product level. Although the slogan of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County as a tourism brand, the "Heart of the Great Plain" meets all the requirements for mottos, the recognition by travellers must be validated with market survey. A large sample (n = 1037) survey was conducted among domestic tourists visiting the destination in summer 2019. 71.6% of the respondents identify the county well by the brand “Heart of the Great Plain”, and the proportion of bad answers was trifling. In addition to the recognition of the tourism brand, the research also covered the assessment of the county's various tourism attractions. Twenty-nine tourism attractions were evaluated by the respondents as to whether they were visited or known. Based on the survey results, the well-known supply elements are Lake Tisza, Abádszalók, Jászberény Zoo and Botanical Garden, Cserkeszőlő, the spa resort, Tiszavirág Festival and RepTár, Interactive Aviation Museum in Szolnok. Although the awareness of county tourism attractions is considered favourable, twelve attractions had not been visited by 10% of non-county respondents until the date of surveying, and at least one quarter of respondents in each attraction were negative for a possible future visit. The conclusions of the research point out that by exploiting and developing the existing attractions in the destination, tourism innovation is needed to provide complex experience packages to reach a wide range of tourist segments. This can lead to a significant increase in the number of visitors.

  • Investigation of factors affecting students 'sports habits

    Nowadays, a health-conscious lifestyle has come to the fore, with one of their important components being leisure sports. In our research, we examined the sporting habits of Debrecen university students (n=178) and factors that may influence these habits, with an online questionnaire. We found out that 61% of respondents exercise regularly in their spare time. With the help of a fourpoint Likert scale, we examined how much influence the availability and quality of various sports services have on the students. The highest rating was given to having a friendly atmosphere (3.5), which is followed by good equipment and facilities (3.45). We analyzed how much they spend on their health and how willing they are to spend more on their health if they had more money. For nonsporting students, they more likely to be unsatisfied with their physical condition all the while they spend less on their health. Non-sporting students cited lack of time (3.49) as the greatest turn-off when questioned. A significant percentage of both groups (78.18% of sporting, 86.76% of non-sporting) would be willing to spend more on their health if they earned additional cash.

  • Analysis of Work Attributes According to Kano Modell and Paired Comparison in the Case of Higher Education Students

    The aim of our study is to examine university students' expectations about job attributes, what are their basic expectations and what factors are attractive when choosing a job. We analyzed the answers of 389 students learning at the University of Debrecen and the University of Nyíregyháza. In the study, we combined the Kano model and the pairwise comparison method. The former is related to Noriaki Kano and his colleagues, and categorizes product quality attributes according to their impact on customer satisfaction. The model is primarily used to assess the quality of a product or service, but has recently been used in areas of management like job satisfaction. The other method is the pairwise comparison, when answerers compare the attributes to each other thus setting up an order of importance. The possibility of merging Kano-model and importance is an opportunity to examine job characteristics more accurately and to apply a refined Kano-model that divides the original categories into two subcategories like critical (important must-be), necessary (less important must-be), high value-added (important one-dimensional), low value-added (less important one-dimensional), highly attractive, less attractive, potential (important indifferent) and care-free (less important indifferent) quality characteristics. In our research, we examined the following attributes’ effect on job satisfaction: wage, relationship with employees, long-term employment, the matching of field of education and work, the work environment, the career opportunity, the matching of education level and work, and company size. According to our results, there are job attributes with clear category, such as wage, which high value added attribute and a low salary causes dissatisfaction while high salary causes satisfaction. Long-term employment is a less attractive, modern environment is a highly attractive factor, so the absence of these does not cause dissatisfaction, but the presence increases satisfaction. Finding a matching job is a carefree attribute. This supports the literature that recent graduates take on jobs that require less education than theirs, if the salary and career opportunities compensate for it. At the same time, it is another question to what extent compensation can be realized if the overeducated earn a lower wage than their matched counterparts. It is possible that accepting the initial lower wage is part of the strategy that the employee moving up on his career ladder will be able to earn higher, but it does not work for everyone. Among the characteristics that cannot be clearly categorized, the career option should be highlighted, which was the most mixed category. For some people, it represents a highly value added attribute and its absence causes dissatisfaction (women), for others it is very attractive and its absence is not a problem (men), but in both cases its presence increases satisfaction. However, there is a group for whom this is a critical characteristic, i.e. its existence is natural, its absence increases dissatisfaction, and this is the MSc graduates. In the case of less congruent professions, matching the field of education to the job increases satisfaction more, but its absence does not cause dissatisfaction. The relationship with colleagues has a highly value added for women, i.e. its absence causes dissatisfaction, but it is very attractive for men, in their case its absence is not a problem. Small company size is a reversal (women) or care free characteristic. Employers should therefore pay attention to career opportunities in the case of freshmen’s with higher level of education, to find and integrate an employee who fits into the company’s environment in order to ensure good relationship with colleagues, as well as to the appropriate salary, since the lack of these causes dissatisfaction among significant groups of young applicants.

  • Transforming leadership tasks through the example of Hajdú-Bihar county organizations

    Permanent change is an axiomatic phenomenon in organization life that has its effect every day. Responding to changes is one of the conditions for the long-term survival of an organization. In our study, we looked into the question how changes affect organizations, what perceptible transformations and reactions they evoke or generate in the functioning of organizations. To answer these questions, semi-structure interviews were applied with Hajdú-Bihar county senior executives, owners. Our results showed that consistency, teamwork, and continuous feedback play a critical role in implementing change. Management tasks transform during the change, the proportions of each task shift. Based on the results, it is worth conducting further research on the role of management tasks in organizational change.

  • Necessity of cooperation on pharmaceutical and biotechnology development processes in the Northern Great Plain region

    One of the leading sectors of the Hungarian Northern Great Plain region - a high capital-intensive, long-return, "high risk - high benefit" industry such as red biotechnology – was examined to see what impact its development might have and what expectations the various cooperation opportunities set for the value chain at different points. It can be stated that the industry has serious, decades-long roots in the region. At the same time, following the spiral of the "biotech industry" also comes with new challenges, and a modern, innovative university background is essential for the expansion of the sector and its establishment at all. In the 2020s, new competitors arrived, such as the vehicle and battery industries, which are also high value-added and innovation-intensive industries. In all these areas, industry clusters have been formed, with universities of the region as intellectual hubs. Along these lines, the innovation mechanisms and collaborations of the respective disciplines (biotechnology in this publication) have been renewed, modernised and strengthened, which is also important for managing risks.

  • Employment during the Coronavirus crisis, experiences from the Northern Great Plain Region

    The impact of the pandemic crisis was particularly significant on the labour market. In our study, we sought the answer to what percentage of workers were brought into precarious conditions by the epidemic. Another question was in which industries were the organizations able to use the Home Office option and their practical experience. Based on secondary data, different economic sectors have been affected to different degrees by the viral situation, with low, medium and high levels separated by the literature according to the impact on emissions. Compared to the global average (50%), Hungary has a higher proportion of employees (60%) in the “high” or “medium high” sectors. According to German regional results, education, finance and telecommunications within the service are the areas where teleworking is most applicable to maintain continuous operation and employment. As part of primary research, we interviewed the head of an organization operating in a low-, medium- and high-impact sector in the Northern Great Plain Region. There was no significant change in the “low” category, in the case of “medium” the acquisition activity was pushed into the background, in the case of “high” there was a downsizing. Based on this, it can be said that the Pandemic catalyzed the digitization processes, the Home Office, which was introduced or expanded by force, presumably had a developmental effect on organizations, which effect cannot be left without a trace after the virus situation. The organization’s experience can be utilized if it returns to the “normal” wheelbase by eliminating the disadvantages and strengthening the advantages.

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