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  • A szociális munka törvénye – a szociális munka új korszaka Szlovákiában?

    A szlovák parlament július 9-én hagyta jóvá a szociális munka törvényét, amelyet néhány nappal később a Szlovák Köztársaság elnöke is aláírt. A jelen cikk célja bemutatni ezt a fontos törvényt, megemlíteni főbb területeit, felvázolni szükségességének hátterét, készítésének folyamatát. Szeretném hangsúlyozni, mennyire fontos ez a törvény a fejlődés, a szociális munkások státuszának és a szociális munka társadalmi megítélésének megváltoztatása szempontjából. Szlovákiában a szociális munka jelenlegi státusza egészen sajátos:

    • Nagyszámú, megfelelő végzettség nélküli „szociális munkás”
    • A szociális munka egyetemi oktatását 22 évvel ezelőtt indították újra, az első szociális munkások 18 évvel ezelőtt diplomáztak
    • Nagyszámú végzős szociális munkás (2012-ben 7500)  
    • A gyakorlatban dolgozó szociális munkások alacsony száma
    Ezen tények alapján a szociális munka törvénye meghatározza, kit nevezünk szociális munkásnak, szociális asszisztensnek és egyéb szakértőnek a szociális munka területén.
    A törvény egy másik fontos része a Szociális Munkások Kamarájának létrehozása. Ez egy szakmai egyesület, amely a szakma szociális munkások általi irányítását hivatott ellátni. Fő feladatai a következők:
    • Tagfelvétel és a szakemberek regisztrálása
    • Tanúsítványok specializációkról
    • Etikai és fegyelmi kérdések
    • Ingyenes tanácsadás
    • Jogvédelem
    A törvény harmadik része a posztgraduális képzés új rendszerét és a specializációt mint a szociális munka fejlesztésének szükséges részét mutatja be. A szociális munka törvény meghatározza mind a specializációkat oktató intézményeinek, mind pedig a jelentkezők akkreditációjának feltételeit. A szociális munka törvény ezen része hangsúlyozza a folyamatos továbbképzés és a szociális munka fejlesztése fenntarthatóságának fontosságát.
  • Az együttműködő iskolai szociális munkás
    The study examines and analyses the main issues of school social work in multi-dimensional approaches in  Hungary : deals with circumstance of re-start, professionality, competences and main services of schools social worker. There are in focus: the competence of collaboration,the essence, terms, advantages and disadvantages of interprofessional collaboration.
  • Szociális munka virtuális térben

    The current health crisis we are experiencing because of Covid-19 pandemic has put social worker schools in a new, unexpected position. How can a practice-based training program be organized during a ‘lockdown’ period? How practical skills can be acquired if contact with field teachers, social services and target groups is limited? Assuming that the world will not be the same after the pandemic and that higher education institutions and systems will not be the same after the crisis, we believe that it is time to rethink the forms of work in the training of social workers and to develop practical techniques that suit better the digital generation of 21st century. In order to learn about innovations and good practices arising from the situation, we organized a focus group interview with 15 field teachers. In the course of our research, we sought to answer the questions: What new forms of practical training have been developed? What are the benefits of the online education? What would the field teachers keep from the currently experimented forms of work in the post-crisis period? The first results of our research prove that, contrary to expectations, the world has not narrowed but expanded as a result of the restrictions. With the intensive use of digital tools and forms of work, remote locations and target groups have become available, special knowledge elements have become involved in training, and new opportunities for the development of personal skills have opened in the social worker training. The crisis situation had a particularly positive effect on the emergence of training innovations.

  • Irénke útja - Esettanulmány

    This study is the story of Irénke who never was in a really harmonic relationship with her mother and in hope for a better life she ran into a bad marriage. She gave life to two baby boys but because of the lifestyle of her husband she had to run again. He bullied her constantly. She sticked to his sons like a tiger and tried to stay strong but she had to solve all problems alone. She felt lost so many times and at the end she became depressed. She tried to commit suicide but she wanted to do something against her disease. She sarted to work at an institution that 0helps people with reduced capacity to work and patricipated in a self-knwoledge training as well. Perhaps it was not accidental. She started the traingin lately because she collapsed mentally and was treated in psychiatry. When she joined into the work she was broken, silent and uninterested.

    Then something magical hapend. Her mentor noticed her condition and wanted to help her. Not only her mentor stood up for her but the whole team. They understood Irénke, who never felt lonely anymore. She was not alone with her problems. Because of this „magic” Irénke became more active in the lessons, she felt better and started to love her life. She never felt this way before during her life. She started to bulid her self-confidence and she felt safe in her team.
    Irénke told her story and problems to her mentor who tried to help her in any way. Specialists started to support Irénke and they set up a plan. They examined all options and chose what’s the best for Irénke. Finally they carried through their plan.

    This study is about this whole process. It tells us how got Irénke through the most difficult part of her life with the help of her mentor and friends. The study shows us the mentor’s whole work. It presents what did she to help Irénke. We also can see Irénke’s reactions. She stood up from the floor and became a balanced, happy and peaceful woman. We can see the process how she get from the depression to a happy and balanced life. She found her way and purpose in life. Also Irénke’s mentor became a better person. She developed together with Irénke and also became a more confident person. This study tells us their story and journey to a better life.

  • A Szociális Munka Énhatékonyság Skála magyar változatának reliabilitás vizsgálata

    In our study, we present the development of the Hungarian version of the Social Work Self-Efficacy Scale, the validation process of the Hungarian instrument, and the most important results of empirical data collection on the validity of the scale, mainly based on reliability studies. The scale is designed to measure the self-efficacy level of social worker students. Our research has convincingly demonstrated that the Hungarian version of the scale is valid, works well, and is suitable for use in domestic research.

  • A szociális munka etika oktatása

    How does the teaching of ethics appear in the education of social work and is this enough? I would like to answer to these questions in this article. In my thesis I tried to approach the topic from several aspects. On the one hand, I prepared questionnaires for bachelor students participating in various social work trainings. On the other hand I interviewed students, entrants and tutors. Finally, I reviewed the curriculums of these trainings, searching for subjects, which name refers that the subject includes aspects of social work ethics.
    Why is this topic so important? That is because social work is a profession of human rights, which not only aims to get people to respect rights but to guarantee their implementation and realization. Indeed, the task is to develop and protect these fundamental human rights, too. However, this is only possible if the social workers are aware of the Code of Ethics and the professional values, as essential parts of professional competences.
    The research concluded that the ethics education in universities and colleges is not structured and focused enough and still there are some social work students and professionals who do not know the Code of Ethics, did not hear about the Association of Social Work Ethics. Consequently, they may have difficulties to solve pivotal problems, and recognize dilemmas in the field of ethics.
    Nincs szociális munka szakmai etika nélkül. Ebben valószínűleg mindannyian egyetértünk, ahogy a szakirodalomban is olvasható „…a szociális munkában minden döntés tartalmaz etikai aspektusokat” (Loewenberg, Dolgoff 1988a: 181). Mégis, annak ellenére, hogy a szociális munkának szerves része a szakmai etika – vagy annak kellene lennie –, igen kevés tanulmány található ebben a témában a hazai szakirodalomban. Hogyan lehetséges az, hogy úgy kell kutatni, vadászni a kapcsolódó olvasmányokat? Pedig szükség lenne szakirodalomra, hiszen a „hatékony gyakorlat feltétele a dilemmákhoz való tudatos viszonyulás” (Andok, Tímár 2002: 88). Hogyan jelenik meg az etika oktatása a képzésben és ez mennyire elegendő? Erre a kérdésfeltevésre épül ez az írás.

  • A kritikai pedagógia és a szociális munka kapcsolata: pedagógia a szociális munkában szakemberek nézőpontjain keresztül

    This paper is trying to enlighten the interrelations between pedagogy and social work practice through lenses of professionals and by analysing similar courses of development and professionalization of these two disciplines. My question in this small research basically was how social workers do and educators think about similarities and differences of the two disciplines in practice and in theory as well. Do social workers identify pedagogical situations, which include a process of learning in their social work praxis? If they identify situations when they are participants in a learning process with the service users do they apply educating methods and techniques? Do social workers apply pedagogical methods and skills in their praxis consciously?
    From my point of view the process of empowerment is also a learning process of ourselves and our environment therefore I think social workers would need to facilitate these learning situations to make empowerment happen thus I also think they might need to know of different theories of learning, importance of feedbacks, terms of educational psychology, different learning styles. Based on these thoughts it occurred to me to examine what professionals think about the connection between pedagogy and social work? I was also curious of if social workers can apply a perspective on their professional practise that includes learning situations and educational work as well? Or do they perceive educational work’s and social work’s theories and practises really differently?
    In my research I have done a focal group interview with social workers and educators where we used different approaches on cases from social work practise and try to identify learning situations. In this paper I am using the person-centered approaches of pedagogy and the theory of critical education because I think that is where an overlapping can be found between the objectives of reform education theories and social work.

  • A szociális munkás és a hatalom – válasz Krémer Balázs cikkére

    The article responds to Balázs Krémer's article "From the Social Worker of Power to the Power of Social Work - Discussion Paper on the Crisis of Social Work" and the related online professional debate. In my article, I summarize my views on the historical and social embeddedness of social work in Hungary, including the apparent contrast between social policy and person-oriented social work, the contrast between improvisational and standardized social work, the phenomenon of client management, and the empowerment to interpret the social profession.

  • Veszteségek feldolgozásában nyújtott támogatás, gyászolók kísérése a szociális munka praxisában a szociális munkás szakemberek viszonyulásának tükrében

    The changes of the recent years have strongly used the flexible adaptability of social workers, and the difficulties experienced on a personal and professional level have put their emotional capacity to the test. For a long time social workers were faced with numerous situations where they had to stand up in a way and in roles in which they did not have enough knowledge and information to solve the task(s) at hand. It is also often observed that social workers working in the institutional system behave with reluctance in relation to the losses and grief of their clients, and do not participate in situations requiring crisis intervention. There has been and continues to be an increased need to support the mourning process, so it is necessary for social workers to have adequate knowledge, to be understanding and be ready to participate in the accompaniment of grief in order to provide and organize appropriate help in this regard. The study examines the place of accompanying grief and crisis intervention in the practice of social workers.

  • A Szociális Munkás Empowerment Skála magyar változatának validálása

    In our study, we present the development of the Hungarian version of the Social Worker Empowerment Scale, the validation process of the Hungarian instrument, and the most important results of empirical data collection on the validity of the scale, mainly based on reliability studies. The scale is designed to measure the empowerment level of practitioners. Our research has convincingly demonstrated that the Hungarian version of the scale is valid, works well, and is suitable for use in domestic research.

  • Az Országos Rabbiképző – Zsidó Egyetem: Az 1877-ben alapított Rabbiképző Intézettől a Zsidó Egyetem Szociális Munkás képzéséig

    The Jewish Theological Seminary, founded in 1877, aimed to combine modern scholarship with Jewish religious traditions. However, the golden age of the Institution and its world fame followed the cruel destruction of the Holocaust. Then, for forty years, the communist dictatorship made life difficult in the Jewish community. Despite the persecutions, the Jewish Holocaust survivors, along with the second and third generations, quickly revived the traditions from the 1990s and the Jewish community became an active, organized community again. One sign of this is that the Rabbinical Seminary has become a university, the Jewish Theological Seminary – University of Jewish Studies. Part of this process is that training for social workers began in 1995. The study is a historical outline of the institution that has been operating continuously in Budapest for 150 years. How and why was it created? How do they find their place and what answers do they give to social problems today? It reviews the professional values ​​and principles of social worker training and tries to reflect the special Jewish features of the University.

  • Az elhívás: a szociális munka gyakorlatának spirituális modellje

    In making a carrier choice, many Christian students find the social work profession a good fit with their religious faith. Many specifically relate their faith to their choice of social work. Buti t doesn’t take long in their social work studies for these students to begin to recognize the complex tensions between religious faith, agency auspices, and the secular values of the social work profession. My intent in this paper to explain, or more accurately to reintroduce, the religious model of calling as used by Christian social workers, past and present, in linking Christian faith and professional social work practice.

  • Etikai kódex jelentősége a szociális professzióban

    A tanulmány az etikai kódex jelentőségével foglalkozik a szociális professzióban. Elsőként áttekintjük, hogy mit is jelent a szociális munkás szakma mint hivatásrend, milyen ismérvei vannak. Ezt követően a hazai Etikai kódex létrejöttének főbb állomásait mutatjuk be, kitérve arra, hogy mi indokolta annak megszületését, valamint ezzel párhuzamosan az Etikai Kollégi-um megalapítását. A Kollégium működése kapcsán azt kívánjuk bemutatni, hogyan is zajlik az egyes esetek kivizsgálása, ezeknek milyen fókuszai lehetnek, egyáltalán milyen típusú ügyeket azonosítanak a szakemberek etikainak. Majd két anonimizált, ügyvitelből származó esettel illusztráljuk a Kollégium működését. Tanulmányunkat az etikus szakmai munka keret-rendszerével zárjuk, annak hangsúlyozása érdekében, hogy az etikai kérdések megvitatása, az etikus magatartás a szakmai kultúra része és a professzionális működés alapvető eleme kell, hogy legyen. Kitérünk a Kódex megújításának lehetséges irányaira is. Tanulmányunk alapja a 2017. november 7-i Szociális Munka Napján tartott A szociális szakma etikai dilemmái a 3Sz Etikai Kollégium szemével c. előadás

  • Kutassunk együtt – A kutatási gyakorlat és a kutatótáborok szerepe a szociális munka oktatásában

    Rethinking the relation of theory and practice is in the focus nowadays regarding social studies. Define the ideal rate of practice in study programs is not easy, just as to determine those competencies and knowledge that able to reply to the differing needs of the labor market. The need-to-know basis which defines directly the tools of a practicing social worker is changing steadily by the societal- and economic transformation. Accordingly to this phenomenon, raise awareness relating to the learning process, innovative tools for both informal and formal (extra-)curricular trainings have become important features of education. In this learning environment, students are able to focus on better knowledge, understanding, and traceability of their individual growth.  Moreover, innovative methods create an opportunity to develop values, attitudes, and professionalism. Organizing and implementing research-camps, where students can deepen their knowledge of social research methods, is perfectly fits this approach. We have to see that learning is not an activity we can define precisely, rather something complex, strongly determined by the situation, as different people learn differently, indeed, the same person has different ways to get the knowledge in different situations. This is particularly true for research-camps where the specific learning environment has catalyzing role in transforming procedural knowledge. One advantage of procedural knowledge is that it can involve more senses, such as hands-on experience, practice at solving problems, understanding of the limitations of a specific solution, etc. Camping is an outstanding and effective stage in social learning as well. Experience as usable knowledge in subsequent situations may remain by reflecting on solving problems and experiences. (Gruber & Garabás, 2018) In the practice of the Department of Community and Social Studies (University of Pécs) students participate in research planning and implementing from the setting of targets through data collection and processing till publishing results. Studied phenomenons, processes, and correlations are often the proofs of the complexity of society for those with significantly different socio-economic backgrounds. The community-shaping effect is another crucial aspect in the integration of research-camps into our curriculum. The decreasing number of full-time students and the fact that most of them are employees (self-supporters) affect the quantity and the quality of community activities. Research-camps, besides deepening and exploiting knowledge, create opportunities for collaboration and savoring mutual experiences.

  • A szociális munkások munkahelyi biztonságáról, a kockázatokról és a szakma identitáskríziséről

    I have been trying to finish this paper for years. I started when, in the summer of 2018, a father of three children who was being evicted for not paying a foreign currency loan killed one of our colleagues, the only person who tried to do something for him in a hopeless situation. Initially, I wanted to write about the safety of social workers at work and the possibilities of risk management. I was invited to a committee of experts to draw up recommendations on this subject. While writing the expert opinion, as a social worker, I tried to assess the risks that threaten our colleagues in their daily work, and also what we can do, or who at all can do and what to control these risks. I also realized how much an intervention is worth that doesn’t affect the most serious risks, it just makes recommendations to colleagues on what to do if, for example, a father deprived of his child shows up in the office swinging an ax. In addition, interventions come at a price. What can social assistance work be like without intimate counselling rooms, but with police protection, panic buttons, paprika spray, official person! badge, and so on. I also participated in the group of experts whose first report on a serious malpractice case also appears in this issue. And then came the coronavirus epidemic. And now I have completed the study, which is actually about the crisis of our profession and what can to be done to manage it.

  • A művészetterápia szerepe a serdülőkori depresszió kezelésében
    As social workers we frequently meet teenagers who are suffering from some type of depression. Of course social workers cannot heal them, or use therapy, but we do have to do everything in our power to form a trusting relationship with them as our clients. They need to communicate with us, which is already a challenge when it comes to the relationship between an adolescent and an adult. My project’s goal was to find the use and role of art therapy in our work with clinically depressed adolescents.
    In my research I write about the typical signs and forms of depression, and explain a few theories about the cause of the illness. Then I introduce different types of art therapy, mainly focusing on their use in social work. I examined different methods in art therapy and made a few recommendations about how they could be used in working with depressed clients.
    During my work I was very careful not to overstep the lines of social work. As I said, we cannot cure depression, but we can use certain tools of art therapy as a bridge between the social worker and the client whose age and illness makes it even more difficult to build a trusting relationship.
  • Szociális munka, mint hivatásrend

    Katz Katalin a jeruzsálemi Héber Egyetem szociális munkás és szociálpolitikai szakán végzett, évtizedeken át dolgozott szociális munkásként, családsegítőként, szupervízorként, dolgozott lelki beteg gyermekekkel, drogfüggőkkel. 1987 óta a Héber Egyetemen tanít, egyik fő kutatási területe a személyes és kollektív emlékezet. Az ELTE TáTK szociális munka MA és szupervízor szakirányú továbbképzés meghatározó alapja. Katz Katalin 2019. szeptember 28-án az ELTE TáTK Szociális Munka Tanszéke Tanszéki Csütörtök c. rendezvénysorozatának keretében tartott előadást Szociális munka, mint hivatásrend címmel.

    Amikor Katit erre a témára felkértük, a hivatásrend alatt a professzionális keretrendszert értettük.  Az elmúlt években látható, ahogy kifeszül a kerete a szakmának, klienscsoportok rekesztődnek ki és a szociális munka önmagába záródik (roskad) és mindez leképeződik a napi működésben. Közpolitikai diskurzus nem igen van. Erről gondolnia kell a képzőknek, terephelyeknek, felelősségünk a diákok felé, hogy nem szolgálhatjuk ki a torz társadalmi valóságot. De mi a mozgástér? Mibe kapaszkodhatunk? Mik a valid értékek? Erről szerettünk volna tanulni.

  • Párbeszéd a romok között – reformgondolatok a személyes gondoskodást nyújtó szociális szolgáltatásokról

    The topic of the article is status in the present of the Hungarian personal care social services, the problem map of the care system and the range of possible and necessary measures. The author identifies nine problem areas in the social field, within he identifies further phenomena. Based on these, he identifies twenty measures, that are necessary to prevent the crises of the social welfare system and to development of the area.

  • A szakmai identitás, mint a szociálismunkás-képzés egyik kulcskérdése

    Social worker identity development is a key to helpers’ effectiveness. Institutions of higher education have their own systems to assess knowledge and skills. Measuring attitudes, and emerging autonomy and responsibility remains a challenge, though the developmental level of these latter components are fundamental to the motivations and reflectivity of the practitioner.  Identity Structure Analysis is a method to explore the main elements of professional identity, identity formation and dynamics. Our sample included 57 social work practitioners. Our results indicate that a degree in social work, research and critical thinking were considered of secondary importance as compared to continuous professional development opportunities.  Self-awareness trainings and clinical supervision were identified as key training resources. Based on our results, curriculum development should include considerations on professional identity development. Continuing professional education, trainings, mentoring, and clinical supervision are essential resources for social worker practitioners during their career.

  • A szociális munka gyakorlati kutatása

    A tanulmány a szociális munka kutatásának ma már egy nemzetközileg dinamikusan fejlődő irányzatát, a gyakorlati kutatást mutatja be. Szándéka az új szemléletű és szellemiségű gyakorlati kutatások lehetőségeinek felvázolása, diskurzusok kezdeményezése. Továbbá motiváló szándékkal hozzájárulni e kutatások kimunkálásához, megszervezéséhez és kivitelezéséhez mind a professzionális, mind a gyakorlatban dolgozó szociális munkás kutatók számára. A különböző kutatási paradigmák, az ún. gyakorlati fordulat, a tudomány és gyakorlat viszonyának érintése alapján áttekintésre kerülnek a szociális munka gyakorlati kutatásával összefüggő, a szakmai és kutatói körökben folyó párbeszédek, e kutatások ismertebb definíciói, céljai, lényegi jegyei, tárgyai, tipológiái, metodológiái és nemzetközi szerveződései.

  • Traumatizált szülők a segítő kapcsolatban - Az őstörés jelentősége a gyermekvédelemben

    A tanulmány azokról a gyermekkorukban súlyosan traumatizálódott felnőttekről szól, akik kliensként egy szociális szolgáltatás – ezen belül is leginkább szülőként a gyermekvédelem – látóterébe kerülnek életvezetési problémáik, elmérgesedett konfliktusaik, gyermekeik veszélyeztetése miatt. Körbejárva a traumatizált szülők jellegzetességeit, illetve ezen ügytípusok lefolyását, a tanulmány szerzője megállapítja, hogy a szociális munkások kompetenciája nem terjed ki a korai trauma okozta pszichózis kezelésére, illetve amire kompetenciájuk és küldetésük kiterjed (pl. a gyermek veszélyeztetettségének megszüntetése), azt a traumatizált szülő heves védekezési reakciói miatt nem képesek kezelni. A szociális munkások kompetenciáján túl a szociális szakma intézményei, valamint jogszabályi keretei sem alkalmasak a traumatizált szülők eseteibe való megfelelő és hatékony beavatkozásra. Annak felismerése, hogy bár a megoldandó feladat ott áll a szociális munkás előtt, annak megoldását mégsem érheti el, frusztrációt okoz, valamint az arra érzékenyeknél felerősíti a kiégés folyamatát. A traumatizált szülő felismerését támogató jellegzetességek összegyűjtésén és elemzésén túl a szerző kísérletet tesz az ebben a helyzetben a szociális munkások által alkalmazható eszközök számbavételére.

  • Beszámoló az International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) prágai küldöttgyűléséről és konferenciájáról

    Report on the annual delegate meeting and professional conference of the European region of the IFSW (International Federation of Social Workers) held in Prague in May 2023. The Hungarian Association of Social Workers (HASW) participated in the event with 4 people in person and online. The article summarizes the professional topics and proposals around which the conference was organized.

  • Az együttműködés a szociális munka egyik kulcsa és eszköze

    Starting out from the relevant international and Hungarian literature and current Hungarian social work practice this study examines the different aspects of cooperation. The reasoning for cooperation one of the main part of professional helping activity follows in context of the ideas and international definition of social work. The key elements viewed in a system represent the areas of interaction with so-called inter-model and cooperation is demonstrated as a key-competence for social worker. The qualitative aspects of cooperation are discussed: such as its dynamics, learn ability, map for development, community and interprofessional characters and finally the difficulties that may hinder cooperation.

  • Az óvodai és iskolai szociális munka bevezetésének tapasztalatai szolgáltatásvezető, szakmai koordinátor és a szolgáltatást gyakorló szociális munkás összegzésében

    Based on our experience we introduce the results, difficulties and challenges we have faced in the establishment and operation of a service that started in 2018. Our work is intended as a feedback link to train social helpers in kindergarten and school, reflecting from practice to theory, hoping to contribute to the complex functioning of the so-called 'theory' and 'practice'.