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A magyarországi szociálismunka-kutatások néhány kontextusban
Views:634In their study authors are seeking answer to the question whether social work research in Hungary can be characterised by scientifical and/or practical orientation and accordingly what its role in is maintaining the gap in the profession between theory and practice. The paper examines Hungarian social work research in a quasi-systematic review, for which theoretical backgrounds are views regarding social work practice research and social work knowledges, explored in previous papers of the same authors. The empirical base of the review is an analysis of the essays published in the two-volume collection ’Tudományos gondolkodás és kutatás szerepe a szociális munkában’ (translate as ’Role of scientifical thinking and research in social work’) being an adequate representation of recent Hungarian research on social work. The review indicates that Hungarian research on social work can be placed on a continuum ranging from theoretical to practical approach, although research involving practitioner-researchers, or examining and developing the practical knowledge are not typical features of it.
A kritikai pedagógia és a szociális munka kapcsolata: pedagógia a szociális munkában szakemberek nézőpontjain keresztül
Views:140This paper is trying to enlighten the interrelations between pedagogy and social work practice through lenses of professionals and by analysing similar courses of development and professionalization of these two disciplines. My question in this small research basically was how social workers do and educators think about similarities and differences of the two disciplines in practice and in theory as well. Do social workers identify pedagogical situations, which include a process of learning in their social work praxis? If they identify situations when they are participants in a learning process with the service users do they apply educating methods and techniques? Do social workers apply pedagogical methods and skills in their praxis consciously?
From my point of view the process of empowerment is also a learning process of ourselves and our environment therefore I think social workers would need to facilitate these learning situations to make empowerment happen thus I also think they might need to know of different theories of learning, importance of feedbacks, terms of educational psychology, different learning styles. Based on these thoughts it occurred to me to examine what professionals think about the connection between pedagogy and social work? I was also curious of if social workers can apply a perspective on their professional practise that includes learning situations and educational work as well? Or do they perceive educational work’s and social work’s theories and practises really differently?
In my research I have done a focal group interview with social workers and educators where we used different approaches on cases from social work practise and try to identify learning situations. In this paper I am using the person-centered approaches of pedagogy and the theory of critical education because I think that is where an overlapping can be found between the objectives of reform education theories and social work. -
Infokommunikációs technológiák használata a szociális munka gyakorlatában
Views:363The article examines how the growing use of ICT affect social work practice, from online counseling to community work and advocacy. I will discuss the changes required of social workers; what kind of skills, competencies and literacy they need to ensure high quality, professional, value driven, and ethical practice. The question to be answered is: what difficulties are presented when integrating technology, and what can be done to assist both practioner and client to optimally achieve that integration. Examples of current and future utilization opportunities, as well as the strengths of applying new technology in social work practice will be presented. Weaknesses, limitations, contraindications and the potential pitfalls of technology usage will also be discussed. A short introduction to the Hungarian and the international professional policies, standards, guidelines and Codes of Ethics on ICT based social work practice and telemental health will be provided as a framework in which to consider these important questions.
Tudás a szociális munkában – az elmélet és a gyakorlat viszonyában
Views:2374The study analyses the nature of knowledge in social work for better understanding the distance („gap”) between theory and practice. It provides a systematic synthesis of the theoretical interpretation and framework of social work knowledge furthermore summarizes the connection between this knowledge and the social work practice in Hungary. The spectrum of social work knowledge can be classified by numerous aspects, but it covers a much wider area than the theoretical or practical character of knowledge. The authors anticipate that each aspect of this knowledge has relevance for social work, therefore the deeper analysis and understanding of their roles can contribute to reducing the gap between theory and practice.
Az elhívás: a szociális munka gyakorlatának spirituális modellje
Views:140In making a carrier choice, many Christian students find the social work profession a good fit with their religious faith. Many specifically relate their faith to their choice of social work. Buti t doesn’t take long in their social work studies for these students to begin to recognize the complex tensions between religious faith, agency auspices, and the secular values of the social work profession. My intent in this paper to explain, or more accurately to reintroduce, the religious model of calling as used by Christian social workers, past and present, in linking Christian faith and professional social work practice.
Reflections on six decades of professional social work fundamental principles for social workers
Views:138What principles have I found to exist over my six decades of social work that are central to the profession and are still applicable in today’s complex world? What has guided social work in its quest to address the myriad, ever changing and most difficult problems facing our societies irrespective of the continent or country? In my professional journey these practice guides can be synthesized into 13 basic principles that can serve as a strong foundation and are still highly useful today. In my over 55 years as a professional social worker, studying the individuals and writers who were seminal to the profession to those who emerged during the mid-20th century, certain principles emerged. These principles arose from both practice and academic areas and have provided grounding and guidance that has led to the successful delivery of social work irrespective of the decade or location.
Professzionális és etikus IKT-használat a szociális munka gyakorlatában – a nemzetközi ajánlások áttekintése
Views:212The article examines the use of information and communication technology in social work practice, from online counseling to community work and advocacy. I will discuss − according to professional organization’s policies, guidelines, standards and codes of ethics – what the requirements of a professional, value driven and ethical practice. I introduce the key areas of integration of ICT into social work practice, these are: ensure access (both practioners and clients), appropiate regulation and financing, the role of the higher and continuing education of establishing essential competencies, and the ethical questions and issues.
Tapasztalati tanulási módszerek helye és szerepe a szociális képzésekben
Views:258The present study seeks the place and role of experiential learning methods in social trainings – primarily BA in social work and BA in social pedagogy. The provoking sentence is in the writings of Dominelli (1997), who states that those who only participate in trainings become less innovative thinkers, rather they become professionals who can only solve practical problems.
The author of the present study is committed to the use of training and experiential learning methods. The experience of a teacher / trainer in social work and social pedagogy in BA courses confirms that this method is what can form a bridge between theory and practice and is able to integrate the two approaches. With my writing I support that the method – by its framework, its methods based on experiential learning and the personality of the trainer – leads to the modern and innovative social expertise that characterizes the reflective social professional. -
Az ELTE szociális munka alapképzés innovatív elemei és útkeresési törekvései
Views:259In our study, we would like to present the challenges of recent years and the different innovative training methods in the social work BA training program at the University of Eötvös Loránd. The study puts the focus to the practical elements of the social work training program, analyse the skills development subjects and the practice field work. It is important to note that the first and second waves of COVID–19 pandemic have brought several challenges to organize and realize the social work training program, so the study will reflect them as well.
Szociális munka virtuális térben
Views:269The current health crisis we are experiencing because of Covid-19 pandemic has put social worker schools in a new, unexpected position. How can a practice-based training program be organized during a ‘lockdown’ period? How practical skills can be acquired if contact with field teachers, social services and target groups is limited? Assuming that the world will not be the same after the pandemic and that higher education institutions and systems will not be the same after the crisis, we believe that it is time to rethink the forms of work in the training of social workers and to develop practical techniques that suit better the digital generation of 21st century. In order to learn about innovations and good practices arising from the situation, we organized a focus group interview with 15 field teachers. In the course of our research, we sought to answer the questions: What new forms of practical training have been developed? What are the benefits of the online education? What would the field teachers keep from the currently experimented forms of work in the post-crisis period? The first results of our research prove that, contrary to expectations, the world has not narrowed but expanded as a result of the restrictions. With the intensive use of digital tools and forms of work, remote locations and target groups have become available, special knowledge elements have become involved in training, and new opportunities for the development of personal skills have opened in the social worker training. The crisis situation had a particularly positive effect on the emergence of training innovations.
A szociális szolgáltatások hatásosságát és hatékonyságát érintő néhány kérdés
Views:147The paper investigates the effectiveness and efficiency of social services, as well as terms and questions related to them, regarding their role in service organization. At first it makes an attempt to clear up some words with similar meaning, including ones based on quality and outcome. Then it reviews the historical roots concerning efficiency and effectiveness, followed by researches took place in social work particularly, covering the related terms, the trend called managerialism, then the quality management, witch originates from it, and the evidence based practice. Next, the topic related fundamental indicators are presented, according to the measurability of social work, naming some indicators it could measured with while evaluating. Toward the end the relation between service planning/organizing and efficiency/effectiveness, and the relevant terms considering this relation are discussed.
Az együttműködés a szociális munka egyik kulcsa és eszköze
Views:1063Starting out from the relevant international and Hungarian literature and current Hungarian social work practice this study examines the different aspects of cooperation. The reasoning for cooperation one of the main part of professional helping activity follows in context of the ideas and international definition of social work. The key elements viewed in a system represent the areas of interaction with so-called inter-model and cooperation is demonstrated as a key-competence for social worker. The qualitative aspects of cooperation are discussed: such as its dynamics, learn ability, map for development, community and interprofessional characters and finally the difficulties that may hinder cooperation.
Felkészülés és képzéshasznosulás a segítő szakmákban: Összehasonlító tanulmány
Views:230The objective of the study is to investigate the integration of social work students in the labour market in order to develop social work BA-level education. The research is based on a quantitative questionnaire completed by a number of 196 University-graduate respondents. The data collection was carried out in three institutions: Partium Christian University, University of Pécs, and University of Debrecen. According to the results, most experts consider themselves well prepared, but they have some shortcomings in their skills such as knowledge of foreign languages, financial literacy, project management, application writing, research methodology and understanding social processes. University education should focus more on these areas. Most of the professionals are satisfied with their education, but the proportion of the average evaluators is also high. It was found that the relationship between the knowledge acquired in the university is not significantly related to job satisfaction, and certain skills can be retrofitted during work practice.
Perspectives of problem-based learning in social higher education
Views:96The paper provides insight into the theoretical and methodological features of problem-based learning PBL), as one of challenges and contemporary to advance active learning in higher education. The method was first developed in the realms of medical education, but in recent years it has reached a rather wide range of professional training programs, including social work education. Following a condensed theoretical overview of the method, the author outlines the concept and thematic structure of a short (four-day) introductory workshop for teachers and curriculum developers working in higher education of social workers and allied professionals, who would have the chance to discuss the possibility of introducing the method in their teaching practice as a starting point towards the integration and development of a more practice-oriented training of social professionals.
Veszteségek feldolgozásában nyújtott támogatás, gyászolók kísérése a szociális munka praxisában a szociális munkás szakemberek viszonyulásának tükrében
Views:92The changes of the recent years have strongly used the flexible adaptability of social workers, and the difficulties experienced on a personal and professional level have put their emotional capacity to the test. For a long time social workers were faced with numerous situations where they had to stand up in a way and in roles in which they did not have enough knowledge and information to solve the task(s) at hand. It is also often observed that social workers working in the institutional system behave with reluctance in relation to the losses and grief of their clients, and do not participate in situations requiring crisis intervention. There has been and continues to be an increased need to support the mourning process, so it is necessary for social workers to have adequate knowledge, to be understanding and be ready to participate in the accompaniment of grief in order to provide and organize appropriate help in this regard. The study examines the place of accompanying grief and crisis intervention in the practice of social workers.
Az óvodai és iskolai szociális munka bevezetésének tapasztalatai szolgáltatásvezető, szakmai koordinátor és a szolgáltatást gyakorló szociális munkás összegzésében
Views:647Based on our experience we introduce the results, difficulties and challenges we have faced in the establishment and operation of a service that started in 2018. Our work is intended as a feedback link to train social helpers in kindergarten and school, reflecting from practice to theory, hoping to contribute to the complex functioning of the so-called 'theory' and 'practice'.
Az egyénközpontú megközelítés története, módszertana, és alkalmazhatósága Magyarországon
Views:90This article is about the history and methodology of person-centered planning related social work with people with disabilites. My goal is to present the underlying values and princples of the person-centered theory together with practice. I would like to give some example to the practice from international experiences and articles since we don’t use person-centered planning in Hungary (yet). Furthermore I analyze what kind of difficulties we have to consider when we think of using this method in our country, and if it would be possible to apply it during the course of deinstitualization.
A közösségi részvétel komplexitása: szakmai szempontok a közösség meghatározására és bevonására
Views:206This paper compares the perspectives of six professions -social workers, lawyers, nurses, physicians, psychologists, and public health professionals- on ways to improve the health and social conditions of a prototypical low-income urban community. It examines how the cohort defined and deliberated on the process of involving “the community” in addressing issues facing a hypothetical neighborhood, even when the question was not part of the research guidelines. A framework for constituency participation emerged from the data and was further developed to include 5 components: “who, why, when, ways and what level.” The type, level, and meaning of community was complex and multi-faceted, raising critical questions about professional-community relationships and the role of community development practitioners. Ultimately, community participation was identified as both difficult and transformative at the same time. Attention by community practitioners to the “five Ws framework for constituency participation” may maximize positive outcomes for collaboration between professionals and community.
Családi és szociális kapcsolatok a nyugati határszélen: Módszertani kitekintés a belső „kliensmigráció” kapcsolathálózati vizsgálataiba
Views:157The investigation of social resources that facilitate problem-solving plays a major role in the understanding of internal client migration. This study deals primarily with the investigation of family- and social network in the broader sense by examining the risk factors of the given field. The quality of relationships determine quality of life in general. The intensity, depth and content of these relationships are all important resources in the personal life of the client. Besides these personal relationships, professional supporting relationships that help improve or maintain quality of life play a dominant role in the life of migrating clients. A further aim of the study is to review the literature and methodology of case diagnostics in the field of practice of individual and family-level case work. Thereby, we can interpret the system of lack of resources related to internal client migration and thus we can relocate the focus points of complex supporting work.
Misszióból professzió: Bevezető gondolatok a szociális munka esszenciális elemeinek koncepcionális építkezéséről
Views:176In this study, I outline the appearance of the mission of American social work in the second half of the 19th century, and then the construction of the conceptual elements of the profe ssion. The choice of cited, typically American authors is also narrowly tailored, however, in my opinion, they give an authentic picture of the conceptual construction of the profession and adequately depict the development arc that the profession, which started from the religious charity and has now matured into a profession and a science, has gone through in the last 125 years. In addition to all this, I also try to answer such questions as, for example, where are the boundaries between religious and professional assistance, what does professionalism mean in social work within a religious community or church, and what is needed for a better integration of spirituality into the professional practice.
Mentális zavarral, hajléktalanságban élő személyek segítése - a BMSZKI gyakorlatának rövid bemutatása
Views:209Persons living with mental disorders and homelessness belong to a particularly vulnerable client group. The stigma associated with mental illness reinforces the stigmatization of homelessness. If someone receives a psychiatric diagnosis, society treats it as a label and categorizes the person. Fear of being labeled undermines the motivation of people with mental disorders to seek help. A good example of this is the case of people living in homelessness and with mental disorders, who do not want to take on another stigma in addition to the stigma of homelessness and therefore do not use help or services in connection with their mental problems. Another difficulty is the problem of accessibility to services. The F3 report on the 2020 homeless data collection "After the criminal law - before the pandemic" Péter Győri's summary work Becoming homeless - services - perspectives shows that 29% of the respondents were receiving psychiatric treatment. The misconception that "homeless people are mentally ill, psychiatric patients" can be found in the work of Péter Győri (Győri, 2020). At the same time, we know that not all people with mental disorders appear in the care system, so there may be more than 29% of people who are affected by the problem. The Budapest Methodological Social Center and Institutions (BMSZKI) has developed a complex rehabilitation service for people living in homelessness and with mental disorders in cooperation with the Awakenings Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to present this practice.
A történetek, avagy milyen módon használhatjuk a bibliai és más történeteket a szociális munkában?
Views:100In this short essay, I wanted to show how I use stories to help my clients, students, and colleagues transform chaotic reality into a meaningful story with a specific meaning.