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    Over recreation health tourism – mainly wellness tourism – services also ensure knowledge acquisition by informal learning for health. Depend upon former results this study formulates such examination directions by that this sector of tourism can became effective place of health education.


    The short and long-term effect of tourism on behavior can be verified by empirical studies mainly in ecotourism. The results of present research focus on the short-term impact of be-havioral attitudes on health tourism and post-journey health behavior. The study is basically based on the guidelines of international literature, showing a discrepancy in the applied sta-tistical calculations. The analysis was performed in the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test, for further confirmation from the descriptive statistical calculations using median and mode tests. According to the responses, the health tourism trips appeared in a field of support for the maintenance and development of health.

  • Health tuurism as scene of formation of behaviour - demonstration - of possible research directions

    Over recreation health tourism – mainly wellness tourism – services also ensure knowledge acquisition by informal learning for health. Depend upon former results this study formulates such examination directions by that this sector of tourism can became effective place of health education.

  • The Health Status of the Romani Population in the Context of Societal Crisis

    The Romani population in Central Europe is fighting with many societal problems. Societal crises appear in connection with employment, housing, demographic development and backwardness in education. All these factors have a negati ve impact on the health of the population: the health status of the Romani is worse than that of the non-Romani population living around them. The compensati on of these disadvantages does not solely depend on providing equal opportunities. The Romani people’s special diseases originating from their special genetic characteristics and their way of life distinguish them from the non-Romani population. A uniform treatment does not offer a solution. In their healthcare we should consider and give priority to the Romani specific
    diseases, such as founder mutati ons common in the Romani populati on as autosomal recessive disorders. Whereas the mutati ons frequently observed in the Romani groups are sporadicin other, non-Romani populati ons worldwide. Thus the founder mutati on analysis is important for predicting the incidence of certain rare diseases not readily thought about in non-Romani, yet possibly present in the local Romani populati ons, especially when diagnosti c problems appear. The research of these diseases is especially important in terms of populati on genetics, public health, and also economically due to the expansive existence of the Romani populati on. The identification of these diseases allows a rapid diagnosis and in some cases it also delays the onset of symptoms. It can have a great impact on public health intervention as it makes the planning and the implementation of targeted preventative measures possible.

  • Application of decision-tree on wellness tourism visitors~ health behaviour changes

    In the case of social science research, the link between observation and theory can cause difficulties for researchers. Direct observation and measurement are rarely possible. Because the processes are constantly changing, it is possible to observe the phenomena once. Some of the models of mathematical, statistical methods are made in uncertain circumstances, which take into account the more important factors, but also the probable variables can be expressed. The technique used to make such a model is the decision tree method, which is a graphical model used in decision making, in which several choices are available and their outputs are uncertain. The study illustrates the use of this model, focusing on the health behavior of individuals involved in health tourism travel.

  • The Instrumental Health Condition Assessment of Two Elderly Sessile Oak Stands in the Börzsöny Mountains and the Gödöllő Hills

    Many of the climate change researchers believe that in this century the average temperature is expected to rise apart from the climate becoming more extreme (Solomon et al., 2007). These weather anomalies can significantly influence the living beings, including the range limits of plants. This could seriously effect our indigenous tree species, some prognoses assume that the 82-100 % of the zonal spread of the sessile oak will have fallen outside the optimum climate area in tthe Carpathian Basin by 2050 (Czúcz et al., 2013). Such and similar forecast make the climate tolerance and health condition examinations of the sessile oak stands particularly important, so that we can measure the changes in plant communities. We have examined the health conditions of two elderly - over the age of 100 years - stands with the FAKOPP +D Acoustic Tomograph. One of the stands can be found in the Börzsöny Mountain, s while the other one in the Gödöllő Hills.

  • Analysing of the health awareness of soft drinks among young adults using an eye camera test

    The megatrend of striving for healthy nutrition is a constant and indisputable reality. In our pilot research, we investigated an essential but often overlooked area of nutrition for consumers, focusing on the well-known players in the hydration field: soft drinks. Our study involved a group of 30 high school graduates aged 18-19, who represent a real purchasing power in the food market, and therefore the understanding of the mechanisms behind their purchasing decisions is a key issue. Our primary research was structured along two main pillars, the first was to understand the internal unconscious influences, which we investigated using a fixed eye camera. The second pillar consisted of a questionnaire survey, in which we asked participants about their background, their individual preferences and questions about what they saw during the eye-camera study. Monitoring gaze tracking enabled us to examine what participants were focusing on when they looked at the front or information side of a beverage package. Our research also included an eye-camera analysis of promotional posts on social media platforms. We compared the data collected using the eye camera with the subjective health awareness of the participants and created groups. For each group, aggregated heat maps were created, which provide a visual representation of the distribution of gaze in each image.

  • Branding Hungary as a Health Tourism Destination: Asynchrony Problems

    Branding a country as an attractive tourism destination is an extremely complex and long-term endeavour. There are several brand assessment systems using diverse methodology for creating brand indices for countries. In the Bloomberg brand indexing system Hungary is ranked 20th in Europe and by Future Brand 23rd in 2014. These placements are indicators of a relatively poor performance of Hungary as a nation brand and warrant an integrated image building effort
    independent from the changing political power structure. There are certain basic principles to adhere to in branding a tourism destination be it settlement, regional or country level. One of the keys to succesful branding is synchronising marketing efforts on different levels. Asynchronous communication and strategies lead to confusion in image perception, hence the weakening of the brand. The present paper aims to examine some of the asynchronies in the branding of Hungary as a health tourism destination.

  • Bio-Resources of the Future – Using Unconveni onal Biotechnology

    Using specifi c bio-techniques of compared medicine contribute to the improvement of animal health, to increase the produci vity of animal products, to the conservai on of various animal species and also advances in human health. Transgenic animal organisms can be used for fundamental research (ideni fying genes, elucidai ng the funci ons of genes, controlled modifi cai on of genes); for pharmacological studies, especially chemicals that can act on tumour cells, to obtain recombinant proteins; bioreactors; food biotechnology etc. Bio-food is an alternai ve source for the future’s generai on and economy. All professionals and specialists in this fi eld must have a prevision, they must take into account the current bio-food possibilii es and sizes depending on the market needs, to
    conserve and develop new resources of food. 

  • Capacity to handle complexity – The importance of contextual awareness in healthcare communication in English as a lingua franca

    Hungarian healthcare providers – as most of their colleagues around the world – engage in interaction with foreign patients, whom they do not share a mother tongue with, in English as a lingua franca (ELF) most of the time. These communicative situations pose great challenges to healthcare providers, as they have to be capable of adjusting their language use to their patients’ cognitive, linguistic and communicative-pragmatic schemata which often differ from their own. In order to develop such a capacity, ESP classes must focus on improving health science students’ awareness in exploring various ELF contexts which form ground for making informed decisions on the use of terminology. The present research aims at showing the complex dynamic nature of these ELF contexts based on empirical data collected via interviews with Hungarian healthcare providers who have extended experience in working with patients in international environments. The results can inform the everyday practice of ESP teachers in the field of the health sciences.


    In recent years, the number of investigations related to healthy lifestyles, health and behavioral aspects of the listed topics are continuously growing. These research activities also analyze the links and the impacts of these topics on the everyday life. This article seeks to answer the very broad question of how to increase prosperity and living standards in rural areas. Placing the topic in the rural aspect is of special social significance, as the rural area represents a significant share not only in the EU, but also in Hungary.

  • Assessment of the New Regional Plan in Mongolia with regards to Rural Development and Urbanization Issues based on Arkhangai and Uvurkhangai Provinces

    This study discusses the relationship between the rural development process in Mongolia regards to its rapid urbanization issues.This paper took Arkhangai and Uvurkhangai, two similar provinces, and compared their rural development from 2013 to 2021 to understand the complex relationship between rural development and urbanization issues. A chain-based method, fixed-based method as well as per capita methods were used to get more accurate results from the comparison. The results confirmed that ongoing rural-to-urban migration due to more access of education, workplace, etc. (due to its more attractive factors) slows down the development of such factors in that rural area, putting the whole process in a cycle. As for the two provinces, the infrastructure, education, health level is all similar, but their potential economic growth is specialized in two different sectors. Arkhangai has more agricultural products due to its land and soil resources and Uvurkhangai has more potential for the tourism sector. It can be concluded that the government’s new plan of dividing the country into six regions with specialized enterprises would be a good idea for future rural development projects (previously there were only four regions existing).


    Globalization changed employee preferences, advances in technology, changes that make organizations face new challenges. Existing human resource management systems need to be reviewed or even new ones need to be created. “My hobby is my job, my job is my hobby,” says the saying, but how is it possible to attract a potential workforce and keep it afterward? Gamification is one of the possible answers of HR to this issue. Generation X, Y, and Z employees show significant differences compared to their predecessors, therefore innovative solutions are needed to maintain a long-term, productive, and loyal working relationship and satisfaction. The aim of this study was to explore the history of the development of gamification, the increase in its popularity, and its causes. After describing the methods of gamification, it presents the field of application of gamification based on domestic and international literature. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that well-applied gaming can be an effective solution in the fields of health preservation, education, learning, motivation, business, marketing, and human resource management.


    The aim of the article is to present the tourism as a potential developing phenomenon of the rural areas. The positive impacts of the tourism on the economy and appear in connection with the labour market and the investments. Tourism can have a postive effect on the health condtions of the citizens, mostly because of the increase of the sporting activity level. The employees formerly employed by the agricultural sector can easier move to the service sector because of the development of the rural areas.

  • Experience seeking behaviour of generation X and Y in Hungarian health tourism

    In tourism there is an increasing demand for those medical and wellness supplies that offer enyojable experience. The appearance of television had huge influence on the formation of leisure time amongst X generation (born between 1965 and 1976). The aim of the present study was to compare generation X and Y according to experience seeking behaviour. We supposed that Y generation is more involved in wellness tourism and active recreation than the older X
    generation. The sample consisted of 275 persons. X (n= 60) and Y (n = 89) was questionned on the internet. X (n = 84) and Y (n = 42) was questionned in Barack Thermal Hotel & Spa****. We used own, non-valid questionnaires. Amongst generation X, there were 33 persons who primarily wanted relaxation and time off. 16 persons chose recreation, 9 had medical purposes and 2 persons wanted to have amusements. Amongst generation Y, there were 55 persons who
    primarily wanted relaxation and time off. 16 persons chose recreation, 1 had medical purposes and 17 persons wanted to have amusements. We did not find statistically significant differences between generation X and Y in the aspect of active recreation and wellness tourism. Further research required to differentiate experience seeking behaviour amongst generations.



    A jelenlegi koronavírus világjárvány bebizonyította, hogy mennyire sérülékeny az emberi populáció a fertőző betegségekkel szemben. Az emberiség történetében az egyik legrégebben jelenlévő, számos nagy járványért felelős vírus az influenza. Alapbetegségként is, illetve a hozzá társuló másodlagos fertőzések okán is az egyik legnagyobb fertőzésveszély-forrás, amely hosszú története során több millió ember haláláért felelős. Korábbi kutatásaim során sikerült bizonyítanom a beadott influenza elleni védőoltások és az influenza megbetegedések előfordulása közötti összefüggéseket. Jelen tanulmány célja annak bemutatása, hogy a Magyarországon alkalmazott influenza elleni védőoltások milyen kapcsolatban vannak, illetve milyen hatást gyakorolnak az egészségügy egyéb területeire és ezáltal hogyan hatnak az életminőség alakulására. A felhasznált adatok egzakt statisztikai forrásokból származnak, a felhasználásukkal elvégzett számításokból levont következtetések pedig bizonyítják, hogy az influenza elleni átoltottság mértéke kimutathatóan pozitívan befolyásolja a különböző betegségtípusok előfordulásának gyakoriságát, illetve lefolyásának súlyosságát. Ezen kívül szignifikáns hatással bír a várható élettartam alakulására is.


    The current coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated the vulnerability of the human population to infectious diseases. Influenza is one of the oldest viruses responsible for many major epidemics in human history. It is one of the greatest sources of risk of infection, both as a basic disease and as a result of secondary infections, which has been responsible for the deaths of millions of people throughout its long history. In my previous research, I have been able to demonstrate correlations between administered influenza vaccines and the incidence of influenza. The aim of the present study is to present the relationship between influenza vaccines used in Hungary and their impact on other areas of health care and thus on the development of quality of life. The data used are from exact statistical sources, and the conclusions drawn from the calculations performed using them prove that the degree of influenza vaccination has a demonstrably positive effect on the frequency and severity of different types of disease. It also has a significant effect on life expectancy.


    The examination of the presence of learning in leisure activities and in tourism has become popular in the past 20 years. There are a lot of publications in this area but there are differences in the type of learning, the persons studied , and the methods of the s urvey. The aim of the present study is the further processing of the database of a questionnaire tested, in the course of which we reveal the correctness of the further classification of the sample beyond the exploration of
    learning applying the m ethod o f discriminant analysis.

  • Application of bioeffector soil inoculation method development in a pot experinment with tomato

    Fertilizers, pesticides, soil disinfectants and other agrochemicals enormously have increased the agricultural productivity recently. Beside the well-accepted positive yield-effects, however, the structural soil-degradation, acidification, decrease of soil life and soil health is also known. Alternative technologies are urgently needed to develop for the sustainable agri-, horti-, viti- and silvicultural productions. The beneficial microorganisms, used as biofertilizers, biopesticides and/or soil-vitality products can reduce those disorders; therefore their use is increasing simultaneously. Bioeffector (BE) products, containing vital strains of the beneficial microorganisms might improve the qualitative and quantitative properties of the plants. The effects of BE1 - Trichoderma harzianum T-22; BE2 - Pseudomonas sp.; BE3 - Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Rhizovital 42 F1 were tested in large-pot experiment of using tomato (var. Mobil) in 4 replicates. The BE-s were applied according to the instructions of the producers, in 1 step with the sewing. Before the emergence of the tomato seedlings the BE products was enhancing primarily the growth of the weeds, which is known to develop much faster, than the host. Among the tested bioeffectors, the BE 3, known to enhance P-uptake proved to be the most efficient, both as single and as combined inoculums. Result was comparable with the fertilizer (triple-superphosphate) addition. Study has shown, that the application of BE products might be accompanied more seriously with the used agricultural technology and the physiological properties of the living biofertilizer strains. A second inoculation after the seed emergence and/or the plantation could be highly suggested mainly with BE 3, which might mobilize the hardly available phosphorous in the soil.

  • The DON-Toxin Content Analysis of the Milling By-Product

    Thanks to the favourable impact of the vintage effect occurring in recent years the Fusarium contamination of wheat and consequently a high DON toxin concentration has often caused a problem. The DON toxin in terms of human and animal health is a serious food safety risk factor. Therefore, it is important that there be methods during the wheat milling process, which reduce the level of the toxin. We proved in our earlier examinations that with the help of a modern colour sorting machine the DON toxin content of wheat items can be significantly reduced. The question is how the mycotoxin content of the by-product produced in parallel during the process changes, which is used primarily as animal forage. The authors present an analysis of these relevant experimental data. The results show that the toxin content of the by-product exceeds the toxin content of the initial wheat item.


    There is an old advertising slogan: ‘Insurance is security’. This is a watertight establishment both from an economic-philosophical and an insurance-theoretical view. Those who strive for security, insure themselves. The mountaineer acts this way if he or she takes a security rope with himself or herself or the acrobat who has a security net stretched under himself or herself before his or her ‘death leap’. The businessman does the same who insures not only his dangerous deals but also his seemingly safe transactions to the necessary degree. He strives for security, he is fully aware that he has to manage risk; his civilization in this field leads him to the culture of insurance and security, so much so that nowadays the need for security has been associated with every success-oriented economic and financial transaction. The study gives a historical account of the development of insurance and security and the culture of security from ancient times to the present complemented with the corporate circle, with the central problems of health insurance.

  • Availability of services as a basis of the formation of the modern quality of population`s life

    The article discusses the possibility of improving the quality of the population`s life on the basis of increasing the availability of social services. The author shows the possibility of using an interdisciplinary approach in the analysis of consumption of services in the spheres of education, health, culture, sport and
    other. The results of the research can be used to introduce clarity into the state social policy.


    In recent years, the circular economy has become an important objective of the environmental protection and economic policy of the European Union. As part of this, waste processing and disposal has a cardinal feature due to the reduction of the environmental load, in the same way, the trends of the consumer society pose a serious challenge to the reduction of the environmental load. The present study looks for the answer to what kind of relationship can be identified between the generated waste, the solvent demand and the concentration of residential health by analyzing the generated household waste and individual welfare indicators. To establish this, the authors use concepts accepted and applied in international statistical life, as well as statistical tests performed on primary data.

  • The Fat Tax in 2011 and in 2012

    Approximately 119 million of the US population, that is 64.5 percent of the adult US population are either overweight or obese. 17.5 million young, obese people live in the European Union. The proportion of overweight or obese people is higher than 60% in Hungary. It causes a dramatic increase in health expenditure. Possible solutions include the introduction of a fat tax. Hungary introduced the fat tax in 2011. The rate of fat tax has increased in 2012.

  • Tourism and leisure sport habits

    According to a survey among college students, there is – however on low level – positive connection between sport tourism consumers’ general health status (Cramer’s 0,089) and satisfaction of their life (Cramer’s 0,114). Aim of this study was to explore additional correlations. The questionnaire (N=360) permitted
    analysis not just of sport tourism but also general tourism habits. We have explored statistic data of general tourism, and inside of this physical activity habits and by additional statistic methods we could get results of further correlations such as leisure sport activities of tourists and effects of tourism sport activities for leisure activities at home.

  • The health resort sphere in Russia and evaluation of its potential for development

    The article deals with the historical aspects of the sanatorium-resort complex formai on in Russia and it presents the assess of its current state; the main sources of funding of sanatorium- resort treatment for Russian citizens are described; tendencies of development of the market of SPA-services were shown; it includes informai on about the ways how to improve the services compei i veness; methods of the evaluai ng for poteni al of development in sanatorium-and-SPA services sphere are presented.