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  • Role of Children in the Case of Parental Food Store Choice

    Family as a primary decision making unit of society have a significant role in purchase decision making processes of individuals. It has a significant role in consumer socialization and in the process how children become consumers. It is a frame, within what children learn to behave as consumers, acquire all
    competencies concerning to purchase and consumption, and hence become competent to other consumers. Change of children’s role within the family is in the air in the last period, and this has an effect on purchase decision making processes within the family maybe on food store choice too. 


    The aim of the article is to present some of the factors influencing the EBIT based on qualitative data with the help of the questionnaire filled in by the company managers / owners in relation to the examined food retailer companies operating in Hungary. Define a dependent-independent relationship between the examined variables, thus providing a basis for further quantitative research.

  • Licensed traditional small-scale producer or food processing? – The situation in Vojvodina

    World tendency is that the food production is concentrating (although the animal husbandry practices in family farms relatively high yet in Vojvodina). Meanwhile there is a demand for such food products that are not uniform, which are special, local specialties. In the case of such products the higher price level is also achievable. Agricultural producers with low educational level in Vojvodina that are sidelined from industrial production, which yet – by the way – knows the food processing technics from their ancestors, the primary food processing could be mean a good alternative to supplement their income, of course besides appropriate authority control. The relation between the agricultural product prices and the food prices is very loose nowadays; the agricultural product prices do not have significant effect on the product prices. Food vendors can make higher profit then food manufacturers or their primary commodity manufacturers (Buday-Santha, 2011). The producers could be used this market gap in order to create a more livable area for themselves. As Mrs. Szörényi (2011) stated, the economically sustainable rural area is feasible among others with increasing of income generation. However despite to that the Vojvodian rural area and the Serbian legislation do not recognize sufficiently the concept of primary food manufacture. Agricultural actors unexperienced in the field of food safety are found difficult to cope with this situation. As long as they want to sell their products in processed form (not dairy product), in that case they have to establish a food processing plant. In order to resolve this, the Hungarian primary food manufacture regulation could be a good example, which involves the relevant regulations related to control and taxes too.

  • Bio-Resources of the Future – Using Unconveni onal Biotechnology

    Using specifi c bio-techniques of compared medicine contribute to the improvement of animal health, to increase the produci vity of animal products, to the conservai on of various animal species and also advances in human health. Transgenic animal organisms can be used for fundamental research (ideni fying genes, elucidai ng the funci ons of genes, controlled modifi cai on of genes); for pharmacological studies, especially chemicals that can act on tumour cells, to obtain recombinant proteins; bioreactors; food biotechnology etc. Bio-food is an alternai ve source for the future’s generai on and economy. All professionals and specialists in this fi eld must have a prevision, they must take into account the current bio-food possibilii es and sizes depending on the market needs, to
    conserve and develop new resources of food. 

  • The Possible Principles of the Modelling of the Traceability System of Spice Pepper in Vojvodina

    The need for product traceability in Vojvodina has been emphasized by the adoption of the European Union legislations. All the actors of the food chain should participate in order to accomplish this traceability. The authors have elaborated and introduced such a model in the pattern of spice pepper production, processing and sale that makes traceability more transparent as well as adoptable to the local - in many cases deficient – legal framework. The raw material food-safety appropriateness and the final product origin can be justified by this system.

  • The Children’s Role in the Food Purchase Decision-Making Process

    In our present paper we wish to give a closer picture of store, product and brand choice in the food purchase decision-making process. We examined the role played by children in the family purchase decision-making process, especially in store, product and brand choice at daily and big shopping. In our research we applied - apart from bibliography review and secondary research - primary qualitative (deep interview) research. On the basis of our qualitative research findings children play an important role in the family purchase decision-making process, but this role is not dominant. According to our research findings children play a bigger role in the store choice at big shopping and in the product choice when they choose the product for their own consumption.

  • The qualitative and quantitative research of hungarian origin effect on private label food brand choice in east Hungary

    Nowadays there is more and more focus on researches of food shopping behaviour, as its key role in social practices -and in the shaping of life quality after all - is inevitable due to social effects of basic re-structuring and their undisclosed nature in the post socialist countries. These social effects are still going on because of the crisis and changes in trade politics.Earlier researches more or less focus on abstract ranges, separating daily social behaviour from their solid contexts.This is why I chose East Hungary with its smaller decretionary income and purchasing power as the spatial focus of my reasearch and the method of focus group discussion and questionnarie with food shoppers in the frame of a qualitative research and quantitative research. On the other hand, one of the reasons of the timeliness of chosing this topic is that several researchers (Totth, 2012, Polya-Szucs, 2013; Szakály, 2014) and market research institutes came to the conclusion that Hungarian customers prefer products of Hungarian origin to goods from abroad if they are cheaper than their foreign equivalent. That is why for Hungarian customers cheap own brands can be a priority even over less costly imported goods.

  • The Fat Tax in 2011 and in 2012

    Approximately 119 million of the US population, that is 64.5 percent of the adult US population are either overweight or obese. 17.5 million young, obese people live in the European Union. The proportion of overweight or obese people is higher than 60% in Hungary. It causes a dramatic increase in health expenditure. Possible solutions include the introduction of a fat tax. Hungary introduced the fat tax in 2011. The rate of fat tax has increased in 2012.

  • Start-up Soluti ons in the Field of Product Liability, Insurance, and Agribusiness

    Many companies do not realise even today that the acquisiti on of adequate insurance cover has become a separate profession. The largest companies employ a special, so-called ‘risk manager’, who has extensive experti se and considerable experience on the basis of which he considers, analyses, compares various opti ons and makes decisions bearing in mind the interests of his company. The three quarters of agricultural products are semi-fi nished products or processed food products; therefore the Product Liability Act can be interpreted more easily in the case of agricultural products. I am convinced that preference is given to those companies and products that meet the strict criteria and have been given a clean product certi fi cati on, which means that they are polluti on-free products and have a product liability insurance.

  • The Mother’s Role in the Health Conscious Consumer Socializati on of Children

    In our research we were looking for a relati onship between childhood obesity and the mother’s body type, lifestyle. We have examined the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of respondent mothers with the use of Cramer’s V coeffi cient. The opinion of respondents does not refl ect the reality in Hungary. The Cramer’s V coeffi cient, which measures the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of mothers was medium: 0.519, which means that the respondents cannot assess their own BMI and body type. The body type of children perceived by their mothers was also inaccurate. According to our research we can state that body type of mothers exercises infl uence on the body type of children. The extent of infl uence depends on the age of children (3.6 – 8.5%).

  • Analysis and comparison of the asset situtation of the hungarian poultry and pork sector between 2005 and 2015

    Meat has been playing an important role in the nutrition of humanity from the beginning of time; therefore meat is a fundamental foodstuff. Global population is steadily increasing and people consume more and more foodstuff with high added value including meat and dairy products. In context of meat production and consumption, poultry and pork sector are the major predominant sub-sectors not only nationally, but also internationally. Pork sector had a definite leading role until the end of 1990s. However, this trend has undergone changes and poultry sector is predicted to have this leading role, according to current trends. The aim of our research is to reveal and analize what impacts this structural change have on businesses in these sectors including their asset situations.

  • Food Labels from the Point of View of Consumers

    On the basis of our secondary research fi ndings it can be stated that the majority of young Hungarians are intensive consumers of foods with a high level of fat, salt and sugar. We can state that they do not understand the noti ons of food labels, and are not aware of the signs’ meaning on product packages. Only half of the young read the list of ingredients on the back of products. The situati on is even more aggravated as only 40% of respondents are aware of the eff ects of components (by their own avowal). There are no food labels supporti ng consumer decisions in Hungary. It is necessary to take other countries’ practi ce into considerati on, for example the practi ce, the food labels of the USA and the idea of the Hungarian Nati onal Heart Foundati on.


    Ma már egyre inkább ismert az étkezési tojás pozitív hatása, az anyatejhez hasonló, teljes biológiai értékű fehérjéket tartalmazó élelmiszer. Miután relatíve olcsó, magas tápértékű komplex táplálékforrás, az emberi szervezet napi állatifehérje-szükséglete a legolcsóbban és a legkisebb környezeti terhelés mellett a tojással fedezhető. Hasonlóan más élelmiszerekhez, a tojással kapcsolatos fogyasztói igények is jelentősen változtak az elmúlt években, egyre inkább előtérbe kerül az állatjólét, valamint az egészség- és környezettudatosság, s ennek okán egyre több kérdés merül fel a különböző tartásmódokkal, különösképpen a ketreces rendszerekkel kapcsolatosan. Ennek kapcsán a tanulmány célja, hogy megvizsgálja a különböző tartásmódok fenntarthatóságbeli kérdéseit, valamint a fogyasztók egészségére és tojásfogyasztásra ható tényezőit, a releváns nemzetközi szakirodalmak és adatbázisok szintetizálása révén.

  • The Examinati on of Buying Habits in the Case of Hungarian Food Products

    Hungarian customers have become more price sensiti ve and more conscious and their shopping occasions have become bett er planned as a result of the world economic depression. The freshness of the product, the price level, and the choice of goods have remained important aspects when choosing the place of shopping, but the signifi cance of special off ers and price reducti ons has increased for customers. Our research fi ndings show that one goes shopping less
    frequently than a couple of years earlier. The decrease of the frequency of shopping also means that the scope of shops visited has become wider; the customer is willing to go farther for a bargain; the convenience of shopping plays a secondary role. Because of go-around shopping customer royalty has fallen and customer spending has spread thin over shops.