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  • Analysis of the affective factors of learning mathematics among teacher trainees
    The Hungarian National Core Curricula gives primacy to the development of abilities and the practical application of knowledge. The task of the training programme is primarily to prepare teacher trainees for the teaching and educating profession. As teachers, they are going to plan, organize, help, guide, control and evaluate the learning of mathematics of individuals and groups of students from the age of 6 to 10 (12), and cultivate their mathematical skills, thinking and positive attitude towards any mathematical activities. In order to train educators who are able to meet the above requirements on high standard, it is necessary to update the teacher training programme based on the trainees' preliminary knowledge and motivation level.
    The key to learn about the child's mind and achieve conscious development is the systematization of factual knowledge and methodological awareness. The modern, flexible approach to subject pedagogy, based on pedagogy, psychology and epistemology, qualifies trainees to educate learners who understand and like mathematics. Therefore, it is essential to develop the trainees' positive approach to mathematics and arouse their demand for continuous professional improvement. (Programme of the four-year primary school teacher training, 1995.)
    In our research we are looking for ways of ascertaining the starting parameters which have influence on the planning of the studies of mathematics and subject pedagogy. In this article we introduce a questionnaire by the means of which we collected information on the trainees' attitude and its changing towards mathematics. With the help of the analysis of the answers we paint a picture of the ELTE TÓFK (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teacher's Training) third year students' attitude to the subject, and we compare it to the tendencies noticed in the mass education. The energy invested in learning is influenced by the assumption of the relevance and importance of the subjects. Therefore we considered it also our task to reveal. Besides the students' attitude toward mathematics and their assumption about their own competence we have collected data also on their performance in the subject. Summarising the research results we show the advantages of the questionnaire, and summarise the observations which would indicate need for methodological changes in the mathematics teacher training.
  • E-learning in teacher training
    A research has been organised with three Colleges taking part during the academic year of 2002-03. These institutions were
    • The Teacher's Training College of Baja
    • Eszerházy Károly College of Eger
    • The College of Nyíregyháza
    The aim of the research was to reveal differences between results of students studying in the traditional way and of students using e-learning.
    The survey has been carried out among students of PE (physical education). A distance educational programme (Basics of Gymnastics) developoed before launching the survey served as basis for the survey [5]. The results of the research were first presented at the Agria-Média Conference in 2004. After analysing the results the findings were presented at the 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems in Orlando, Florida in July 2005.
    This paper tries to reveal the structure of the e-learning programme, the environment of the research and the latest results found after the final analyses of the research.
  • Teaching student teachers: various components of a complex task
    In this paper we summarize various aspects of teacher training and teaching student teachers (mainly concerning teachers of upper secondary school and High school). We stress several hints and recommendations to better achieve the obviously important aim: they should learn doing, understanding and teaching mathematics!
    Of course, our view is particularly influenced by European traditions, but we think most of them equally apply to teacher training and teaching student teachers elsewhere. Neither is the paper meant to give an all sided overview about the problem field of teacher education as a whole, nor does it contain provocative, completely new ideas. We just want to describe our view of some aspects, based primarily on our personal experience in the mentioned field.
  • Dynamic methods in teaching geometry at different levels
    In this paper we summarize and illustrate our experiences on DGS-aided teaching geometry of the courses "Computer in mathematics" and "Mathematical software" held for students at Juhász Gyula Teacher Training College of University of Szeged. Furthermore, we show examples from our grammar school experiences too. The figures in this paper were made by using Cinderella ([19]) and Euklides ([21]).
  • The mathematics teacher trainee as an assistant teacher
    The experiment described in the article aims to answer two needs at once: that of assistant teachers in schools, and that of a more practical training of mathematics teachers. The answer suggested is a model of school experience where mathematics teacher trainees work as assistant teachers in schools. An attempt to realize this model is described, and it is evaluated positively.
  • Ist eine schnelle tiefgehende (und nachhaltige) Änderung in der Vorstellung von Mathematiklehrern möglich? - Reflexion der Erfahrungen eines Fortbildungskurses im Bereich der mathematischen Modellierung
    Based on the material which was worked out within the project LEMA (2006-2009) pilot-teacher training courses were organized in the six partner countries, so in Hungary as well in the subject: Practice of Modelling tasks in the classroom. According to the tests which were filled out by the participants the conclusion was formulated that they achieved some changes in their pedagogical knowledge and in their estimation concerning their self-efficacy, but they didn't have shown any changes in their beliefs of mathematics and mathematics education. However according to their experience as project partners and leaders of the Hungarian course the authors have the idea that despite of the international results there are changes in this subject in the case of the Hungarian participants. This way can formulated the question:
    Which changes can be observed in the case of the participants concerning belief towards mathematics and mathematics education after the course and how long-lasting these changes are?
    The question is examined on the example of two teachers who were participants of the course.
  • Teaching polygons in the secondary school: a four country comparative study
    This study presents the analysis of four sequences of videotaped lessons on polygons in lower secondary schools (grades 7 and 8) taught by four different teachers in four different countries (Belgium, Flanders, England, Hungary and Spain). Our study is a part of the METE project (Mathematics Educational Traditions in Europe). The aims and methodology of the project are described briefly in the introduction. In the next section of this paper we describe various perspectives on teaching and learning polygons which were derived from the literature, concerning the objectives, conceptual aspects and didactic tools of the topic. The next two sections introduce the main outcomes of our study, a quantitative analysis of the collected data and a qualitative description linked to the perspectives on teaching polygons. We conclude by discussing some principal ideas related to the theoretical and educational significance of this research work.
  • The application of modelling tasks in the classroom – why and how? with reflections on an EU teacher training course
    The aim of the article is to present the concept of mathematical modelling in the classroom. LEMA (Learning and Education in and through Modelling and Applications) was an EU Comenius funded project in which mathematics educators from six countries worked to produce materials to support teachers' professional development. A group of voluntary Hungarian mathematics teachers were taught modelling for a year and we were and still are given feedback continously. The article leads us from the general concept of mathematical modelling to its practice in the classroom. It presents difficulties that teachers have to face when doing modelling lessons and their students' reactions are also mentioned. We present sample tasks from the material of the teacher training course as well as tasks that were created by the participants.
  • Preliminary e ects of mathematics curriculum development for primary school student teachers in Sárospatak Comenius Campus
    Hungarian students' mathematics performance has been getting weaker in the past few years. A possible solution to stop this tendency is to develop curriculum. Therefore, Hungarian researchers have been refining a particular framework of curriculum development in primary school teacher training programmes. The national curriculum is designed on the assumption that learning can be broken into a sequence of levels and students can evenly succeed in gaining knowledge at successive levels. In this paper, we want to discuss how to reduce students' difficulties with different background to grow competence at successive levels.
  • Psychology - an inherent part of mathematics education

    On the chronology of individual stations of psychology and their effect on mathematics education designed as working document for use in teacher training.
    The article is structured as a literature survey which covers the numerous movements of psychology towards mathematics education. The current role of psychology in mathematics education documented by different statements and models of mathematics education should provide a basis for the subsequent investigations. A longitudinal analysis pausing at essential marks takes centre of the continuative considerations. The observed space of time in the chapter covers a wide range. It starts with the separation of psychology from philosophy as a self-contained discipline in the middle of the 19th and ends with the beginning of the 21st century. Each stop states the names of the originators and the branches of psychology they founded. These stops are accompanied by short descriptions of each single research objective on the one hand, and their contributions to mathematics education on the other hand. For this purpose, context-relevant publications in mathematics education are integrated and analysed. The evaluation of the influence of concepts of psychology on teaching technology in mathematics is addressed repeatedly and of great importance. The layout of this paper is designed for the use as a template for a unit in teacher-training courses. The conclusion of the article where the author refers to experiences when teaching elements of psychology in mathematics education courses at several universities in Austria is intended for a proof on behalf of the requested use.

    Subject Classification: 01A70, 01-XX, 97-03, 97D80

  • Die Stichprobe als ein Beispiel dafür, wie im Unterricht die klassische und die bayesianische Auffassung gleichzeitig dargestellt werden kann
    Teaching statistics and probability in the school is a new challenge of the Hungarian didactics. It means new tasks also for the teacher- and in service-teacher training. This paper contains an example to show how can be introduced the basic notion of the inference statistics, the point- and interval-estimation by an elementary problem of the public pole. There are two concurrent theories of the inference statistics the so called classical and the Bayesian Statistics. I would like to argue the importance of the simultaneously introduction of both methods making a comparison of the methods. The mathematical tool of our elementary model is combinatorial we use some important equations to reach our goal. The most important equation is proved by two different methods in the appendix of this paper.
  • The role of representations constructed by students in learning how to solve the transportation problem

    The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to study the role of concrete and table representations created by students in learning how to solve an optimization problem called the transportation problem. This topic was learned in collaborative groups using table representations suggested by teachers in 2021. In 2022, the researchers decided to enrich the students’ learning environment with concrete objects and urged the students to use them to present the problem to be solved. The students did it successfully and, to be able to record it in their notebooks, they constructed a table representation by themselves without any help from their teacher. After that, they managed to solve the problem by manipulating the objects. At the same time, each step in the solution was presented with changes in the table. The students were assessed before (pre-test) and after collaborative learning (test) in both academic years. The pre-test results were similar, but the test results were better in 2022. Therefore, it can be concluded that using concrete and table representations constructed by students in learning how to solve transportation problems makes collaborative learning more constructivist and more effective than when they use only table representations suggested by their teachers.

    Subject Classification: 97M10, 97M40

  • Report on the "English Language Section of Varga Tamás Days 2009"
    The 9th English Language Section as a part of the Varga Tamás Days was organised by the Department of Mathematics Education at the Teacher Training Institute of the Eötvös Loránd University. We report on the talks and the following discussions in this section.
  • Report on "English Language Section of Varga Tamás Days": annual meeting, 11–12 November, 2005, Budapest, Hungary
    The Department of Mathematics Education at Teacher Training Institute of Eötvös University organised the 5th English Language Section as a part of Varga Tamás Methodical Days. We discuss the activities based on the authors' abstracts.
  • Learning and Knowledge: The results, lessons and consequences of a development experiment on establishing the concept of length and perimeter
    In the paper the four main stages of an experiment are described focusing on the question as to how much measuring the length and perimeter of various objects such as fences, buildings by old Hungarian units of measurements and standards contribute to the establishment of the concept of perimeter.
    It has also been examined in what ways and to what extent the various forms of teaching such as frontal, group and pair and individual work contribute to the general knowledge, thinking, creativity and co-operation in this area.
    It will also be shown to what extent folk tales, various activities and games have proved to be efficient in the teaching of the particular topic.
    Every stage of the experiment was started and closed with a test in order to find out whether the development was successful and children managed to gain lasting knowledge in this particular area.
  • Experimentieren um einen Satz zu finden - vollständig separierbare Mosaike auf der Kugel und ihre Anwendungen
    This paper reports a case-study which took place within the project named "Inner differentiation and individualization by creating prototypes and analogies under consideration of motivational constraints (taking into account computer-based teaching and learning)" as a part of a pre-service teacher training at the University of Salzburg (Herber, H.-J. & Vásárhelyi, É.).
    The goal of the experiment was to help students to learn the fundamental concepts and basic constructions of spherical geometry using the Lénárt Sphere (a transparent plastic ball with construction-tools) and some self-made interactive worksheets with the Windows version of the dynamical geometry software Cabri.
  • A mathematical and didactical analysis of the concept of orientation
    The development of spatial ability, in particular the development of spatial orientation is one of the aims of mathematics education.
    In my work, I examine the concept of orientation, especially concepts of between, left, right, below, above, front, back, clockwise and anticlockwise. I analyze answers given for a simple orientation task prepared for elementary school pupils. I would like to call attention to the difficulties pupils have even in case of solving simple orientation problems.
    We have different ways to know more about the crucial points of a concept, especially of the concept of orientation. In this study I bring out one of them. I analyze and make some didactical conclusions about the origin and the axiomatic structure of orientation.
  • Teaching probability using graph representations
    The main objective of this paper is to present an elementary approach to classical probability theory, based on a Van Hiele type framework, using graph representation and counting techniques, highly suitable for teaching in lower and upper secondary schools. The main advantage of this approach is that it is not based on set theoretical, or combinatorial knowledge, hence it is more suitable for beginners and facilitates the transitions from level 0 to level 3. We also mention a few teaching experiences on different levels (lower secondary school, upper secondary school, teacher training, professional development, university students) based on this approach.
  • Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 28 – January 30, 2011, Satu Mare, Romania
    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Science was held in Satu-Mare, Romania from the 28th to the 30th of January, 2011. The 46 Hungarian participants – including 34 lecturers and 12 PhD students – came from 3 countries, 14 cities and represented 20 institutions of higher education. The abstract of the talks and the posters and also the list of participants are presented in this report.
  • Manipulatives and semiotic tools of Game of Go as playful and creative activity to learn mathematics in early grades in France

    This research develops resources to teach mathematics in French primary school by using the game of Go. A group of searchers, teachers and go players meet at university to produce teaching resources. These resources are implemented in the classroom. Then the group evaluate this implementation and improve the resources. The aim of this classroom research is to study the opportunities of the game of Go to learn mathematics and to propose a teacher training course to implement the game of Go in French primary schools in accordance with the French syllabus. Game of Go appears as a manipulative and semiotic tool to learn mathematics at primary school.

    Subject Classification: 97D50, 97U60

  • The Mathematics Education Traditions of Europe (METE) Project
    This study is based on the work of the METE (Mathematics Education Traditions of Europe Project) team. Following a short introduction of the project, its theoretical background, methods and research design are presented in the next three sections. In the 4th section the tools developed by the METE team for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the collected data are discussed in details. The 5th section contains some personal remarks about using these tools. The 6th section presents the main results of the project, followed by a summary of the project's educational and theoretical significance.
  • The theory of functional equations in high school education
    In this paper, we are going to discuss some possible applications of the theory of functional equations in high school education. We would like to line up some problems, the solution of which by functional equations are mostly not new results – they have also been treated in [1] and [2] –, although their demonstrations in high school can show a new way in teaching of talented students. The area of the rectangle, the calculating method of compound interest, binomial coefficients, Euler's formula, the scalar product and the vector product of vectors – we are looking for the reasons behind the well-known formulas. Finally, we are going to give a functional equation in connection with mean values. It can be understood easily, but its solution is beyond the high school curriculum, so we advise this part only to the most talented students.
  • Teaching word processing - the theory behind
    It is widely thought and believed that word processors – especially MS Word – are software, which everyone can use. However, if we take a closer look at the documents we find that the picture is not at all that clear. In most of these documents even the basic rules of word processing are broken. The question is how it is possible that most of the users are satisfied with their performance, and do not realize that they only use a less noisy typewriter, and not able to take advantage of the opportunities offered by these software. In the search of clearing this misunderstanding I found that there are no publicly available sources, which would clearly set the rules to determine when the documents are properly formatted. Here I set three maxims which, together, are able to control the tools applied in word processing in order to create properly formatted texts. In summary, they state that the layout of a properly formatted text should be invariant to modification, that is, any modification of the body of text should not initiate its re-formatting. To prove that these maxims work and to show that we desperately need them I give examples of works of professionals from the administration, of those who passed ecdl exams, of teachers of various subjects, and finally of teachers of Informatics.
  • Conventions of mathematical problems and their solutions in Hungarian secondary school leaving exams
    Collecting and analyzing the conventions indispensable for interpreting mathematical problems and their solutions correctly assist successful education and objective evaluation. Many professional and didactic questions arose while collecting and analyzing these conventions, which needed clarification, therefore the materials involved concisely in the conventions enrich both the theory and practice of mathematics teaching. In our research we concentrated mainly on the problems and solutions of the Hungarian school leaving examinations at secondary level in mathematics.
  • Research studies in didactics of mathematics supported by the Operant Motive Test
    The present paper reports a case-study which took place within an EUsupported international program organized for research and development of multi-grade schools (NEMED, [16] [26]). One of the main goals of the research was to develop the connection between disadvantageous social situations and the efficiency (success or failure) in learning mathematics especially from the point of view of average and above-average (talented) students: Why does the talent of children with socially disadvantageous background remain undiscovered? How can we make school mathematics more aware of hidden talents?
    The author was looking for a didactical solution that compensated for social disadvantages without restricting the development of "average" students by using sociological, educational, psychological and mathematical (experimental and theoretical) studies in interaction with a series of experimental (hypothesis testing and exploratory) investigations.
    We constructed tools and methods for exploration and experimental teaching, adapted to Hungarian conditions (Curriculum Development, teacher training, materials, interviews, Kuhl's motivation test, Malara's "researchers and practicing teachers in cooperation" method, etc., see [18], [20]).
    The teaching materials and methodological guidelines are based on Bruner's representation theory (see [5]). The empirical research took place in 16 multi-grade schools located in different parts of the country. The author co-operated with nearly 250 students and 25 teachers for 3 years. In this paper we try to demonstrate how an Operant Motive Test can be involved in this research (see [18]).