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  • Connections between discovery learning through the Pósa Method and the secondary school leaving examination in three Hungarian mathematics classrooms

    The Pósa Method is a guided discovery learning method that has been used in Hungarian education in the form of extracurricular activities for "gifted" mathematics students. A four-year experiment implemented the method in three more "average" classrooms. This article reports on the relationship between the Pósa Method and the standardized secondary school leaving mathematics exam (Matura Exam in short) in Hungary. Data consists of students' survey responses, teacher interviews, and exam results from the three Hungarian classrooms who took part in the four-year experiment. We identify aspects of the Pósa Method that can benefit and hinder exam performance. In addition, we find that learning through the Pósa Method for the four years of high school has adequately prepared students for the exam.

    Subject Classification: 97D44, 97D54, 97D64

  • Willy Servais and Tamás Varga A Belgian Hungarian perspective on teaching school mathematics

    Willy Servais and Tamás Varga had a major influence on the development of mathematics education during the 1960s and 1970s, both in their home countries and internationally. In 1971 they jointly published Teaching School Mathematics–A Unesco Source Book, a review of curriculum reforms that were under way in different parts of the world. The book, presenting several modern syllabuses as well as examples of classroom techniques and segments of teacher-student dialogues, provided an often consulted guide to the field of mathematics education. We re-read this book and in this way acquire a unique insight into the modernization efforts of school mathematics during the 1960s and early 1970s. We take this opportunity to discuss the sometimes partly divergent views of Servais and Varga on modern mathematics education as reflected in this book.

    Subject Classification: 97-03

  • Inquiry based mathematics education and the development of learning trajectories

    This article is based on the panel on inquiry based mathematics education and the development of learning trajectories held at the VARGA 100 Conference. After an introduction presenting the theme and organization of the panel, this article focuses on the diversity of conceptualizations of inquiry based education existing today in mathematics education and their influence on the vision and development of learning trajectories. More precisely, it considers the conceptualizations respectively associated with Realistic Mathematics Education, Genetic Constructivism, Tamás Varga’s educational approach and the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic, presented by the panellists, and also shows the efforts undertaken in European projects to reach consensusal visions.

    Subject Classification: 97C30Q, 97D10, 97D20, 97D30, 97D40, 97D50

  • A retrospective look at discovery learning using the Pósa Method in three Hungarian secondary mathematics classrooms

    While the Pósa Method was originally created for mathematical talent management through extracurricular activities, three "average" public secondary school classrooms in Hungary have taken part in a four-year experiment to implement the Pósa Method, which is based on guided discovery learning of mathematics. In this paper, we examine the students' and teachers' reflections on the Pósa Method, and how student perspectives have changed between their first and last year of high school. Overall, teachers and students had a positive experience with the Pósa Method. Furthermore, our research indicated that this implementation has met several objectives of the Pósa Method, including enjoyment of mathematics and autonomous thinking.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Teaching undergraduate mathematics - a problem solving course for first year

    In this paper we describe a problem solving course for first year undergraduate mathematics students who would be future school teachers.

    Subject Classification: 97B50, 97B70, 97D50, 97D60, 97F60, 97U30

  • Better understanding mathematics by algorithmic thinking and computer programming

    Tamás Varga’s mathematics education experiment covered not just mathematics, but also other related topics. In many of his works he clearly stated that computer science can support the understanding of mathematics as much as mathematics supports informatics. On the other hand, not much later than the introduction of the new curriculum in 1978, personal computers started to spread, making it possible to teach informatics in classes and in extracurricular activities. Varga’s guided discovery approach has a didactic value for other age groups as well, not only in primary school. Its long-lasting effect can be observed even in present times. Having reviewed several educational results in the spirit of Tamás Varga, we have decided to present an extracurricular course. It is an open study group for age 12-18. Students solve problems by developing Python programs and, according to our experiences, this results in a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

    Subject Classification: 97B10, 97B20, 97D50, 97N80, 97P20, 97P30, 97P40, 97P50, 97U70

  • Zur Veränderung des Stellenwertesvon Beweisen im Mathematikunterricht - eine Analyse von ungarischen Abiturprüfungenzwischen 1981 und 2020

    Proofs are not just an essential, crucial part of mathematics as a science, they also have a long tradition in Hungarian mathematics classrooms. However, the school in general and, mathematics education in particular, have been changed in the last few decades enormously, including the final secondary school examinations in mathematics. The current paper's main goal is to answer the question, how has been changed the weight and the content of reasoning and especially proving tasks in the relevant examinations.

    Subject Classification: 97E54, 97D64, 97U44

  • Mathematical Laboratory: Semiotic mediation and cultural artefacts in the mathematics classroom

    Aim of this presentation is to summarize the influence of Tamas Varga on the Italian research and practice concerning didactics of mathematics since the 70s of the 20th centuries. While being in Budapest for the Conference I noticed that this influence was not known by most Hungarian mathematics educators. I guess that also in Italy, only the teacher educators of my generation know Varga’s influence on the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary school. Hence I start from a brief summary of development of mathematics curriculum in Italy (mainly in primary school) in the last decades of the 20th century. I focus some elements that may be connected with Varga’s influence and, later, some recent development of them.

    Subject Classification: 97G20, 97-U6, 97A40

  • Manipulatives and semiotic tools of Game of Go as playful and creative activity to learn mathematics in early grades in France

    This research develops resources to teach mathematics in French primary school by using the game of Go. A group of searchers, teachers and go players meet at university to produce teaching resources. These resources are implemented in the classroom. Then the group evaluate this implementation and improve the resources. The aim of this classroom research is to study the opportunities of the game of Go to learn mathematics and to propose a teacher training course to implement the game of Go in French primary schools in accordance with the French syllabus. Game of Go appears as a manipulative and semiotic tool to learn mathematics at primary school.

    Subject Classification: 97D50, 97U60

  • Lehre der Trigonometrie anhand realistischer Aufgaben im Online-Unterricht

    The aim of our study was to explore the effects of the active use of realistic exercises in the field of trigonometry. We taught a group of 14 pupils, who were in grade 11. The most of them told us they did not plan mathematics-related studies in the future. We included realistic exercises into our teaching plan, which covered the fields of scalar product, as well as the sine and cosine theorems. Our teaching experiment was done within the framework of online teaching. Effects on the motivation, performance and results of the students were taken into consideration. We also attempted to examine the effects of online teaching on motivation and whether the use of realistic exercises is worthwhile in an online classroom environment. Performance of the students showed a tendency of improvement when they were dealing with the material through realistic exercises even despite the teaching happened online.

    Subject Classification: 97C70, 97D40, 97G60

  • Straight line or line segment? Students’ concepts and their thought processes

    The article focuses on students’ understanding of the concept of a straight line. Attention is paid to whether students of various ages work with only part of a straight line shown or if they are aware that it can be extended. The presented results were obtained by a qualitative analysis of tests given to nearly 1,500 Czech students. The paper introduces the statistics of students’ solutions, and discusses the students’ thought processes. The results show that most of the tested students, even after completing upper secondary school, are not aware that a straight line can be extended. Finally, we present some recommendations for fostering the appropriate concept of a straight line in mathematics teaching.

    Subject Classification: 97C30, 97D70, 97G40

  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, April 1-3, 2022 Baja, Hungary

    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Baja, Hungary, at Eötvös József College, from the 1st to the 3th of April, 2022. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of the University of Debrecen and by Eötvös József College. The 62 participants - including 18 PhD students - came from 8 countries and represented 26 institutions of higher and secondary education. There were 3 plenary and 40 session talks in the program.

  • What does ICT help and does not help?

    Year by year, ICT tools and related teaching methods are evolving a lot. Since 2016, the author of the present lines has been looking for a connection between them that supports the development of mathematical competencies and could be integrated into Transcarpathian minority Hungarian language education too. As a doctoral student at the University of Debrecen, I experienced, for example, how the interactive whiteboard revolutionized illustration in Hungarian mathematics teaching, and how it facilitated students' involvement. During my research of teaching in this regard, in some cases, the digital solution had advantageous effects versus concrete-manipulative representation of
    Bruner's too.
    At the same time, ICT "canned" learning materials (videos, presentations, ...) allow for a shift towards repetitive learning instead of simultaneous active participation, which can be compensated for by the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method.
    I have conducted and intend to conduct several research projects in a Transcarpathian Hungarian primary school. In the research so far, I examined whether, in addition to the financial and infrastructural features of the Transcarpathian Hungarian school, the increased "ICT-supported" and the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method could be integrated into institutional mathematics education. I examined the use of two types of ICT devices: one was the interactive whiteboard, and the other was providing one computer per student.
    In this article, I describe my experiences, gained during one semester, in the class taught with the interactive whiteboard on the one hand, and in the class taught according to the "retrieval-enhanced" learning method on the other hand.
    I compare the effectiveness of the classes to their previous achievements, to each other, and to a class in Hungary.

    Subject Classification: 97U70

  • Square root in secondary school

    Although in Hungary, for decades, the calculation method of the square root of a real number is not in the mathematics curriculum, many of the taught concepts and procedures can be carried out using different square root finding methods. These provide an opportunity for students in secondary school to practice and deepen understand the compulsory curriculum. This article presents seven square-root- nding methods, currently teachable in secondary schools.

    Subject Classification: A33, A34, F53, F54

  • Experiences in the education of mathematics during the digital curriculum from the perspective of high school students

    Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, Hungarian schools had to switch to a digital curriculum for an extended period between 2019 and 2021. In this article, we report on the experiences regarding the education of mathematics during the digital curriculum in the light of the reinstated on-site education, all through the eyes of high school students. Distance education brought pedagogical renewal to the lives of many groups. Students were asked about the positives and negatives of this situation.

    Subject Classification: 97C90

  • Guided Discovery in Hungarian Education Using Problem Threads: The Pósa Method in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms

    In Hungary, ‘guided discovery’ refers to instruction in which students learn mathematical concepts through task sequences that foster mathematical thinking. A prominent figure of guided discovery is Lajos Pósa, who developed his method to teach gifted students. Rather than teaching mathematics through thematic blocks, the Pósa Method employs webs of interconnected problem threads in which problems are built on each other, and different threads are presented simultaneously, so that students work on problems from multiple threads at the same time. It was found that this method has been successful as extracurricular training for gifted students since the 1980s; however since 2017, as part of an ongoing research, the method has been applied to mainstream curriculum in two public secondary school classrooms. The present paper examines the design and implementation processes of problem threads in this public secondary school context.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Artworks as illustrations in Hungarian high school Mathematics textbooks

    Three different series of Hungarian Mathematics textbooks used in grade 9-12 education for the past 30 years have been analysed in this research. Our aim is to show and evaluate how the visual arts have been connected to mathematical ideas in these textbooks. We have applied the six dimensions of evaluation, which have recently been introduced in (Diego-Mantec on, Blanco, Búa Ares, & González Sequeiros, 2019) to categorise the illustrations of the three different series. We show examples for each dimension from the textbooks, and we find that even if the number of artistic illustrations in these coursebooks have significantly increased, in most cases these sporadic examples are not closely related to the mathematical context, mainly used for ornamental purposes to decorate the core text. Based on this classification we conclude that the number of artistic illustrations with underlying math concepts making students' participation more active could and should be significantly increased.

    Subject Classification: 97U20

  • Categorising question question relationships in the Pósa method

    The doctoral research of the author – with a reverse didactic engineering (RDE) methodology – aims at reconstructing the theoretical background of the ‘intuitively developed’ Pósa method for inquiry-based learning mathematics (IBME) in Hungarian talent education. Preliminary results of the second step of this theorization is presented, which applies tools of the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD). A model is proposed for categorizing question-question relationship with 3 categories: helping question, follow-up question and question of a kernel. The first two of them are claimed to represent two types (relevant or not) of generating-derived questions relationship. The model is also a prospective tool for connected task- and curriculum design and analysis within IBME development.

    Subject Classification: 97D20, 97D40, 97D50, 97E50, 97K30

  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 24-26, 2020 Sárospatak, Hungary

    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Sárospatak, Hungary, on the Comenius Campus of the Eszterházy Károly University, from the 24th to the 26th of February, 2020. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of University of Debrecen and the Eszterházy Károly University. The 76 participants – including 15 PhD students – came from 9 countries, 23 cities and represented 33 institutions of higher and secondary education. There were 4 plenary, 48 session talks and 4 poster presentations in the program.

  • Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: February 1-3, 2019 Stúrovo, Slovakia

    The meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences was held in Sturovo, Slovakia from the 1st to the 3th of February, 2019. It was organized by the Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of University of Debrecen. The 63 participants – including 17 PhD students – came from 7 countries, 22 cities and represented 36 institutions of higher and secondary education. There were 4 plenary, 42 session talks and 7 poster presentations in the program.

  • Group Work at High School According to the Method of Tamás Varga

    The aim of our research is to develop students’ logical thinking. For this reason, Hungarian mathematics teachers need to be encouraged to try new methods which induce greater student involvement. Research all over the world prove that self-instruction or self-verbalizing has high effect on the learning process. This was one of the key elements of Tamás Varga’s experiment in high school. In our classroom experiments we are using a special cooperative method from Kagan among 14-18 years old students, called Sage and Scribe structure. We are looking for the answers to the following question: Does this method make mathematics lessons more enjoyable and more comfortable for students? Furthermore, we assume this structure could open the gate toward other collaborative and cooperative teaching technics.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Prime building blocks in the mathematics classroom

    This theoretical paper is devoted to the presentation of the manifold opportunities in using a little-known but powerful mathematical manipulative, the so-called prime building blocks, originally invented by two close followers of Tamás Varga, to support discovery of various concepts in arithmetic in middle school, including the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic or as it is widely taught, prime factorization. The study focuses on a teaching proposal to show how students can learn about greatest common divisor (GCD) and least common multiple (LCM) with understanding, and meanwhile addresses internal connections and levels of abstractness within elementary number theory. The mathematical and methodological background to understanding different aspects of the concept prime property are discussed and the benefits of using prime building blocks to scaffold students’ discovery are highlighted. Although the proposal was designed to be suitable for Hungarian sixth graders, mathematical context and indications for the use of the manipulative in both primary and high school are given.

    Subject Classification: F60, C30, E40, U60

  • Realizing the problem-solving phases of Pólya in classroom practice

    When teaching mathematical problem-solving is mentioned, the name of Pólya György inevitably comes to mind. Many problem-solving lessons are planned using Pólya's steps and helping questions, and teachers often rely on his heuristics even if their application happens unconsciously. In this article, we would like to examine how the two phases, Making a plan and Looking back, can be realized in a secondary school mathematics lesson. A case study was designed to observe and analyse a lesson delivered using cooperative work.

    Subject Classification: 97B10, 97C70, 97D40, 97D50

  • Differentiated instruction not only for Mathematics teachers

    The aim of differentiated development in a heterogeneous group of learners (DDHG) is to reduce school leaving without education, using an adaptive and innovative teaching-learning environment and using the most effective strategies, methods and techniques. Furthermore, this strategy helps in developing skills for learners and building cooperation between learners in heterogeneous classes through the use of the special, status-management educational procedure, and finally its strength is to sort the status ranking among learners, and to change the social structure of the class. Our goal is to figure out how to share best practices with teachers. One of the effective ways to renew teaching practice is through further training for teachers. As a trainer of the Logic-based subprogram of the Complex Basic Program (CBP) the author of the paper has experienced how well logic-based and decision-making strategies work in other subjects as well as in mathematics.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Mapping students’ motivation in a problem oriented mathematics classroom

    This research focuses on mapping students’ motivation by implementing problem-solving activities, namely how the problem-oriented approach affects the students’ commitment, motivation, and attitude to learning. As a practicing teacher, the author faced difficulties with motivation and sought to improve her practice in the form of action research as described in this paper. Based on the literature, the author describes sources of motivation as task interest, social environment, opportunity to discover, knowing why, using objects, and helping others. The author discusses the effect of problem-oriented teaching on the motivation of 7th-grade students. In this paper, the results of two lessons are presented.

    Subject Classification: 97C20, 97D40, 97D50, 97D60